/* * This program tries various ISOs for best ISO with a shutterspeed limit * * compile with: gcc -Wall -o best-iso best-iso.c -lgphoto2 -lgphoto2_port * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined (O_BINARY) /*To have portable binary open() on *nix and on Windows */ #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #define DEBUG static int aperture; static float shutterspeed; static void errordumper(GPLogLevel level, const char *domain, const char *str, void *data) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", str); } static void ctx_error_func (GPContext *context, const char *str, void *data) { fprintf (stderr, "\n*** Contexterror *** \n%s\n",str); fflush (stderr); } static void ctx_status_func (GPContext *context, const char *str, void *data) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", str); fflush (stderr); } static GPContext* sample_create_context() { GPContext *context; /* This is the mandatory part */ context = gp_context_new(); /* All the parts below are optional! */ gp_context_set_error_func (context, ctx_error_func, NULL); gp_context_set_status_func (context, ctx_status_func, NULL); /* also: gp_context_set_cancel_func (p->context, ctx_cancel_func, p); gp_context_set_message_func (p->context, ctx_message_func, p); if (isatty (STDOUT_FILENO)) gp_context_set_progress_funcs (p->context, ctx_progress_start_func, ctx_progress_update_func, ctx_progress_stop_func, p); */ return context; } /* * This function looks up a label or key entry of * a configuration widget. * The functions descend recursively, so you can just * specify the last component. */ static int _lookup_widget(CameraWidget*widget, const char *key, CameraWidget **child) { int ret; ret = gp_widget_get_child_by_name (widget, key, child); if (ret < GP_OK) ret = gp_widget_get_child_by_label (widget, key, child); return ret; } /* Gets a string configuration value. * This can be: * - A Text widget * - The current selection of a Radio Button choice * - The current selection of a Menu choice * * Sample (for Canons eg): * get_config_value_string (camera, "owner", &ownerstr, context); */ static int get_config_value_string (Camera *camera, const char *key, char **str, GPContext *context) { CameraWidget *widget = NULL, *child = NULL; CameraWidgetType type; int ret; char *val; ret = gp_camera_get_config (camera, &widget, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "camera_get_config failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } ret = _lookup_widget (widget, key, &child); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "lookup widget failed: %d\n", ret); goto out; } /* This type check is optional, if you know what type the label * has already. If you are not sure, better check. */ ret = gp_widget_get_type (child, &type); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "widget get type failed: %d\n", ret); goto out; } switch (type) { case GP_WIDGET_MENU: case GP_WIDGET_RADIO: case GP_WIDGET_TEXT: break; default: fprintf (stderr, "widget has bad type %d\n", type); ret = GP_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS; goto out; } /* This is the actual query call. Note that we just * a pointer reference to the string, not a copy... */ ret = gp_widget_get_value (child, &val); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "could not query widget value: %d\n", ret); goto out; } /* Create a new copy for our caller. */ *str = strdup (val); out: gp_widget_free (widget); return ret; } /* Sets a string configuration value. * This can set for: * - A Text widget * - The current selection of a Radio Button choice * - The current selection of a Menu choice * * Sample (for Canons eg): * get_config_value_string (camera, "owner", &ownerstr, context); */ static int set_config_value_string (Camera *camera, const char *key, const char *val, GPContext *context) { CameraWidget *widget = NULL, *child = NULL; CameraWidgetType type; int ret; ret = gp_camera_get_config (camera, &widget, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "camera_get_config failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } ret = _lookup_widget (widget, key, &child); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "lookup widget failed: %d\n", ret); goto out; } /* This type check is optional, if you know what type the label * has already. If you are not sure, better check. */ ret = gp_widget_get_type (child, &type); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "widget get type failed: %d\n", ret); goto out; } switch (type) { case GP_WIDGET_MENU: case GP_WIDGET_RADIO: case GP_WIDGET_TEXT: /* This is the actual set call. Note that we keep * ownership of the string and have to free it if necessary. */ ret = gp_widget_set_value (child, val); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "could not set widget value: %d\n", ret); goto out; } break; case GP_WIDGET_TOGGLE: { int ival; sscanf(val,"%d",&ival); ret = gp_widget_set_value (child, &ival); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "could not set widget value: %d\n", ret); goto out; } break; } default: fprintf (stderr, "widget has bad type %d\n", type); ret = GP_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS; goto out; } /* This stores it on the camera again */ ret = gp_camera_set_config (camera, widget, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "camera_set_config failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } out: gp_widget_free (widget); return ret; } static int camera_tether(Camera *camera, GPContext *context) { int fd, retval; CameraFile *file; CameraEventType evttype; CameraFilePath *path; void *evtdata; printf("Tethering...\n"); while (1) { retval = gp_camera_wait_for_event (camera, 2000, &evttype, &evtdata, context); if (retval != GP_OK) return retval; switch (evttype) { case GP_EVENT_FILE_ADDED: path = (CameraFilePath*)evtdata; printf("File added on the camera: %s/%s\n", path->folder, path->name); fd = open(path->name, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_BINARY, 0644); retval = gp_file_new_from_fd(&file, fd); printf(" Downloading %s...