/* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Romain Moret at Grame This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef __JackNetInterface__ #define __JackNetInterface__ #include "JackNetTool.h" #include namespace Jack { #define DEFAULT_MULTICAST_IP "" #define DEFAULT_PORT 19000 #define DEFAULT_MTU 1500 #define MAX_MTU 9000 #define SLAVE_SETUP_RETRY 5 #define MANAGER_INIT_TIMEOUT 1000000 * 2 // in usec #define MASTER_INIT_TIMEOUT 1000000 * 10 // in usec #define SLAVE_INIT_TIMEOUT 1000000 * 1 // in usec #define PACKET_TIMEOUT 1000000 // in usec #define NETWORK_DEFAULT_LATENCY 2 #define NETWORK_MAX_LATENCY 30 // maximum possible latency in network master/slave loop /** \Brief This class describes the basic Net Interface, used by both master and slave. */ class SERVER_EXPORT JackNetInterface { friend class JackNetExt; protected: bool fSetTimeOut; int fPacketTimeOut; void Initialize(); session_params_t fParams; JackNetSocket fSocket; char fMulticastIP[32]; // headers packet_header_t fTxHeader; packet_header_t fRxHeader; // transport net_transport_data_t fSendTransportData; net_transport_data_t fReturnTransportData; // network buffers char* fTxBuffer; char* fRxBuffer; char* fTxData; char* fRxData; // JACK buffers NetMidiBuffer* fNetMidiCaptureBuffer; NetMidiBuffer* fNetMidiPlaybackBuffer; NetAudioBuffer* fNetAudioCaptureBuffer; NetAudioBuffer* fNetAudioPlaybackBuffer; // utility methods int SetNetBufferSize(); void FreeNetworkBuffers(); // virtual methods : depends on the sub class master/slave virtual bool SetParams(); virtual bool Init() = 0; // transport virtual void EncodeTransportData() = 0; virtual void DecodeTransportData() = 0; // sync packet virtual void EncodeSyncPacket(int frames = -1) = 0; virtual void DecodeSyncPacket(int& frames) = 0; virtual int SyncRecv() = 0; virtual int SyncSend() = 0; virtual int DataRecv() = 0; virtual int DataSend() = 0; virtual int Send(size_t size, int flags) = 0; virtual int Recv(size_t size, int flags) = 0; virtual void FatalRecvError() = 0; virtual void FatalSendError() = 0; int MidiSend(NetMidiBuffer* buffer, int midi_channnels, int audio_channels); int AudioSend(NetAudioBuffer* buffer, int audio_channels); int MidiRecv(packet_header_t* rx_head, NetMidiBuffer* buffer, uint& recvd_midi_pckt); int AudioRecv(packet_header_t* rx_head, NetAudioBuffer* buffer); int FinishRecv(NetAudioBuffer* buffer); void SetRcvTimeOut(); void SetPacketTimeOut(int time_out) { // New time out fPacketTimeOut = time_out; fSetTimeOut = false; } NetAudioBuffer* AudioBufferFactory(int nports, char* buffer); public: JackNetInterface(); JackNetInterface(const char* multicast_ip, int port); JackNetInterface(session_params_t& params, JackNetSocket& socket, const char* multicast_ip); virtual ~JackNetInterface(); }; /** \Brief This class describes the Net Interface for masters (NetMaster) */ class SERVER_EXPORT JackNetMasterInterface : public JackNetInterface { protected: bool fRunning; int fCurrentCycleOffset; int fMaxCycleOffset; bool fSynched; bool Init(); bool SetParams(); void Exit(); int SyncRecv(); int SyncSend(); int DataRecv(); int DataSend(); // sync packet void EncodeSyncPacket(int frames = -1); void DecodeSyncPacket(int& frames); int Send(size_t size, int flags); int Recv(size_t size, int flags); void FatalRecvError(); void FatalSendError(); public: JackNetMasterInterface() : JackNetInterface(), fRunning(false), fCurrentCycleOffset(0), fMaxCycleOffset(0), fSynched(false) {} JackNetMasterInterface(session_params_t& params, JackNetSocket& socket, const char* multicast_ip) : JackNetInterface(params, socket, multicast_ip), fRunning(false), fCurrentCycleOffset(0), fMaxCycleOffset(0), fSynched(false) {} virtual~JackNetMasterInterface() {} }; /** \Brief This class describes the Net Interface for slaves (NetDriver and NetAdapter) */ class SERVER_EXPORT JackNetSlaveInterface : public JackNetInterface { protected: static uint fSlaveCounter; bool Init(); bool InitConnection(int time_out_sec); bool InitRendering(); net_status_t SendAvailableToMaster(int count = INT_MAX); net_status_t SendStartToMaster(); bool SetParams(); int SyncRecv(); int SyncSend(); int DataRecv(); int DataSend(); // sync packet void EncodeSyncPacket(int frames = -1); void DecodeSyncPacket(int& frames); int Recv(size_t size, int flags); int Send(size_t size, int flags); void FatalRecvError(); void FatalSendError(); void InitAPI(); public: JackNetSlaveInterface() : JackNetInterface() { InitAPI(); } JackNetSlaveInterface(const char* ip, int port) : JackNetInterface(ip, port) { InitAPI(); } virtual ~JackNetSlaveInterface() { // close Socket API with the last slave if (--fSlaveCounter == 0) { SocketAPIEnd(); } } }; } #endif