========== jsonschema ========== ``jsonschema`` is an implementation of `JSON Schema `_ for Python (supporting 2.6+ including Python 3). .. code-block:: python >>> from jsonschema import validate >>> # A sample schema, like what we'd get from json.load() >>> schema = { ... "type" : "object", ... "properties" : { ... "price" : {"type" : "number"}, ... "name" : {"type" : "string"}, ... }, ... } >>> # If no exception is raised by validate(), the instance is valid. >>> validate({"name" : "Eggs", "price" : 34.99}, schema) >>> validate( ... {"name" : "Eggs", "price" : "Invalid"}, schema ... ) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValidationError: 'Invalid' is not of type 'number' Features -------- * Full support for `Draft 3 `_ **and** `Draft 4 `_ of the schema. * `Lazy validation `_ that can iteratively report *all* validation errors. * Small and extensible * `Programmatic querying `_ of which properties or items failed validation. Release Notes ------------- ``v1.3.0`` adds better, more verbose tracebacks for validation errors that give some actual possibility of seeing what went wrong, particularly for the new ``anyOf``, ``oneOf`` and ``allOf`` validators in draft 4. The other notable change is that ``ErrorTree``\s now raise exceptions for keys that aren't in the instance, to prevent typos. ``__cause__`` is also implemented on Py3 for format errors, if that floats your boat. Running the Test Suite ---------------------- ``jsonschema`` uses the wonderful `Tox `_ for its test suite. (It really is wonderful, if for some reason you haven't heard of it, you really should use it for your projects). Assuming you have ``tox`` installed (perhaps via ``pip install tox`` or your package manager), just run ``tox`` in the directory of your source checkout to run ``jsonschema``'s test suite on all of the versions of Python ``jsonschema`` supports. Note that you'll need to have all of those versions installed in order to run the tests on each of them, otherwise ``tox`` will skip (and fail) the tests on that version. Community --------- There's a `mailing list `_ for this implementation on Google Groups. Please join, and feel free to send questions there. Contributing ------------ I'm Julian Berman. ``jsonschema`` is on `GitHub `_. Get in touch, via GitHub or otherwise, if you've got something to contribute, it'd be most welcome! You can also generally find me on Freenode (nick: ``tos9``) in various channels, including ``#python``.