/* ==================================================================== * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 * * Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the * Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without prior written permission. For written * permission, please contact apache@apache.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written * permission of the Apache Software Foundation. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see * . */ #ifndef APR_FILE_IO_H #define APR_FILE_IO_H #include "apr_general.h" #include "apr_time.h" #include "apr_errno.h" #if APR_HAVE_SYS_UIO_H #include #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ typedef enum {APR_NOFILE, APR_REG, APR_DIR, APR_CHR, APR_BLK, APR_PIPE, APR_LNK, APR_SOCK} ap_filetype_e; /* Flags for ap_open */ #define APR_READ 1 /* Open the file for reading */ #define APR_WRITE 2 /* Open the file for writing */ #define APR_CREATE 4 /* Create the file if not there */ #define APR_APPEND 8 /* Append to the end of the file */ #define APR_TRUNCATE 16 /* Open the file and truncate to 0 length */ #define APR_BINARY 32 /* Open the file in binary mode */ #define APR_EXCL 64 /* Open should fail if APR_CREATE and file exists. */ #define APR_BUFFERED 128 /* Open the file for buffered I/O */ #define APR_DELONCLOSE 256 /* Delete the file after close */ /* flags for ap_seek */ #define APR_SET SEEK_SET #define APR_CUR SEEK_CUR #define APR_END SEEK_END /* Permissions flags */ #define APR_UREAD 0x400 #define APR_UWRITE 0x200 #define APR_UEXECUTE 0x100 #define APR_GREAD 0x040 #define APR_GWRITE 0x020 #define APR_GEXECUTE 0x010 #define APR_WREAD 0x004 #define APR_WWRITE 0x002 #define APR_WEXECUTE 0x001 #define APR_OS_DEFAULT 0xFFF /* should be same as whence type in lseek, POSIX defines this as int */ typedef ap_int32_t ap_seek_where_t; typedef struct ap_file_t ap_file_t; typedef struct ap_finfo_t ap_finfo_t; typedef struct ap_dir_t ap_dir_t; typedef ap_int32_t ap_fileperms_t; typedef uid_t ap_uid_t; typedef gid_t ap_gid_t; typedef ino_t ap_ino_t; struct ap_finfo_t { ap_fileperms_t protection; ap_filetype_e filetype; ap_uid_t user; ap_gid_t group; ap_ino_t inode; ap_off_t size; ap_time_t atime; ap_time_t mtime; ap_time_t ctime; }; /* Function definitions */ /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_open(ap_file_t **new, char *fname, ap_int32 flag, ap_fileperms perm, ap_pool_t *cont) B arg 1) The opened file descriptor. arg 2) The full path to the file (using / on all systems) arg 3) Or'ed value of: APR_READ open for reading APR_WRITE open for writing APR_CREATE create the file if not there APR_APPEND file ptr is set to end prior to all writes APR_TRUNCATE set length to zero if file exists APR_BINARY not a text file (This flag is ignored on UNIX because it has no meaning) APR_BUFFERED buffer the data. Default is non-buffered APR_EXCL return error if APR_CREATE and file exists APR_DELONCLOSE delete the file after closing. arg 4) Access permissions for file. arg 5) The pool to use. B: If perm is APR_OS_DEFAULT and the file is being created, appropriate default permissions will be used. *arg1 must point to a valid file_t, or NULL (in which case it will be allocated) =cut */ ap_status_t ap_open(ap_file_t **new, const char *fname, ap_int32_t flag, ap_fileperms_t perm, ap_pool_t *cont); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_close(ap_file_t *file) B arg 1) The file descriptor to close. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_close(ap_file_t *file); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_remove_file(char *path, ap_pool_t *cont) B arg 1) The full path to the file (using / on all systems) arg 2) The pool to use. B: If the file is open, it won't be removed until all instances are closed. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_remove_file(char *path, ap_pool_t *cont); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_eof(ap_file_t *fptr) B arg 1) The apr file we are testing. B: Returns APR_EOF if we are at the end of file, APR_SUCCESS otherwise. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_eof(ap_file_t *fptr); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_ferror(ap_file_t *fptr) B arg 1) The apr file we are testing. B: Returns -1 if the error indicator is set, APR_SUCCESS otherwise. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_ferror(ap_file_t *fptr); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_open_stderr(ap_file_t **thefile, ap_pool_t *cont) B arg 1) The apr file to use as stderr. arg 2) The pool to allocate the file out of. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_open_stderr(ap_file_t **thefile, ap_pool_t *cont); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_read(ap_file_t *thefile, void *buf, ap_ssize_t *nbytes) B arg 1) The file descriptor to read from. arg 2) The buffer to store the data to. arg 3) On entry, the number of bytes to read; on exit, the number of bytes read. B: ap_read will read up to the specified number of bytes, but never more. If there isn't enough data to fill that number of bytes, all of the available data is read. The third argument is modified to reflect the number of bytes read. If a char was put back into the stream via ungetc, it will be the first character returned. It is possible for both bytes to be read and an APR_EOF or other error to be returned. APR_EINTR is never returned. