/* * FireWire Backend for Jack * using FFADO * FFADO = Firewire (pro-)audio for linux * * http://www.ffado.org * http://www.jackaudio.org * * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Pieter Palmers * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * Main Jack driver entry routines * */ #ifndef __JACK_FFADO_DRIVER_H__ #define __JACK_FFADO_DRIVER_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "driver.h" #include "engine.h" #include "internal.h" #include "../alsa_midi/midi_pack.h" #include "../alsa_midi/midi_unpack.h" // debug print control flags #define DEBUG_LEVEL_BUFFERS (1 << 0) #define DEBUG_LEVEL_HANDLERS (1 << 1) #define DEBUG_LEVEL_XRUN_RECOVERY (1 << 2) #define DEBUG_LEVEL_WAIT (1 << 3) #define DEBUG_LEVEL_RUN_CYCLE (1 << 8) #define DEBUG_LEVEL_PACKETCOUNTER (1 << 16) #define DEBUG_LEVEL_STARTUP (1 << 17) #define DEBUG_LEVEL_THREADS (1 << 18) //#define DEBUG_ENABLED #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED // default debug level #define DEBUG_LEVEL ( DEBUG_LEVEL_RUN_CYCLE | \ (DEBUG_LEVEL_XRUN_RECOVERY) | DEBUG_LEVEL_STARTUP | DEBUG_LEVEL_WAIT | DEBUG_LEVEL_PACKETCOUNTER) #warning Building debug build! #define printMessage(format, args ...) jack_error ( "firewire MSG: %s:%d (%s): " format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args ) #define printError(format, args ...) jack_error ( "firewire ERR: %s:%d (%s): " format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args ) #define printEnter() jack_error ( "FWDRV ENTERS: %s (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__) #define printExit() jack_error ( "FWDRV EXITS: %s (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__) #define printEnter() #define printExit() #define debugError(format, args ...) jack_error ( "firewire ERR: %s:%d (%s): " format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args ) #define debugPrint(Level, format, args ...) if (DEBUG_LEVEL & (Level)) { jack_error ("DEBUG %s:%d (%s) :" format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args ); } #define debugPrintShort(Level, format, args ...) if (DEBUG_LEVEL & (Level)) { jack_error ( format, ## args ); } #define debugPrintWithTimeStamp(Level, format, args ...) if (DEBUG_LEVEL & (Level)) { jack_error ( "%16lu: "format, debugGetCurrentUTime (), ## args ); } #define SEGFAULT int *test = NULL; *test = 1; #else #define DEBUG_LEVEL #define printMessage(format, args ...) if (g_verbose) \ jack_error ("firewire MSG: " format, ## args ) #define printError(format, args ...) jack_error ("firewire ERR: " format, ## args ) #define printEnter() #define printExit() #define debugError(format, args ...) #define debugPrint(Level, format, args ...) #define debugPrintShort(Level, format, args ...) #define debugPrintWithTimeStamp(Level, format, args ...) #endif typedef struct _ffado_driver ffado_driver_t; /* * Jack Driver command line parameters */ typedef struct _ffado_jack_settings ffado_jack_settings_t; struct _ffado_jack_settings { int verbose_level; int period_size_set; jack_nframes_t period_size; int sample_rate_set; int sample_rate; int buffer_size_set; jack_nframes_t buffer_size; int playback_ports; int capture_ports; jack_nframes_t capture_frame_latency; jack_nframes_t playback_frame_latency; int slave_mode; int snoop_mode; char *device_info; }; typedef struct _ffado_capture_channel { ffado_streaming_stream_type stream_type; midi_unpack_t midi_unpack; uint32_t *midi_buffer; } ffado_capture_channel_t; #define MIDI_OVERFLOW_BUFFER_SIZE 4 typedef struct _ffado_playback_channel { ffado_streaming_stream_type stream_type; midi_pack_t midi_pack; uint32_t *midi_buffer; // to hold the midi bytes that couldn't be transferred // during the previous period char overflow_buffer[MIDI_OVERFLOW_BUFFER_SIZE]; unsigned int nb_overflow_bytes; } ffado_playback_channel_t; /* * JACK driver structure */ struct _ffado_driver { JACK_DRIVER_NT_DECL; jack_nframes_t sample_rate; jack_nframes_t period_size; unsigned long wait_time; jack_time_t wait_last; jack_time_t wait_next; int wait_late; jack_client_t *client; int xrun_detected; int xrun_count; int process_count; /* settings from the command line */ ffado_jack_settings_t settings; /* the firewire virtual device */ ffado_device_t *dev; ffado_sample_t *nullbuffer; ffado_sample_t *scratchbuffer; JSList *capture_ports; JSList *playback_ports; JSList *monitor_ports; channel_t playback_nchannels; channel_t capture_nchannels; ffado_playback_channel_t *playback_channels; ffado_capture_channel_t *capture_channels; jack_nframes_t playback_frame_latency; jack_nframes_t capture_frame_latency; ffado_device_info_t device_info; ffado_options_t device_options; }; #endif /* __JACK_FFADO_DRIVER_H__ */