/* Copyright (C) 2008 Grame & RTL This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "JackEngineProfiling.h" #include "JackGraphManager.h" #include "JackClientControl.h" #include "JackEngineControl.h" #include "JackClientInterface.h" #include "JackGlobals.h" #include "JackTime.h" #include #include namespace Jack { JackEngineProfiling::JackEngineProfiling():fAudioCycle(0),fMeasuredClient(0) { jack_info("Engine profiling activated, beware %ld MBytes are needed to record profiling points...", sizeof(fProfileTable) / (1024 * 1024)); // Force memory page in memset(fProfileTable, 0, sizeof(fProfileTable)); } JackEngineProfiling::~JackEngineProfiling() { std::ofstream fStream("JackEngineProfiling.log", std::ios_base::ate); jack_info("Write server and clients timing data..."); if (!fStream.is_open()) { jack_error("JackEngineProfiling::Save cannot open JackEngineProfiling.log file"); } else { // For each measured point for (int i = 2; i < TIME_POINTS; i++) { // Driver timing values long d1 = long(fProfileTable[i].fCurCycleBegin - fProfileTable[i - 1].fCurCycleBegin); long d2 = long(fProfileTable[i].fPrevCycleEnd - fProfileTable[i - 1].fCurCycleBegin); if (d1 <= 0 || fProfileTable[i].fAudioCycle <= 0) continue; // Skip non valid cycles // Print driver delta and end cycle fStream << d1 << "\t" << d2 << "\t"; // For each measured client for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fMeasuredClient; j++) { int ref = fIntervalTable[j].fRefNum; // Is valid client cycle if (fProfileTable[i].fClientTable[ref].fStatus != NotTriggered) { long d5 = long(fProfileTable[i].fClientTable[ref].fSignaledAt - fProfileTable[i - 1].fCurCycleBegin); long d6 = long(fProfileTable[i].fClientTable[ref].fAwakeAt - fProfileTable[i - 1].fCurCycleBegin); long d7 = long(fProfileTable[i].fClientTable[ref].fFinishedAt - fProfileTable[i - 1].fCurCycleBegin); fStream << ref << "\t" ; fStream << ((d5 > 0) ? d5 : 0) << "\t"; fStream << ((d6 > 0) ? d6 : 0) << "\t" ; fStream << ((d7 > 0) ? d7 : 0) << "\t"; fStream << ((d6 > 0 && d5 > 0) ? (d6 - d5) : 0) << "\t" ; fStream << ((d7 > 0 && d6 > 0) ? (d7 - d6) : 0) << "\t" ; fStream << fProfileTable[i].fClientTable[ref].fStatus << "\t" ;; } else { // Print tabs fStream << "\t \t \t \t \t \t \t"; } } // Terminate line fStream << std::endl; } } // Driver period std::ofstream fStream1("Timing1.plot", std::ios_base::ate); if (!fStream1.is_open()) { jack_error("JackEngineProfiling::Save cannot open Timing1.plot file"); } else { fStream1 << "set grid\n"; fStream1 << "set title \"Audio driver timing\"\n"; fStream1 << "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n"; fStream1 << "set ylabel \"usec\"\n"; fStream1 << "plot \"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using 1 title \"Audio period\" with lines \n"; fStream1 << "set output 'Timing1.svg\n"; fStream1 << "set terminal svg\n"; fStream1 << "set grid\n"; fStream1 << "set title \"Audio driver timing\"\n"; fStream1 << "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n"; fStream1 << "set ylabel \"usec\"\n"; fStream1 << "plot \"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using 1 title \"Audio period\" with lines \n"; fStream1 << "unset output\n"; } // Driver end date std::ofstream fStream2("Timing2.plot", std::ios_base::ate); if (!fStream2.is_open()) { jack_error("JackEngineProfiling::Save cannot open Timing2.plot file"); } else { fStream2 << "set grid\n"; fStream2 << "set title \"Driver end date\"\n"; fStream2 << "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n"; fStream2 << "set ylabel \"usec\"\n"; fStream2 << "plot \"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using 2 title \"Driver end date\" with lines \n"; fStream2 << "set output 'Timing2.svg\n"; fStream2 << "set terminal svg\n"; fStream2 << "set grid\n"; fStream2 << "set title \"Driver end date\"\n"; fStream2 << "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n"; fStream2 << "set ylabel \"usec\"\n"; fStream2 << "plot \"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using 2 title \"Driver end date\" with lines \n"; fStream2 << "unset output\n"; } // Clients end date if (fMeasuredClient > 0) { std::ofstream fStream3("Timing3.plot", std::ios_base::ate); if (!fStream3.is_open()) { jack_error("JackEngineProfiling::Save cannot open Timing3.plot