#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from __future__ import print_function import os import subprocess import shutil import re import sys from waflib import Logs, Options, Task, Utils from waflib.Build import BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext VERSION='1.9.12' APPNAME='jack' JACK_API_VERSION = '0.1.0' # these variables are mandatory ('/' are converted automatically) top = '.' out = 'build' # lib32 variant name used when building in mixed mode lib32 = 'lib32' auto_options = [] def display_feature(conf, msg, build): if build: conf.msg(msg, 'yes', color='GREEN') else: conf.msg(msg, 'no', color='YELLOW') # This function prints an error without stopping waf. The reason waf should not # be stopped is to be able to list all missing dependencies in one chunk. def print_error(msg): print(Logs.colors.RED + msg + Logs.colors.NORMAL) class AutoOption: """ This class is the foundation for the auto options. It adds an option --foo=no|yes to the list of options and deals with all logic and checks for these options. Each option can have different dependencies that will be checked. If all dependencies are available and the user has not done any request the option will be enabled. If the user has requested to enable the option the class ensures that all dependencies are available and prints an error message otherwise. If the user disables the option, i.e. --foo=no, no checks are made. For each option it is possible to add packages that are required for the option using the add_package function. For dependency programs add_program should be used. For libraries (without pkg-config support) the add_library function should be used. For headers the add_header function exists. If there is another type of requirement or dependency the check hook (an external function called when configuring) can be used. When all checks have been made and the class has made a decision the result is saved in conf.env['NAME'] where 'NAME' by default is the uppercase of the name argument to __init__, but it can be changed with the conf_dest argument to __init__. The class will define a preprocessor symbol with the result. The default name is HAVE_NAME, but it can be changed using the define argument to __init__. """ def __init__(self, opt, name, help, conf_dest=None, define=None): # check hook to call upon configuration self.check_hook = None self.check_hook_error = None self.check_hook_found = True # required libraries self.libs = [] # elements on the form [lib,uselib_store] self.libs_not_found = [] # elements on the form lib # required headers self.headers = [] self.headers_not_found = [] # required packages (checked with pkg-config) self.packages = [] # elements on the form [package,uselib_store,atleast_version] self.packages_not_found = [] # elements on the form [package,atleast_version] # required programs self.programs = [] # elements on the form [program,var] self.programs_not_found = [] # elements on the form program # the result of the configuration (should the option be enabled or not?) self.result = False self.help = help self.option = '--' + name self.dest = 'auto_option_' + name if conf_dest: self.conf_dest = conf_dest else: self.conf_dest = name.upper() if not define: self.define = 'HAVE_' + name.upper() else: self.define = define opt.add_option(self.option, type='string', default='auto', dest=self.dest, help=self.help+' (enabled by default if possible)', metavar='no|yes') def add_library(self, library, uselib_store=None): """ Add a required library that should be checked during configuration. The library will be checked using the conf.check function. If the uselib_store arugment is not given it defaults to LIBRARY (the uppercase of the library argument). The uselib_store argument will be passed to check which means LIB_LIBRARY, CFLAGS_LIBRARY and DEFINES_LIBRARY, etc. will be defined if the option is enabled. """ if not uselib_store: uselib_store = library.upper().replace('-', '_') self.libs.append([library, uselib_store]) def add_header(self, header): """ Add a required header that should be checked during configuration. The header will be checked using the conf.check function which means HAVE_HEADER_H will be defined if found. """ self.headers.append(header) def add_package(self, package, uselib_store=None, atleast_version=None): """ Add a required package that should be checked using pkg-config during configuration. The package will be checked using the conf.check_cfg function and the uselib_store and atleast_version will be passed to check_cfg. If uselib_store is None it defaults to PACKAGE (uppercase of the package argument) with hyphens and dots replaced with underscores. If atleast_version is None it defaults to '0'. """ if not uselib_store: uselib_store = package.upper().