Expert Mode ----------- This document describes how to enter the expert mode and adjust several low level settings like the brightness of the flash that can't be accessed through the user menu or a driver. ******************************************************************************** * This information has to be handled with care. By entering the expert mode, * * you are able to render your camera unfunctional. Only enter the expert mode * * when you are willing to sacrifice your camera. * ******************************************************************************** Recommendation: Please write down the initial values for each (sub)menu before you ever change a value. The values have been chosen carefully by the manufacturer. This document is by no means perfect. Please tell me if you find out additional things about the expert mode that should be included in this document. How to enter ------------ Keep the "Menu" button pressed while turning on the camera. Press ">", "<", "<", ">", ">", ">", "<", "<", ">". You'll now see the expert menu in the small display. How to navigate --------------- You can select the different menus by pressing the "Menu" button. If a menu contains a submenu, you'll automatically be in the first one. You can scroll through submenus by pressing the "OK" button. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Menu | Submenu(s) | Description | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Aut | - | Self test. Result will be shown on the small | | | | display. | | Inf | - | Adjustment of the focus (DANGER!). | | Seb | - | Adjustment of the strobe brightness | | - | Lcd | Adjustment of the big Lcd screen | | | Nts | Adjustment of the TV output (NTSC) | | | Pal | Adjustment of the TV output (PAL) | | - | Pru | Live preview | | | Pr1 | Live preview (black/white only) | | | Pr2 | Live preview (?) | | - | Adr | ? (Range: 0x00 to 0xFF) | | | Dat | ? (Range: 0x00 to oxFF) | | Ldp | - | Equivalent to exposure (Range: 0 to 255) | | Sht | | Shutter? Preview (Pr*) get's brighter and darker. | | | - | (Range: 100, 106-109) | | | - | (Range: 200, 208-213) | | | - | (Range: 300, 310-316) | | End | - | Exit the expert mode | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start a process (e.g. self test) or store a value by pressing the release button. Values can be selected by pressing "<" or ">". When a process has been successfully started or a value stored, the camera will beep. How to exit ----------- Select the "End" menu. Press the release button.