file"); } else { fStream3 << "set multiplot\n"; fStream3 << "set grid\n"; fStream3 << "set title \"Clients end date\"\n"; fStream3 << "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n"; fStream3 << "set ylabel \"usec\"\n"; fStream3 << "plot "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fMeasuredClient; i++) { if (i == 0) { if (i + 1 == fMeasuredClient) { // Last client fStream3 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using 1 title \"Audio period\" with lines,\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using "; fStream3 << ((i + 1) * 7) - 1; fStream3 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\"with lines"; } else { fStream3 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using 1 title \"Audio period\" with lines,\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using "; fStream3 << ((i + 1) * 7) - 1; fStream3 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\"with lines,"; } } else if (i + 1 == fMeasuredClient) { // Last client fStream3 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) - 1 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines"; } else { fStream3 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) - 1 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines,"; } } fStream3 << "\n unset multiplot\n"; fStream3 << "set output 'Timing3.svg\n"; fStream3 << "set terminal svg\n"; fStream3 << "set multiplot\n"; fStream3 << "set grid\n"; fStream3 << "set title \"Clients end date\"\n"; fStream3 << "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n"; fStream3 << "set ylabel \"usec\"\n"; fStream3 << "plot "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fMeasuredClient; i++) { if (i == 0) { if ((i + 1) == fMeasuredClient) { // Last client fStream3 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using 1 title \"Audio period\" with lines,\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using "; fStream3 << ((i + 1) * 7) - 1; fStream3 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\"with lines"; } else { fStream3 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using 1 title \"Audio period\" with lines,\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using "; fStream3 << ((i + 1) * 7) - 1; fStream3 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\"with lines,"; } } else if ((i + 1) == fMeasuredClient) { // Last client fStream3 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) - 1 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines"; } else { fStream3 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) - 1 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines,"; } } fStream3 << "\nunset multiplot\n"; fStream3 << "unset output\n"; } } // Clients scheduling if (fMeasuredClient > 0) { std::ofstream fStream4("Timing4.plot", std::ios_base::ate); if (!fStream4.is_open()) { jack_error("JackEngineProfiling::Save cannot open Timing4.plot file"); } else { fStream4 << "set multiplot\n"; fStream4 << "set grid\n"; fStream4 << "set title \"Clients scheduling latency\"\n"; fStream4 << "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n"; fStream4 << "set ylabel \"usec\"\n"; fStream4 << "plot "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fMeasuredClient; i++) { if ((i + 1) == fMeasuredClient) { // Last client fStream4 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines"; } else { fStream4 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines,"; } } fStream4 << "\n unset multiplot\n"; fStream4 << "set output 'Timing4.svg\n"; fStream4 << "set terminal svg\n"; fStream4 << "set multiplot\n"; fStream4 << "set grid\n"; fStream4 << "set title \"Clients scheduling latency\"\n"; fStream4 << "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n"; fStream4 << "set ylabel \"usec\"\n"; fStream4 << "plot "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fMeasuredClient; i++) { if ((i + 1) == fMeasuredClient) { // Last client fStream4 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines"; } else { fStream4 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines,"; } } fStream4 << "\nunset multiplot\n"; fStream4 << "unset output\n"; } } // Clients duration if (fMeasuredClient > 0) { std::ofstream fStream5("Timing5.plot", std::ios_base::ate); if (!fStream5.is_open()) { jack_error("JackEngineProfiling::Save