# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ jinja2.testsuite.security ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Checks the sandbox and other security features. :copyright: (c) 2017 by the Jinja Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import pytest from jinja2 import Environment from jinja2 import escape from jinja2 import Markup from jinja2._compat import text_type from jinja2.exceptions import SecurityError from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateRuntimeError from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateSyntaxError from jinja2.nodes import EvalContext from jinja2.sandbox import ImmutableSandboxedEnvironment from jinja2.sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment from jinja2.sandbox import unsafe class PrivateStuff(object): def bar(self): return 23 @unsafe def foo(self): return 42 def __repr__(self): return "PrivateStuff" class PublicStuff(object): def bar(self): return 23 def _foo(self): return 42 def __repr__(self): return "PublicStuff" @pytest.mark.sandbox class TestSandbox(object): def test_unsafe(self, env): env = SandboxedEnvironment() pytest.raises( SecurityError, env.from_string("{{ foo.foo() }}").render, foo=PrivateStuff() ) assert env.from_string("{{ foo.bar() }}").render(foo=PrivateStuff()) == "23" pytest.raises( SecurityError, env.from_string("{{ foo._foo() }}").render, foo=PublicStuff() ) assert env.from_string("{{ foo.bar() }}").render(foo=PublicStuff()) == "23" assert env.from_string("{{ foo.__class__ }}").render(foo=42) == "" assert env.from_string("{{ foo.func_code }}").render(foo=lambda: None) == "" # security error comes from __class__ already. pytest.raises( SecurityError, env.from_string("{{ foo.__class__.__subclasses__() }}").render, foo=42, ) def test_immutable_environment(self, env): env = ImmutableSandboxedEnvironment() pytest.raises(SecurityError, env.from_string("{{ [].append(23) }}").render) pytest.raises(SecurityError, env.from_string("{{ {1:2}.clear() }}").render) def test_restricted(self, env): env = SandboxedEnvironment() pytest.raises( TemplateSyntaxError, env.from_string, "{% for item.attribute in seq %}...{% endfor %}", ) pytest.raises( TemplateSyntaxError, env.from_string, "{% for foo, bar.baz in seq %}...{% endfor %}", ) def test_markup_operations(self, env): # adding two strings should escape the unsafe one unsafe = '' safe = Markup("username") assert unsafe + safe == text_type(escape(unsafe)) + text_type(safe) # string interpolations are safe to use too assert Markup("%s") % "" == "<bad user>" assert ( Markup("%(username)s") % {"username": ""} == "<bad user>" ) # an escaped object is markup too assert type(Markup("foo") + "bar") is Markup # and it implements __html__ by returning itself x = Markup("foo") assert x.__html__() is x # it also knows how to treat __html__ objects class Foo(object): def __html__(self): return "awesome" def __unicode__(self): return "awesome" assert Markup(Foo()) == "awesome" assert ( Markup("%s") % Foo() == "awesome" ) # escaping and unescaping assert escape("\"<>&'") == ""<>&'" assert Markup("Foo & Bar").striptags() == "Foo & Bar" assert Markup("<test>").unescape() == "" def test_template_data(self, env): env = Environment(autoescape=True) t = env.from_string( "{% macro say_hello(name) %}" "

Hello {{ name }}!

{% endmacro %}" '{{ say_hello("foo") }}' ) escaped_out = "

Hello <blink>foo</blink>!

" assert t.render() == escaped_out assert text_type(t.module) == escaped_out assert escape(t.module) == escaped_out assert t.module.say_hello("foo") == escaped_out assert ( escape(t.module.say_hello(EvalContext(env), "foo")) == escaped_out ) assert escape(t.module.say_hello("foo")) == escaped_out def test_attr_filter(self, env): env = SandboxedEnvironment() tmpl = env.from_string('{{ cls|attr("__subclasses__")() }}') pytest.raises(SecurityError, tmpl.render, cls=int) def test_binary_operator_intercepting(self, env): def disable_op(left, right): raise TemplateRuntimeError("that operator so does not work") for expr, ctx, rv in ("1 + 2", {}, "3"), ("a + 2", {"a": 2}, "4"): env = SandboxedEnvironment() env.binop_table["+"] = disable_op t = env.from_string("{{ %s }}" % expr) assert t.render(ctx) == rv env.intercepted_binops = frozenset(["+"]) t = env.from_string("{{ %s }}" % expr) with pytest.raises(TemplateRuntimeError): t.render(ctx) def test_unary_operator_intercepting(self, env): def disable_op(arg): raise TemplateRuntimeError("that operator so does not work") for expr, ctx, rv in ("-1", {}, "-1"), ("-a", {"a": 2}, "-2"): env = SandboxedEnvironment() env.unop_table["-"] = disable_op t = env.from_string("{{ %s }}" % expr) assert t.render(ctx) == rv env.intercepted_unops = frozenset(["-"]) t = env.from_string("{{ %s }}" % expr) with pytest.raises(TemplateRuntimeError): t.render(ctx) @pytest.mark.sandbox class TestStringFormat(object): def test_basic_format_safety(self): env = SandboxedEnvironment() t = env.from_string('{{ "a{0.__class__}b".format(42) }}') assert t.render() == "ab" def test_basic_format_all_okay(self): env = SandboxedEnvironment() t = env.from_string('{{ "a{0.foo}b".format({"foo": 42}) }}') assert t.render() == "a42b" def test_safe_format_safety(self): env = SandboxedEnvironment() t = env.from_string('{{ ("a{0.__class__}b{1}"|safe).format(42, "") }}') assert t.render() == "ab<foo>" def test_safe_format_all_okay(self): env = SandboxedEnvironment() t = env.from_string('{{ ("a{0.foo}b{1}"|safe).format({"foo": 42}, "") }}') assert t.render() == "a42b<foo>" @pytest.mark.sandbox @pytest.mark.skipif( not hasattr(str, "format_map"), reason="requires str.format_map method" ) class TestStringFormatMap(object): def test_basic_format_safety(self): env = SandboxedEnvironment() t = env.from_string('{{ "a{x.__class__}b".format_map({"x":42}) }}') assert t.render() == "ab" def test_basic_format_all_okay(self): env = SandboxedEnvironment() t = env.from_string('{{ "a{x.foo}b".format_map({"x":{"foo": 42}}) }}') assert t.render() == "a42b" def test_safe_format_all_okay(self): env = SandboxedEnvironment() t = env.from_string( '{{ ("a{x.foo}b{y}"|safe).format_map({"x":{"foo": 42}, "y":""}) }}' ) assert t.render() == "a42b<foo>"