Experimental cmake-based build support for APR on Microsoft Windows Status ------ This build support is currently intended only for Microsoft Windows. This build support is experimental. Specifically, * It does not support all features of APR. * Some components may not be built correctly and/or in a manner compatible with the previous Windows build support. * Build interfaces, such as the mechanisms which are used to enable optional functionality or specify prerequisites, may change from release to release as feedback is received from users and bugs and limitations are resolved. Important: Refer to the "Known Bugs and Limitations" section for further information. It is beyond the scope of this document to document or explain how to utilize the various cmake features, such as different build backends or provisions for finding support libraries. Please refer to the cmake documentation for additional information that applies to building any project with cmake. Prerequisites ------------- The following tools must be in PATH: * cmake, version 2.8 or later * If using a command-line compiler: compiler and linker and related tools (Refer to the cmake documentation for more information.) How to build ------------ 1. cd to a clean directory for building (i.e., don't build in your source tree) 2. Some cmake backends may want your compile tools in PATH. (Hint: "Visual Studio Command Prompt") 3. cmake -G "some backend, like 'NMake Makefiles'" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=d:/path/to/aprinst -DAPR-specific-flags d:/path/to/aprsource Alternately, use cmake-gui and update settings in the GUI. APR feature flags: APR_INSTALL_PRIVATE_H Install extra .h files which are required when building httpd and Subversion but which aren't intended for use by applications. Default: OFF APR_HAVE_IPV6 Enable IPv6 support Default: ON APR_BUILD_TESTAPR Build APR test suite Default: OFF MIN_WINDOWS_VER Minimum Windows version supported by this build (This controls the setting of _WIN32_WINNT.) "Vista" or "Windows7" or a numeric value like "0x0601" Default: "Vista" For desktop/server equivalence or other values, refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/ desktop/aa383745(v=vs.85).aspx CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE, _DEBUG, _RELWITHDEBINFO, _MINSIZEREL CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE For NMake Makefiles the choices are at least DEBUG, RELEASE, RELWITHDEBINFO, and MINSIZEREL Other backends make have other selections. 4. build using chosen backend (e.g., "nmake install") Known Bugs and Limitations -------------------------- * If include/apr.h or other generated files have been created in the source directory by another build system, they will be used unexpectedly and cause the build to fail. * apr_app.c, aprapp-1.lib, and libaprapp-1.lib are not handled properly. * .pdb files are not installed * Options should be provided for remaining features: + APR_POOL_DEBUG + DBM: . APU_HAVE_GDBM . APU_HAVE_NDBM . APU_HAVE_DB + DBD: . APU_HAVE_PGSQL . APU_HAVE_MYSQL . APU_HAVE_SQLITE3 . APU_HAVE_SQLITE2 . APU_HAVE_ORACLE + CRYPTO: . APU_HAVE_NSS * No test program build to use libapr-1.dll is created. * No script or other mechanism is provided to run the test suite. * APR_CHANGES.txt, APR-LICENSE.txt, and APR-NOTICE.txt are not installed. * test/internal/testucs is not built. Generally: * Many APR features have not been tested with this build. * Developers need to examine the existing Windows build in great detail and see what is missing from the cmake-based build, whether a feature or some build nuance. * Any feedback you can provide on your experiences with this build will be helpful.