/* My Preview Trying to capture preview images with libgphoto2 */ // block of includes from preview.c #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "samples.h" #include // there's a gettimeofday somewhere Camera *canon; GPContext *canoncontext; void get_one(void) { // capture 1 preview image CameraFile *file; char jpgname[] = "test2.jpg"; int rslt; rslt = gp_file_new(&file); if (rslt) { printf("Error creating new CameraFile %i\n",rslt); exit(1); } // skipping focus for now but do it here // skipping zoom also rslt = gp_camera_capture_preview(canon, file, canoncontext); if (rslt) { printf("error capturing preview %i\n",rslt); exit(1); } rslt = gp_file_save(file, jpgname); if (rslt) { printf("Error saving file (in gp_file_save) %i\n",rslt); exit(1); } } int main(void) { int rslt; // skip this for now // gp_log_add_func(GP_LOG_ERROR, errordumper, NULL); gp_camera_new(&canon); canoncontext = sample_create_context(); printf("Camera init. Takes about 10 seconds.\n"); rslt = gp_camera_init(canon, canoncontext); if (rslt) { printf("Error initializing camera %i\n",rslt); exit(1); } //canon_enable_capture(canon, TRUE, canoncontext); // in config.c get_one(); gp_camera_exit(canon, canoncontext); return 0; }