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_') if not atleast_version: atleast_version = '0' self.packages.append([package, uselib_store, atleast_version]) def add_program(self, program, var=None): """ Add a required program that should be checked during configuration. If var is not given it defaults to PROGRAM (the uppercase of the program argument). If the option is enabled the program is saved as a list (?!) in conf.env['PROGRAM']. """ if not var: var = program.upper().replace('-', '_') self.programs.append([program, var]) def set_check_hook(self, check_hook, check_hook_error): """ Set the check hook and the corresponding error printing function to the configure step. The check_hook argument is a function that should return True if the extra prerequisites were found and False if not. The check_hook_error argument is an error printing function that should print an error message telling the user that --foo was explicitly requested but cannot be built since the extra prerequisites were not found. Both function should take a single argument that is the waf configuration context. """ self.check_hook = check_hook self.check_hook_error = check_hook_error def _check(self, conf): """ This is an internal function that runs all necessary configure checks. It checks all dependencies (even if some dependency was not found) so that the user can install all missing dependencies in one go, instead of playing the infamous hit-configure-hit-configure game. This function returns True if all dependencies were found and False if not. """ all_found = True # Use-variables that should be used when checking libraries, headers and # programs. The list will be populated when looking for packages. use = [] # check for packages for package,uselib_store,atleast_version in self.packages: try: conf.check_cfg(package=package, uselib_store=uselib_store, atleast_version=atleast_version, args='--cflags --libs') use.append(uselib_store) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: all_found = False self.packages_not_found.append([package,atleast_version]) # check for libraries for lib,uselib_store in self.libs: try: conf.check(lib=lib, uselib_store=uselib_store, use=use) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: all_found = False self.libs_not_found.append(lib) # check for headers for header in self.headers: try: conf.check(header_name=header, use=use) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: all_found = False self.headers_not_found.append(header) # check for programs for program,var in self.programs: try: conf.find_program(program, var=var, use=use) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: all_found = False self.programs_not_found.append(program) # call hook (if specified) if self.check_hook: self.check_hook_found = self.check_hook(conf) if not self.check_hook_found: all_found = False return all_found def _configure_error(self, conf): """ This is an internal function that prints errors for each missing dependency. The error messages tell the user that this option required some dependency, but it cannot be found. """ for lib in self.libs_not_found: print_error('%s requires the %s library, but it cannot be found.' % (self.option, lib)) for header in self.headers_not_found: print_error('%s requires the %s header, but it cannot be found.' % (self.option, header)) for package,atleast_version in self.packages_not_found: string = package if atleast_version: string += ' >= ' + atleast_version print_error('%s requires the package %s, but it cannot be found.' % (self.option, string)) for program in self.programs_not_found: print_error('%s requires the %s program, but it cannot be found.' % (self.option, program)) if not self.check_hook_found: self.check_hook_error(conf) def configure(self, conf): """ This function configures the option examining the argument given too --foo (where foo is this option). This function sets self.result to the result of the configuration; True if the option should be enabled or False if not. If not all dependencies were found self.result will shall be False. conf.env['NAME'] will be set to the same value aswell as a preprocessor symbol will be defined according to the result. If --foo[=yes] was given, but some dependency was not found an error message is printed (foreach missing dependency). This function returns True on success and False on error. """ argument = getattr(Options.options, self.dest) if argument == 'no': self.result = False retvalue = True elif argument == 'yes': if self._check(conf): self.result = True