from __future__ import division, unicode_literals import collections import contextlib import json import numbers import warnings try: import requests except ImportError: requests = None from jsonschema import _utils, _validators from jsonschema.compat import ( PY3, Sequence, urljoin, urlsplit, urldefrag, unquote, urlopen, str_types, int_types, iteritems, ) from jsonschema.exceptions import RefResolutionError, SchemaError, UnknownType _unset = _utils.Unset() validators = {} meta_schemas = _utils.URIDict() def validates(version): """ Register the decorated validator for a ``version`` of the specification. Registered validators and their meta schemas will be considered when parsing ``$schema`` properties' URIs. :argument str version: an identifier to use as the version's name :returns: a class decorator to decorate the validator with the version """ def _validates(cls): validators[version] = cls if "id" in cls.META_SCHEMA: meta_schemas[cls.META_SCHEMA["id"]] = cls return cls return _validates def create(meta_schema, validators=(), version=None, default_types=None): # noqa if default_types is None: default_types = { "array" : list, "boolean" : bool, "integer" : int_types, "null" : type(None), "number" : numbers.Number, "object" : dict, "string" : str_types, } class Validator(object): VALIDATORS = dict(validators) META_SCHEMA = dict(meta_schema) DEFAULT_TYPES = dict(default_types) def __init__( self, schema, types=(), resolver=None, format_checker=None, ): self._types = dict(self.DEFAULT_TYPES) self._types.update(types) if resolver is None: resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema) self.resolver = resolver self.format_checker = format_checker self.schema = schema @classmethod def check_schema(cls, schema): for error in cls(cls.META_SCHEMA).iter_errors(schema): raise SchemaError.create_from(error) def iter_errors(self, instance, _schema=None): if _schema is None: _schema = self.schema with self.resolver.in_scope(_schema.get("id", "")): ref = _schema.get("$ref") if ref is not None: validators = [("$ref", ref)] else: validators = iteritems(_schema) for k, v in validators: validator = self.VALIDATORS.get(k) if validator is None: continue errors = validator(self, v, instance, _schema) or () for error in errors: # set details if not already set by the called fn error._set( validator=k, validator_value=v, instance=instance, schema=_schema, ) if k != "$ref": error.schema_path.appendleft(k) yield error def descend(self, instance, schema, path=None, schema_path=None): for error in self.iter_errors(instance, schema): if path is not None: error.path.appendleft(path) if schema_path is not None: error.schema_path.appendleft(schema_path) yield error def validate(self, *args, **kwargs): for error in self.iter_errors(*args, **kwargs): raise error def is_type(self, instance, type): if type not in self._types: raise UnknownType(type) pytypes = self._types[type] # bool inherits from int, so ensure bools aren't reported as ints if isinstance(instance, bool): pytypes = _utils.flatten(pytypes) is_number = any( issubclass(pytype, numbers.Number) for pytype in pytypes ) if is_number and bool not in pytypes: return False return isinstance(instance, pytypes) def is_valid(self, instance, _schema=None): error = next(self.iter_errors(instance, _schema), None) return error is None if version is not None: Validator = validates(version)(Validator) name = "{0}Validator".format(version.title().replace(" ", "")) if not PY3 and isinstance(name, unicode): name = name.encode("utf-8") Validator.__name__ = name return Validator def extend(validator, validators, version=None): all_validators = validator.VALIDATORS all_validators.update(validators) return create( meta_schema=validator.META_SCHEMA, validators=all_validators, version=version, default_types=validator.DEFAULT_TYPES, ) class ValidatorMixin(create(meta_schema={})): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "ValidatorMixin is deprecated. " "Use jsonschema.validators.create instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) super(ValidatorMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class _VALIDATORS(dict): def __missing__(this, key, dflt=None): return getattr(self, "validate_" + str(key).lstrip("$"), dflt) get = __missing__ self.VALIDATORS = _VALIDATORS() Draft3Validator = create( meta_schema=_utils.load_schema("draft3"), validators={ "$ref" : _validators.ref, "additionalItems" : _validators.additionalItems, "additionalProperties" : _validators.additionalProperties, "dependencies" : _validators.dependencies, "disallow" : _validators.disallow_draft3, "divisibleBy" : _validators.multipleOf, "enum" : _validators.enum, "extends" : _validators.extends_draft3, "format" : _validators.format, "items" : _validators.items, "maxItems" : _validators.maxItems, "maxLength" : _validators.maxLength, "maximum" : _validators.maximum, "minItems" : _validators.minItems, "minLength" : _validators.minLength, "minimum" : _validators.minimum, "multipleOf" : _validators.multipleOf, "pattern" : _validators.pattern, "patternProperties" : _validators.patternProperties, "properties" : _validators.properties_draft3, "type" : _validators.type_draft3, "uniqueItems" : _validators.uniqueItems, }, version="draft3", ) Draft4Validator = create( meta_schema=_utils.load_schema("draft4"), validators={ "$ref" : _validators.ref, "additionalItems" : _validators.additionalItems, "additionalProperties" : _validators.additionalProperties, "allOf" : _validators.allOf_draft4, "anyOf" : _validators.anyOf_draft4, "dependencies" : _validators.dependencies, "enum" : _validators.enum, "format" : _validators.format, "items" : _validators.items, "maxItems" : _validators.maxItems, "maxLength" : _validators.maxLength, "maxProperties" : _validators.maxProperties_draft4, "maximum" : _validators.maximum, "minItems" : _validators.minItems, "minLength" : _validators.minLength, "minProperties" : _validators.minProperties_draft4, "minimum" : _validators.minimum, "multipleOf" : _validators.multipleOf, "not" : _validators.not_draft4, "oneOf" : _validators.oneOf_draft4, "pattern" : _validators.pattern, "patternProperties" : _validators.patternProperties, "properties" : _validators.properties_draft4, "required" : _validators.required_draft4, "type" : _validators.type_draft4, "uniqueItems" : _validators.uniqueItems, }, version="draft4", ) class RefResolver(object): """ Resolve JSON References. :argument str base_uri: URI of the referring document :argument referrer: the actual referring document :argument dict store: a mapping from URIs to documents to cache :argument bool cache_remote: whether remote refs should be cached after first resolution :argument dict handlers: a mapping from URI schemes to functions that should be used to retrieve them """ def __init__( self, base_uri, referrer, store=(), cache_remote=True, handlers=(), ): self.base_uri = base_uri self.resolution_scope = base_uri # This attribute is not used, it is for backwards compatibility self.referrer = referrer self.cache_remote = cache_remote self.handlers = dict(handlers) = _utils.URIDict( (id, validator.META_SCHEMA) for id, validator in iteritems(meta_schemas) )[base_uri] = referrer @classmethod def from_schema(cls, schema, *args, **kwargs): """ Construct a resolver from a JSON schema object. :argument schema schema: the referring schema :rtype: :class:`RefResolver` """ return cls(schema.get("id", ""), schema, *args, **kwargs) @contextlib.contextmanager def in_scope(self, scope): old_scope = self.resolution_scope self.resolution_scope = urljoin(old_scope, scope) try: yield finally: self.resolution_scope = old_scope @contextlib.contextmanager def resolving(self, ref): """ Context manager which resolves a JSON ``ref`` and enters the resolution scope of this ref. :argument str ref: reference to resolve """ full_uri = urljoin(self.resolution_scope, ref) uri, fragment = urldefrag(full_uri) if not uri: uri = self.base_uri if uri in document =[uri] else: try: document = self.resolve_remote(uri) except Exception as exc: raise RefResolutionError(exc) old_base_uri, self.base_uri = self.base_uri, uri try: with self.in_scope(uri): yield self.resolve_fragment(document, fragment) finally: self.base_uri = old_base_uri def resolve_fragment(self, document, fragment): """ Resolve a ``fragment`` within the referenced ``document``. :argument document: the referrant document :argument str fragment: a URI fragment to resolve within it """ fragment = fragment.lstrip("/") parts = unquote(fragment).split("/") if fragment else [] for part in parts: part = part.replace("~1", "/").replace("~0", "~") if isinstance(document, Sequence): # Array indexes should be turned into integers try: part = int(part) except ValueError: pass try: document = document[part] except (TypeError, LookupError): raise RefResolutionError( "Unresolvable JSON pointer: %r" % fragment ) return document def resolve_remote(self, uri): """ Resolve a remote ``uri``. Does not check the store first, but stores the retrieved document in the store if :attr:`RefResolver.cache_remote` is True. .. note:: If the requests_ library is present, ``jsonschema`` will use it to request the remote ``uri``, so that the correct encoding is detected and used. If it isn't, or if the scheme of the ``uri`` is not ``http`` or ``https``, UTF-8 is assumed. :argument str uri: the URI to resolve :returns: the retrieved document .. _requests: """ scheme = urlsplit(uri).scheme if scheme in self.handlers: result = self.handlers[scheme](uri) elif ( scheme in ["http", "https"] and requests and getattr(requests.Response, "json", None) is not None ): # Requests has support for detecting the correct encoding of # json over http if callable(requests.Response.json): result = requests.get(uri).json() else: result = requests.get(uri).json else: # Otherwise, pass off to urllib and assume utf-8 result = json.loads(urlopen(uri).read().decode("utf-8")) if self.cache_remote:[uri] = result return result class ErrorTree(object): """ ErrorTrees make it easier to check which validations failed. """ _instance = _unset def __init__(self, errors=()): self.errors = {} self._contents = collections.defaultdict(self.__class__) for error in errors: container = self for element in error.path: container = container[element] container.errors[error.validator] = error self._instance = error.instance def __contains__(self, k): return k in self._contents def __getitem__(self, k): """ Retrieve the child tree with key ``k``. If the key is not in the instance that this tree corresponds to and is not known by this tree, whatever error would be raised by ``instance.__getitem__`` will be propagated (usually this is some subclass of :class:`LookupError`. """ if self._instance is not _unset and k not in self: self._instance[k] return self._contents[k] def __setitem__(self, k, v): self._contents[k] = v def __iter__(self): return iter(self._contents) def __len__(self): return self.total_errors def __repr__(self): return "<%s (%s total errors)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) @property def total_errors(self): """ The total number of errors in the entire tree, including children. """ child_errors = sum(len(tree) for _, tree in iteritems(self._contents)) return len(self.errors) + child_errors def validate(instance, schema, cls=None, *args, **kwargs): if cls is None: cls = meta_schemas.get(schema.get("$schema", ""), Draft4Validator) cls.check_schema(schema) cls(schema, *args, **kwargs).validate(instance)