name: libeditline kind: chunk build-system: manual build-commands: # Notes: # 1. bmake does not look for system headers if DESTDIR is defined. # 2. MAKEFLAGS contained commands for parallel builds, which broke # when it tried to use common.h before it was created. # 3. Making manpages calls `nroff` and we don't want manpages anyway. # 4. The macro __RCSID is not defined in our cdefs.h, so is defined as # something else. - | `# [1]` unset DESTDIR; \ `# [2]` unset MAKEFLAGS; \ bmake \ `# [3]` MK_MAN=no \ PREFIX="$PREFIX" \ `# [4]` CFLAGS="\"-D__RCSID(foo)=static const char rcsid[]=foo\"" install-commands: # Notes: # 1. It tries to use "install -C" which is not available with busybox # 2. It tries to install manpages that we didn't build. - | bmake PREFIX="$PREFIX" DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" \ `# [1]` INC_COPY=" " \ `# [2]` MK_MAN=no \ install