/* * Copyright 2000-2004 Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.tools.ant.types; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.tools.ant.Project; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; /** * The assertion datatype. This type describes * assertion settings for the <java> task and others. * One can set the system assertions, and enable/disable those in * packages and classes. * Assertions can only be enabled or disabled when forking Java. * * Example: set system assertions and all org.apache packages except * for ant, and the class org.apache.tools.ant.Main. *
 * <assertions enableSystemAssertions="true" >
 *   <enable package="org.apache" />
 *   <disable package="org.apache.ant" />
 *   <enable class="org.apache.tools.ant.Main"/>
 * </assertions>
* Disable system assertions; enable those in the anonymous package *
 * <assertions enableSystemAssertions="false" >
 *   <enable package="..." />
 * </assertions>
* enable assertions in a class called Test *
 * <assertions >
 *   <enable class="Test" />
 * </assertions>
* This type is a datatype, so you can declare assertions and use them later * *
 * <assertions id="project.assertions" >
 *   <enable project="org.apache.test" />
 * </assertions>
 * <assertions refid="project.assertions" />
* @since Ant 1.6 * @author steve loughran */ public class Assertions extends DataType { /** * enable/disable sys assertions; null means undefined */ private Boolean enableSystemAssertions; /** * list of type BaseAssertion */ private ArrayList assertionList = new ArrayList(); /** * enable assertions * @param assertion */ public void addEnable(EnabledAssertion assertion) { checkChildrenAllowed(); assertionList.add(assertion); } /** * disable assertions * @param assertion */ public void addDisable(DisabledAssertion assertion) { checkChildrenAllowed(); assertionList.add(assertion); } /** * enable or disable system assertions * @param enableSystemAssertions */ public void setEnableSystemAssertions(Boolean enableSystemAssertions) { checkAttributesAllowed(); this.enableSystemAssertions = enableSystemAssertions; } /** * Set the value of the refid attribute. * *

Subclasses may need to check whether any other attributes * have been set as well or child elements have been created and * thus override this method. if they do the must call * super.setRefid.

*/ public void setRefid(Reference ref) { if (assertionList.size() > 0 || enableSystemAssertions != null) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } super.setRefid(ref); } /** * get whatever we are referencing to. This could be ourself. * @return the object that contains the assertion info */ private Assertions getFinalReference() { if (getRefid() == null) { return this; } else { Object o = getRefid().getReferencedObject(getProject()); if (!(o instanceof Assertions)) { throw new BuildException("reference is of wrong type"); } return (Assertions) o; } } /** * how many assertions are made...will resolve references before returning * @return total # of commands to make */ public int size() { Assertions clause = getFinalReference(); return clause.getFinalSize(); } /** * what is the final size of this object * @return */ private int getFinalSize() { return assertionList.size() + (enableSystemAssertions != null ? 1 : 0); } /** * add the assertions to a list in a format suitable * for adding to a command line * @param commandList */ public void applyAssertions(List commandList) { getProject().log("Applying assertions",Project.MSG_DEBUG); Assertions clause = getFinalReference(); //do the system assertions if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(clause.enableSystemAssertions)) { getProject().log("Enabling system assertions", Project.MSG_DEBUG); commandList.add("-enablesystemassertions"); } else if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(clause.enableSystemAssertions)) { getProject().log("disabling system assertions", Project.MSG_DEBUG); commandList.add("-disablesystemassertions"); } //now any inner assertions Iterator it = clause.assertionList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BaseAssertion assertion = (BaseAssertion) it.next(); String arg = assertion.toCommand(); getProject().log("adding assertion "+arg, Project.MSG_DEBUG); commandList.add(arg); } } /** * apply all the assertions to the command. * @param command */ public void applyAssertions(CommandlineJava command) { Assertions clause = getFinalReference(); //do the system assertions if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(clause.enableSystemAssertions)) { addVmArgument(command, "-enablesystemassertions"); } else if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(clause.enableSystemAssertions)) { addVmArgument(command, "-disablesystemassertions"); } //now any inner assertions Iterator it = clause.assertionList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BaseAssertion assertion = (BaseAssertion) it.next(); String arg = assertion.toCommand(); addVmArgument(command, arg); } } /** * helper method to add a string JVM argument to a command * @param command * @param arg */ private static void addVmArgument(CommandlineJava command, String arg) { Commandline.Argument argument; argument = command.createVmArgument(); argument.setValue(arg); } /** * clone the objects. * This is not a full depth clone; the list of assertions is cloned, * but it does not clone the underlying assertions. * @return a cli * @throws CloneNotSupportedException */ protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Assertions that = (Assertions) super.clone(); that.assertionList = (ArrayList) assertionList.clone(); return that; } /** * base class for our assertion elements. */ public abstract static class BaseAssertion { private String packageName; private String className; /** * name a class * @param className */ public void setClass(String className) { this.className = className; } /** * name a package * @param packageName */ public void setPackage(String packageName) { this.packageName = packageName; } /** * what is the class name? * @return classname or null * @see #setClass */ protected String getClassName() { return className; } /** * what is the package name? * @return package name or null * @see #setPackage */ protected String getPackageName() { return packageName; } /** * get the prefix used to begin the command; -ea or -da. * @return prefix */ public abstract String getCommandPrefix(); /** * create a full command string from this class * @throws BuildException in case of trouble * @return */ public String toCommand() { //catch invalidness if (getPackageName() != null && getClassName() != null) { throw new BuildException("Both package and class have been set"); } StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(getCommandPrefix()); //see if it is a package or a class if (getPackageName() != null) { //packages get a ... prefix command.append(':'); command.append(getPackageName()); if (!command.toString().endsWith("...")) { //append the ... suffix if not there already command.append("..."); } } else if (getClassName() != null) { //classes just get the classname command.append(':'); command.append(getClassName()); } return command.toString(); } } /** * an enabled assertion enables things */ public static class EnabledAssertion extends BaseAssertion { /** * get the prefix used to begin the command; -ea or -da. * @return prefix */ public String getCommandPrefix() { return "-ea"; } } /** * A disabled assertion disables things */ public static class DisabledAssertion extends BaseAssertion { /** * get the prefix used to begin the command; -ea or -da. * @return prefix */ public String getCommandPrefix() { return "-da"; } } }