/* Copyright � Grame, 2003. Copyright � Johnny Petrantoni, 2003. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Grame Research Laboratory, 9, rue du Garet 69001 Lyon - France grame@rd.grame.fr Johnny Petrantoni, johnny@lato-b.com - Italy, Rome. Jan 30, 2004: Johnny Petrantoni: first code of the coreaudio driver, based on portaudio driver by Stephane Letz. Feb 02, 2004: Johnny Petrantoni: fixed null cycle, removed double copy of buffers in AudioRender, the driver works fine (tested with Built-in Audio and Hammerfall RME), but no cpu load is displayed. Feb 03, 2004: Johnny Petrantoni: some little fix. Feb 03, 2004: Stephane Letz: some fix in AudioRender.cpp code. Feb 03, 2004: Johnny Petrantoni: removed the default device stuff (useless, in jackosx, because JackPilot manages this behavior), the device must be specified. and all parameter must be correct. Feb 04, 2004: Johnny Petrantoni: now the driver supports interfaces with multiple interleaved streams (such as the MOTU 828). Nov 05, 2004: S.Letz: correct management of -I option for use with JackPilot. Nov 15, 2004: S.Letz: Set a default value for deviceID. Nov 30, 2004: S.Letz: In coreaudio_driver_write : clear to avoid playing dirty buffers when the client does not produce output anymore. Dec 05, 2004: S.Letz: XRun detection Dec 09, 2004: S.Letz: Dynamic buffer size change Dec 23, 2004: S.Letz: Correct bug in dynamic buffer size change : update period_usecs Jan 20, 2005: S.Letz: Almost complete rewrite using AUHAL. May 20, 2005: S.Letz: Add "systemic" latencies management. Jun 06, 2005: S.Letz: Remove the "-I" parameter, change the semantic of "-n" parameter : -n (driver name) now correctly uses the PropertyDeviceUID (persistent accross reboot...) as the identifier for the used coreaudio driver. Jun 14, 2005: S.Letz: Since the "-I" parameter is not used anymore, rename the "systemic" latencies management parametes "-I" and "-O" like for the ALSA driver. Aug 16, 2005: S.Letz: Remove get_device_id_from_num, use get_default_device instead. If the -n option is not used or the device name cannot be found, the default device is used. Note: the default device can be used only if both default input and default output are the same. Dec 19, 2005: S.Letz: Add -d option (display_device_names). Apri 7, 2006: S.Letz: Synchronization with the jackdmp coreaudio driver version: improve half-duplex management. May 17, 2006: S.Letz: Minor fix in driver_initialize. May 18, 2006: S.Letz: Document sample rate default value. May 31, 2006: S.Letz: Apply Rui patch for more consistent driver parameter naming. Dec 04, 2007: S.Letz: Fix a bug in sample rate management (occuring in particular with "aggregate" devices). Dec 05, 2007: S.Letz: Correct sample_rate management in Open. Better handling in sample_rate change listener. */ #include #include #include "engine.h" #include "coreaudio_driver.h" const int CAVersion = 3; //#define PRINTDEBUG 1 static void JCALog (char *fmt, ...) { #ifdef PRINTDEBUG va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); fprintf (stderr, "JCA: "); vfprintf (stderr, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); #endif } static void printError (OSStatus err) { #ifdef DEBUG switch (err) { case kAudioHardwareNoError: JCALog ("error code : kAudioHardwareNoError\n"); break; case kAudioHardwareNotRunningError: JCALog ("error code : kAudioHardwareNotRunningError\n"); break; case kAudioHardwareUnspecifiedError: JCALog ("error code : kAudioHardwareUnspecifiedError\n"); break; case kAudioHardwareUnknownPropertyError: JCALog ("error code : kAudioHardwareUnknownPropertyError\n"); break; case kAudioHardwareBadPropertySizeError: JCALog ("error code : kAudioHardwareBadPropertySizeError\n"); break; case kAudioHardwareIllegalOperationError: JCALog ("error code : kAudioHardwareIllegalOperationError\n"); break; case kAudioHardwareBadDeviceError: JCALog ("error code : kAudioHardwareBadDeviceError\n"); break; case kAudioHardwareBadStreamError: JCALog ("error code : kAudioHardwareBadStreamError\n"); break; case kAudioDeviceUnsupportedFormatError: JCALog ("error code : kAudioDeviceUnsupportedFormatError\n"); break; case kAudioDevicePermissionsError: JCALog ("error code : kAudioDevicePermissionsError\n"); break; default: JCALog ("error code : unknown %ld\n", err); break; } #endif } static OSStatus get_device_name_from_id (AudioDeviceID id, char name[256]) { UInt32 size = sizeof(char) * 256; OSStatus res = AudioDeviceGetProperty (id, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &size, &name[0]); return res; } static OSStatus get_device_id_from_uid (char* UID, AudioDeviceID* id) { UInt32 size = sizeof(AudioValueTranslation); CFStringRef inIUD = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, UID, CFStringGetSystemEncoding ()); AudioValueTranslation value = { &inIUD, sizeof(CFStringRef), id, sizeof(AudioDeviceID) }; if (inIUD == NULL) { return kAudioHardwareUnspecifiedError; } else { OSStatus res = AudioHardwareGetProperty (kAudioHardwarePropertyDeviceForUID, &size, &value); CFRelease (inIUD); JCALog ("get_device_id_from_uid %s %ld \n", UID, *id); return (*id == kAudioDeviceUnknown) ? kAudioHardwareBadDeviceError : res; } } static OSStatus get_default_device (AudioDeviceID * id) { OSStatus res; UInt32 theSize = sizeof(UInt32); AudioDeviceID inDefault; AudioDeviceID outDefault; if ((res = AudioHardwareGetProperty (kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice, &theSize, &inDefault)) != noErr) { return res; } if ((res = AudioHardwareGetProperty (kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice, &theSize, &outDefault)) != noErr) { return res; } JCALog ("get_default_device: input %ld output %ld\n", inDefault, outDefault); // Get the device only if default input and ouput are the same if (inDefault == outDefault) { *id = inDefault; return noErr; } else { jack_error ("Default input and output devices are not the same !!"); return kAudioHardwareBadDeviceError; } } static OSStatus get_default_input_device (AudioDeviceID* id) { OSStatus res; UInt32 theSize = sizeof(UInt32); AudioDeviceID inDefault; if ((res = AudioHardwareGetProperty (kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice, &theSize, &inDefault)) != noErr) { return res; } JCALog ("get_default_input_device: input = %ld \n", inDefault); *id = inDefault; return noErr; } static OSStatus get_default_output_device (AudioDeviceID* id) { OSStatus res; UInt32 theSize = sizeof(UInt32); AudioDeviceID outDefault; if ((res = AudioHardwareGetProperty (kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice, &theSize, &outDefault)) != noErr) { return res; } JCALog ("get_default_output_device: output = %ld\n", outDefault); *id = outDefault; return noErr; } OSStatus get_total_channels (AudioDeviceID device, int* channelCount, bool isInput) { OSStatus err = noErr; UInt32 outSize; Boolean outWritable; AudioBufferList* bufferList = 0; AudioStreamID* streamList = 0; int i, numStream; err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo (device, 0, isInput, kAudioDevicePropertyStreams, &outSize, &outWritable); if (err == noErr) { streamList = (AudioStreamID*)malloc (outSize); numStream = outSize / sizeof(AudioStreamID); JCALog ("get_total_channels device stream number = %ld numStream = %ld\n", device, numStream); err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (device, 0, isInput, kAudioDevicePropertyStreams, &outSize, streamList); if (err == noErr) { AudioStreamBasicDescription streamDesc; outSize = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription); for (i = 0; i < numStream; i++) { err = AudioStreamGetProperty (streamList[i], 0, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat, &outSize, &streamDesc); JCALog ("get_total_channels streamDesc mFormatFlags = %ld mChannelsPerFrame = %ld\n", streamDesc.mFormatFlags, streamDesc.mChannelsPerFrame); } } } *channelCount = 0; err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo (device, 0, isInput, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration, &outSize, &outWritable); if (err == noErr) { bufferList = (AudioBufferList*)malloc (outSize); err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (device, 0, isInput, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration, &outSize, bufferList); if (err == noErr) { for (i = 0; i < bufferList->mNumberBuffers; i++) *channelCount += bufferList->mBuffers[i].mNumberChannels; } } if (streamList) { free (streamList); } if (bufferList) { free (bufferList); } return err; } static OSStatus display_device_names () { UInt32 size; Boolean isWritable; int i, deviceNum; OSStatus err; CFStringRef UIname; err = AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo (kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &size, &isWritable); if (err != noErr) { return err; } deviceNum = size / sizeof(AudioDeviceID); AudioDeviceID devices[deviceNum]; err = AudioHardwareGetProperty (kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &size, devices); if (err != noErr) { return err; } for (i = 0; i < deviceNum; i++) { char device_name[256]; char internal_name[256]; size = sizeof(CFStringRef); UIname = NULL; err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (devices[i], 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceUID, &size, &UIname); if (err == noErr) { CFStringGetCString (UIname, internal_name, 256, CFStringGetSystemEncoding ()); } else { goto error; } size = 256; err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (devices[i], 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &size, device_name); if (err != noErr) { return err; } jack_info ("ICI"); jack_info ("Device name = \'%s\', internal_name = \'%s\' (to be used as -d parameter)", device_name, internal_name); } return noErr; error: