#!/bin/bash #set -x if test $# -ne 1 -a $# -ne 2 then echo "Usage: "`basename "$0"`" [define_name]" exit 1 fi OUTPUT_FILE="`pwd`/${1}" TEMP_FILE="${OUTPUT_FILE}.tmp" #echo svnversion... #pwd #echo "$OUTPUT_FILE" #echo "$TEMP_FILE" # The script should reside in the toplevel source directory which should contain # all version control files. cd `dirname ${0}` if test $# -eq 2 then DEFINE=${2} else DEFINE=SVN_VERSION fi if test -d .svn then REV=`svnversion 2> /dev/null` else if test -d .git then git status >/dev/null # updates dirty state REV=`git show | grep '^ *git-svn-id:' | sed 's/.*@\([0-9]*\) .*/\1/'` if test ${REV} then test -z "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD)" || REV="${REV}M" else REV=0+`git rev-parse HEAD` test -z "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD)" || REV="${REV}-dirty" fi fi fi if test -z ${REV} then REV="unknown" fi echo "#define ${DEFINE} \"${REV}\"" > "${TEMP_FILE}" if test ! -f "${OUTPUT_FILE}" then echo "Generated ${OUTPUT_FILE} (${REV})" cp "${TEMP_FILE}" "${OUTPUT_FILE}" if test $? -ne 0; then exit 1; fi else if ! cmp -s "${OUTPUT_FILE}" "${TEMP_FILE}" then echo "Regenerated ${OUTPUT_FILE} (${REV})" cp "${TEMP_FILE}" "${OUTPUT_FILE}" if test $? -ne 0; then exit 1; fi fi fi rm "${TEMP_FILE}" exit $?