retvalue = True else: self.result = False retvalue = False self._configure_error(conf) elif argument == 'auto': self.result = self._check(conf) retvalue = True else: print_error('Invalid argument "' + argument + '" to ' + self.option) self.result = False retvalue = False conf.env[self.conf_dest] = self.result if self.result: conf.define(self.define, 1) else: conf.define(self.define, 0) return retvalue def display_message(self, conf): """ This function displays a result message with the help text and the result of the configuration. """ display_feature(conf, self.help, self.result) # This function adds an option to the list of auto options and returns the newly # created option. def add_auto_option(opt, name, help, conf_dest=None, define=None): option = AutoOption(opt, name, help, conf_dest=conf_dest, define=define) auto_options.append(option) return option # This function applies a hack that for each auto option --foo=no|yes replaces # any occurence --foo in argv with --foo=yes, in effect interpreting --foo as # --foo=yes. The function has to be called before waf issues the option parser, # i.e. before the configure phase. def auto_options_argv_hack(): for option in auto_options: for x in range(1, len(sys.argv)): if sys.argv[x] == option.option: sys.argv[x] += '=yes' # This function configures all auto options. It stops waf and prints an error # message if there were unsatisfied requirements. def configure_auto_options(conf): ok = True for option in auto_options: if not option.configure(conf): ok = False if not ok: conf.fatal('There were unsatisfied requirements.') # This function displays all options and the configuration results. def display_auto_options_messages(conf): for option in auto_options: option.display_message(conf) def check_for_celt(conf): found = False for version in ['11', '8', '7', '5']: define = 'HAVE_CELT_API_0_' + version if not found: try: conf.check_cfg(package='celt', atleast_version='0.' + version + '.0', args='--cflags --libs') found = True conf.define(define, 1) continue except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: pass conf.define(define, 0) return found def check_for_celt_error(conf): print_error('--celt requires the package celt, but it could not be found.') # The readline/readline.h header does not work if stdio.h is not included # before. Thus a fragment with both stdio.h and readline/readline.h need to be # test-compiled to find out whether readline is available. def check_for_readline(conf): # FIXME: This check can be incorporated into the AutoOptions class by # passing header_name=['stdio.h', 'readline/readline.h'] to check. try: conf.check(fragment=''' #include #include int main(void) { return 0; }''', execute=False, msg='Checking for header readline/readline.h', errmsg='not found') return True except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: return False def check_for_readline_error(conf): print_error('--readline requires the readline/readline.h header, but it cannot be found.') def check_for_mmsystem(conf): # FIXME: See comment in check_for_readline. try: conf.check(fragment=''' #include #include int main(void) { return 0; }''', execute=False, msg='Checking for header mmsystem.h', errmsg='not found') return True except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: return False def check_for_mmsystem_error(conf): print_error('--winmme requires the mmsystem.h header, but it cannot be found.') def options(opt): # options provided by the modules opt.load('compiler_cxx') opt.load('compiler_c') opt.load('xcode') opt.load('xcode6') # install directories opt.add_option('--htmldir', type='string', default=None, help='HTML documentation directory [Default: /share/jack-audio-connection-kit/reference/html/') opt.add_option('--libdir', type='string', help='Library directory [Default: /lib]') opt.add_option('--libdir32', type='string', help='32bit Library directory [Default: /lib32]') opt.add_option('--mandir', type='string', help='Manpage directory [Default: /share/man/man1]') # options affecting binaries opt.add_option('--platform', type='string', default=sys.platform, help='Target platform for cross-compiling, e.g. cygwin or win32') opt.add_option('--mixed', action='store_true', default=False, help='Build with 32/64 bits mixed mode') opt.