

Merge the individual XML files generated by the JUnit task and eventually apply a stylesheet on the resulting merged document to provide a browsable report of the testcases results.

Note: This task depends on external libraries not included in the Apache Ant distribution. See Library Dependencies for more information.


The task needs Apache Xalan 2.4.1+ or Xalan XSLTC (JDK 1.4 contains a version of Xalan 2.x, while JDK 1.5 ships with a version of XSLTC). JDK 1.4.2-01 and later ships with a bundled Xalan 2.4.1+, meaning that JDKs prior to version 1.4.2-01 won't work out of the box. The table below summarize the compatibility status.

XalanSun JDK BundleStatus
2.4.1+JDK 1.4.2-01+OK
2.xJDK 1.4.xDeprecated, use ${ant.home}/etc/junit-frames-xalan1.xsl
Upgrade Xalan using the JDK endorsement mechanism

In Ant 1.6.2, we had to decide between supporting Xalan 1/Xalan 2.4.1- and Xalan 2.4.1+/XSLTC, because there was no way to support both couples at the same time.

Since Ant 1.7, we dropped support for Xalan 1, because Xalan 1 was not available anymore for quite some time.


Attribute Description Required
tofile The name of the XML file that will aggregate all individual XML testsuites previously generated by the JUnit task. No; defaults to TESTS-TestSuites.xml
todir The directory where the file resulting from the individual XML testsuite aggregation should be written. No; defaults to current directory

Parameters specified as nested elements


junitreport collects individual xml files generated by the JUnit task using the nested <FileSet> element.


Generate a browsable report based on the document created by the merge.


Attribute Description Required
format The format of the generated report. Must be either noframes or frames. No; defaults to frames
styledir The directory where the stylesheets are defined. They must be conforming to the following conventions:
  • frames format: the stylesheet must be named junit-frames.xsl, or junit-frames-saxon.xsl if you are using Saxon 9+.
  • noframes format: the stylesheet must be named junit-noframes.xsl, or junit-noframes-saxon.xsl if you are using Saxon 9+.
No; defaults to embedded stylesheets
todir The directory where the files resulting from the transformation should be written to. No; defaults to current directory

Ant assumes the following concerning the frames and noframes formats:

Custom versions of junit-frames.xsl or junit-noframes.xsl must adhere to the above conventions.

Nested element of the report tag


Since Ant 1.7, the report tag supports nested param tags. These tags can pass XSL parameters to the stylesheet.


Attribute Description Required
name Name of the XSL parameter Yes
expression Text value to be placed into the param.
Was originally intended to be an XSL expression.
if The param will only be passed if this property is set. No
unless The param will not be passed if this property is set. No

The built-in stylesheets support the following parameters:

XSL Parameter Description Required
TITLE Title used in <title> and <h1> tags No; defaults to Unit Test Results


Since Ant 1.9.5. Like for the XSLT task, a nested <classpath> will be used to load the processor.


Since Ant 1.9.5. Like for the XSLT task, a nested <factory> can be used to specify factory settings.

Example of report

<junitreport todir="./reports">
    <fileset dir="./reports">
        <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
    <report format="frames" todir="./report/html"/>

would generate a TESTS-TestSuites.xml file in the directory reports and generate the default framed report in the directory report/html.

Example of report with XSL params

<junitreport todir="${outputdir}">
    <fileset dir="${jrdir}">
        <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
    <report todir="${outputdir}/html"
        <param name="key1" expression="value1"/>
        <param name="key2" expression="value2"/>

This example requires a file called junitreport/junit-frames.xsl. The XSL parameters key1 and key2 will be passed to the XSL transformation.