/* * iclick.c * * Here, the functions which are needed to get data from the camera. * * Copyright (c) 2004 Theodore Kilgore , * Stephen Pollei . * Camera library support under libgphoto2.1.1 for camera(s) * with chipset from Service & Quality Technologies, Taiwan. * The chip supported by this driver is presumed to be the SQ915. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License, as part of Gphoto * camera support project. For a copy of the license, see the file * COPYING in the main source tree of libgphoto2. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef OS2 #include #endif #include #include #include "iclick.h" #define GP_MODULE "iclick" #define SQWRITE gp_port_usb_msg_write #define SQREAD gp_port_usb_msg_read #define zero "\x0" /* static unsigned char * icl_read_data (GPPort *port, unsigned char *data, int size) { gp_port_read (port, data, size); return GP_OK; } */ int icl_access_reg (GPPort *port, enum icl_cmnd_type reg) { SQWRITE (port, 0x0c, reg, (CONFIG == reg) ? CONFIG_I : 0, NULL, 0); /* Access a register */ return GP_OK; } int icl_init (GPPort *port, CameraPrivateLibrary *priv) { int i; static unsigned char dummy_buf[0x28000]; unsigned char *catalog = malloc(0x8000); unsigned char *catalog_tmp; priv->model=SQ_MODEL_ICLICK; if (!catalog) return GP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; icl_reset (port); icl_access_reg(port, CONFIG); /* Access config */ gp_port_read(port, (char *)catalog, 0x8000); /* Config data is in lines of 16 bytes. Each photo uses two lines. */ icl_read_picture_data(port, dummy_buf, 0x28000); icl_reset (port); /* Photo list starts with line 0040. List terminates when we * the first entry of an even-numbered line is zero. */ for (i=0; i< (0x8000 - 64) && catalog[i+64] ; i+=32) ; priv->nb_entries = i>>5; if (i) { catalog_tmp = realloc(catalog, i); if (catalog_tmp) priv->catalog = catalog_tmp; else priv->catalog = catalog; } else { free(catalog); priv->catalog = NULL; /* We just have freed catalog_tmp */ } icl_reset (port); priv->data_offset = -1; return GP_OK; } int icl_get_start (CameraPrivateLibrary *priv, int entry) { int start = 0x4b100 * entry; return start; } int icl_get_size (CameraPrivateLibrary *priv, int entry) { return 0x4b100; } int icl_get_width_height (CameraPrivateLibrary *priv, int entry, int *w, int *h) { *w = 640; *h = 480; return GP_OK; } int icl_rewind (GPPort *port, CameraPrivateLibrary *priv) { static unsigned char dummy_buf[0x30000]; GP_DEBUG("REWIND cam's data pointer"); /* One has to read the catalog to rewind the data stream... * I don't know if it's by design. * There ought to be something better to do... :-/ */ icl_access_reg(port, CONFIG); /* Access model */ icl_read_picture_data(port, dummy_buf, 0x30000); icl_reset (port); icl_access_reg(port, DATA); /* Access photo data */ priv->data_offset = icl_get_start (priv, 0); return GP_OK; } int icl_reset (GPPort *port) { icl_access_reg(port, CLEAR); /* Release current register */ return GP_OK; } int icl_read_picture_data (GPPort *port, unsigned char *data, int size ) { int remainder = size % 0x8000; int offset = 0; while ((offset + 0x8000) <= size) { gp_port_read (port, (char *)data + offset, 0x8000); offset += 0x8000; } if (remainder) gp_port_read (port, (char *)data + offset, remainder); return GP_OK; }