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug', help='Build debuggable binaries') # options affecting general jack functionality opt.add_option('--classic', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force enable standard JACK (jackd) even if D-Bus JACK (jackdbus) is enabled too') opt.add_option('--dbus', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable D-Bus JACK (jackdbus)') opt.add_option('--autostart', type='string', default='default', help='Autostart method. Possible values: "default", "classic", "dbus", "none"') opt.add_option('--profile', action='store_true', default=False, help='Build with engine profiling') opt.add_option('--clients', default=64, type='int', dest='clients', help='Maximum number of JACK clients') opt.add_option('--ports-per-application', default=768, type='int', dest='application_ports', help='Maximum number of ports per application') # options with third party dependencies doxygen = add_auto_option(opt, 'doxygen', help='Build doxygen documentation', conf_dest='BUILD_DOXYGEN_DOCS') doxygen.add_program('doxygen') alsa = add_auto_option(opt, 'alsa', help='Enable ALSA driver', conf_dest='BUILD_DRIVER_ALSA') alsa.add_package('alsa', atleast_version='1.0.18') firewire = add_auto_option(opt, 'firewire', help='Enable FireWire driver (FFADO)', conf_dest='BUILD_DRIVER_FFADO') firewire.add_package('libffado', atleast_version='1.999.17') freebob = add_auto_option(opt, 'freebob', help='Enable FreeBob driver') freebob.add_package('libfreebob', atleast_version='1.0.0') iio = add_auto_option(opt, 'iio', help='Enable IIO driver', conf_dest='BUILD_DRIVER_IIO') iio.add_package('gtkIOStream', atleast_version='1.4.0') iio.add_package('eigen3', atleast_version='3.1.2') portaudio = add_auto_option(opt, 'portaudio', help='Enable Portaudio driver', conf_dest='BUILD_DRIVER_PORTAUDIO') portaudio.add_header('windows.h') # only build portaudio on windows portaudio.add_package('portaudio-2.0', uselib_store='PORTAUDIO', atleast_version='19') winmme = add_auto_option(opt, 'winmme', help='Enable WinMME driver', conf_dest='BUILD_DRIVER_WINMME') winmme.set_check_hook(check_for_mmsystem, check_for_mmsystem_error) celt = add_auto_option(opt, 'celt', help='Build with CELT') celt.set_check_hook(check_for_celt, check_for_celt_error) opus = add_auto_option(opt, 'opus', help='Build Opus netjack2') opus.add_header('opus/opus_custom.h') opus.add_package('opus', atleast_version='0.9.0') samplerate = add_auto_option(opt, 'samplerate', help='Build with libsamplerate') samplerate.add_package('samplerate') sndfile = add_auto_option(opt, 'sndfile', help='Build with libsndfile') sndfile.add_package('sndfile') readline = add_auto_option(opt, 'readline', help='Build with readline') readline.add_library('readline') readline.set_check_hook(check_for_readline, check_for_readline_error) sd = add_auto_option(opt, 'systemd', help='Use systemd notify') sd.add_header('systemd/sd-daemon.h') sd.add_library('systemd') # dbus options opt.recurse('dbus') # this must be called before the configure phase auto_options_argv_hack() def detect_platform(conf): # GNU/kFreeBSD and GNU/Hurd are treated as Linux platforms = [ # ('KEY, 'Human readable name', ['strings', 'to', 'check', 'for']) ('IS_LINUX', 'Linux', ['gnu0', 'gnukfreebsd', 'linux', 'posix']), ('IS_MACOSX', 'MacOS X', ['darwin']), ('IS_SUN', 'SunOS', ['sunos']), ('IS_WINDOWS', 'Windows', ['cygwin', 'msys', 'win32']) ] for key,name,strings in platforms: conf.env[key] = False conf.start_msg('Checking platform') platform = Options.options.platform for key,name,strings in platforms: for s in strings: if platform.startswith(s): conf.env[key] = True conf.end_msg(name, color='CYAN') break def configure(conf): conf.load('compiler_cxx') conf.load('compiler_c') detect_platform(conf) if conf.env['IS_WINDOWS']: conf.env.append_unique('CCDEFINES', '_POSIX') conf.env.append_unique('CXXDEFINES', '_POSIX') conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-Wall') conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', '-Wall') if conf.env['IS_MACOSX']: conf.check(lib='aften', uselib='AFTEN', define_name='AFTEN') # configure all auto options configure_auto_options(conf) # Check for functions. conf.check( function_name='ppoll', header_name=['poll.h', 'signal.h'], defines=['_GNU_SOURCE'], mandatory=False) # Check for backtrace support conf.check( header_name='execinfo.h', define_name='HAVE_EXECINFO_H', mandatory=False) conf.recurse('common') if Options.options.dbus: conf.recurse('dbus') if conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS'] != True: conf.fatal('jackdbus was explicitly requested but cannot be built') conf.recurse('example-clients') # test for the availability of ucontext, and how it should be used for t in ['gp_regs', 'uc_regs', 'mc_gregs', 'gregs']: fragment = '#include \n' fragment += 'int main() { ucontext_t *ucontext; return (int) ucontext->uc_mcontext.%s[0]; }' % t confvar = 'HAVE_UCONTEXT_%s' % t.upper() conf.check_cc(fragment=fragment, define_name=confvar, mandatory=False, msg='Checking for ucontext->uc_mcontext.