# # from SCons.Environment import Environment from os.path import join as pjoin import aprconf import re import os import traceback _platforms = [ 'aix', 'beos', 'netware', 'os2', 'os390', 'unix', 'win32' ] _platform_dirs = [ 'atomic', 'dso', 'file_io', 'helpers', 'locks', 'memory', 'misc', 'mmap', 'network_io', 'passwd', 'poll', 'random', 'shmem', 'strings', 'support', 'tables', 'threadproc', 'time', 'user' ] _simple_dirs = [ 'buckets', 'crypto', 'dbd', 'dbm', 'dbm/sdbm', 'encoding', 'hooks', 'memcache', 'tables', 'strings', 'strmatch', 'util-misc', 'xlate', 'xml' ] class APREnv(Environment): def __init__(self, parent=None, args=None, **kw): Environment.__init__(self, ENV=os.environ, tools = ['default', 'subst'], toolpath = [pjoin(os.getcwd(), 'build')], **kw) # See SCons/Platform/__init__.py for possible values if self['PLATFORM'] in _platforms: self['APR_PLATFORM'] = self['PLATFORM'] else: self['APR_PLATFORM'] = 'unix' # if no *.c files are found in the original APR_PLATFORM, we switch to # using this fallback platform. self['APR_FALLBACK_PLATFORM'] = 'unix' self.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = ['include', 'include/private', 'include/arch/'+self['APR_PLATFORM']]) self.autoconf = aprconf.APRConfigure(self) self.AppendUnique(LIBS = ['expat']) def is_gcc(self): # TOOD: This detection should be smarter, need look at SCons Internals # for how it works/base it on the Tool selection. return self['CC'] == 'gcc' def core_lib_files(self): rv = [] for d in _platform_dirs: p = pjoin(d, self['APR_PLATFORM'], '*.c') files = self.Glob(p) if not files and self['APR_PLATFORM'] != self['APR_FALLBACK_PLATFORM']: p = pjoin(d, self['APR_FALLBACK_PLATFORM'], '*.c') files = self.Glob(p) rv.extend(files) for d in _simple_dirs: p = pjoin(d, '*.c') files = self.Glob(p) rv.extend(files) return rv def APRVersion(self): if not self.has_key('APR_VERSION'): self['APR_VERSION'] = self.read_version('APR', '#include/apr_version.h') return self['APR_VERSION'] def read_version(self, prefix, path): version_re = re.compile("(.*)%s_(?PMAJOR|MINOR|PATCH)_VERSION(\s+)(?P\d)(.*)" % prefix) versions = {} fp = self.File(path).get_contents() for line in fp.splitlines(): m = version_re.match(line) if m: versions[m.group('id')] = int(m.group('num')) return (versions['MAJOR'], versions['MINOR'], versions['PATCH']) def Filter(self, **kw): for k in kw.keys(): self[k] = [x for x in self[k] if x is not kw[k]] def APRHints(self): # TOOD: port more from apr_hints.m4 if self['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin': self.AppendUnique(CPPFLAGS=['-DDARWIN', '-DSIGPROCMASK_SETS_THREAD_MASK', '-no-cpp-precomp']) def critical_value(self, f, value, *args): rv = f(*args) if rv != value: traceback.print_stack() print "Critial Test failed." self.Exit(1) return rv def critical(self, f, *args): rv = f(*args) if not rv: traceback.print_stack() print "Critial Test failed." self.Exit(1) def APRAutoconf(self): self.apr_config_h = 'include/arch/%s/apr_private.h' % (self['APR_PLATFORM']) self.apu_config_h = 'include/private/apu_config.h' subst = {} if self.GetOption('clean') or self.GetOption('help'): return self # TODO Port header detection here etc conf = self.Configure(custom_tests = { 'CheckFile': self.autoconf.CheckFile, 'CheckTypesCompatible': self.autoconf.CheckTypesCompatible, 'Check_apr_atomic_builtins': self.autoconf.Check_apr_atomic_builtins, 'Check_apr_largefile64': self.autoconf.Check_apr_largefile64, 'Check_apr_big_endian': self.autoconf.Check_apr_big_endian, 'Check_apr_mmap_mapping_dev_zero': self.autoconf.Check_apr_mmap_mapping_dev_zero, 'Check_apr_semaphores': self.autoconf.Check_apr_semaphores, 'Check_apr_semun': self.autoconf.Check_apr_semun, 'Check_apr_check_tcp_nodelay_inherited': self.autoconf.Check_apr_check_tcp_nodelay_inherited, 'Check_apr_nonblock_inherited': self.autoconf.Check_apr_nonblock_inherited, 'Check_apr_ebcdic': self.autoconf.Check_apr_ebcdic, 