Build documentation - XDocs and Javadoc. For building XDocs, edit xdocs/**/*.xml first. If ../jakarta-site2 does not exist, set -Dsite.dir=... for it, or just use -Dvelocity.dir=.../velocity-1.4.x if you have downloaded Velocity somewhere. XXX for no apparent reason, your CWD must be the main Ant source dir, or this will fail: .../docs.xml:64: org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to find resource './site.vsl' After this generation the pages in docs/ should be up-to-date and need to be committed. Since I don't remember whether there is a cron job updating the site I usually log in to and run 'svn up' in /www/ (make sure your umask is 002 before you do that so the pages remain group writable). AnakiaTask is not present! Please check to make sure that velocity.jar is in your classpath.