%s' % t) if conf.is_defined(confvar): conf.define('HAVE_UCONTEXT', 1) fragment = '#include \n' fragment += 'int main() { return NGREG; }' conf.check_cc(fragment=fragment, define_name='HAVE_NGREG', mandatory=False, msg='Checking for NGREG') conf.env['LIB_PTHREAD'] = ['pthread'] conf.env['LIB_DL'] = ['dl'] conf.env['LIB_RT'] = ['rt'] conf.env['LIB_M'] = ['m'] conf.env['LIB_STDC++'] = ['stdc++'] conf.env['JACK_API_VERSION'] = JACK_API_VERSION conf.env['JACK_VERSION'] = VERSION conf.env['BUILD_WITH_PROFILE'] = Options.options.profile conf.env['BUILD_WITH_32_64'] = Options.options.mixed conf.env['BUILD_CLASSIC'] = Options.options.classic conf.env['BUILD_DEBUG'] = Options.options.debug if conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']: conf.env['BUILD_JACKD'] = conf.env['BUILD_CLASSIC'] else: conf.env['BUILD_JACKD'] = True conf.env['BINDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/bin' if Options.options.htmldir: conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = Options.options.htmldir else: # set to None here so that the doxygen code can find out the highest # directory to remove upon install conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = None if Options.options.libdir: conf.env['LIBDIR'] = Options.options.libdir else: conf.env['LIBDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/lib' if Options.options.mandir: conf.env['MANDIR'] = Options.options.mandir else: conf.env['MANDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/share/man/man1' if conf.env['BUILD_DEBUG']: conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-g') conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', '-g') conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', '-g') if not Options.options.autostart in ['default', 'classic', 'dbus', 'none']: conf.fatal('Invalid autostart value "' + Options.options.autostart + '"') if Options.options.autostart == 'default': if conf.env['BUILD_JACKD']: conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] = 'classic' else: conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] = 'dbus' else: conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] = Options.options.autostart if conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] == 'dbus' and not conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']: conf.fatal('D-Bus autostart mode was specified but jackdbus will not be built') if conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] == 'classic' and not conf.env['BUILD_JACKD']: conf.fatal('Classic autostart mode was specified but jackd will not be built') if conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] == 'dbus': conf.define('USE_LIBDBUS_AUTOLAUNCH', 1) elif conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] == 'classic': conf.define('USE_CLASSIC_AUTOLAUNCH', 1) conf.define('CLIENT_NUM', Options.options.clients) conf.define('PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT', Options.options.application_ports) if conf.env['IS_WINDOWS']: # we define this in the environment to maintain compatability with # existing install paths that use ADDON_DIR rather than have to # have special cases for windows each time. conf.env['ADDON_DIR'] = conf.env['BINDIR'] + '/jack' # don't define ADDON_DIR in config.h, use the default 'jack' defined in # windows/JackPlatformPlug_os.h else: conf.env['ADDON_DIR'] = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(conf.env['LIBDIR'], 'jack')) conf.define('ADDON_DIR', conf.env['ADDON_DIR']) conf.define('JACK_LOCATION', os.path.normpath(os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'bin'))) if not conf.env['IS_WINDOWS']: conf.define('USE_POSIX_SHM', 1) conf.define('JACKMP', 1) if conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']: conf.define('JACK_DBUS', 1) if conf.env['BUILD_WITH_PROFILE']: conf.define('JACK_MONITOR', 1) conf.write_config_header('config.h', remove=False) svnrev = None try: f = open('svnversion.h') data = f.read() m = re.match(r'^#define SVN_VERSION "([^"]*)"$', data) if m != None: svnrev = m.group(1) f.close() except IOError: pass if Options.options.mixed: conf.setenv(lib32, env=conf.env.derive()) conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-m32') conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', '-m32') conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', '-m32') if Options.options.libdir32: conf.env['LIBDIR'] = Options.options.libdir32 else: conf.env['LIBDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/lib32' conf.write_config_header('config.h') print() print('==================') version_msg = 'JACK ' + VERSION if svnrev: version_msg += ' exported