if (UIname != NULL) { CFRelease (UIname); } return err; } static OSStatus render (void *inRefCon, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags, const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames, AudioBufferList *ioData) { int res, i; JSList *node; coreaudio_driver_t* ca_driver = (coreaudio_driver_t*)inRefCon; AudioUnitRender (ca_driver->au_hal, ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, 1, inNumberFrames, ca_driver->input_list); if (ca_driver->xrun_detected > 0) { /* XRun was detected */ jack_time_t current_time = ca_driver->engine->get_microseconds (); ca_driver->engine->delay (ca_driver->engine, current_time - (ca_driver->last_wait_ust + ca_driver->period_usecs)); ca_driver->last_wait_ust = current_time; ca_driver->xrun_detected = 0; return 0; } else { ca_driver->last_wait_ust = ca_driver->engine->get_microseconds (); ca_driver->engine->transport_cycle_start (ca_driver->engine, ca_driver->engine->get_microseconds ()); res = ca_driver->engine->run_cycle (ca_driver->engine, inNumberFrames, 0); } if (ca_driver->null_cycle_occured) { ca_driver->null_cycle_occured = 0; for (i = 0; i < ca_driver->playback_nchannels; i++) memset ((float*)ioData->mBuffers[i].mData, 0, sizeof(float) * inNumberFrames); } else { for (i = 0, node = ca_driver->playback_ports; i < ca_driver->playback_nchannels; i++, node = jack_slist_next (node)) { memcpy ((float*)ioData->mBuffers[i].mData, (jack_default_audio_sample_t*)jack_port_get_buffer (((jack_port_t*)node->data), inNumberFrames), sizeof(float) * inNumberFrames); } } return res; } static OSStatus render_input (void *inRefCon, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags, const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames, AudioBufferList *ioData) { coreaudio_driver_t* ca_driver = (coreaudio_driver_t*)inRefCon; AudioUnitRender (ca_driver->au_hal, ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, 1, inNumberFrames, ca_driver->input_list); if (ca_driver->xrun_detected > 0) { /* XRun was detected */ jack_time_t current_time = ca_driver->engine->get_microseconds (); ca_driver->engine->delay (ca_driver->engine, current_time - (ca_driver->last_wait_ust + ca_driver->period_usecs)); ca_driver->last_wait_ust = current_time; ca_driver->xrun_detected = 0; return 0; } else { ca_driver->last_wait_ust = ca_driver->engine->get_microseconds (); ca_driver->engine->transport_cycle_start (ca_driver->engine, ca_driver->engine->get_microseconds ()); return ca_driver->engine->run_cycle (ca_driver->engine, inNumberFrames, 0); } } static OSStatus sr_notification (AudioDeviceID inDevice, UInt32 inChannel, Boolean isInput, AudioDevicePropertyID inPropertyID, void* inClientData) { coreaudio_driver_t* driver = (coreaudio_driver_t*)inClientData; switch (inPropertyID) { case kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate: { JCALog ("JackCoreAudioDriver::SRNotificationCallback kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate \n"); driver->state = 1; break; } } return noErr; } static OSStatus notification (AudioDeviceID inDevice, UInt32 inChannel, Boolean isInput, AudioDevicePropertyID inPropertyID, void* inClientData) { coreaudio_driver_t* driver = (coreaudio_driver_t*)inClientData; switch (inPropertyID) { case kAudioDeviceProcessorOverload: driver->xrun_detected = 1; break; case kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate: { UInt32 outSize = sizeof(Float64); Float64 sampleRate; AudioStreamBasicDescription srcFormat, dstFormat; OSStatus err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (driver->device_id, 0, kAudioDeviceSectionGlobal, kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate, &outSize, &sampleRate); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot get current sample rate"); return kAudioHardwareUnsupportedOperationError; } JCALog ("JackCoreAudioDriver::NotificationCallback kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate %ld\n", (long)sampleRate); outSize = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription); // Update SR for input err = AudioUnitGetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &srcFormat, &outSize); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat kAudioUnitScope_Input"); } srcFormat.mSampleRate = sampleRate; err = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &srcFormat, outSize); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat kAudioUnitScope_Input"); } // Update SR for output err = AudioUnitGetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, &dstFormat, &outSize); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat kAudioUnitScope_Output"); } dstFormat.mSampleRate = sampleRate; err = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, &dstFormat, outSize); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat kAudioUnitScope_Output"); } break; } } return noErr; } static int