This build file is designed to report the performance of ant from various releases. to use: * install ant-contrib.jar to ($ANT_HOME|$HOME/.ant)/lib * install beanshell jar and bsf jar * use unix (with bash) or install cygwin * set the env variables {whichever needs testing} ANT_HOME ANT_HOME_6_5 (the directory containing ant 1.6.5) ANT_HOME_6_4 ANT_HOME_5_4 * run ant For example: export ANT_HOME="c:/cygwin/home/me/svn/trunk/dist" export ANT_HOME_5_4="l:/apps/apache-ant-1.5.4" ant.bat TODO: more build files. export ANT_HOME=${@{env-ant}} echo $ANT_HOME echo -n "-- props.xml --: " $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -f build/gen/props.xml | grep time echo -n "-- ant-call.xml --: " $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -f build/gen/ant-call.xml | grep time