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_read(ap_file_t *thefile, void *buf, ap_ssize_t *nbytes); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_write(ap_file_t *thefile, void *buf, ap_ssize_t *nbytes) B arg 1) The file descriptor to write to. arg 2) The buffer which contains the data. arg 3) On entry, the number of bytes to write; on exit, the number of bytes write. B: ap_write will write up to the specified number of bytes, but never more. If the OS cannot write that many bytes, it will write as many as it can. The third argument is modified to reflect the * number of bytes written. It is possible for both bytes to be written and an error to be returned. APR_EINTR is never returned. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_write(ap_file_t *thefile, void *buf, ap_ssize_t *nbytes); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_writev(ap_file_t *thefile, struct iovec *vec, ap_size_t nvec, ap_ssize_t *nbytes) B arg 1) The file descriptor to write to. arg 2) The array from which to get the data to write to the file. arg 3) The number of elements in the struct iovec array. This must be smaller than AP_MAX_IOVEC_SIZE. If it isn't, the function will fail with APR_EINVAL. arg 4) The number of bytes written. It is possible for both bytes to be written and an error to be returned. APR_EINTR is never returned. ap_writev is available even if the underlying operating system doesn't provide writev(). =cut */ ap_status_t ap_writev(ap_file_t *thefile, const struct iovec *vec, ap_size_t nvec, ap_ssize_t *nbytes); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_putc(char ch, ap_file_t *thefile) B arg 1) The character to write. arg 2) The file descriptor to write to =cut */ ap_status_t ap_putc(char ch, ap_file_t *thefile); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_getc(char *ch, ap_file_t *thefil) B arg 1) The character to write. arg 2) The file descriptor to write to =cut */ ap_status_t ap_getc(char *ch, ap_file_t *thefile); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_ungetc(char ch, ap_file_t *thefile) B arg 1) The character to write. arg 2) The file descriptor to write to =cut */ ap_status_t ap_ungetc(char ch, ap_file_t *thefile); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_fgets(char *str, int len, ap_file_t *thefile) B arg 1) The buffer to store the string in. arg 2) The length of the string arg 3) The file descriptor to read from =cut */ ap_status_t ap_fgets(char *str, int len, ap_file_t *thefile); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_puts(char *str, ap_file_t *thefile) B arg 1) The string to write. arg 2) The file descriptor to write to from =cut */ ap_status_t ap_puts(char *str, ap_file_t *thefile); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_flush(ap_file_t *thefile) B arg 1) The file descriptor to flush =cut */ ap_status_t ap_flush(ap_file_t *thefile); APR_EXPORT(int) ap_fprintf(ap_file_t *fptr, const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_dupfile(ap_file_t **new_file, ap_file_t *old_file, ap_pool_t *p) B arg 1) The structure to duplicate into. arg 2) The file to duplicate. arg 3) The pool to use for the new file. B: *arg1 must point to a valid ap_file_t, or point to NULL =cut */ ap_status_t ap_dupfile(ap_file_t **new_file, ap_file_t *old_file, ap_pool_t *p); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_getfileinfo(ap_finfo_t *finfo, ap_file_t *thefile) B arg 1) Where to store the information about the file. arg 2) The file to get information about. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_getfileinfo(ap_finfo_t *finfo, ap_file_t *thefile); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_stat(ap_finfo_t **finfo, char *fname, ap_pool_t *cont) B arg 1) Where to store the information about the file. arg 2) The name of the file to stat. arg 3) the pool to use to allocate the new file. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_stat(ap_finfo_t *finfo, const char *fname, ap_pool_t *cont); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_lstat(ap_finfo_t **finfo, char *fname, ap_pool_t *cont) B arg 1) Where to store the information about the file. arg 2) The name of the file to stat. arg 3) the pool to use to allocate the new file. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_lstat(ap_finfo_t *finfo, const char *fname, ap_pool_t *cont); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_seek(ap_file_t *thefile, ap_seek_where_t where, ap_off_t *offset) B arg 1) The file descriptor arg 2) How to move the pointer, one of: APR_SET -- set the offset to offset APR_CUR -- add the offset to the current position APR_END -- add the offset to the current file size arg 3) The offset to move the pointer to. B: The third argument is modified to be the offset the pointer was actually moved to. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_seek(ap_file_t *thefile, ap_seek_where_t where,ap_off_t *offset); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_opendir(ap_dir_t **new, char *dirname, ap_pool_t *cont) B arg 1) The opened directory descriptor. arg 2) The full path to the directory (use / on all systems) arg 3) The pool to use. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_opendir(ap_dir_t **new, const char *dirname, ap_pool_t *cont); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_closedir(ap_dir_t *thedir) B arg 1) the directory descriptor to close. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_closedir(ap_dir_t *thedir); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_readdir(ap_dir_t *thedir) B arg 1) the directory descriptor to read from, and fill out. B: All systems return . and .. as the first two files. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_readdir(ap_dir_t *thedir); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_rewinddir(ap_dir_t *thedir) B arg 1) the directory descriptor to rewind. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_rewinddir(ap_dir_t *thedir); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_make_dir(const char *path, ap_fileperms_t perm, ap_pool_t *cont) B arg 1) the path for the directory to be created. (use / on all systems) arg 2) Permissions for the new direcoty. arg 3) the pool to use. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_make_dir(const char *path, ap_fileperms_t perm, ap_pool_t *cont); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_remove_dir(const char *path, ap_pool_t *cont) B arg 1) the path for the directory to be removed. (use / on all systems) arg 2) the pool to use. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_remove_dir(const char *path, ap_pool_t *cont); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_create_pipe(ap_file_t **in, ap_file_t **out, ap_pool_t *cont) B arg 1) The file descriptor to use as input to the pipe. arg 2) The file descriptor to use as output from the pipe. arg 3) The pool to operate on. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_create_pipe(ap_file_t **in, ap_file_t **out, ap_pool_t *cont); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_create_namedpipe(char *filename, ap_fileperms_t perm, ap_pool_t *cont) B arg 1) The filename of the named pipe arg 2) The permissions for the newly created pipe. arg 3) The pool to operate on. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_create_namedpipe(char *filename, ap_fileperms_t perm, ap_pool_t *cont); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_set_pipe_timeout(ap_file_t *thepipe, ap_int32_t timeout) B arg 1) The pipe we are setting a timeout on. arg 2) The timeout value in seconds. Values < 0 mean wait forever, 0 means do not wait at all. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_set_pipe_timeout(ap_file_t *thepipe, ap_interval_time_t timeout); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_block_pipe(ap_file_t *thepipe) B arg 1) The pipe to operate on. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_block_pipe(ap_file_t *thepipe); /*accessor and general file_io functions. */ /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_get_filename(char **new, ap_file_t *thefile) B arg 1) The path of the file. arg 2) The currently open file. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_get_filename(char **new, ap_file_t *thefile); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_get_dir_filename(char **new, ap_dir_t *thedir) B arg 1) the file name of the directory entry. arg 2) the currently open directory. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_get_dir_filename(char **new, ap_dir_t *thedir); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_get_filedata(void **data, char *key, ap_file_t *file) B arg 1) The user data associated with the file. arg 2) The key to use for retreiving data associated with this file. arg 3) The currently open file. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_get_filedata(void **data, char *key, ap_file_t *file); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_set_filedata(ap_file_t *file, void *data, char *key, ap_status (*cleanup) (void *)) B arg 1) The currently open file. arg 2) The user data to associate with the file. arg 3) The key to use for assocaiteing data with the file. arg 4) The cleanup routine to use when the file is destroyed. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_set_filedata(ap_file_t *file, void *data, char *key, ap_status_t (*cleanup) (void *)); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_dir_entry_size(ap_ssize_t *size, ap_dir_t *thedir) B arg 1) the size of the directory entry. arg 2) the currently open directory. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_dir_entry_size(ap_ssize_t *size, ap_dir_t *thedir); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_dir_entry_mtime(ap_time_t *mtime, ap_dir_t *thedir) B arg 1) the last modified time of the directory entry. arg 2) the currently open directory. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_dir_entry_mtime(ap_time_t *mtime, ap_dir_t *thedir); /* =head1 ap_status_t ap_dir_entry_ftype(ap_filetype_e *type, ap_dir_t *thedir) B arg 1) the file type of the directory entry. arg 2) the currently open directory. =cut */ ap_status_t ap_dir_entry_ftype(ap_filetype_e *type, ap_dir_t *thedir); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* ! APR_FILE_IO_H */