\n", path->name); retval = gp_camera_file_get(camera, path->folder, path->name, GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, file, context); printf(" Deleting %s on camera...\n", path->name); retval = gp_camera_file_delete(camera, path->folder, path->name, context); gp_file_free(file); free(path); break; case GP_EVENT_FOLDER_ADDED: path = (CameraFilePath*)evtdata; printf("Folder added on camera: %s / %s\n", path->folder, path->name); free(path); break; case GP_EVENT_FILE_CHANGED: path = (CameraFilePath*)evtdata; printf("File changed on camera: %s / %s\n", path->folder, path->name); free(path); break; case GP_EVENT_CAPTURE_COMPLETE: printf("Capture Complete.\n"); break; case GP_EVENT_TIMEOUT: printf("Timeout.\n"); return GP_OK; case GP_EVENT_UNKNOWN: if (evtdata) { char *val; int ret; /* printf("Unknown event: %s.\n", (char*)evtdata); */ /* 3 eos properties hardcoded */ if (strstr(evtdata,"d103")) { ret = get_config_value_string(camera,"iso",&val,context); if (ret == GP_OK) { printf("ISO is %s\n", val); free(val); } } if (strstr(evtdata,"d102")) { ret = get_config_value_string(camera,"shutterspeed",&val,context); if (ret == GP_OK) { if (strchr(val,'/')) { int zaehler,nenner; sscanf(val,"%d/%d",&zaehler,&nenner); shutterspeed = 1.0*zaehler/nenner; } else { if (!sscanf(val,"%g",&shutterspeed)) shutterspeed = 0.0; } printf("Shutterspeed is %s (%g)\n", val, shutterspeed); free(val); } } if (strstr(evtdata,"d101")) { ret = get_config_value_string(camera,"aperture",&val,context); if (ret == GP_OK) { float ap; sscanf(val,"%g",&ap); aperture = 10*ap; printf("Aperture is %s (%d)\n", val, aperture); free (val); } } } else { printf("Unknown event.\n"); } break; default: printf("Type %d?\n", evttype); break; } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { Camera *camera; int retval, iso, tries; char buf[20]; GPContext *context = sample_create_context(); /*int fd;*/ CameraFile *file; /*CameraFilePath camera_file_path;*/ gp_log_add_func(GP_LOG_ERROR, errordumper, NULL); gp_camera_new(&camera); retval = gp_camera_init(camera, context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf(" camera failed to initialize: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } retval = camera_tether(camera, context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf("Tether error: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } iso = 100; shutterspeed = 0.0; aperture = 0; #if 1 gp_file_new (&file); retval = gp_camera_capture_preview (camera, file, context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf("Preview capture error: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } #endif while (1) { sprintf(buf,"%d",iso); printf("Setting ISO to %d\n",iso); retval = set_config_value_string(camera, "iso", buf, context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf(" failed setting ISO to %d: %d\n", iso, retval); /* usually also happens if too dark */ exit (1); } printf("eosremoterelease half press\n"); retval = set_config_value_string(camera,"eosremoterelease", "Press Half", context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf(" failed pressing shutter to half: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } retval = camera_tether(camera, context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf("Tether error: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } if (shutterspeed < 0.000000001) { printf("Camera did not report shutterspeed?\n"); } printf("eosremoterelease release\n"); retval = set_config_value_string(camera,"eosremoterelease", "Release Half", context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf(" failed releasing shutter button from half: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } if (shutterspeed < 30.0) { printf("ISO %d gets Aperture %g and Shutterspeed %g\n", iso, aperture/10.0, shutterspeed); break; } /* ISO always goes up in 2 multiplicator steps */ iso = iso*2; } /* we can take the picture now */ #if 0 printf("Capturing.\n"); retval = gp_camera_capture(camera, GP_CAPTURE_IMAGE, &camera_file_path, context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf(" capture failed: %d\n", retval); exit(1); } printf("Pathname on the camera: %s/%s\n", camera_file_path.folder, camera_file_path.name); fd = open("capture.jpg", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_BINARY, 0644); retval = gp_file_new_from_fd(&file, fd); if (retval != GP_OK) printf(" gp_file_new failed: %d\n", retval); retval = gp_camera_file_get(camera, camera_file_path.folder, camera_file_path.name, GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, file, context); if (retval != GP_OK) printf(" file_get failed: %d\n", retval); printf("Deleting downloaded image.\n"); retval = gp_camera_file_delete(camera, camera_file_path.folder, camera_file_path.name, context); if (retval != GP_OK) printf(" Retval: %d\n", retval); gp_file_free(file); #endif #if 1 /* SAMPLE Capture code with eosremoterelease ... normal gp_camera_capture_image also works. */ printf("eosremoterelease release\n"); retval = set_config_value_string(camera,"eosremoterelease", "Immediate", context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf(" failed pressing shutter button full: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } retval = set_config_value_string(camera,"eosremoterelease", "Release Full", context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf(" failed releasing shutter button full: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } retval = camera_tether(camera, context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf("Tether error: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } #endif tries = 30; /* seconds at most, discounting events. */ while (tries--) { retval = camera_tether(camera, context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf("Tether error: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } } #if 1 retval = set_config_value_string(camera,"eosviewfinder", "0", context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf("setting eosviewfinder off error: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } #endif gp_camera_exit(camera, context); return 0; }