cannot open Timing5.plot file"); } else { fStream5 << "set multiplot\n"; fStream5 << "set grid\n"; fStream5 << "set title \"Clients duration\"\n"; fStream5 << "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n"; fStream5 << "set ylabel \"usec\"\n"; fStream5 << "plot "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fMeasuredClient; i++) { if ((i + 1) == fMeasuredClient) { // Last client fStream5 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) + 1 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines"; } else { fStream5 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) + 1 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines,"; } } fStream5 << "\n unset multiplot\n"; fStream5 << "set output 'Timing5.svg\n"; fStream5 << "set terminal svg\n"; fStream5 << "set multiplot\n"; fStream5 << "set grid\n"; fStream5 << "set title \"Clients duration\"\n"; fStream5 << "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n"; fStream5 << "set ylabel \"usec\"\n"; fStream5 << "plot "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fMeasuredClient; i++) { if ((i + 1) == fMeasuredClient) {// Last client fStream5 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) + 1 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines"; } else { fStream5 << "\"JackEngineProfiling.log\" using " << ((i + 1) * 7) + 1 << " title \"" << fIntervalTable[i].fName << "\" with lines,"; } } fStream5 << "\nunset multiplot\n"; fStream5 << "unset output\n"; } } std::ofstream fStream6("Timings.html", std::ios_base::ate); if (!fStream6.is_open()) { jack_error("JackEngineProfiling::Save cannot open Timings.html file"); } else { fStream6 << "\n"; fStream6 << "\n"; fStream6 << "\n"; fStream6 << " \n"; fStream6 << " JACK engine profiling\n"; fStream6 << " \n"; fStream6 << " \n"; fStream6 << " \n"; fStream6 << " \n"; fStream6 << "

JACK engine profiling

\n"; fStream6 << "
"; fStream6 << "
"; fStream6 << "
"; fStream6 << "
"; fStream6 << "
"; fStream6 << " \n"; fStream6 << "\n"; } std::ofstream fStream7("generate_timings", std::ios_base::ate); if (!fStream7.is_open()) { jack_error("JackEngineProfiling::Save cannot open generate_timings file"); } else { fStream7 << "gnuplot -persist Timing1.plot \n"; fStream7 << "gnuplot -persist Timing2.plot\n"; fStream7 << "gnuplot -persist Timing3.plot\n"; fStream7 << "gnuplot -persist Timing4.plot\n"; fStream7 << "gnuplot -persist Timing5.plot\n"; } } bool JackEngineProfiling::CheckClient(const char* name, int cur_point) { for (int i = 0; i < MEASURED_CLIENTS; i++) { if (strcmp(fIntervalTable[i].fName, name) == 0) { fIntervalTable[i].fEndInterval = cur_point; return true; } } return false; } void JackEngineProfiling::Profile(JackClientInterface** table, JackGraphManager* manager, jack_time_t period_usecs, jack_time_t cur_cycle_begin, jack_time_t prev_cycle_end) { fAudioCycle = (fAudioCycle + 1) % TIME_POINTS; // Keeps cycle data fProfileTable[fAudioCycle].fPeriodUsecs = period_usecs; fProfileTable[fAudioCycle].fCurCycleBegin = cur_cycle_begin; fProfileTable[fAudioCycle].fPrevCycleEnd = prev_cycle_end; fProfileTable[fAudioCycle].fAudioCycle = fAudioCycle; for (int i = GetEngineControl()->fDriverNum; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) { JackClientInterface* client = table[i]; JackClientTiming* timing = manager->GetClientTiming(i); if (client && client->GetClientControl()->fActive && client->GetClientControl()->fCallback[kRealTimeCallback]) { if (!CheckClient(client->GetClientControl()->fName, fAudioCycle)) { // Keep new measured client fIntervalTable[fMeasuredClient].fRefNum = i; strcpy(fIntervalTable[fMeasuredClient].fName, client->GetClientControl()->fName); fIntervalTable[fMeasuredClient].fBeginInterval = fAudioCycle; fIntervalTable[fMeasuredClient].fEndInterval = fAudioCycle; fMeasuredClient++; } fProfileTable[fAudioCycle].fClientTable[i].fRefNum = i; fProfileTable[fAudioCycle].fClientTable[i].fSignaledAt = timing->fSignaledAt; fProfileTable[fAudioCycle].fClientTable[i].fAwakeAt = timing->fAwakeAt; fProfileTable[fAudioCycle].fClientTable[i].fFinishedAt = timing->fFinishedAt; fProfileTable[fAudioCycle].fClientTable[i].fStatus = timing->fStatus; } } } JackTimingMeasure* JackEngineProfiling::GetCurMeasure() { return &fProfileTable[fAudioCycle]; } } // end of namespace