/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "iterator.h" #include "tree.h" #include "index.h" #include "ignore.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "submodule.h" #include #define ITERATOR_SET_CB(P,NAME_LC) do { \ (P)->cb.current = NAME_LC ## _iterator__current; \ (P)->cb.advance = NAME_LC ## _iterator__advance; \ (P)->cb.advance_into = NAME_LC ## _iterator__advance_into; \ (P)->cb.seek = NAME_LC ## _iterator__seek; \ (P)->cb.reset = NAME_LC ## _iterator__reset; \ (P)->cb.at_end = NAME_LC ## _iterator__at_end; \ (P)->cb.free = NAME_LC ## _iterator__free; \ } while (0) #define ITERATOR_CASE_FLAGS \ (GIT_ITERATOR_IGNORE_CASE | GIT_ITERATOR_DONT_IGNORE_CASE) #define ITERATOR_BASE_INIT(P,NAME_LC,NAME_UC,REPO) do { \ (P)->base.type = GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_ ## NAME_UC; \ (P)->base.cb = &(P)->cb; \ ITERATOR_SET_CB(P,NAME_LC); \ (P)->base.repo = (REPO); \ (P)->base.start = start ? git__strdup(start) : NULL; \ (P)->base.end = end ? git__strdup(end) : NULL; \ if ((start && !(P)->base.start) || (end && !(P)->base.end)) { \ git__free(P); return -1; } \ (P)->base.prefixcomp = git__prefixcmp; \ (P)->base.flags = flags & ~ITERATOR_CASE_FLAGS; \ if ((P)->base.flags & GIT_ITERATOR_DONT_AUTOEXPAND) \ (P)->base.flags |= GIT_ITERATOR_INCLUDE_TREES; \ } while (0) #define iterator__flag(I,F) ((((git_iterator *)(I))->flags & GIT_ITERATOR_ ## F) != 0) #define iterator__ignore_case(I) iterator__flag(I,IGNORE_CASE) #define iterator__include_trees(I) iterator__flag(I,INCLUDE_TREES) #define iterator__dont_autoexpand(I) iterator__flag(I,DONT_AUTOEXPAND) #define iterator__do_autoexpand(I) !iterator__flag(I,DONT_AUTOEXPAND) #define GIT_ITERATOR_FIRST_ACCESS (1 << 15) #define iterator__has_been_accessed(I) iterator__flag(I,FIRST_ACCESS) #define iterator__end(I) ((git_iterator *)(I))->end #define iterator__past_end(I,PATH) \ (iterator__end(I) && ((git_iterator *)(I))->prefixcomp((PATH),iterator__end(I)) > 0) static int iterator__reset_range( git_iterator *iter, const char *start, const char *end) { if (start) { if (iter->start) git__free(iter->start); iter->start = git__strdup(start); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(iter->start); } if (end) { if (iter->end) git__free(iter->end); iter->end = git__strdup(end); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(iter->end); } iter->flags &= ~GIT_ITERATOR_FIRST_ACCESS; return 0; } static int iterator__update_ignore_case( git_iterator *iter, git_iterator_flag_t flags) { int error = 0, ignore_case = -1; if ((flags & GIT_ITERATOR_IGNORE_CASE) != 0) ignore_case = true; else if ((flags & GIT_ITERATOR_DONT_IGNORE_CASE) != 0) ignore_case = false; else { git_index *index; if (!(error = git_repository_index__weakptr(&index, iter->repo))) ignore_case = (index->ignore_case != false); } if (ignore_case > 0) iter->flags = (iter->flags | GIT_ITERATOR_IGNORE_CASE); else if (ignore_case == 0) iter->flags = (iter->flags & ~GIT_ITERATOR_IGNORE_CASE); iter->prefixcomp = iterator__ignore_case(iter) ? git__prefixcmp_icase : git__prefixcmp; return error; } GIT_INLINE(void) iterator__clear_entry(const git_index_entry **entry) { if (entry) *entry = NULL; } static int empty_iterator__noop(const git_index_entry **e, git_iterator *i) { GIT_UNUSED(i); iterator__clear_entry(e); return GIT_ITEROVER; } static int empty_iterator__seek(git_iterator *i, const char *p) { GIT_UNUSED(i); GIT_UNUSED(p); return -1; } static int empty_iterator__reset(git_iterator *i, const char *s, const char *e) { GIT_UNUSED(i); GIT_UNUSED(s); GIT_UNUSED(e); return 0; } static int empty_iterator__at_end(git_iterator *i) { GIT_UNUSED(i); return 1; } static void empty_iterator__free(git_iterator *i) { GIT_UNUSED(i); } typedef struct { git_iterator base; git_iterator_callbacks cb; } empty_iterator; int git_iterator_for_nothing( git_iterator **iter, git_iterator_flag_t flags, const char *start, const char *end) { empty_iterator *i = git__calloc(1, sizeof(empty_iterator)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(i); #define empty_iterator__current empty_iterator__noop #define empty_iterator__advance empty_iterator__noop #define empty_iterator__advance_into empty_iterator__noop ITERATOR_BASE_INIT(i, empty, EMPTY, NULL); if ((flags & GIT_ITERATOR_IGNORE_CASE) != 0) i->base.flags |= GIT_ITERATOR_IGNORE_CASE; *iter = (git_iterator *)i; return 0; } typedef struct tree_iterator_entry tree_iterator_entry; struct tree_iterator_entry { tree_iterator_entry *parent; const git_tree_entry *te; git_tree *tree; }; typedef struct tree_iterator_frame tree_iterator_frame; struct tree_iterator_frame { tree_iterator_frame *up, *down; size_t n_entries; /* items in this frame */ size_t current; /* start of currently active range in frame */ size_t next; /* start of next range in frame */ const char *start; size_t startlen; tree_iterator_entry *entries[GIT_FLEX_ARRAY]; }; typedef struct { git_iterator base; git_iterator_callbacks cb; tree_iterator_frame *head, *root; git_pool pool; git_index_entry entry; git_buf path; int path_ambiguities; bool path_has_filename; bool entry_is_current; int (*strncomp)(const char *a, const char *b, size_t sz); } tree_iterator; static char *tree_iterator__current_filename( tree_iterator *ti, const git_tree_entry *te) { if (!ti->path_has_filename) { if (git_buf_joinpath(&ti->path, ti->path.ptr, te->filename) < 0) return NULL; if (git_tree_entry__is_tree(te) && git_buf_putc(&ti->path, '/') < 0) return NULL; ti->path_has_filename = true; } return ti->path.ptr; } static void tree_iterator__rewrite_filename(tree_iterator *ti) { tree_iterator_entry *scan = ti->head->entries[ti->head->current]; ssize_t strpos = ti->path.size; const git_tree_entry *te; if (strpos && ti->path.ptr[strpos - 1] == '/') strpos--; for (; scan && (te = scan->te); scan = scan->parent) { strpos -= te->filename_len; memcpy(&ti->path.ptr[strpos], te->filename, te->filename_len); strpos -= 1; /* separator */ } } static int tree_iterator__te_cmp( const git_tree_entry *a, const git_tree_entry *b, int (*compare)(const char *, const char *, size_t)) { return git_path_cmp( a->filename, a->filename_len, a->attr == GIT_FILEMODE_TREE, b->filename, b->filename_len, b->attr == GIT_FILEMODE_TREE, compare); } static int tree_iterator__ci_cmp(const void *a, const void *b, void *p) { const tree_iterator_entry *ae = a, *be = b; int cmp = tree_iterator__te_cmp(ae->te, be->te, git__strncasecmp); if (!cmp) { /* stabilize sort order among equivalent names */ if (!ae->parent->te || !be->parent->te) cmp = tree_iterator__te_cmp(ae->te, be->te, git__strncmp); else cmp = tree_iterator__ci_cmp(ae->parent, be->parent, p); } return cmp; } static int tree_iterator__search_cmp(const void *key, const void *val, void *p) { const tree_iterator_frame *tf = key; const git_tree_entry *te = ((tree_iterator_entry *)val)->te; return git_path_cmp( tf->start, tf->startlen, false, te->filename, te->filename_len, te->attr == GIT_FILEMODE_TREE, ((tree_iterator *)p)->strncomp); } static bool tree_iterator__move_to_next( tree_iterator *ti, tree_iterator_frame *tf) { if (tf->next > tf->current + 1) ti->path_ambiguities--; if (!tf->up) { /* at root */ tf->current = tf->next; return false; } for (; tf->current < tf->next; tf->current++) { git_tree_free(tf->entries[tf->current]->tree); tf->entries[tf->current]->tree = NULL; } return (tf->current < tf->n_entries); } static int tree_iterator__set_next(tree_iterator *ti, tree_iterator_frame *tf) { int error = 0; const git_tree_entry *te, *last = NULL; tf->next = tf->current; for (; tf->next < tf->n_entries; tf->next++, last = te) { te = tf->entries[tf->next]->te; if (last && tree_iterator__te_cmp(last, te, ti->strncomp)) break; /* try to load trees for items in [current,next) range */ if (!error && git_tree_entry__is_tree(te)) error = git_tree_lookup( &tf->entries[tf->next]->tree, ti->base.repo, &te->oid); } if (tf->next > tf->current + 1) ti->path_ambiguities++; /* if a tree lookup failed, advance over this span and return failure */ if (error < 0) { tree_iterator__move_to_next(ti, tf); return error; } if (last && !tree_iterator__current_filename(ti, last)) return -1; /* must have been allocation failure */ return 0; } GIT_INLINE(bool) tree_iterator__at_tree(tree_iterator *ti) { return (ti->head->current < ti->head->n_entries && ti->head->entries[ti->head->current]->tree != NULL); } static int tree_iterator__push_frame(tree_iterator *ti) { int error = 0; tree_iterator_frame *head = ti->head, *tf = NULL; size_t i, n_entries = 0; if (head->current >= head->n_entries || !head->entries[head->current]->tree) return GIT_ITEROVER; for (i = head->current; i < head->next; ++i) n_entries += git_tree_entrycount(head->entries[i]->tree); tf = git__calloc(sizeof(tree_iterator_frame) + n_entries * sizeof(tree_iterator_entry *), 1); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(tf); tf->n_entries = n_entries; tf->up = head; head->down = tf; ti->head = tf; for (i = head->current, n_entries = 0; i < head->next; ++i) { git_tree *tree = head->entries[i]->tree; size_t j, max_j = git_tree_entrycount(tree); for (j = 0; j < max_j; ++j) { tree_iterator_entry *entry = git_pool_malloc(&ti->pool, 1); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(entry); entry->parent = head->entries[i]; entry->te = git_tree_entry_byindex(tree, j); entry->tree = NULL; tf->entries[n_entries++] = entry; } } /* if ignore_case, sort entries case insensitively */ if (iterator__ignore_case(ti)) git__tsort_r( (void **)tf->entries, tf->n_entries, tree_iterator__ci_cmp, tf); /* pick tf->current based on "start" (or start at zero) */ if (head->startlen > 