""" Python representations of the JSON Schema Test Suite tests. """ from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping from contextlib import suppress from functools import partial from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import json import os import re import subprocess import sys import unittest from attrs import field, frozen from referencing import Registry import referencing.jsonschema if TYPE_CHECKING: import pyperf from jsonschema.validators import _VALIDATORS import jsonschema _DELIMITERS = re.compile(r"[\W\- ]+") def _find_suite(): root = os.environ.get("JSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE") if root is not None: return Path(root) root = Path(jsonschema.__file__).parent.parent / "json" if not root.is_dir(): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( ( "Can't find the JSON-Schema-Test-Suite directory. " "Set the 'JSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE' environment " "variable or run the tests from alongside a checkout " "of the suite." ), ) return root @frozen class Suite: _root: Path = field(factory=_find_suite) _remotes: referencing.jsonschema.SchemaRegistry = field(init=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): jsonschema_suite = self._root.joinpath("bin", "jsonschema_suite") argv = [sys.executable, str(jsonschema_suite), "remotes"] remotes = subprocess.check_output(argv).decode("utf-8") resources = json.loads(remotes) li = "http://localhost:1234/locationIndependentIdentifierPre2019.json" li4 = "http://localhost:1234/locationIndependentIdentifierDraft4.json" registry = Registry().with_resources( [ ( li, referencing.jsonschema.DRAFT7.create_resource( contents=resources.pop(li), ), ), ( li4, referencing.jsonschema.DRAFT4.create_resource( contents=resources.pop(li4), ), ), ], ).with_contents( resources.items(), default_specification=referencing.jsonschema.DRAFT202012, ) object.__setattr__(self, "_remotes", registry) def benchmark(self, runner: pyperf.Runner): # pragma: no cover for name, Validator in _VALIDATORS.items(): self.version(name=name).benchmark( runner=runner, Validator=Validator, ) def version(self, name) -> Version: return Version( name=name, path=self._root / "tests" / name, remotes=self._remotes, ) @frozen class Version: _path: Path _remotes: referencing.jsonschema.SchemaRegistry name: str def benchmark(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover for case in self.cases(): case.benchmark(**kwargs) def cases(self) -> Iterable[_Case]: return self._cases_in(paths=self._path.glob("*.json")) def format_cases(self) -> Iterable[_Case]: return self._cases_in(paths=self._path.glob("optional/format/*.json")) def optional_cases_of(self, name: str) -> Iterable[_Case]: return self._cases_in(paths=[self._path / "optional" / f"{name}.json"]) def to_unittest_testcase(self, *groups, **kwargs): name = kwargs.pop("name", "Test" + self.name.title().replace("-", "")) methods = { method.__name__: method for method in ( test.to_unittest_method(**kwargs) for group in groups for case in group for test in case.tests ) } cls = type(name, (unittest.TestCase,), methods) # We're doing crazy things, so if they go wrong, like a function # behaving differently on some other interpreter, just make them # not happen. with suppress(Exception): cls.__module__ = _someone_save_us_the_module_of_the_caller() return cls def _cases_in(self, paths: Iterable[Path]) -> Iterable[_Case]: for path in paths: for case in json.loads(path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")): yield _Case.from_dict( case, version=self, subject=path.stem, remotes=self._remotes, ) @frozen class _Case: version: Version subject: str description: str schema: Mapping[str, Any] | bool tests: list[_Test] comment: str | None = None @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, remotes, **kwargs): data.update(kwargs) tests = [ _Test( version=data["version"], subject=data["subject"], case_description=data["description"], schema=data["schema"], remotes=remotes, **test, ) for test in data.pop("tests") ] return cls(tests=tests, **data) def benchmark(self, runner: pyperf.Runner, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover for test in self.tests: runner.bench_func( test.fully_qualified_name, partial(test.validate_ignoring_errors, **kwargs), ) @frozen(repr=False) class _Test: version: Version subject: str case_description: str description: str data: Any schema: Mapping[str, Any] | bool valid: bool _remotes: referencing.jsonschema.SchemaRegistry comment: str | None = None def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return f"" @property def fully_qualified_name(self): # pragma: no cover return " > ".join( [ self.version.name, self.subject, self.case_description, self.description, ], ) def to_unittest_method(self, skip=lambda test: None, **kwargs): if self.valid: def fn(this): self.validate(**kwargs) else: def fn(this): with this.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError): self.validate(**kwargs) fn.__name__ = "_".join( [ "test", _DELIMITERS.sub("_", self.subject), _DELIMITERS.sub("_", self.case_description), _DELIMITERS.sub("_", self.description), ], ) reason = skip(self) if reason is None or os.environ.get("JSON_SCHEMA_DEBUG", "0") != "0": return fn elif os.environ.get("JSON_SCHEMA_EXPECTED_FAILURES", "0") != "0": return unittest.expectedFailure(fn) else: return unittest.skip(reason)(fn) def validate(self, Validator, **kwargs): Validator.check_schema(self.schema) validator = Validator( schema=self.schema, registry=self._remotes, **kwargs, ) if os.environ.get("JSON_SCHEMA_DEBUG", "0") != "0": breakpoint() validator.validate(instance=self.data) def validate_ignoring_errors(self, Validator): # pragma: no cover with suppress(jsonschema.ValidationError): self.validate(Validator=Validator) def _someone_save_us_the_module_of_the_caller(): """ The FQON of the module 2nd stack frames up from here. This is intended to allow us to dynamically return test case classes that are indistinguishable from being defined in the module that wants them. Otherwise, trial will mis-print the FQON, and copy pasting it won't re-run the class that really is running. Save us all, this is all so so so so so terrible. """ return sys._getframe(2).f_globals["__name__"]