Installation ============ Checkout from git ----------------- If you use the tarball, you can just skip that section. If you checked out the kexec-tools from git repository, you have to build the Autoconf-generated file yourself with running ./bootstrap You have to install "autoconf" for that. After that, you should have a file called "configure" in the top-level directory of kexec-tools, and you can continue with the next step. General ------- You should check first if your favourite Linux distribution doesn't offer a package. If that package is recent enough, you should consider using that package instead. However, if you want to install kexec-tools from sources (1) Run ./configure [--prefix=/usr/local] [options]... e.g. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local For a full list of options run ./configure --help (2) Run make make (3) To install kexec-tools After following the above instructions to build-kexec tools, run make install Static compilation ------------------ To compile kexec-tools statically (i.e., independent of libraries that are present on the system), use LDFLAGS=-static ./configure instead. Cross compilation ----------------- Because kexec is also used in the embedded world, cross-compilation is supported. You cannot only set "CC", "LD", "CCFLAGS" and "LDFLAGS" environment variables for the ./configure call as usual, you can also set TARGET_CC -- the C compiler used for files that should run on the target TARGET_CCFLAGS -- compilation flags for $TARGET_CC TARGET_LD -- linker used for files that should run on the target Because the build process also requires files that must be executed during the build, you also need a host compiler, only the target compiler is not enough. BUILD_CC -- the C compiler used for files that should run on the host (the system that builds the kexec-tools) BUILD_CFLAGS -- compilation flags for $BUILD_CC