0) { git__bsearch_r((void **)tf->entries, tf->n_entries, head, tree_iterator__search_cmp, ti, &tf->current); while (tf->current && !tree_iterator__search_cmp(head, tf->entries[tf->current-1], ti)) tf->current--; if ((tf->start = strchr(head->start, '/')) != NULL) { tf->start++; tf->startlen = strlen(tf->start); } } ti->path_has_filename = ti->entry_is_current = false; if ((error = tree_iterator__set_next(ti, tf)) < 0) return error; /* autoexpand as needed */ if (!iterator__include_trees(ti) && tree_iterator__at_tree(ti)) return tree_iterator__push_frame(ti); return 0; } static bool tree_iterator__pop_frame(tree_iterator *ti, bool final) { tree_iterator_frame *tf = ti->head; if (!tf->up) return false; ti->head = tf->up; ti->head->down = NULL; tree_iterator__move_to_next(ti, tf); if (!final) { /* if final, don't bother to clean up */ git_pool_free_array(&ti->pool, tf->n_entries, (void **)tf->entries); git_buf_rtruncate_at_char(&ti->path, '/'); } git__free(tf); return true; } static void tree_iterator__pop_all(tree_iterator *ti, bool to_end, bool final) { while (tree_iterator__pop_frame(ti, final)) /* pop to root */; if (!final) { ti->head->current = to_end ? ti->head->n_entries : 0; ti->path_ambiguities = 0; git_buf_clear(&ti->path); } } static int tree_iterator__update_entry(tree_iterator *ti) { tree_iterator_frame *tf; const git_tree_entry *te; if (ti->entry_is_current) return 0; tf = ti->head; te = tf->entries[tf->current]->te; ti->entry.mode = te->attr; git_oid_cpy(&ti->entry.id, &te->oid); ti->entry.path = tree_iterator__current_filename(ti, te); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(ti->entry.path); if (ti->path_ambiguities > 0) tree_iterator__rewrite_filename(ti); if (iterator__past_end(ti, ti->entry.path)) { tree_iterator__pop_all(ti, true, false); return GIT_ITEROVER; } ti->entry_is_current = true; return 0; } static int tree_iterator__current( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *self) { int error; tree_iterator *ti = (tree_iterator *)self; tree_iterator_frame *tf = ti->head; iterator__clear_entry(entry); if (tf->current >= tf->n_entries) return GIT_ITEROVER; if ((error = tree_iterator__update_entry(ti)) < 0) return error; if (entry) *entry = &ti->entry; ti->base.flags |= GIT_ITERATOR_FIRST_ACCESS; return 0; } static int tree_iterator__advance_into( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *self) { int error = 0; tree_iterator *ti = (tree_iterator *)self; iterator__clear_entry(entry); if (tree_iterator__at_tree(ti)) error = tree_iterator__push_frame(ti); if (!error && entry) error = tree_iterator__current(entry, self); return error; } static int tree_iterator__advance( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *self) { int error; tree_iterator *ti = (tree_iterator *)self; tree_iterator_frame *tf = ti->head; iterator__clear_entry(entry); if (tf->current >= tf->n_entries) return GIT_ITEROVER; if (!iterator__has_been_accessed(ti)) return tree_iterator__current(entry, self); if (iterator__do_autoexpand(ti) && iterator__include_trees(ti) && tree_iterator__at_tree(ti)) return tree_iterator__advance_into(entry, self); if (ti->path_has_filename) { git_buf_rtruncate_at_char(&ti->path, '/'); ti->path_has_filename = ti->entry_is_current = false; } /* scan forward and up, advancing in frame or popping frame when done */ while (!tree_iterator__move_to_next(ti, tf) && tree_iterator__pop_frame(ti, false)) tf = ti->head; /* find next and load trees */ if ((error = tree_iterator__set_next(ti, tf)) < 0) return error; /* deal with include_trees / auto_expand as needed */ if (!iterator__include_trees(ti) && tree_iterator__at_tree(ti)) return tree_iterator__advance_into(entry, self); return tree_iterator__current(entry, self); } static int tree_iterator__seek(git_iterator *self, const char *prefix) { GIT_UNUSED(self); GIT_UNUSED(prefix); return -1; } static int tree_iterator__reset( git_iterator *self, const char *start, const char *end) { tree_iterator *ti = (tree_iterator *)self; tree_iterator__pop_all(ti, false, false); if (iterator__reset_range(self, start, end) < 0) return -1; return tree_iterator__push_frame(ti); /* re-expand root tree */ } static int tree_iterator__at_end(git_iterator *self) { tree_iterator *ti = (tree_iterator *)self; return (ti->head->current >= ti->head->n_entries); } static void tree_iterator__free(git_iterator *self) { tree_iterator *ti = (tree_iterator *)self; tree_iterator__pop_all(ti, true, false); git_tree_free(ti->head->entries[0]->tree); git__free(ti->head); git_pool_clear(&ti->pool); git_buf_free(&ti->path); } static int tree_iterator__create_root_frame(tree_iterator *ti, git_tree *tree) { size_t sz = sizeof(tree_iterator_frame) + sizeof(tree_iterator_entry); tree_iterator_frame *root = git__calloc(sz, sizeof(char)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(root); root->n_entries = 1; root->next = 1; root->start = ti->base.start; root->startlen = root->start ? strlen(root->start) : 0; root->entries[0] = git_pool_mallocz(&ti->pool, 1); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(root->entries[0]); root->entries[0]->tree = tree; ti->head = ti->root = root; return 0; } int git_iterator_for_tree( git_iterator **iter, git_tree *tree, git_iterator_flag_t flags, const char *start, const char *end) { int error; tree_iterator *ti; if (tree == NULL) return git_iterator_for_nothing(iter, flags, start, end); if ((error = git_object_dup((git_object **)&tree, (git_object *)tree)) < 0) return error; ti = git__calloc(1, sizeof(tree_iterator)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(ti); ITERATOR_BASE_INIT(ti, tree, TREE, git_tree_owner(tree)); if ((error = iterator__update_ignore_case((git_iterator *)ti, flags)) < 0) goto fail; ti->strncomp = iterator__ignore_case(ti) ? git__strncasecmp : git__strncmp; if ((error = git_pool_init(&ti->pool, sizeof(tree_iterator_entry),0)) < 0 || (error = tree_iterator__create_root_frame(ti, tree)) < 0 || (error = tree_iterator__push_frame(ti)) < 0) /* expand root now */ goto fail; *iter = (git_iterator *)ti; return 0; fail: git_iterator_free((git_iterator *)ti); return error; } typedef struct { git_iterator base; git_iterator_callbacks cb; git_index *index; git_vector entries; git_vector_cmp entry_srch; size_t current; /* when not in autoexpand mode, use these to represent "tree" state */ git_buf partial; size_t partial_pos; char restore_terminator; git_index_entry tree_entry; } index_iterator; static const git_index_entry *index_iterator__index_entry(index_iterator *ii) { const git_index_entry *ie = git_vector_get(&ii->entries, ii->current); if (ie != NULL && iterator__past_end(ii, ie->path)) { ii->current = git_vector_length(&ii->entries); ie = NULL; } return ie; } static const git_index_entry *index_iterator__skip_conflicts(index_iterator *ii) { const git_index_entry *ie; while ((ie = index_iterator__index_entry(ii)) != NULL && git_index_entry_stage(ie) != 0) ii->current++; return ie; } static void index_iterator__next_prefix_tree(index_iterator *ii) { const char *slash; if (!iterator__include_trees(ii)) return; slash = strchr(&ii->partial.ptr[ii->partial_pos], '/'); if (slash != NULL) { ii->partial_pos = (slash - ii->partial.ptr) + 1; ii->restore_terminator = ii->partial.ptr[ii->partial_pos]; ii->partial.ptr[ii->partial_pos] = '\0'; } else { ii->partial_pos = ii->partial.size; } if (index_iterator__index_entry(ii) == NULL) ii->partial_pos = ii->partial.size; } static int index_iterator__first_prefix_tree(index_iterator *ii) { const git_index_entry *ie = index_iterator__skip_conflicts(ii); const char *scan, *prior, *slash; if (!ie || !iterator__include_trees(ii)) return 0; /* find longest common prefix with prior index entry */ for (scan = slash = ie->path, prior = ii->partial.ptr; *scan && *scan == *prior; ++scan, ++prior) if (*scan == '/') slash = scan; if (git_buf_sets(&ii->partial, ie->path) < 0) return -1; ii->partial_pos = (slash - ie->path) + 1; index_iterator__next_prefix_tree(ii); return 0; } #define index_iterator__at_tree(I) \ (iterator__include_trees(I) && (I)->partial_pos < (I)->partial.size) static int index_iterator__current( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *self) { index_iterator *ii = (index_iterator *)self; const git_index_entry *ie = git_vector_get(&ii->entries, ii->current); if (ie != NULL && index_iterator__at_tree(ii)) { ii->tree_entry.path = ii->partial.ptr; ie = &ii->tree_entry; } if (entry) *entry = ie; ii->base.flags |= GIT_ITERATOR_FIRST_ACCESS; return (ie != NULL) ? 0 : GIT_ITEROVER; } static int index_iterator__at_end(git_iterator *self) { index_iterator *ii = (index_iterator *)self; return (ii->current >= git_vector_length(&ii->entries)); } static int index_iterator__advance( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *self) { index_iterator *ii = (index_iterator *)self; size_t entrycount = git_vector_length(&ii->entries); const git_index_entry *ie; if (!iterator__has_been_accessed(ii)) return index_iterator__current(entry, self); if (index_iterator__at_tree(ii)) { if (iterator__do_autoexpand(ii)) { ii->partial.ptr[ii->partial_pos] = ii->restore_terminator; index_iterator__next_prefix_tree(ii); } else { /* advance to sibling tree (i.e. find entry with new prefix) */ while (ii->current < entrycount) { ii->current++; if (!