from datetime import datetime from docutils import nodes import errno import os try: import urllib2 as urllib except ImportError: import urllib.request as urllib from lxml import html VALIDATION_SPEC = "" def setup(app): """ Install the plugin. :argument sphinx.application.Sphinx app: the Sphinx application context """ app.add_config_value("cache_path", "_cache", "") try: os.makedirs(app.config.cache_path) except OSError as error: if error.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise path = os.path.join(app.config.cache_path, "spec.html") spec = fetch_or_load(path) app.add_role("validator", docutils_sucks(spec)) def fetch_or_load(spec_path): """ Fetch a new specification or use the cache if it's current. :argument cache_path: the path to a cached specification """ headers = {} try: modified = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(spec_path)) date = modified.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S UTC") headers["If-Modified-Since"] = date except OSError as error: if error.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise request = urllib.Request(VALIDATION_SPEC, headers=headers) response = urllib.urlopen(request) if response.code == 200: with open(spec_path, "w+b") as spec: spec.writelines(response) return html.parse(spec) with open(spec_path) as spec: return html.parse(spec) def docutils_sucks(spec): """ Yeah. It doesn't allow using a class because it does stupid stuff like try to set attributes on the callable object rather than just keeping a dict. """ base_url = VALIDATION_SPEC ref_url = "" schema_url = "" def validator(name, raw_text, text, lineno, inliner): """ Link to the JSON Schema documentation for a validator. :argument str name: the name of the role in the document :argument str raw_source: the raw text (role with argument) :argument str text: the argument given to the role :argument int lineno: the line number :argument docutils.parsers.rst.states.Inliner inliner: the inliner :returns: 2-tuple of nodes to insert into the document and an iterable of system messages, both possibly empty """ if text == "$ref": return [nodes.reference(raw_text, text, refuri=ref_url)], [] elif text == "$schema": return [nodes.reference(raw_text, text, refuri=schema_url)], [] xpath = "//h3[re:match(text(), '(^|\W)\"?{0}\"?($|\W,)', 'i')]" header = spec.xpath( xpath.format(text), namespaces={"re": ""}, ) if len(header) == 0: inliner.reporter.warning( "Didn't find a target for {0}".format(text), ) uri = base_url else: if len(header) > 1: "Found multiple targets for {0}".format(text), ) uri = base_url + "#" + header[0].getprevious().attrib["name"] reference = nodes.reference(raw_text, text, refuri=uri) return [reference], [] return validator