coreaudio_driver_attach (coreaudio_driver_t * driver, jack_engine_t * engine) { jack_port_t *port; JSList *node; int port_flags; channel_t chn; char buf[JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE]; char channel_name[64]; OSStatus err; UInt32 size; UInt32 value1, value2; Boolean isWritable; jack_latency_range_t range; driver->engine = engine; if (driver->engine->set_buffer_size (engine, driver->frames_per_cycle)) { jack_error ("coreaudio: cannot set engine buffer size to %d (check MIDI)", driver->frames_per_cycle); return -1; } driver->engine->set_sample_rate (engine, driver->frame_rate); port_flags = JackPortIsOutput | JackPortIsPhysical | JackPortIsTerminal; /* if (driver->has_hw_monitoring) { port_flags |= JackPortCanMonitor; } */ for (chn = 0; chn < driver->capture_nchannels; chn++) { err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo (driver->device_id, chn + 1, true, kAudioDevicePropertyChannelName, &size, &isWritable); if (err == noErr && size > 0) { err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (driver->device_id, chn + 1, true, kAudioDevicePropertyChannelName, &size, channel_name); if (err != noErr) { JCALog ("AudioDeviceGetProperty kAudioDevicePropertyChannelName error \n"); } snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%s:out_%s%lu", driver->capture_driver_name, channel_name, chn + 1); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%s:out%lu", driver->capture_driver_name, chn + 1); } if ((port = jack_port_register (driver->client, buf, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, port_flags, 0)) == NULL) { jack_error ("coreaudio: cannot register port for %s", buf); break; } size = sizeof(UInt32); value1 = value2 = 0; err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (driver->device_id, 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyLatency, &size, &value1); if (err != noErr) { JCALog ("AudioDeviceGetProperty kAudioDevicePropertyLatency error \n"); } err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (driver->device_id, 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertySafetyOffset, &size, &value2); if (err != noErr) { JCALog ("AudioDeviceGetProperty kAudioDevicePropertySafetyOffset error \n"); } range.min = range.max = driver->frames_per_cycle + value1 + value2 + driver->capture_frame_latency; jack_port_set_latency_range (port, JackCaptureLatency, &range); driver->capture_ports = jack_slist_append (driver->capture_ports, port); } port_flags = JackPortIsInput | JackPortIsPhysical | JackPortIsTerminal; for (chn = 0; chn < driver->playback_nchannels; chn++) { err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo (driver->device_id, chn + 1, false, kAudioDevicePropertyChannelName, &size, &isWritable); if (err == noErr && size > 0) { err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (driver->device_id, chn + 1, false, kAudioDevicePropertyChannelName, &size, channel_name); if (err != noErr) { JCALog ("AudioDeviceGetProperty kAudioDevicePropertyChannelName error \n"); } snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%s:in_%s%lu", driver->playback_driver_name, channel_name, chn + 1); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%s:in%lu", driver->playback_driver_name, chn + 1); } if ((port = jack_port_register (driver->client, buf, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, port_flags, 0)) == NULL) { jack_error ("coreaudio: cannot register port for %s", buf); break; } size = sizeof(UInt32); value1 = value2 = 0; err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (driver->device_id, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyLatency, &size, &value1); if (err != noErr) { JCALog ("AudioDeviceGetProperty kAudioDevicePropertyLatency error \n"); } err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (driver->device_id, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertySafetyOffset, &size, &value2); if (err != noErr) { JCALog ("AudioDeviceGetProperty kAudioDevicePropertySafetyOffset error \n"); } range.min = range.max = driver->frames_per_cycle + value1 + value2 + driver->playback_frame_latency; jack_port_set_latency_range (port, JackCaptureLatency, &range); driver->playback_ports = jack_slist_append (driver->playback_ports, port); } // Input buffers do no change : prepare them only once for (chn = 0, node = driver->capture_ports; chn < driver->capture_nchannels; chn++, node = jack_slist_next (node)) driver->input_list->mBuffers[chn].mData = (jack_default_audio_sample_t*)jack_port_get_buffer (((jack_port_t*)node->data), driver->frames_per_cycle); jack_activate (driver->client); return 0; } static int coreaudio_driver_detach (coreaudio_driver_t * driver, jack_engine_t * engine) { JSList *node; if (driver->engine == 0) { return -1; } for (node = driver->capture_ports; node; node = jack_slist_next (node)) jack_port_unregister (driver->client, ((jack_port_t*)node->data)); jack_slist_free (driver->capture_ports); driver->capture_ports = 0; for (node = driver->playback_ports; node; node = jack_slist_next (node)) jack_port_unregister (driver->client, ((jack_port_t*)node->data)); jack_slist_free (driver->playback_ports); driver->playback_ports = 0; driver->engine = 0; return 0; } static int coreaudio_driver_null_cycle (coreaudio_driver_t * driver, jack_nframes_t nframes) { driver->null_cycle_occured = 1; return 0; } static int coreaudio_driver_read (coreaudio_driver_t * driver, jack_nframes_t nframes) { return 0; } static int coreaudio_driver_write (coreaudio_driver_t * driver, jack_nframes_t nframes) { return 0; } static int coreaudio_driver_audio_start (coreaudio_driver_t * driver) { return (AudioOutputUnitStart (driver->au_hal) == noErr) ? 0 : -1; } static int coreaudio_driver_audio_stop (coreaudio_driver_t * driver) { return (AudioOutputUnitStop (driver->au_hal) == noErr) ? 0 : -1; } static int coreaudio_driver_bufsize (coreaudio_driver_t * driver, jack_nframes_t nframes) { /* This gets called from the engine server thread, so it must * be serialized with the driver thread. Stopping the audio * also stops that thread. */ /* TO DO */ return 0; } /** create a new driver instance */ static jack_driver_t *coreaudio_driver_new (char* name, jack_client_t* client, jack_nframes_t nframes, jack_nframes_t samplerate, int capturing, int playing, int inchannels, int outchannels, char* capture_driver_uid, char* playback_driver_uid, jack_nframes_t capture_latency, jack_nframes_t playback_latency) { coreaudio_driver_t *driver; OSStatus err = noErr; ComponentResult err1; UInt32 outSize; UInt32 enableIO; AudioStreamBasicDescription srcFormat, dstFormat; Float64 sampleRate; int in_nChannels = 0; int out_nChannels = 0; int i; driver = (coreaudio_driver_t*)calloc (1, sizeof(coreaudio_driver_t)); jack_driver_init ((jack_driver_t*)driver); if (!jack_power_of_two (nframes)) { jack_error ("CA: -p must be a power of two."); goto error; } driver->state = 0; driver->frames_per_cycle = nframes; driver->frame_rate = samplerate; driver->capturing = capturing; driver->playing = playing; driver->xrun_detected = 0; driver->null_cycle = 0; driver->attach = (JackDriverAttachFunction)coreaudio_driver_attach; driver->detach = (JackDriverDetachFunction)coreaudio_driver_detach; driver->read = (JackDriverReadFunction)coreaudio_driver_read; driver->write = (JackDriverReadFunction)coreaudio_driver_write; driver->null_cycle = (JackDriverNullCycleFunction)coreaudio_driver_null_cycle; driver->bufsize = (JackDriverBufSizeFunction)coreaudio_driver_bufsize; driver->start = (JackDriverStartFunction)coreaudio_driver_audio_start; driver->stop = (JackDriverStopFunction)coreaudio_driver_audio_stop; driver->capture_frame_latency = capture_latency; driver->playback_frame_latency = playback_latency; // Duplex if (strcmp (capture_driver_uid, "") != 0 && strcmp (playback_driver_uid, "") != 0) { JCALog ("Open duplex \n"); if (get_device_id_from_uid (playback_driver_uid, &driver->device_id) != noErr) { if (get_default_device (&driver->device_id) != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot open default device"); goto error; } } if (get_device_name_from_id (driver->device_id, driver->capture_driver_name) != noErr || get_device_name_from_id (driver->device_id, driver->playback_driver_name) != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot get device name from device ID"); goto error; } // Capture only } else if (strcmp (capture_driver_uid, "") != 0) { JCALog ("Open capture only \n"); if (get_device_id_from_uid (capture_driver_uid, &driver->device_id) != noErr) { if (get_default_input_device (&driver->device_id) != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot open default device"); goto error; } } if (get_device_name_from_id (driver->device_id, driver->capture_driver_name) != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot get device name from device ID"); goto error; } // Playback only } else if (playback_driver_uid != NULL) { JCALog ("Open playback only \n"); if (get_device_id_from_uid (playback_driver_uid, &driver->device_id) != noErr) { if (get_default_output_device (&driver->device_id) != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot open default device"); goto error; } } if (get_device_name_from_id (driver->device_id, driver->playback_driver_name) != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot get device name from device ID"); goto error; } // Use default driver in duplex mode } else { JCALog ("Open default driver \n"); if (get_default_device (&driver->device_id) != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot open default device"); goto error; } if (get_device_name_from_id (driver->device_id, driver->capture_driver_name) != noErr || get_device_name_from_id (driver->device_id, driver->playback_driver_name) != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot get device name from device ID"); goto error; } } driver->client = client; driver->period_usecs = (((float)driver->frames_per_cycle) / driver->frame_rate) * 1000000.0f; if (capturing) { err = get_total_channels (driver->device_id, &in_nChannels, true); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot get input channel number"); printError (err); goto error; } } if (playing) { err = get_total_channels (driver->device_id, &out_nChannels, false); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot get output channel number"); printError (err); goto error; } } if (inchannels > in_nChannels) { jack_error ("This device hasn't required input channels inchannels = %ld in_nChannels = %ld", inchannels, in_nChannels); goto error; } if (outchannels > out_nChannels) { jack_error ("This device hasn't required output channels outchannels = %ld out_nChannels = %ld", outchannels, out_nChannels); goto error; } if (inchannels == 0) { JCALog ("Setup max in channels = %ld\n", in_nChannels); inchannels = in_nChannels; } if (outchannels == 0) { JCALog ("Setup max out channels = %ld\n", out_nChannels); outchannels = out_nChannels; } // Setting buffer size outSize = sizeof(UInt32); err = AudioDeviceSetProperty (driver->device_id, NULL, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize, outSize, &nframes); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot set buffer size %ld", nframes); printError (err); goto error; } // Set sample rate outSize = sizeof(Float64); err = AudioDeviceGetProperty (driver->device_id, 0, kAudioDeviceSectionGlobal, kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate, &outSize, &sampleRate); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot get current sample rate"); printError (err); goto error; } if (samplerate != (jack_nframes_t)sampleRate) { sampleRate = (Float64)samplerate; // To get SR change notification err = AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener (driver->device_id, 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate, sr_notification, driver); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener with kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate"); printError (err); return -1; } err = AudioDeviceSetProperty (driver->device_id, NULL, 0, kAudioDeviceSectionGlobal, kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate, outSize, &sampleRate); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot set sample rate = %ld", samplerate); printError (err); return -1; } // Waiting for SR change notification int count = 0; while (!driver->state && count++ < 100) { usleep (100000); JCALog ("Wait count = %ld\n", count); } // Remove SR change notification AudioDeviceRemovePropertyListener (driver->device_id, 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate, sr_notification); } // AUHAL #if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 AudioComponentDescription cd = { kAudioUnitType_Output, kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput, kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple, 0, 0 }; AudioComponent HALOutput = AudioComponentFindNext (NULL, &cd); err1 = AudioComponentInstanceNew (HALOutput, &driver->au_hal); #else ComponentDescription cd = { kAudioUnitType_Output, kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput, kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple, 0, 0 }; Component HALOutput = FindNextComponent (NULL, &cd); err1 = OpenAComponent (HALOutput, &driver->au_hal); #endif if (err1 != noErr) { #if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 jack_error ("Error calling AudioComponentInstanceNew"); #else jack_error ("Error calling OpenAComponent"); #endif printError (err1); goto error; } err1 = AudioUnitInitialize (driver->au_hal); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Cannot initialize AUHAL unit"); printError (err1); goto error; } // Start I/O enableIO = 1; if (capturing && inchannels > 0) { JCALog ("Setup AUHAL input\n"); err1 = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 1, &enableIO, sizeof(enableIO)); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO, kAudioUnitScope_Input"); printError (err1); goto error; } } if (playing && outchannels > 0) { JCALog ("Setup AUHAL output\n"); err1 = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &enableIO, sizeof(enableIO)); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO,kAudioUnitScope_Output"); printError (err1); goto error; } } // Setup up choosen device, in both input and output cases err1 = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &driver->device_id, sizeof(AudioDeviceID)); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice"); printError (err1); goto error; } // Set buffer size if (capturing && inchannels > 0) { err1 = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 