#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright Marcus Meissner 2005. # Licensed under GPL v2. NO WARRANTY. # # This is mostly unfinished ... use strict; use XML::Parser; use IO::Handle; my $xmlfile = shift @ARGV || die "specify xml file on cmdline:$!\n"; my @elemstack = (); my @data = 0; my $needdata = 0; my $curseq = -1; my $curep = -1; my %urbenc = (); my @curdata = (); my $lastcode; my $vendorid = 0; my $size=-s $xmlfile; my $buffer; sysopen(BINFILE,$xmlfile,0) || die "sysopen: $!"; sysread(BINFILE,$buffer,$size); close(BINFILE); my @data = unpack("C*",$buffer); if ($data[0] == 60) { # 60 == '<' ... start of XML file ... my $p1 = new XML::Parser( Handlers => { Start => \&xml_handle_start, End => \&xml_handle_end, Char => \&xml_handle_char} ); $p1->parsefile($xmlfile); exit 0; } # binary file parser ... Looking for ptp usb traffic my $expectseqnr = 0; my @curdata; my $dataskip; my $off = 0; while ($#data) { my $type = $data[4] | ($data[5] << 8); if (($type < 1) || ($type > 4)) { $off++; shift @data; next; } my $code = $data[6] | ($data[7] << 8); my $len = $data[0] | ($data[1] << 8) | ($data[2] << 16) | ($data[3] << 24); my $seqnr = $data[8] | ($data[9] << 8) | ($data[0xa] << 16) | ($data[0xb] << 24); if ($code < 0x1000) { $off++;shift @data; next; } if ($seqnr != $expectseqnr) { $off++; shift @data; next; } if ($len > $#data) { $off++; shift @data; next; } if ($type == 1) { $dataskip = 1; $lastcode = $code; # $dataskip = 0 if ($code == 0x1008); $dataskip = 0 if ($code == 0x9007); @curdata = (); } # printf "off %x, type = %04x, code=%04x, len = %08x, seqnr = %08x\n", $off, $type, $code, $len, $seqnr; my @bytes; if ($len <= 64) { @bytes = @data[0xc..$len-1]; } else { @bytes = @data[0xc..0x3f]+@data[0x40+0x120..0x120+$len-1]; } if ($type == 2) { if ($dataskip == 0) { my $i; @curdata = @data[0xc..$len-1]; if ($len <= 64) { @curdata = @data[0xc..$len-1]; } else { @curdata = (@data[0xc..0x3f],@data[0x40+0x120..0x120+$len-1]); } } $dataskip--; } dump_ptp_line($type,$code,\@bytes,\@curdata); if ($type == 3) { $expectseqnr++; @curdata = (); } $off++; shift @data; } print "done\n"; exit 0; sub hexdump { my @data = @_; my $i; my $str = ""; for ($i = 0;$i <= $#data ; $i++) { my $c = $data[$i]; if (($i & 0x0f) == 0) { if ($i) { print " $str\n"; $str = ""; } printf "%03x: ", $i; } printf " %02x", $c; if (($c >= 0x20) && ($c < 0x7f)) { $str .= sprintf "%c", $c; } else { $str .= "."; } } printf " $str\n"; } sub get_uint32 { my($arrref) = @_; return shift(@{$arrref})+256*(shift(@{$arrref}))+ 256*256*shift(@{$arrref})+256*256*256*(shift(@{$arrref})); } sub get_uint16 { my($arrref) = @_; return shift(@{$arrref})+256*(shift(@{$arrref})); } sub get_uint8 { my($arrref) = @_; return shift @{$arrref}; } sub get_str { my($arrref) = @_; my $len = get_uint8($arrref); my $i; my $str; $str = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $len - 1 ; $i++ ) { $str .= pack("C",shift(@{$arrref})); shift @{$arrref}; } return $str; } my $lastfunction; my $lasttype = 0; sub xml_handle_char { my ($expat, $str) = @_; my @bytes; if ($elemstack[$#elemstack] eq "function") { $lastfunction = $str; return; } if ($elemstack[$#elemstack] eq "endpoint") { $curep = $str; return; } # for the IN ep we only get the second mention of the URB # for the OUT ep we only get the first. if ($curep == 129) { return if ($urbenc{$curseq} == 1); } else { if ($curep == 2) { return if ($urbenc{$curseq} == 2); } } return unless ($elemstack[$#elemstack] eq "payloadbytes"); if ($lastfunction ne "BULK_OR_INTERRUPT_TRANSFER") { print "str $str\n"; return; } @bytes = unpack('C*',pack('H*',"\U$str")); my $length = get_uint32(\@bytes); my $type = get_uint16(\@bytes); #if ($length < $#bytes-6) { # # print STDERR "$length < $#bytes\n"; # @bytes = @bytes[0..