#include #include #include #include #include "samples.h" /* Sample for AFL usage. * */ static void errordumper(GPLogLevel level, const char *domain, const char *str, void *data) { /* Do not log ... but let it appear here so we discover debug paths */ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%s\n", domain, str); } static int recursive_directory(Camera *camera, const char *folder, GPContext *context, int *foundfile) { int i, ret; CameraList *list; const char *newfile; CameraFileInfo fileinfo; CameraFile *file; ret = gp_list_new (&list); if (ret < GP_OK) { printf ("Could not allocate list.\n"); return ret; } ret = gp_camera_folder_list_folders (camera, folder, list, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { printf ("Could not list folders.\n"); gp_list_free (list); return ret; } gp_list_sort (list); for (i = 0; i < gp_list_count (list); i++) { const char *newfolder; char *buf; int havefile = 0; gp_list_get_name (list, i, &newfolder); if (!strlen(newfolder)) continue; buf = malloc (strlen(folder) + 1 + strlen(newfolder) + 1); strcpy(buf, folder); if (strcmp(folder,"/")) /* avoid double / */ strcat(buf, "/"); strcat(buf, newfolder); fprintf(stderr,"newfolder=%s\n", newfolder); ret = recursive_directory (camera, buf, context, &havefile); free (buf); if (ret != GP_OK) { gp_list_free (list); printf ("Failed to recursively list folders.\n"); return ret; } if (havefile) /* only look for the first directory with a file */ break; } gp_list_reset (list); ret = gp_camera_folder_list_files (camera, folder, list, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { gp_list_free (list); printf ("Could not list files.\n"); return ret; } gp_list_sort (list); if (gp_list_count (list) <= 0) { gp_list_free (list); return GP_OK; } gp_list_get_name (list, 0, &newfile); /* only entry 0 needed */ ret = gp_camera_file_get_info (camera, folder, newfile, &fileinfo, context); if (ret != GP_OK) { gp_list_free (list); printf ("Could not get file info.\n"); return ret; } /* get file */ gp_file_new (&file); ret = gp_camera_file_get (camera, folder, newfile, GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, file, context); if ((ret != GP_OK) && (ret != GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { gp_list_free (list); printf ("Could not get file.\n"); return ret; } gp_file_unref (file); /* get preview */ gp_file_new (&file); ret = gp_camera_file_get (camera, folder, newfile, GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW, file, context); if ((ret != GP_OK) && (ret != GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { gp_list_free (list); printf ("Could not get file preview.\n"); return ret; } gp_file_unref (file); /* get exif */ gp_file_new (&file); ret = gp_camera_file_get (camera, folder, newfile, GP_FILE_TYPE_EXIF, file, context); if ((ret != GP_OK) && (ret != GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { gp_list_free (list); printf ("Could not get file preview.\n"); return ret; } gp_file_unref (file); /* Trigger the ptp things */ gp_file_new (&file); ret = gp_camera_file_get (camera, folder, newfile, GP_FILE_TYPE_METADATA, file, context); if ((ret != GP_OK) && (ret != GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { gp_list_free (list); printf ("Could not get file metadata.\n"); return ret; } gp_file_unref (file); if (foundfile) *foundfile = 1; gp_list_free (list); return GP_OK; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { Camera *camera = NULL; int ret, storagecnt; CameraStorageInformation *storageinfo; GPPortInfoList *gpinfolist; GPContext *context; CameraWidget *rootwidget; char buf[200]; const char *name; CameraText summary; CameraFile *file; /*CameraFilePath path;*/ CameraList *list; CameraAbilitiesList *abilities = NULL; gp_log_add_func(GP_LOG_DEBUG, errordumper, NULL); context = sample_create_context (); /* see context.c */ strcpy(buf,"usb:"); if (argc > 1) strcat (buf, argv[1]); fprintf(stderr,"setting path %s.\n", buf); gp_port_info_list_new (&gpinfolist); ret = gp_port_info_list_load (gpinfolist); if (ret < GP_OK) return ret; ret = gp_port_info_list_lookup_path (gpinfolist, buf); if (ret < GP_OK) return ret; /* Detect all the cameras that can be autodetected... */ ret = gp_list_new (&list); if (ret < GP_OK) return 1; /* Load all the camera drivers we have... */ ret = gp_abilities_list_new (&abilities); if (ret < GP_OK) return ret; ret = gp_abilities_list_load (abilities, context); if (ret < GP_OK) return ret; ret = gp_abilities_list_detect (abilities, gpinfolist, list, context); if (ret < GP_OK) return ret; gp_port_info_list_free (gpinfolist); gp_abilities_list_free (abilities); fprintf(stderr, "detect list has count %d\n", gp_list_count(list)); ret = gp_list_get_name(list, 0, &name); if (ret < GP_OK) goto out; gp_list_free (list); ret = sample_open_camera (&camera, name, buf, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"camera %s at %s not found.\n", name, buf); goto out; } ret = gp_camera_init (camera, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"No camera auto detected.\n"); goto out; } /* AFL PART STARTS HERE */ ret = recursive_directory(camera, "/", context, NULL); if (ret < GP_OK) { printf ("Could not recursive list files.\n"); goto out; } ret = gp_camera_get_summary (camera, &summary, context); if ((ret != GP_OK) && (ret != GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { printf ("Could not get summary.\n"); goto out; } #if 1 ret = gp_camera_get_config (camera, &rootwidget, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr,"Could not get config.\n"); goto out; } gp_widget_free (rootwidget); #endif printf ("OK, %s\n", summary.text); ret = gp_camera_get_storageinfo (camera, &storageinfo, &storagecnt, context); if ((ret != GP_OK) && (ret != GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { printf ("Could not get storage info.\n"); goto out; } free(storageinfo); ret = gp_camera_trigger_capture (camera, context); if ((ret != GP_OK) && (ret != GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { printf ("Could not trigger capture.\n"); goto out; } while (1) { CameraEventType evttype; void *data = NULL; ret = gp_camera_wait_for_event(camera, 1, &evttype, &data, context); if (ret < GP_OK) break; if (data) free (data); if (evttype == GP_EVENT_TIMEOUT) break; } gp_file_new (&file); ret = gp_camera_capture_preview (camera, file, context); if ((ret != GP_OK) && (ret != GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { gp_file_free (file); printf ("Could not capture preview.\n"); goto out; } gp_file_free (file); #if 0 /* this gives endless event check loops occasionaly ... need review how to do this best */ ret = gp_camera_capture (camera, GP_CAPTURE_IMAGE, &path, context); if ((ret != GP_OK) && (ret != GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { printf ("Could not capture preview.\n"); goto out; } #endif /* AFL PART ENDS HERE */ out: gp_camera_exit (camera, context); gp_context_unref (context); gp_camera_free (camera); return 0; }