'Check_apr_sctp': self.autoconf.Check_apr_sctp, }, config_h = self.apr_config_h) # Do we have a working C Compiler? self.critical(conf.CheckCC) flag_headers = self.Split("""ByteOrder.h conio.h crypt.h ctype.h dir.h dirent.h dl.h dlfcn.h errno.h fcntl.h grp.h io.h limits.h mach-o/dyld.h malloc.h memory.h netdb.h osreldate.h poll.h process.h pwd.h semaphore.h signal.h stdarg.h stddef.h stdio.h stdlib.h string.h strings.h sysapi.h sysgtime.h termios.h time.h tpfeq.h tpfio.h unistd.h unix.h windows.h winsock2.h arpa/inet.h kernel/OS.h net/errno.h netinet/in.h netinet/sctp.h netinet/tcp.h netinet/sctp_uio.h sys/file.h sys/ioctl.h sys/mman.h sys/param.h sys/poll.h sys/resource.h sys/select.h sys/sem.h sys/sendfile.h sys/signal.h sys/socket.h sys/sockio.h sys/stat.h sys/sysctl.h sys/syslimits.h sys/time.h sys/types.h sys/uio.h sys/un.h sys/wait.h pthread.h """) for x in flag_headers: s = x.replace('/', '_').replace('.', '').replace('-', '') if conf.CheckCHeader(x): subst['@%s@' % (s)] = 1 else: subst['@%s@' % (s)] = 0 sizeof_char = conf.CheckTypeSize('char') sizeof_int = self.critical_value(conf.CheckTypeSize, 4, 'int') subst['@int_value@'] = 'int' sizeof_long = conf.CheckTypeSize('long') sizeof_short = self.critical_value(conf.CheckTypeSize, 2, 'short') subst['@short_value@'] = 'short' sizeof_long_long = conf.CheckTypeSize('long long') sizeof_longlong = conf.CheckTypeSize('longlong') sizeof_pid_t = conf.CheckTypeSize('pid_t', includes='#include ') sizeof_off_t = conf.CheckTypeSize('off_t', includes='#include ') sizeof_size_t = conf.CheckTypeSize('size_t', includes='#include ') sizeof_ssize_t = conf.CheckTypeSize('ssize_t', includes='#include ') subst['@voidp_size@'] = conf.CheckTypeSize('void*') if sizeof_size_t: subst['@size_t_value@'] = 'size_t' subst['@size_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_SIZE_T_FMT "%lu"' else: subst['@size_t_value@'] = 'apr_int32_t' subst['@size_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_SIZE_T_FMT "%u"' if sizeof_ssize_t: subst['@ssize_t_value@'] = 'ssize_t' subst['@ssize_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_SSIZE_T_FMT "%ld"' else: subst['@ssize_t_value@'] = 'apr_int32_t' subst['@ssize_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_SSIZE_T_FMT "%d"' if conf.Check_apr_big_endian(): subst['@bigendian@'] = 1 else: subst['@bigendian@'] = 0 # Now we need to find what apr_int64_t (sizeof == 8) will be. # The first match is our preference. if sizeof_int == 8: subst['@int64_literal@'] = '#define APR_INT64_C(val) (val)' subst['@uint64_literal@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_C(val) (val##U)' subst['@int64_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_INT64_T_FMT "d"' subst['@uint64_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_T_FMT "u"' subst['@uint64_t_hex_fmt@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_T_HEX_FMT "x"' subst['@int64_value@'] = 'int' subst['@long_value@'] = 'int' subst['@int64_strfn=@'] = 'strtoi' elif sizeof_long == 8: subst['@int64_literal@'] = '#define APR_INT64_C(val) (val##L)' subst['@uint64_literal@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_C(val) (val##UL)' subst['@int64_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_INT64_T_FMT "ld"' subst['@uint64_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_T_FMT "lu"' subst['@uint64_t_hex_fmt@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_T_HEX_FMT "lx"' subst['@int64_value@'] = 'long' subst['@long_value@'] = 'long' subst['@int64_strfn=@'] = 'strtol' elif sizeof_long_long == 8: subst['@int64_literal@'] = '#define APR_INT64_C(val) (val##LL)' subst['@uint64_literal@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_C(val) (val##ULL)' # Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD all support ll with printf. # BSD 4.4 originated 'q'. Solaris is more popular and # doesn't support 'q'. Solaris wins. Exceptions can # go to the OS-dependent section. subst['@int64_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_INT64_T_FMT "lld"' subst['@uint64_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_T_FMT "llu"' subst['@uint64_t_hex_fmt@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_T_HEX_FMT "llx"' subst['@int64_value@'] = 'long long' subst['@long_value@'] = 'long long' subst['@int64_strfn=@'] = 'strtoll' elif sizeof_longlong == 8: subst['@int64_literal@'] = '#define APR_INT64_C(val) (val##LL)' subst['@uint64_literal@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_C(val) (val##ULL)' subst['@int64_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_INT64_T_FMT "qd"' subst['@uint64_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_T_FMT "qu"' subst['@uint64_t_hex_fmt@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_T_HEX_FMT "qx"' subst['@int64_value@'] = '__int64' subst['@long_value@'] = '__int64' subst['@int64_strfn=@'] = 'strtoll' else: print("could not detect a 64-bit integer type") self.Exit(1) if conf.CheckDeclaration('INT64_C', includes='#include '): subst['@int64_literal@'] = '#define APR_INT64_C(val) INT64_C(val)' subst['@uint64_literal@'] = '#define APR_UINT64_C(val) UINT64_C(val)' subst['@stdint@'] = 1 if sizeof_pid_t == sizeof_short: subst['@pid_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_PID_T_FMT "hd"' elif sizeof_pid_t == sizeof_int: subst['@pid_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_PID_T_FMT "d"' elif sizeof_pid_t == sizeof_long: subst['@pid_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_PID_T_FMT "ld"' elif sizeof_pid_t == sizeof_long_long: subst['@pid_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_PID_T_FMT APR_INT64_T_FMT' else: subst['@pid_t_fmt@'] = '#error Can not determine the proper size for pid_t' # TODO: Per OS changing of these if conf.Check_apr_largefile64(): self.AppendUnique(CPPFLAGS = ['-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE']) aprlfs=0 if self['lfs'] and sizeof_off_t == 4: # Check whether the transitional LFS API is sufficient aprlfs=1 for f in ['mmap64', 'sendfile64', 'sendfilev64', 'mkstemp64', 'readdir64_r']: conf.CheckFunc(f) elif sizeof_off_t == sizeof_size_t: aprlfs=1 if aprlfs and sizeof_off_t == 4: # LFS is go! subst['@off_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_OFF_T_FMT APR_INT64_T_FMT' subst['@off_t_value@'] = 'off64_t' subst['@off_t_strfn@'] = 'apr_strtoi64' elif sizeof_off_t == 4 and sizeof_long == 4: # Special case: off_t may change size with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS # on 32-bit systems with LFS support. To avoid compatibility # issues when other packages do define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS, # hard-code apr_off_t to long. subst['@off_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_OFF_T_FMT "ld"' subst['@off_t_value@'] = 'long' subst['@off_t_strfn@'] = 'strtol' elif sizeof_off_t != 0: subst['@off_t_value@'] = 'off_t' if sizeof_off_t == sizeof_long: subst['@off_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_OFF_T_FMT "ld"' subst['@off_t_strfn@'] = 'strtol' elif sizeof_off_t == sizeof_int: subst['@off_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_OFF_T_FMT "d"' subst['@off_t_strfn@'] = 'strtoi' elif sizeof_off_t == sizeof_long_long: subst['@off_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_OFF_T_FMT APR_INT64_T_FMT' subst['@off_t_strfn@'] = 'apr_strtoi64' else: print("could not determine the size of off_t") self.Exit(1) else: # Fallback on int subst['@off_t_fmt@'] = '#define APR_OFF_T_FMT "d"' subst['@off_t_value@'] = 'apr_int32_t' subst['@off_t_strfn@'] = 'strtoi' if conf.Check_apr_atomic_builtins(): conf.Define('HAVE_ATOMIC_BUILTINS', 1) if not conf.CheckType('size_t', includes='#include '): subst['@size_t_value@'] = 'apr_int32_t' if not conf.CheckType('ssize_t', includes='#include '): subst['@ssize_t_value@'] = 'apr_int32_t' if not conf.CheckType('socklen_t', includes='#include '): subst['@socklen_t_value@'] = 'int' else: if self['PLATFORM'] == 