(ie = git_vector_get(&ii->entries, ii->current)) || ii->base.prefixcomp(ie->path, ii->partial.ptr) != 0) break; } if (index_iterator__first_prefix_tree(ii) < 0) return -1; } } else { if (ii->current < entrycount) ii->current++; if (index_iterator__first_prefix_tree(ii) < 0) return -1; } return index_iterator__current(entry, self); } static int index_iterator__advance_into( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *self) { index_iterator *ii = (index_iterator *)self; const git_index_entry *ie = git_vector_get(&ii->entries, ii->current); if (ie != NULL && index_iterator__at_tree(ii)) { if (ii->restore_terminator) ii->partial.ptr[ii->partial_pos] = ii->restore_terminator; index_iterator__next_prefix_tree(ii); } return index_iterator__current(entry, self); } static int index_iterator__seek(git_iterator *self, const char *prefix) { GIT_UNUSED(self); GIT_UNUSED(prefix); return -1; } static int index_iterator__reset( git_iterator *self, const char *start, const char *end) { index_iterator *ii = (index_iterator *)self; const git_index_entry *ie; if (iterator__reset_range(self, start, end) < 0) return -1; ii->current = 0; if (ii->base.start) git_index_snapshot_find( &ii->current, &ii->entries, ii->entry_srch, ii->base.start, 0, 0); if ((ie = index_iterator__skip_conflicts(ii)) == NULL) return 0; if (git_buf_sets(&ii->partial, ie->path) < 0) return -1; ii->partial_pos = 0; if (ii->base.start) { size_t startlen = strlen(ii->base.start); ii->partial_pos = (startlen > ii->partial.size) ? ii->partial.size : startlen; } index_iterator__next_prefix_tree(ii); return 0; } static void index_iterator__free(git_iterator *self) { index_iterator *ii = (index_iterator *)self; git_index_snapshot_release(&ii->entries, ii->index); ii->index = NULL; git_buf_free(&ii->partial); } int git_iterator_for_index( git_iterator **iter, git_index *index, git_iterator_flag_t flags, const char *start, const char *end) { int error = 0; index_iterator *ii = git__calloc(1, sizeof(index_iterator)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(ii); if ((error = git_index_snapshot_new(&ii->entries, index)) < 0) { git__free(ii); return error; } ii->index = index; ITERATOR_BASE_INIT(ii, index, INDEX, git_index_owner(index)); if ((error = iterator__update_ignore_case((git_iterator *)ii, flags)) < 0) { git_iterator_free((git_iterator *)ii); return error; } ii->entry_srch = iterator__ignore_case(ii) ? git_index_entry_isrch : git_index_entry_srch; git_vector_set_cmp(&ii->entries, iterator__ignore_case(ii) ? git_index_entry_icmp : git_index_entry_cmp); git_vector_sort(&ii->entries); git_buf_init(&ii->partial, 0); ii->tree_entry.mode = GIT_FILEMODE_TREE; index_iterator__reset((git_iterator *)ii, NULL, NULL); *iter = (git_iterator *)ii; return 0; } typedef struct fs_iterator_frame fs_iterator_frame; struct fs_iterator_frame { fs_iterator_frame *next; git_vector entries; size_t index; }; typedef struct fs_iterator fs_iterator; struct fs_iterator { git_iterator base; git_iterator_callbacks cb; fs_iterator_frame *stack; git_index_entry entry; git_buf path; size_t root_len; uint32_t dirload_flags; int depth; int (*enter_dir_cb)(fs_iterator *self); int (*leave_dir_cb)(fs_iterator *self); int (*update_entry_cb)(fs_iterator *self); }; #define FS_MAX_DEPTH 100 static fs_iterator_frame *fs_iterator__alloc_frame(fs_iterator *fi) { fs_iterator_frame *ff = git__calloc(1, sizeof(fs_iterator_frame)); git_vector_cmp entry_compare = CASESELECT( iterator__ignore_case(fi), git_path_with_stat_cmp_icase, git_path_with_stat_cmp); if (ff && git_vector_init(&ff->entries, 0, entry_compare) < 0) { git__free(ff); ff = NULL; } return ff; } static void fs_iterator__free_frame(fs_iterator_frame *ff) { git_vector_free_deep(&ff->entries); git__free(ff); } static void fs_iterator__pop_frame( fs_iterator *fi, fs_iterator_frame *ff, bool pop_last) { if (fi && fi->stack == ff) { if (!ff->next && !pop_last) { memset(&fi->entry, 0, sizeof(fi->entry)); return; } if (fi->leave_dir_cb) (void)fi->leave_dir_cb(fi); fi->stack = ff->next; fi->depth--; } fs_iterator__free_frame(ff); } static int fs_iterator__update_entry(fs_iterator *fi); static int fs_iterator__advance_over( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *self); static int fs_iterator__entry_cmp(const void *i, const void *item) { const fs_iterator *fi = (const fs_iterator *)i; const git_path_with_stat *ps = item; return fi->base.prefixcomp(fi->base.start, ps->path); } static void fs_iterator__seek_frame_start( fs_iterator *fi, fs_iterator_frame *ff) { if (!ff) return; if (fi->base.start) git_vector_bsearch2( &ff->index, &ff->entries, fs_iterator__entry_cmp, fi); else ff->index = 0; } static int fs_iterator__expand_dir(fs_iterator *fi) { int error; fs_iterator_frame *ff; if (fi->depth > FS_MAX_DEPTH) { giterr_set(GITERR_REPOSITORY, "Directory nesting is too deep (%d)", fi->depth); return -1; } ff = fs_iterator__alloc_frame(fi); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(ff); error = git_path_dirload_with_stat( fi->path.ptr, fi->root_len, fi->dirload_flags, fi->base.start, fi->base.end, &ff->entries); if (error < 0) { git_error_state last_error = { 0 }; giterr_capture(&last_error, error); /* these callbacks may clear the error message */ fs_iterator__free_frame(ff); fs_iterator__advance_over(NULL, (git_iterator *)fi); /* next time return value we skipped to */ fi->base.flags &= ~GIT_ITERATOR_FIRST_ACCESS; return giterr_restore(&last_error); } if (ff->entries.length == 0) { fs_iterator__free_frame(ff); return GIT_ENOTFOUND; } fi->base.stat_calls += ff->entries.length; fs_iterator__seek_frame_start(fi, ff); ff->next = fi->stack; fi->stack = ff; fi->depth++; if (fi->enter_dir_cb && (error = fi->enter_dir_cb(fi)) < 0) return error; return fs_iterator__update_entry(fi); } static int fs_iterator__current( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *self) { fs_iterator *fi = (fs_iterator *)self; const git_index_entry *fe = (fi->entry.path == NULL) ? NULL : &fi->entry; if (entry) *entry = fe; fi->base.flags |= GIT_ITERATOR_FIRST_ACCESS; return (fe != NULL) ? 0 : GIT_ITEROVER; } static int fs_iterator__at_end(git_iterator *self) { return (((fs_iterator *)self)->entry.path == NULL); } static int fs_iterator__advance_into( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *iter) { int error = 0; fs_iterator *fi = (fs_iterator *)iter; iterator__clear_entry(entry); /* Allow you to explicitly advance into a commit/submodule (as well as a * tree) to avoid cases where an entry is mislabeled as a submodule in * the working directory. The fs iterator will never have COMMMIT * entries on it's own, but a wrapper might add them. */ if (fi->entry.path != NULL && (fi->entry.mode == GIT_FILEMODE_TREE || fi->entry.mode == GIT_FILEMODE_COMMIT)) /* returns GIT_ENOTFOUND if the directory is empty */ error = fs_iterator__expand_dir(fi); if (!error && entry) error = fs_iterator__current(entry, iter); if (!error && !fi->entry.path) error = GIT_ITEROVER; return error; } static int fs_iterator__advance_over( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *self) { int error = 0; fs_iterator *fi = (fs_iterator *)self; fs_iterator_frame *ff; git_path_with_stat *next; if (entry != NULL) *entry = NULL; while (fi->entry.path != NULL) { ff = fi->stack; next = git_vector_get(&ff->entries, ++ff->index); if (next != NULL) break; fs_iterator__pop_frame(fi, ff, false); } error = fs_iterator__update_entry(fi); if (!error && entry != NULL) error = fs_iterator__current(entry, self); return error; } static int fs_iterator__advance( const git_index_entry **entry, git_iterator *self) { fs_iterator *fi = (fs_iterator *)self; if (!iterator__has_been_accessed(fi)) return fs_iterator__current(entry, self); /* given include_trees & autoexpand, we might have to go into a tree */ if (iterator__do_autoexpand(fi) && fi->entry.path != NULL && fi->entry.mode == GIT_FILEMODE_TREE) { int error = fs_iterator__advance_into(entry, self); if (error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) return error; /* continue silently past empty directories if autoexpanding */ giterr_clear(); } return fs_iterator__advance_over(entry, self); } static int fs_iterator__seek(git_iterator *self, const char *prefix) { GIT_UNUSED(self); GIT_UNUSED(prefix); /* pop stack until matching prefix */ /* find prefix item in current frame */ /* push subdirectories as deep as possible while matching */ return 0; } static int fs_iterator__reset( git_iterator *self, const char *start, const char *end) { int error; fs_iterator *fi = (fs_iterator *)self; while (fi->stack != NULL && fi->stack->next != NULL) fs_iterator__pop_frame(fi, fi->stack, false); fi->depth = 0; if ((error = iterator__reset_range(self, start, end)) < 0) return error; fs_iterator__seek_frame_start(fi, fi->stack); error = fs_iterator__update_entry(fi); if (error == GIT_ITEROVER) error = 0; return error; } static void fs_iterator__free(git_iterator *self) { fs_iterator *fi = (fs_iterator *)self; while (fi->stack != NULL) fs_iterator__pop_frame(fi, fi->stack, true); git_buf_free(&fi->path); } static int fs_iterator__update_entry(fs_iterator *fi) { git_path_with_stat *ps; memset(&fi->entry, 0, sizeof(fi->entry)); if (!fi->stack) return GIT_ITEROVER; ps = git_vector_get(&fi->stack->entries, fi->stack->index); if (!ps) return GIT_ITEROVER; git_buf_truncate(&fi->path, fi->root_len); if (git_buf_put(&fi->path, ps->path, ps->path_len) < 0) return -1; if (iterator__past_end(fi, fi->path.ptr + fi->root_len)) return GIT_ITEROVER; fi->entry.path = ps->path; git_index_entry__init_from_stat(&fi->entry, &ps->st, true); /* need different mode here to keep directories during iteration */ fi->entry.mode = git_futils_canonical_mode(ps->st.st_mode); /* allow wrapper to check/update the entry (can force skip) */ if (fi->update_entry_cb && fi->update_entry_cb(fi) == GIT_ENOTFOUND) return fs_iterator__advance_over(NULL, (git_iterator *)fi); /* if this is a tree and trees aren't included, then skip */ if (fi->entry.mode == GIT_FILEMODE_TREE && !iterator__include_trees(fi)) { int error = fs_iterator__advance_into(NULL, (git_iterator *)fi); if (error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) return error; giterr_clear(); return fs_iterator__advance_over(NULL, (git_iterator *)fi); } return 0; } static int fs_iterator__initialize( git_iterator **out, fs_iterator *fi, const char *root) { int error; if (git_buf_sets(&fi->path, root) < 0 || git_path_to_dir(&fi->path) < 0) { git__free(fi); return -1; } fi->root_len = fi->path.size; fi->dirload_flags = (iterator__ignore_case(fi) ? GIT_PATH_DIR_IGNORE_CASE : 0) | (iterator__flag(fi, PRECOMPOSE_UNICODE) ? GIT_PATH_DIR_PRECOMPOSE_UNICODE : 0); if ((error = fs_iterator__expand_dir(fi)) < 0) { if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND || error == GIT_ITEROVER) { giterr_clear(); error = 0; } else { git_iterator_free((git_iterator *)fi); fi = NULL; } } *out = (git_iterator *)fi; return error; } int git_iterator_for_filesystem( git_iterator **out, const char *root, git_iterator_flag_t flags, const char *start, const char *end) { fs_iterator *fi = git__calloc(1, sizeof(fs_iterator)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(fi); ITERATOR_BASE_INIT(fi, fs, FS, NULL); if ((flags & GIT_ITERATOR_IGNORE_CASE) != 0) fi->base.flags |= GIT_ITERATOR_IGNORE_CASE; return fs_iterator__initialize(out, fi, root); } typedef struct { fs_iterator fi; git_ignores ignores; int is_ignored; } workdir_iterator; GIT_INLINE(bool) workdir_path_is_dotgit(const git_buf *path) { size_t len; if (!path || (len = path->size) < 4) return false; if (path->ptr[len - 1] == '/') len--; if (tolower(path->ptr[len - 1]) != 't' || tolower(path->ptr[len - 2]) != 'i' || tolower(path->ptr[len - 3]) != 'g' || tolower(path->ptr[len - 4]) != '.') return false; return (len == 4 || path->ptr[len - 5] == '/'); } static int workdir_iterator__enter_dir(fs_iterator *fi) { fs_iterator_frame *ff = fi->stack; size_t pos; git_path_with_stat *entry; bool found_submodules = false; /* only push new ignores if this is not top level directory */ if (ff->next != NULL) { workdir_iterator *wi = (workdir_iterator *)fi; ssize_t slash_pos = git_buf_rfind_next(&fi->path, '/'); (void)git_ignore__push_dir(&wi->ignores, &fi->path.ptr[slash_pos + 1]); } /* convert submodules to GITLINK and remove trailing slashes */ git_vector_foreach(&ff->entries, pos, entry) { if (!S_ISDIR(entry->st.st_mode) || !strcmp(GIT_DIR, entry->path)) continue; if (git_submodule__is_submodule(fi->base.repo, entry->path)) { entry->st.st_mode = GIT_FILEMODE_COMMIT; entry->path_len--; entry->path[entry->path_len] = '\0'; found_submodules = true; } } /* if we renamed submodules, re-sort and re-seek to start */ if (found_submodules) { git_vector_set_sorted(&ff->entries, 0); git_vector_sort(&ff->entries); fs_iterator__seek_frame_start(fi, ff); } return 0; } static int workdir_iterator__leave_dir(fs_iterator *fi) { workdir_iterator *wi = (workdir_iterator *)fi; git_ignore__pop_dir(&wi->ignores); return 0; } static int workdir_iterator__update_entry(fs_iterator *fi) { workdir_iterator *wi = (workdir_iterator *)fi; /* skip over .git entries */ if (workdir_path_is_dotgit(&fi->path)) return GIT_ENOTFOUND; /* reset is_ignored since we haven't checked yet */ wi->is_ignored = -1; return 0; } static void workdir_iterator__free(git_iterator *self) { workdir_iterator *wi = (workdir_iterator *)self; fs_iterator__free(self); git_ignore__free(&wi->ignores); } int git_iterator_for_workdir_ext( git_iterator **out, git_repository *repo, const char *repo_workdir, git_iterator_flag_t flags, const char *start, const char *end) { int error, precompose = 0; workdir_iterator *wi; if (!repo_workdir) { if (git_repository__ensure_not_bare(repo, "scan working directory") < 0) return GIT_EBAREREPO; repo_workdir = git_repository_workdir(repo); } /* initialize as an fs iterator then do overrides */ wi = git__calloc(1, sizeof(workdir_iterator)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(wi); ITERATOR_BASE_INIT((&wi->fi), fs, FS, repo); wi->fi.base.type = GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_WORKDIR; wi->fi.cb.free = workdir_iterator__free; wi->fi.enter_dir_cb = workdir_iterator__enter_dir; wi->fi.leave_dir_cb = workdir_iterator__leave_dir; wi->fi.update_entry_cb = workdir_iterator__update_entry; if ((error = iterator__update_ignore_case((git_iterator *)wi, flags)) < 0 || (error = git_ignore__for_path(repo, ".gitignore", &wi->ignores)) < 0) { git_iterator_free((git_iterator *)wi); return error; } /* try to look up precompose and set flag if appropriate */ if (git_repository__cvar(&precompose, repo, GIT_CVAR_PRECOMPOSE) < 0) giterr_clear(); else if (precompose) wi->fi.base.flags |= GIT_ITERATOR_PRECOMPOSE_UNICODE; return fs_iterator__initialize(out, &wi->fi, repo_workdir); } void