$length-7]; #} if ($type == 1) { print "$curseq: COMMAND: "; } elsif ($type == 2) { # print "str is $str\n"; # print "DATA: "; @curdata = (); } elsif ($type == 3) { return if ($urbenc{$curseq} == 1); print "$curseq: RESPONSE: "; } elsif ($type == 4) { print "$curseq: EVENT: "; } else { # printf "$curseq: TYPE %02x: ", $type; # print "$str\n"; @bytes = unpack('C*',pack('H*',"\U$str")); push @curdata, @bytes; return; } my $code = get_uint16(\@bytes); my $transid = get_uint32(\@bytes); # not really needed .... print "transid $transid "; if ($type == 1) { $lastcode = $code; @curdata = (); } if ($type == 2) { push @curdata, @bytes; return; } dump_ptp_line($type,$code,\@bytes,\@curdata); } sub xml_handle_start { my ($expat, $element, $attr, $val) = @_; if (($element eq "urb") && ($attr eq "sequence")) { $curseq = $val; $urbenc{$val} = $urbenc{$val} + 1; } push @elemstack, $element; } sub xml_handle_end { my ($expat, $element) = @_; pop @elemstack; } # Evaluate and print out debug commands # type == 1 during send ... print parameters sent to camera # type == 3 after response ... print data returned # @bytes - bulk container in response (no data) # @curdata - bulk data if command had separate datastream sub dump_ptp_line() { my($type,$code,$bytesref,$curdataref) = @_; my @bytes = @{$bytesref}; my @curdata = @{$curdataref}; my $dummy; if ($type == 3) { if ($code == 0x2001) { print "OK(2001) - "; } elsif ($code == 0x2002) { print "GeneralError(2002) "; } elsif ($code == 0x2019) { print "DeviceBusy(2019) "; } else { printf "Unknown(%04x) ",$code; } $code = $lastcode; } if ($code == 0x1001) { if ($type == 1) { print "GetDeviceInfo(1001)\n"; } elsif ($type == 3) { my $sver = get_uint16(\@curdata); $vendorid = get_uint32(\@curdata); my $vendorextver= get_uint16(\@curdata); my $vendorextstr= get_str(\@curdata); my $funcmode = get_uint16(\@curdata); print "GetDeviceInfo(1001)\n"; print "\tStandardversion: $sver\n"; print "\tVendorExtID: $vendorid\n"; print "\tVendorExtVer: $vendorextver\n"; print "\tVendorExtStr: $vendorextstr\n"; printf "\tFunctionalMode: %x\n", $funcmode; } return; } elsif (($vendorid == 11) && ($code == 0x9008)) { print "CANON Start Shooting Mode (9008)\n"; return; } elsif (($vendorid == 11) && ($code == 0x900b)) { print "CANON ViewFinder On(900b)\n"; return; } elsif (($vendorid == 11) && ($code == 0x900c)) { print "CANON ViewFinder Off(900c)\n"; return; } elsif ($code == 0x1002) { printf "OpenSession(1002) id = 0x%08x\n", get_uint32(\@bytes); return; } elsif ($code == 0x1004) { if ($type == 1) { printf "GetStorageIds(1004)\n"; } elsif ($type == 3) { my $nr; my $i; $nr = get_uint32(\@curdata); printf "GetStorageIds(1004) [%x]=", $nr; for ($i = 0; $i < $nr; $i++) { printf("0x%08x",get_uint32(\@curdata)); if ($i != $nr-1) { print ","; } } print "\n"; } return; } elsif ($code == 0x1005) { if ($type ==1 ) { my $sid = get_uint32(\@bytes); printf "GetStorageInfo(1005) storage=0x%08lx\n",$sid; } elsif ($type == 3) { my $storagetype = get_uint16(\@curdata); my $filesystemtype = get_uint16(\@curdata); my $accesscap = get_uint16(\@curdata); my $maxcap = get_uint32(\@curdata); $dummy = get_uint32(\@curdata); my $freespace = get_uint32(\@curdata); $dummy = get_uint32(\@curdata); my $freeimages = get_uint32(\@curdata); print "GetStorageInfo(1005) type $storagetype, filesystem $filesystemtype, accesscap $accesscap, freespace $freespace, freeimages $freeimages\n"; } return; } elsif ($code == 0x1014) { if ($type == 1) { my $prop = get_uint16(\@bytes); printf "GetDevicePropDesc(1014) prop = %04x\n", $prop; } elsif ($type == 3) { print "GetDevicePropDesc(1014)\n"; hexdump(@curdata); } return; } elsif ($code == 0x1006) { if ($type == 1) { my $p1 = get_uint32(\@bytes); my $p2 = get_uint32(\@bytes); my $p3 = get_uint32(\@bytes); printf "GetNumObjects(1006) 0x%08lx,0x%08lx,0x%08lx\n", $p1,$p2,$p3; } elsif ($type == 3) { my $p1 = get_uint32(\@bytes); print "GetNumObjects(1006) num=$p1\n"; } return; } elsif ($code == 0x1015) { if ($type == 1) { my $prop = get_uint32(\@bytes); printf "GetDevicePropValue(1015) prop = %04x\n", $prop; } elsif ($type == 3) { print "GetDevicePropValue(1015) data: "; hexdump(@curdata); } return; } elsif ($code == 0x1016) { if ($type == 1) { my $prop = get_uint32(\@bytes); printf "SetDevicePropValue(1016) prop = %04x, " . join(",",@bytes) . "\n", $prop; } elsif ($type == 3) { print "SetDevicePropValue(1016) data: "; hexdump(@curdata); } return; } elsif ($code == 0x1007) { if ($type == 1) { my $sid = get_uint32(\@bytes); my $ofc = get_uint32(\@bytes); my $assoc = get_uint32(\@bytes); printf("GetObjectHandles(1007) 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", $sid, $ofc, $assoc); } elsif ($type == 3) { print "GetObjectHandles(1007) . "+join(",",@curdata) . "\n"; } return; } elsif ($code == 0x1008) { if ($type ==1 ) { my $obid = get_uint32(\@bytes); my $xx = get_uint32(\@bytes); printf("GetObjectInfo(1008) object=0x%08lx, xx=0x%08lx\n", $obid, $xx); } elsif ($type == 3) { my $sid = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 0 my $of = get_uint16(\@curdata); # 4 my $protect = get_uint16(\@curdata); # 6 my $compsize = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 8 my $thumbof = get_uint16(\@curdata); # 12 my $thumbsize = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 14 my $thumbwidth = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 18 my $thumbheight = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 22 my $width = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 26 my $height = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 30 my $depth = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 34 my $parent = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 38 my $assoctype = get_uint16(\@curdata); # 42 my $assocdesc = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 44 my $seqnr = get_uint32(\@curdata); # 48 my $filename = get_str(\@curdata); # 52 my $capdate = get_str(\@curdata); my $moddate = get_str(\@curdata); print "GetObjectInfo(1008)\n"; print "\tFileName: $filename\n"; print "\tcapturedate: $capdate\n"; print "\tmodificationdate: $moddate\n"; printf "\tStorageID: %08lx\n", $sid; printf "\tOFC: %04x\n",$of; } return; } elsif ($code == 0x101b) { if ($type == 1 ) { my $obid = get_uint32(\@bytes); my $offset = get_uint32(\@bytes); my $maxbytes = get_uint32(\@bytes); printf("GetPartialObject(1008) object=0x%08lx, offset=%d, maxbytes=%d\n", $obid,$offset, $maxbytes); } elsif ($type == 3) { print "GetPartialObject(1008) ... data ...\n"; @curdata = (); @bytes = (); } return; } elsif (($vendorid == 11) && ($code == 0x9014)) { if ($type ==1 ) { print "FocusLock(9014)\n"; } elsif ($type == 3) { printf("FocusLock(9014) ...\n"); } return; } elsif (($vendorid == 11) && ($code == 0x9015)) { if ($type ==1 ) { print "FocusUnlock(9015)\n"; } elsif ($type == 3) { printf("FocusUnlock(9015) ...\n"); } return; } elsif (($vendorid == 11) && ($code == 0x9020)) { if ($type ==1 ) { print "CANON GetChanges(9020)\n"; } elsif ($type == 3) { print "CANON GetChanges(9020) "; my $len = get_uint32(\@curdata); my $i; print " codes[$len] = {"; for ($i = 0; $i < $len ; $i++) { my $code = get_uint16(\@curdata); printf("%04x,",$code); } print "}\n"; } return; } elsif (($vendorid == 11) && ($code == 0x9013)) { if ($type == 1) { print "CANON CheckEvent(9013)\n"; } elsif ($type == 3) { my $i; my $len = get_uint32(\@bytes); my $type = get_uint16(\@bytes); my $code = get_uint16(\@bytes); my $transid = get_uint32(\@bytes); printf("CANON CheckEvent(9013) len = $len, type = %04x, code = %04x, ", $type, $code); my $x; if ($len > 12 + 4*4) { $len = 12+4*4; } for ($i = 12; $i < $len ; $i += 4 ) { $x = get_uint32(\@bytes); printf ("%08x,", $x); } print "\n"; } return; } elsif (($vendorid == 10) && ($code == 0x9007)) { if ($type == 1) { my $profnr = get_uint32(\@bytes); print "NIKON UploadProfile(9007) nr=$profnr\n"; } elsif ($type == 3) { print "NIKON UploadProfile(9007), data:\n"; hexdump(@curdata); } return; } elsif ($code == 0x2001) { my $code = get_uint32(\@bytes); print "OK(2001) code=$code"; hexdump(@bytes); print "\n"; return; } elsif ($code == 0x400d) { print "CaptureComplete(400d)"; } else { printf "%04x ", $code; } hexdump (@bytes); # print "str: $str\n"; }