from r' + svnrev else: version_msg += ' svn revision will checked and eventually updated during build' print(version_msg) conf.msg('Maximum JACK clients', Options.options.clients, color='NORMAL') conf.msg('Maximum ports per application', Options.options.application_ports, color='NORMAL') conf.msg('Install prefix', conf.env['PREFIX'], color='CYAN') conf.msg('Library directory', conf.all_envs['']['LIBDIR'], color='CYAN') if conf.env['BUILD_WITH_32_64']: conf.msg('32-bit library directory', conf.all_envs[lib32]['LIBDIR'], color='CYAN') conf.msg('Drivers directory', conf.env['ADDON_DIR'], color='CYAN') display_feature(conf, 'Build debuggable binaries', conf.env['BUILD_DEBUG']) tool_flags = [ ('C compiler flags', ['CFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS']), ('C++ compiler flags', ['CXXFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS']), ('Linker flags', ['LINKFLAGS', 'LDFLAGS']) ] for name,vars in tool_flags: flags = [] for var in vars: flags += conf.all_envs[''][var] conf.msg(name, repr(flags), color='NORMAL') if conf.env['BUILD_WITH_32_64']: conf.msg('32-bit C compiler flags', repr(conf.all_envs[lib32]['CFLAGS'])) conf.msg('32-bit C++ compiler flags', repr(conf.all_envs[lib32]['CXXFLAGS'])) conf.msg('32-bit linker flags', repr(conf.all_envs[lib32]['LINKFLAGS'])) display_feature(conf, 'Build with engine profiling', conf.env['BUILD_WITH_PROFILE']) display_feature(conf, 'Build with 32/64 bits mixed mode', conf.env['BUILD_WITH_32_64']) display_feature(conf, 'Build standard JACK (jackd)', conf.env['BUILD_JACKD']) display_feature(conf, 'Build D-Bus JACK (jackdbus)', conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']) conf.msg('Autostart method', conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD']) if conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS'] and conf.env['BUILD_JACKD']: print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING !! mixing both jackd and jackdbus may cause issues:' + Logs.colors.NORMAL) print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING !! jackdbus does not use .jackdrc nor qjackctl settings' + Logs.colors.NORMAL) # display configuration result messages for auto options display_auto_options_messages(conf) if conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']: conf.msg('D-Bus service install directory', conf.env['DBUS_SERVICES_DIR'], color='CYAN') if conf.env['DBUS_SERVICES_DIR'] != conf.env['DBUS_SERVICES_DIR_REAL']: print() print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING: D-Bus session services directory as reported by pkg-config is') print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING:', end=' ') print(Logs.colors.CYAN + conf.env['DBUS_SERVICES_DIR_REAL']) print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING: but service file will be installed in') print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING:', end=' ') print(Logs.colors.CYAN + conf.env['DBUS_SERVICES_DIR']) print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING: You may need to adjust your D-Bus configuration after installing jackdbus') print('WARNING: You can override dbus service install directory') print('WARNING: with --enable-pkg-config-dbus-service-dir option to this script') print(Logs.colors.NORMAL, end=' ') print() def init(ctx): for y in (BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext): name = y.__name__.replace('Context','').lower() class tmp(y): cmd = name + '_' + lib32 variant = lib32 def obj_add_includes(bld, obj): if bld.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']: obj.includes += ['dbus'] if bld.env['IS_LINUX']: obj.includes += ['linux', 'posix'] if bld.env['IS_MACOSX']: obj.includes += ['macosx', 'posix'] if bld.env['IS_SUN']: obj.includes += ['posix', 'solaris'] if bld.env['IS_WINDOWS']: obj.includes += ['windows'] # FIXME: Is SERVER_SIDE needed? def build_jackd(bld): jackd = bld( features = ['cxx', 'cxxprogram'], defines = ['HAVE_CONFIG_H','SERVER_SIDE'], includes = ['.', 'common', 'common/jack'], target = 'jackd', source = ['common/Jackdmp.cpp'], use = ['serverlib', 'SYSTEMD'] ) if bld.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']: jackd.source += ['dbus/audio_reserve.c', 'dbus/reserve.c'] jackd.use += ['DBUS-1'] if bld.env['IS_LINUX']: jackd.use += ['DL', 'M', 'PTHREAD', 'RT', 'STDC++'] if bld.env['IS_MACOSX']: jackd.use += ['DL', 'PTHREAD'] jackd.framework = ['CoreFoundation'] if bld.env['IS_SUN']: jackd.use += ['DL', 'PTHREAD'] obj_add_includes(bld, jackd) return jackd # FIXME: Is SERVER_SIDE needed? def create_driver_obj(bld, **kw): if bld.env['IS_MACOSX'] or bld.env['IS_WINDOWS']: # On MacOSX this is necessary. # I do not know if this is necessary on Windows. # Note added on 2015-12-13 by karllinden. if 'use' in kw: kw['use'] += ['serverlib'] else: kw['use'] = ['serverlib'] driver = bld( features = ['c', 'cxx', 'cshlib', 'cxxshlib'], defines = ['HAVE_CONFIG_H', 'SERVER_SIDE'], includes = ['.', 'common', 'common/jack'], install_path = '${ADDON_DIR}/', **kw) if bld.env['IS_WINDOWS']: driver.