git_iterator_free(git_iterator *iter) { if (iter == NULL) return; iter->cb->free(iter); git__free(iter->start); git__free(iter->end); memset(iter, 0, sizeof(*iter)); git__free(iter); } int git_iterator_set_ignore_case(git_iterator *iter, bool ignore_case) { bool desire_ignore_case = (ignore_case != 0); if (iterator__ignore_case(iter) == desire_ignore_case) return 0; if (iter->type == GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_EMPTY) { if (desire_ignore_case) iter->flags |= GIT_ITERATOR_IGNORE_CASE; else iter->flags &= ~GIT_ITERATOR_IGNORE_CASE; } else { giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "Cannot currently set ignore case on non-empty iterators"); return -1; } return 0; } git_index *git_iterator_get_index(git_iterator *iter) { if (iter->type == GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_INDEX) return ((index_iterator *)iter)->index; return NULL; } int git_iterator_current_tree_entry( const git_tree_entry **tree_entry, git_iterator *iter) { if (iter->type != GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_TREE) *tree_entry = NULL; else { tree_iterator_frame *tf = ((tree_iterator *)iter)->head; *tree_entry = (tf->current < tf->n_entries) ? tf->entries[tf->current]->te : NULL; } return 0; } int git_iterator_current_parent_tree( const git_tree **tree_ptr, git_iterator *iter, const char *parent_path) { tree_iterator *ti = (tree_iterator *)iter; tree_iterator_frame *tf; const char *scan = parent_path; const git_tree_entry *te; *tree_ptr = NULL; if (iter->type != GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_TREE) return 0; for (tf = ti->root; *scan; ) { if (!(tf = tf->down) || tf->current >= tf->n_entries || !(te = tf->entries[tf->current]->te) || ti->strncomp(scan, te->filename, te->filename_len) != 0) return 0; scan += te->filename_len; if (*scan == '/') scan++; } *tree_ptr = tf->entries[tf->current]->tree; return 0; } bool git_iterator_current_is_ignored(git_iterator *iter) { workdir_iterator *wi = (workdir_iterator *)iter; if (iter->type != GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_WORKDIR) return false; if (wi->is_ignored != -1) return (bool)(wi->is_ignored != 0); if (git_ignore__lookup( &wi->ignores, wi->fi.entry.path, &wi->is_ignored) < 0) wi->is_ignored = true; return (bool)wi->is_ignored; } int git_iterator_cmp(git_iterator *iter, const char *path_prefix) { const git_index_entry *entry; /* a "done" iterator is after every prefix */ if (git_iterator_current(&entry, iter) < 0 || entry == NULL) return 1; /* a NULL prefix is after any valid iterator */ if (!path_prefix) return -1; return iter->prefixcomp(entry->path, path_prefix); } int git_iterator_current_workdir_path(git_buf **path, git_iterator *iter) { workdir_iterator *wi = (workdir_iterator *)iter; if (iter->type != GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_WORKDIR || !wi->fi.entry.path) *path = NULL; else *path = &wi->fi.path; return 0; } int git_iterator_advance_over_with_status( const git_index_entry **entryptr, git_iterator_status_t *status, git_iterator *iter) { int error = 0; workdir_iterator *wi = (workdir_iterator *)iter; char *base = NULL; const git_index_entry *entry; *status = GIT_ITERATOR_STATUS_NORMAL; if (iter->type != GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_WORKDIR) return git_iterator_advance(entryptr, iter); if ((error = git_iterator_current(&entry, iter)) < 0) return error; if (!S_ISDIR(entry->mode)) { if (git_ignore__lookup( &wi->ignores, wi->fi.entry.path, &wi->is_ignored) < 0) wi->is_ignored = true; if (wi->is_ignored) *status = GIT_ITERATOR_STATUS_IGNORED; return git_iterator_advance(entryptr, iter); } *status = GIT_ITERATOR_STATUS_EMPTY; base = git__strdup(entry->path); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(base); /* scan inside directory looking for a non-ignored item */ while (entry && !iter->prefixcomp(entry->path, base)) { if (git_ignore__lookup( &wi->ignores, wi->fi.entry.path, &wi->is_ignored) < 0) wi->is_ignored = true; /* if we found an explicitly ignored item, then update from * EMPTY to IGNORED */ if (wi->is_ignored) *status = GIT_ITERATOR_STATUS_IGNORED; else if (S_ISDIR(entry->mode)) { error = git_iterator_advance_into(&entry, iter); if (!error) continue; else if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) { error = 0; wi->is_ignored = true; /* mark empty directories as ignored */ } else break; /* real error, stop here */ } else { /* we found a non-ignored item, treat parent as untracked */ *status = GIT_ITERATOR_STATUS_NORMAL; break; } if ((error = git_iterator_advance(&entry, iter)) < 0) break; } /* wrap up scan back to base directory */ while (entry && !iter->prefixcomp(entry->path, base)) if ((error = git_iterator_advance(&entry, iter)) < 0) break; *entryptr = entry; git__free(base); return error; }