'hpux' and sizeof_long == 8: # 64-bit HP-UX requires 32-bit socklens in # kernel, but user-space declarations say # 64-bit (socklen_t == size_t == long). # This will result in many compile warnings, # but we're functionally busted otherwise. subst['@socklen_t_value@'] = 'int' else: subst['@socklen_t_value@'] = 'socklen_t' # Regardless of whether _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE is used, on 32-bit # platforms _FILE_OFFSET_BITS will affect the size of ino_t and hence # the build-time ABI may be different from the apparent ABI when using # APR with another package which *does* define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS. # (Exactly as per the case above with off_t where LFS is *not* used) # # To be safe, hard-code apr_ino_t as 'unsigned long' iff that is # exactly the size of ino_t here; otherwise use ino_t as existing # releases did. To be correct, apr_ino_t should have been made an # ino64_t as apr_off_t is off64_t, but this can't be done now without # breaking ABI. subst['@ino_t_value@'] = 'ino_t' if sizeof_long == 4 and conf.CheckTypesCompatible('ino_t', 'unsigned long', '#include '): subst['@ino_t_value@'] = 'unsigned long' # check for mmap functions # store the results into mmap_results dictionary for use later mmap_funcs = ['mmap', 'mmap', 'shm_open', 'shm_unlink', 'shm_get', 'shmat', 'shmdt', 'shmctl'] mmap_results = dict([[k, conf.CheckFunc(k)] for k in mmap_funcs]) # check for mmap mapping dev zero if mmap_results['mmap'] and \ conf.CheckFile("/dev/zero") and \ conf.Check_apr_mmap_mapping_dev_zero(): subst['@havemmapzero@'] = 1 else: subst['@havemmapzero@'] = 0 # check for locking mechanisms if conf.Check_apr_semaphores(): subst['@hassysvser@'] = 1 else: subst['@hassysvser@'] = 0 if conf.CheckDeclaration('F_SETLK', '#include '): subst['@hasfcntlser@'] = 1 else: subst['@hasfcntlser@'] = 0 if conf.CheckFunc('flock'): subst['@hasflockser@'] = 1 else: subst['@hasflockser@'] = 0 apr_tcp_nopush_flag="0" if conf.CheckDeclaration('TCP_CORK', '#include '): subst['@have_corkable_tcp@'] = 1 apr_tcp_nopush_flag="TCP_CORK" else: subst['@have_corkable_tcp@'] = 0 if conf.CheckDeclaration('TCP_NOPUSH', '#include '): subst['@apr_tcp_nopush_flag@'] = 3 subst['@have_corkable_tcp@'] = 1 subst['@apr_tcp_nopush_flag@'] = apr_tcp_nopush_flag if conf.CheckFunc('flock'): subst['@hasflockser@'] = 1 else: subst['@hasflockser@'] = 0 if conf.CheckFunc('getrlimit'): subst['@have_getrlimit@'] = 1 else: subst['@have_getrlimit@'] = 0 if conf.CheckFunc('setrlimit'): subst['@have_setrlimit@'] = 1 else: subst['@have_setrlimit@'] = 0 if conf.CheckType('struct in_addr', includes='#include '): subst['@have_in_addr@'] = 1 else: subst['@have_in_addr@'] = 0 if conf.CheckType('struct sockaddr_storage', includes='#include '): subst['@have_sa_storage@'] = 1 else: subst['@have_sa_storage@'] = 0 if conf.CheckType('struct rlimit', includes='#include '): subst['@struct_rlimit@'] = 1 else: subst['@struct_rlimit@'] = 0 if conf.Check_apr_semun(): subst['@have_union_semun@'] = 1 else: subst['@have_union_semun@'] = 0 check_functions = [ 'inet_addr', 'inet_network', 'memmove', 'sigaction', 'sigsuspend', 'sigwait', 'strdup', 'stricmp', 'strcasecmp', 'strncasecmp', 'strnicmp', 'strstr', 'memchr', 'iovec', 'fork', 'mmap', 'uuid_create', 'uuid_generate', 'waitpid' ] for func in check_functions: if conf.CheckFunc(func): subst['@have_%s@' % func] = 1 else: subst['@have_%s@' % func] = 0 if self['PLATFORM'] in ['sunos']: conf.Define("SIGWAIT_TAKES_ONE_ARG") # Set Features # TODO: Not done yet subst['@sharedmem@'] = 1 subst['@threads@'] = 1 subst['@sendfile@'] = 0 subst['@mmap@'] = subst['@have_mmap@'] subst['@fork@'] = subst['@have_fork@'] subst['@rand@'] = 0 subst['@oc@'] = 0 subst['@aprdso@'] = 0 subst['@have_unicode_fs@'] = 0 subst['@have_proc_invoked@'] = 0 subst['@aprlfs@'] = 0 subst['@osuuid@'] = subst['@have_uuid_generate@'] or subst['@have_uuid_create@'] subst['@file_as_socket@'] = 1 # check for IPv6 (the user is allowed to disable this via commandline # options subst['@have_ipv6@'] = 0 if self['ipv6']: if conf.CheckType('struct sockaddr_in6', includes='#include ') and \ conf.CheckFunc('getaddrinfo') and \ conf.CheckFunc('getnameinfo'): subst['@have_ipv6@'] = 1 if conf.CheckDeclaration('SO_ACCEPTFILTER', '#include '): subst['@acceptfilter@'] = 1 else: subst['@acceptfilter@'] = 0 if conf.CheckDeclaration('IPPROTO_SCTP', '#include ') and \ conf.Check_apr_sctp(): subst['@have_sctp@'] = 1 else: subst['@have_sctp@'] = 0 if conf.CheckDeclaration('SO_ACCEPTFILTER', '#include '): subst['@acceptfilter@'] = 1 else: subst['@acceptfilter@'] = 0 if conf.Check_apr_check_tcp_nodelay_inherited(): subst['@tcp_nodelay_inherited@'] = 1 else: subst['@tcp_nodelay_inherited@'] = 0 if conf.Check_apr_nonblock_inherited(): subst['@o_nonblock_inherited@'] = 1 else: subst['@o_nonblock_inherited@'] = 0 if conf.Check_apr_ebcdic(): subst['@apr_charset_ebcdic@'] = 1 else: subst['@apr_charset_ebcdic@'] = 0 if conf.CheckType('struct iovec', includes='#include \n#include '): subst['@have_iovec@'] = 1 else: subst['@have_iovec@'] = 0 if conf.CheckType('struct sockaddr_un', includes='#include '): subst['@have_sockaddr_un@'] = 1 else: subst['@have_sockaddr_un@'] = 0 subst['@proc_mutex_is_global@'] = 0 if self['PLATFORM'] in ['os2', 'beos', 'win32', 'cygwin']: subst['@proc_mutex_is_global@'] = 1 # note: the current APR use of shared mutex requires /dev/zero if conf.CheckFile('/dev/zero') and \ conf.CheckDeclaration('PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED', includes='#include ') and \ conf.CheckFunc('pthread_mutexattr_setpshared'): subst['@hasprocpthreadser@'] = 1 else: subst['@hasprocpthreadser@'] = 0 subst['@havemmaptmp@'] = 0 subst['@havemmapshm@'] = 0 subst['@haveshmgetanon@'] = 0 subst['@haveshmget@'] = 0 subst['@havemmapanon@'] = 0 subst['@havebeosarea@'] = 0 subst['@usemmaptmp@'] = 0 subst['@usemmapshm@'] = 0 subst['@usemmapzero@'] = 0 subst['@useshmgetanon@'] = 0 subst['@useshmget@'] = 0 subst['@usemmapanon@'] = 0 subst['@usebeosarea@'] = 0 subst['@flockser@'] = 0 subst['@sysvser@'] = 0 subst['@posixser@'] = 0 subst['@fcntlser@'] = 0 subst['@procpthreadser@'] = 0 subst['@pthreadser@'] = 0 subst['@hasposixser@'] = 0 subst['@proclockglobal@'] = 0 if self['APR_PLATFORM'] in ['win32']: subst['@eolstr@'] = "\\\\r\\\\n" else: subst['@eolstr@'] = "\\\\n" subst['@shlibpath_var@'] = pjoin(self['prefix'], 'lib') # APR Util things to fix: subst['@apu_have_sdbm@'] = 1 subst['@apu_have_gdbm@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_ndbm@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_db@'] = 0 subst['@apu_use_sdbm@'] = 1 subst['@apu_use_ndbm@'] = 0 subst['@apu_use_gdbm@'] = 0 subst['@apu_use_db@'] = 0 subst['@apu_db_version@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_pgsql@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_mysql@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_sqlite3@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_sqlite2@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_oracle@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_freetds@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_odbc@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_crypto@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_openssl@'] = 0 subst['@apu_have_nss@'] = 0 subst['@have_apr_iconv@'] = 0 subst['@have_iconv@'] = 0 self.SubstFile('include/apr.h', 'include/apr.h.in', SUBST_DICT = subst) self.SubstFile('include/apu.h', 'include/apu.h.in', SUBST_DICT = subst) self.SubstFile('include/apu_want.h', 'include/apu_want.h.in', SUBST_DICT = subst) self.SubstFile('include/private/apu_select_dbm.h', 'include/private/apu_select_dbm.h.in', SUBST_DICT = subst) if hasattr(conf, "config_h_text"): conf.Define("APR_OFF_T_STRFN", subst['@off_t_strfn@']) conf.config_h_text = conf.config_h_text + '#include "arch/apr_private_common.h"\n' return conf.Finish()