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] = 'jack_%s.dll' else: driver.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] = 'jack_%s.so' obj_add_includes(bld, driver) return driver def build_drivers(bld): # Non-hardware driver sources. Lexically sorted. dummy_src = [ 'common/JackDummyDriver.cpp' ] loopback_src = [ 'common/JackLoopbackDriver.cpp' ] net_src = [ 'common/JackNetDriver.cpp' ] netone_src = [ 'common/JackNetOneDriver.cpp', 'common/netjack.c', 'common/netjack_packet.c' ] proxy_src = [ 'common/JackProxyDriver.cpp' ] # Hardware driver sources. Lexically sorted. alsa_src = [ 'common/memops.c', 'linux/alsa/JackAlsaDriver.cpp', 'linux/alsa/alsa_rawmidi.c', 'linux/alsa/alsa_seqmidi.c', 'linux/alsa/alsa_midi_jackmp.cpp', 'linux/alsa/generic_hw.c', 'linux/alsa/hdsp.c', 'linux/alsa/alsa_driver.c', 'linux/alsa/hammerfall.c', 'linux/alsa/ice1712.c' ] alsarawmidi_src = [ 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiDriver.cpp', 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiInputPort.cpp', 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiOutputPort.cpp', 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiPort.cpp', 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiReceiveQueue.cpp', 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiSendQueue.cpp', 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiUtil.cpp' ] boomer_src = [ 'common/memops.c', 'solaris/oss/JackBoomerDriver.cpp' ] coreaudio_src = [ 'macosx/coreaudio/JackCoreAudioDriver.mm', 'common/JackAC3Encoder.cpp' ] coremidi_src = [ 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiInputPort.mm', 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiOutputPort.mm', 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiPhysicalInputPort.mm', 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiPhysicalOutputPort.mm', 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiVirtualInputPort.mm', 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiVirtualOutputPort.mm', 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiPort.mm', 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiUtil.mm', 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiDriver.mm' ] ffado_src = [ 'linux/firewire/JackFFADODriver.cpp', 'linux/firewire/JackFFADOMidiInputPort.cpp', 'linux/firewire/JackFFADOMidiOutputPort.cpp', 'linux/firewire/JackFFADOMidiReceiveQueue.cpp', 'linux/firewire/JackFFADOMidiSendQueue.cpp' ] freebob_src = [ 'linux/freebob/JackFreebobDriver.cpp' ] iio_driver_src = [ 'linux/iio/JackIIODriver.cpp' ] oss_src = [ 'common/memops.c', 'solaris/oss/JackOSSDriver.cpp' ] portaudio_src = [ 'windows/portaudio/JackPortAudioDevices.cpp', 'windows/portaudio/JackPortAudioDriver.cpp', ] winmme_src = [ 'windows/winmme/JackWinMMEDriver.cpp', 'windows/winmme/JackWinMMEInputPort.cpp', 'windows/winmme/JackWinMMEOutputPort.cpp', 'windows/winmme/JackWinMMEPort.cpp', ] # Create non-hardware driver objects. Lexically sorted. create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'dummy', source = dummy_src) create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'loopback', source = loopback_src) create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'net', source = net_src) create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'netone', source = netone_src, use = ['SAMPLERATE', 'CELT']) create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'proxy', source = proxy_src) # Create hardware driver objects. Lexically sorted after the conditional, # e.g. BUILD_DRIVER_ALSA. if bld.env['BUILD_DRIVER_ALSA']: create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'alsa', source = alsa_src, use = ['ALSA']) create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'alsarawmidi', source = alsarawmidi_src, use = ['ALSA']) if bld.env['BUILD_DRIVER_FREEBOB']: create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'freebob', source = freebob_src, use = ['LIBFREEBOB']) if bld.env['BUILD_DRIVER_FFADO']: create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'firewire', source = ffado_src, use = ['LIBFFADO']) if bld.env['BUILD_DRIVER_IIO']: create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'iio', source = iio_src, use = ['GTKIOSTREAM', 'EIGEN3']) if bld.env['BUILD_DRIVER_PORTAUDIO']: create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'portaudio', source = portaudio_src, use = ['PORTAUDIO']) if bld.env['BUILD_DRIVER_WINMME']: create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'winmme', source = winmme_src, use = ['WINMME']) if bld.env['IS_MACOSX']: create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'coreaudio', source = coreaudio_src, use = ['AFTEN'], framework = ['AudioUnit', 'CoreAudio', 'CoreServices']) create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'coremidi', source = coremidi_src, use = ['serverlib'], # FIXME: Is this needed? framework = ['AudioUnit', 'CoreMIDI', 'CoreServices', 'Foundation']) if bld.env['IS_SUN']: create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'boomer', source = boomer_src) create_driver_obj( bld, target = 'oss', source = oss_src) def build(bld): if not bld.variant and bld.env['BUILD_WITH_32_64']: Options.commands.append(bld.cmd + '_' + lib32) # process subfolders from here bld.recurse('common') if bld.variant: # only the wscript in common/ knows how to handle variants return if not os.access('svnversion.h', os.R_OK): def post_run(self): sg = Utils.h_file(self.outputs[0].abspath(self.env)) #print sg.encode('hex') Build.bld.node_sigs[self.env.variant()][self.outputs[0].id] = sg script = bld.path.find_resource('svnversion_regenerate.sh') script = script.abspath() bld( rule = '%s ${TGT}' % script, name = 'svnversion', runnable_status = Task.RUN_ME, before = 'c cxx', color = 'BLUE', post_run = post_run, source = ['svnversion_regenerate.sh'], target = [bld.path.find_or_declare('svnversion.h')] ) if bld.env['BUILD_JACKD']: build_jackd(bld) build_drivers(bld) bld.recurse('example-clients') if bld.env['IS_LINUX']: bld.recurse('man') if not bld.env['IS_WINDOWS']: bld.recurse('tests') if bld.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']: bld.recurse('dbus') if bld.env['BUILD_DOXYGEN_DOCS']: html_build_dir = bld.path.find_or_declare('html').abspath() bld( features = 'subst', source = 'doxyfile.in', target = 'doxyfile', HTML_BUILD_DIR = html_build_dir, SRCDIR = bld.srcnode.abspath(), VERSION = VERSION ) # There are two reasons for logging to doxygen.log and using it as # target in the build rule (rather than html_build_dir): # (1) reduce the noise when running the build # (2) waf has a regular file to check for a timestamp. If the directory # is used instead waf will rebuild the doxygen target (even upon # install). def doxygen(task): doxyfile = task.inputs[0].abspath() logfile = task.outputs[0].abspath() cmd = '%s %s &> %s' % (task.env['DOXYGEN'][0], doxyfile, logfile) return task.exec_command(cmd) bld( rule = doxygen, source = 'doxyfile', target = 'doxygen.log' ) # Determine where to install HTML documentation. Since share_dir is the # highest directory the uninstall routine should remove, there is no # better candidate for share_dir, but the requested HTML directory if # --htmldir is given. if bld.env['HTMLDIR']: html_install_dir = bld.options.destdir + bld.env['HTMLDIR'] share_dir = html_install_dir else: share_dir = bld.options.destdir + bld.env['PREFIX'] + '/share/jack-audio-connection-kit' html_install_dir = share_dir + '/reference/html/' if bld.cmd == 'install': if os.path.isdir(html_install_dir): Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Removing old doxygen documentation installation...') shutil.rmtree(html_install_dir) Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Removing old doxygen documentation installation done.') Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Installing doxygen documentation...') shutil.copytree(html_build_dir, html_install_dir) Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Installing doxygen documentation done.') elif bld.cmd =='uninstall': Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Uninstalling doxygen documentation...') if os.path.isdir(share_dir): shutil.rmtree(share_dir) Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Uninstalling doxygen documentation done.') elif bld.cmd =='clean': if os.access(html_build_dir, os.R_OK): Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Removing doxygen generated documentation...') shutil.rmtree(html_build_dir) Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Removing doxygen generated documentation done.') def dist(ctx): # This code blindly assumes it is working in the toplevel source directory. if not os.path.exists('svnversion.h'): os.system('./svnversion_regenerate.sh svnversion.h') from waflib import TaskGen @TaskGen.extension('.mm') def mm_hook(self, node): """Alias .mm files to be compiled the same as .cpp files, gcc will do the right thing.""" return self.create_compiled_task('cxx', node)