#!/bin/bash function build_cfarm() { curl -u ${CFARM_AUTH} https://cfarm-test-libffi-libffi.apps.home.labdroid.net/test?host=${HOST}\&commit=${TRAVIS_COMMIT} } function build_linux() { ./autogen.sh ./configure ${HOST+--host=$HOST} ${CONFIGURE_OPTIONS} make make dist make check RUNTESTFLAGS="-a $RUNTESTFLAGS" EXITCODE=$? gzip -c -9 */testsuite/libffi.log > libffi.log.gz echo ================================================================ echo The logs are too long for travis to handle, so we compress and echo uuencode them. Download, decode and uncompress if you need to echo read them. For example, if you select and save this text echo as libffi.uu, run: 'cat libffi.uu | uudecode | gzip -d | less'. echo ================================================================ uuencode libffi.log.gz - echo ================================================================ echo ================================================================ exit $EXITCODE } function build_foreign_linux() { docker run --rm -t -i -v `pwd`:/opt -e LIBFFI_TEST_OPTIMIZATION="${LIBFFI_TEST_OPTIMIZATION}" $2 bash -c /opt/.travis/build-in-container.sh exit $? } function build_cross_linux() { docker run --rm -t -i -v `pwd`:/opt -e HOST="${HOST}" -e CC="${HOST}-gcc-8" -e CXX="${HOST}-g++-8" -e LIBFFI_TEST_OPTIMIZATION="${LIBFFI_TEST_OPTIMIZATION}" moxielogic/cross-ci-build-container:latest bash -c /opt/.travis/build-in-container.sh exit $? } function build_ios() { which python # export PYTHON_BIN=/usr/local/bin/python ./generate-darwin-source-and-headers.py xcodebuild -showsdks xcodebuild -project libffi.xcodeproj -target "libffi-iOS" -configuration Release -sdk iphoneos11.4 exit $? } case "$HOST" in arm-apple-darwin*) ./autogen.sh build_ios ;; arm32v7-linux-gnu) ./autogen.sh build_foreign_linux arm moxielogic/arm32v7-ci-build-container:latest ;; aarch64-linux-gnu| powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu | mips64el-linux-gnu | sparc64-linux-gnu) build_cfarm ;; sh4-linux-gnu | s390x-linux-gnu ) ./autogen.sh build_cross_linux ;; *) ./autogen.sh build_linux ;; esac