/* test-filesys.c * * Copyright © 2001 Lutz Müller * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_MCHECK_H #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef __GNUC__ #define __unused__ __attribute__((unused)) #else #define __unused__ #endif #define CHECK(r) {int ret = r; if (ret < 0) {printf ("Got error: %s\n", gp_result_as_string (ret)); return (1);}} static void log_func (GPLogLevel __unused__ level, const char __unused__ *domain, const char *format, va_list args, void __unused__ *data) { vprintf (format, args); printf ("\n"); } static void error_func (GPContext __unused__ *context, const char *format, va_list args, void __unused__ *data) { printf ("### "); vprintf (format, args); printf ("\n"); } static int set_info_func (CameraFilesystem __unused__ *fs, const char __unused__ *folder, const char __unused__ *file, CameraFileInfo __unused__ info, void __unused__ *data, GPContext __unused__ *context) { printf (" -> The camera will set the file info here.\n"); return (GP_OK); } static int get_info_func (CameraFilesystem __unused__ *fs, const char __unused__ *folder, const char *file, CameraFileInfo *info, void __unused__ *data, GPContext __unused__ *context) { printf (" -> The camera will get the file info here.\n"); info->preview.fields = GP_FILE_INFO_NONE; info->file.fields = GP_FILE_INFO_NONE; return (GP_OK); } static int file_list_func (CameraFilesystem __unused__ *fs, const char *folder, CameraList *list, void __unused__ *data, GPContext __unused__ *context) { printf ("### -> The camera will list the files in '%s' here.\n", folder); if (!strcmp (folder, "/whatever")) { gp_list_append (list, "file1", NULL); gp_list_append (list, "file2", NULL); gp_list_append (list, "file3", NULL); gp_list_append (list, "file4", NULL); gp_list_append (list, "file5", NULL); gp_list_append (list, "file6", NULL); } return (GP_OK); } static int folder_list_func (CameraFilesystem __unused__ *fs, const char *folder, CameraList *list, void __unused__ *data, GPContext __unused__ *context) { printf ("### -> The camera will list the folders in '%s' here.\n", folder); if (!strcmp (folder, "/")) { gp_list_append (list, "whatever", NULL); gp_list_append (list, "another", NULL); } if (!strcmp (folder, "/whatever")) { gp_list_append (list, "directory", NULL); gp_list_append (list, "dir", NULL); } if (!strcmp (folder, "/whatever/directory")) { gp_list_append (list, "my_special_folder", NULL); } return (GP_OK); } static int delete_file_func (CameraFilesystem __unused__ *fs, const char *folder, const char *file, void __unused__ *data, GPContext __unused__ *context) { printf ("Here we should delete %s from folder %s...\n", file, folder); return (GP_OK); } int main () { CameraFilesystem *fs; CameraFileInfo info; CameraList *list; int x, count; const char *name; GPContext *context; #ifdef HAVE_MCHECK_H mtrace(); #endif CHECK (gp_list_new(&list)); gp_log_add_func (GP_LOG_DEBUG, log_func, NULL); context = gp_context_new (); gp_context_set_error_func (context, error_func, NULL); printf ("*** Creating file system...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_new (&fs)); printf ("*** Setting the callbacks...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_set_info_funcs (fs, get_info_func, set_info_func, NULL)); CHECK (gp_filesystem_set_file_funcs (fs, NULL, delete_file_func, NULL)); printf ("*** Adding a file...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/", "my.file", context)); gp_filesystem_dump (fs); printf ("*** Removing this file...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_delete_file (fs, "/", "my.file", context)); gp_filesystem_dump (fs); printf ("*** Resetting...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_reset (fs)); gp_filesystem_dump (fs); printf ("*** Adding /...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/", NULL, context)); printf ("*** Adding /whatever ...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever", NULL, context)); printf ("*** Adding /whatever/dir...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever/dir", NULL, context)); printf ("*** Adding /whatever/dir/file1...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever/dir", "file1", context)); gp_filesystem_dump (fs); printf ("*** Adding /whatever/dir/file2...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever/dir", "file2", context)); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever/dir", "file3", context)); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever/dir", "file4", context)); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever/dir", "file5", context)); gp_filesystem_dump (fs); printf ("*** Deleting everything below root...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_delete_all (fs, "/", context)); gp_filesystem_dump (fs); printf ("*** Appending root directory...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/", NULL, context)); printf ("*** Appending some directories...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever", NULL, context)); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever/directory", NULL, context)); printf ("*** Adding some files...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever/directory", "some.file", context)); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/whatever/directory", "some.file2", context)); CHECK (gp_filesystem_append (fs, "/another/directory", "another.file", context)); gp_filesystem_dump (fs); printf ("*** Getting info about a file...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_get_info (fs, "/whatever/directory", "some.file", &info, context)); printf ("*** Getting info again (cache!)...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_get_info (fs, "/whatever/directory", "some.file", &info, context)); printf ("*** Set info about another file...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_set_info (fs, "/whatever/directory", "some.file2", info, context)); printf ("*** Getting info about this file (cache!)...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_get_info (fs, "/whatever/directory", "some.file2", &info, context)); printf ("*** Deleting a file...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_delete_file (fs, "/whatever/directory", "some.file2", context)); gp_filesystem_dump (fs); printf ("*** Resetting the filesystem...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_reset (fs)); printf ("*** Setting the listing callbacks...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_set_list_funcs (fs, file_list_func, folder_list_func, NULL)); gp_filesystem_dump (fs); printf ("*** Getting file list for folder '/whatever/directory'...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_list_folders (fs, "/whatever/directory", list, context)); printf ("*** Getting file list for folder '/whatever/directory' " "again (cached!)...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_list_folders (fs, "/whatever/directory", list, context)); printf ("*** Counting the contents...\n"); CHECK (count = gp_list_count (list)); printf ("*** Listing the contents...\n"); for (x = 0; x < count; x++) { CHECK (gp_list_get_name (list, x, &name)); printf (" %i: '%s'\n", x, name); } printf ("*** Getting folder of 'file1'...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_get_folder (fs, "file1", &name, context)); printf ("... found in '%s'.\n", name); printf ("*** Deleting a couple of files...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_delete_file (fs, "/whatever", "file5", context)); CHECK (gp_filesystem_delete_file (fs, "/whatever", "file4", context)); CHECK (gp_filesystem_delete_file (fs, "/whatever", "file3", context)); gp_filesystem_dump (fs); printf ("*** Freeing file system...\n"); CHECK (gp_filesystem_free (fs)); gp_context_unref (context); CHECK (gp_list_free(list)); #ifdef HAVE_MCHECK_H muntrace(); #endif return (0); } /* * Local variables: * compile-command: "gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -g test-filesys.c -o test-filesys `gphoto2-config --cflags --libs` && export MALLOC_TRACE=test-filesys.log && ./test-filesys && mtrace ./test-filesys test-filesys.log" * End: */