========================== Frequently Asked Questions ========================== My schema specifies format validation. Why do invalid instances seem valid? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The :validator:`format` validator can be a bit of a stumbling block for new users working with JSON Schema. In a schema such as: .. code-block:: json {"type": "string", "format": "date"} JSON Schema specifications have historically differentiated between the :validator:`format` validator and other validators. In particular, the :validator:`format` validator was specified to be *informational* as much as it may be used for validation. In other words, for many use cases, schema authors may wish to use values for the :validator:`format` validator but have no expectation they be validated alongside other required assertions in a schema. Of course this does not represent all or even most use cases -- many schema authors *do* wish to assert that instances conform fully, even to the specific format mentioned. In drafts prior to ``draft2019-09``, the decision on whether to automatically enable :validator:`format` validation was left up to validation implementations such as this one. This library made the choice to leave it off by default, for two reasons: * for forward compatibility and implementation complexity reasons -- if :validator:`format` validation were on by default, and a future draft of JSON Schema introduced a hard-to-implement format, either the implementation of that format would block releases of this library until it were implemented, or the behavior surrounding :validator:`format` would need to be even more complex than simply defaulting to be on. It therefore was safer to start with it off, and defend against the expectation that a given format would always automatically work. * given that a common use of JSON Schema is for portability across languages (and therefore implementations of JSON Schema), so that users be aware of this point itself regarding :validator:`format` validation, and therefore remember to check any *other* implementations they were using to ensure they too were explicitly enabled for :validator:`format` validation. As of ``draft2019-09`` however, the opt-out by default behavior mentioned here is now *required* for all validators. Difficult as this may sound for new users, at this point it at least means they should expect the same behavior that has always been implemented here, across any other implementation they encounter. .. seealso:: `Draft 2019-09's release notes on format `_ for upstream details on the behavior of format and how it has changed in ``draft2019-09`` `validating formats` for details on how to enable format validation `FormatChecker` the object which implements format validation Why doesn't my schema's default property set the default on my instance? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The basic answer is that the specification does not require that :validator:`default` actually do anything. For an inkling as to *why* it doesn't actually do anything, consider that none of the other validators modify the instance either. More importantly, having :validator:`default` modify the instance can produce quite peculiar things. It's perfectly valid (and perhaps even useful) to have a default that is not valid under the schema it lives in! So an instance modified by the default would pass validation the first time, but fail the second! Still, filling in defaults is a thing that is useful. `jsonschema` allows you to `define your own validator classes and callables `, so you can easily create an `jsonschema.IValidator` that does do default setting. Here's some code to get you started. (In this code, we add the default properties to each object *before* the properties are validated, so the default values themselves will need to be valid under the schema.) .. code-block:: python from jsonschema import Draft7Validator, validators def extend_with_default(validator_class): validate_properties = validator_class.VALIDATORS["properties"] def set_defaults(validator, properties, instance, schema): for property, subschema in properties.items(): if "default" in subschema: instance.setdefault(property, subschema["default"]) for error in validate_properties( validator, properties, instance, schema, ): yield error return validators.extend( validator_class, {"properties" : set_defaults}, ) DefaultValidatingDraft7Validator = extend_with_default(Draft7Validator) # Example usage: obj = {} schema = {'properties': {'foo': {'default': 'bar'}}} # Note jsonschem.validate(obj, schema, cls=DefaultValidatingDraft7Validator) # will not work because the metaschema contains `default` directives. DefaultValidatingDraft7Validator(schema).validate(obj) assert obj == {'foo': 'bar'} See the above-linked document for more info on how this works, but basically, it just extends the :validator:`properties` validator on a `jsonschema.Draft7Validator` to then go ahead and update all the defaults. .. note:: If you're interested in a more interesting solution to a larger class of these types of transformations, keep an eye on `Seep `_, which is an experimental data transformation and extraction library written on top of `jsonschema`. .. hint:: The above code can provide default values for an entire object and all of its properties, but only if your schema provides a default value for the object itself, like so: .. code-block:: python schema = { "type": "object", "properties": { "outer-object": { "type": "object", "properties" : { "inner-object": { "type": "string", "default": "INNER-DEFAULT" } }, "default": {} # <-- MUST PROVIDE DEFAULT OBJECT } } } obj = {} DefaultValidatingDraft7Validator(schema).validate(obj) assert obj == {'outer-object': {'inner-object': 'INNER-DEFAULT'}} ...but if you don't provide a default value for your object, then it won't be instantiated at all, much less populated with default properties. .. code-block:: python del schema["properties"]["outer-object"]["default"] obj2 = {} DefaultValidatingDraft7Validator(schema).validate(obj2) assert obj2 == {} # whoops How do jsonschema version numbers work? --------------------------------------- ``jsonschema`` tries to follow the `Semantic Versioning `_ specification. This means broadly that no backwards-incompatible changes should be made in minor releases (and certainly not in dot releases). The full picture requires defining what constitutes a backwards-incompatible change. The following are simple examples of things considered public API, and therefore should *not* be changed without bumping a major version number: * module names and contents, when not marked private by Python convention (a single leading underscore) * function and object signature (parameter order and name) The following are *not* considered public API and may change without notice: * the exact wording and contents of error messages; typical reasons to rely on this seem to involve downstream tests in packages using `jsonschema`. These use cases are encouraged to use the extensive introspection provided in `jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError`\s instead to make meaningful assertions about what failed rather than relying on *how* what failed is explained to a human. * the order in which validation errors are returned or raised * the contents of the ``jsonschema.tests`` package * the contents of the ``jsonschema.benchmarks`` package * the specific non-zero error codes presented by the command line interface * the exact representation of errors presented by the command line interface, other than that errors represented by the plain outputter will be reported one per line * anything marked private With the exception of the last two of those, flippant changes are avoided, but changes can and will be made if there is improvement to be had. Feel free to open an issue ticket if there is a specific issue or question worth raising.