1, (UInt32*)&nframes, sizeof(UInt32)); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice"); printError (err1); goto error; } } if (playing && outchannels > 0) { err1 = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, (UInt32*)&nframes, sizeof(UInt32)); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice"); printError (err1); goto error; } } // Setup channel map if (capturing && inchannels > 0 && inchannels < in_nChannels) { SInt32 chanArr[in_nChannels]; for (i = 0; i < in_nChannels; i++) chanArr[i] = -1; for (i = 0; i < inchannels; i++) chanArr[i] = i; AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 1, chanArr, sizeof(SInt32) * in_nChannels); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap 1"); printError (err1); } } if (playing && outchannels > 0 && outchannels < out_nChannels) { SInt32 chanArr[out_nChannels]; for (i = 0; i < out_nChannels; i++) chanArr[i] = -1; for (i = 0; i < outchannels; i++) chanArr[i] = i; err1 = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, chanArr, sizeof(SInt32) * out_nChannels); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap 0"); printError (err1); } } // Setup stream converters srcFormat.mSampleRate = samplerate; srcFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; srcFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagsNativeFloatPacked | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved; srcFormat.mBytesPerPacket = sizeof(float); srcFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1; srcFormat.mBytesPerFrame = sizeof(float); srcFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = outchannels; srcFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 32; err1 = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &srcFormat, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription)); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat kAudioUnitScope_Input"); printError (err1); } dstFormat.mSampleRate = samplerate; dstFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; dstFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagsNativeFloatPacked | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved; dstFormat.mBytesPerPacket = sizeof(float); dstFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1; dstFormat.mBytesPerFrame = sizeof(float); dstFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = inchannels; dstFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 32; err1 = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, &dstFormat, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription)); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat kAudioUnitScope_Output"); printError (err1); } // Setup callbacks if (inchannels > 0 && outchannels == 0) { AURenderCallbackStruct output; output.inputProc = render_input; output.inputProcRefCon = driver; err1 = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_SetInputCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &output, sizeof(output)); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback 1"); printError (err1); goto error; } } else { AURenderCallbackStruct output; output.inputProc = render; output.inputProcRefCon = driver; err1 = AudioUnitSetProperty (driver->au_hal, kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &output, sizeof(output)); if (err1 != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioUnitSetProperty - kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback 0"); printError (err1); goto error; } } if (capturing && inchannels > 0) { driver->input_list = (AudioBufferList*)malloc (sizeof(UInt32) + inchannels * sizeof(AudioBuffer)); if (driver->input_list == 0) { goto error; } driver->input_list->mNumberBuffers = inchannels; // Prepare buffers for (i = 0; i < driver->capture_nchannels; i++) { driver->input_list->mBuffers[i].mNumberChannels = 1; driver->input_list->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize = nframes * sizeof(float); } } err = AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener (driver->device_id, 0, true, kAudioDeviceProcessorOverload, notification, driver); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener with kAudioDeviceProcessorOverload"); goto error; } err = AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener (driver->device_id, 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate, notification, driver); if (err != noErr) { jack_error ("Error calling AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener with kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate"); goto error; } driver->playback_nchannels = outchannels; driver->capture_nchannels = inchannels; return (jack_driver_t*)driver; error: AudioUnitUninitialize (driver->au_hal); #if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 AudioComponentInstanceDispose (driver->au_hal); #else CloseComponent (driver->au_hal); #endif jack_error ("Cannot open the coreaudio driver"); free (driver); return NULL; } /** free all memory allocated by a driver instance */ static void coreaudio_driver_delete (coreaudio_driver_t * driver) { AudioDeviceRemovePropertyListener (driver->device_id, 0, true, kAudioDeviceProcessorOverload, notification); free (driver->input_list); AudioUnitUninitialize (driver->au_hal); #if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 AudioComponentInstanceDispose (driver->au_hal); #else CloseComponent (driver->au_hal); #endif free (driver); } //== driver "plugin" interface ================================================= /* DRIVER "PLUGIN" INTERFACE */ const char driver_client_name[] = "coreaudio"; jack_driver_desc_t *driver_get_descriptor () { jack_driver_desc_t *desc; unsigned int i; desc = calloc (1, sizeof(jack_driver_desc_t)); strcpy (desc->name, "coreaudio"); desc->nparams = 12; desc->params = calloc (desc->nparams, sizeof(jack_driver_param_desc_t)); i = 0; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "channels"); desc->params[i].character = 'c'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamInt; desc->params[i].value.ui = 2; strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Maximum number of channels"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "inchannels"); desc->params[i].character = 'i'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamInt; desc->params[i].value.ui = 2; strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Maximum number of input channels"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "outchannels"); desc->params[i].character = 'o'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamInt; desc->params[i].value.ui = 2; strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Maximum number of output channels"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "capture"); desc->params[i].character = 'C'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamString; strcpy (desc->params[i].value.str, "will take default CoreAudio input device"); strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Provide capture ports. Optionally set CoreAudio device name"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "playback"); desc->params[i].character = 'P'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamString; strcpy (desc->params[i].value.str, "will take default CoreAudio output device"); strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Provide playback ports. Optionally set CoreAudio device name"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "duplex"); desc->params[i].character = 'D'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamBool; desc->params[i].value.i = TRUE; strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Capture and playback"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "rate"); desc->params[i].character = 'r'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamUInt; desc->params[i].value.ui = 44100U; strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Sample rate"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "period"); desc->params[i].character = 'p'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamUInt; desc->params[i].value.ui = 128U; strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Frames per period"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "device"); desc->params[i].character = 'd'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamString; desc->params[i].value.ui = 128U; strcpy (desc->params[i].value.str, "will take default CoreAudio device name"); strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "CoreAudio device name"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "input-latency"); desc->params[i].character = 'I'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamUInt; desc->params[i].value.i = 0; strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Extra input latency"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "output-latency"); desc->params[i].character = 'O'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamUInt; desc->params[i].value.i = 0; strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Extra output latency"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); i++; strcpy (desc->params[i].name, "list-devices"); desc->params[i].character = 'l'; desc->params[i].type = JackDriverParamBool; desc->params[i].value.i = FALSE; strcpy (desc->params[i].short_desc, "Display available CoreAudio devices"); strcpy (desc->params[i].long_desc, desc->params[i].short_desc); return desc; } jack_driver_t *driver_initialize (jack_client_t * client, const JSList * params) { jack_nframes_t srate = 44100; /* Some older Mac models only support this value */ jack_nframes_t frames_per_interrupt = 128; int capture = FALSE; int playback = FALSE; int chan_in = 0; int chan_out = 0; char* capture_pcm_name = ""; char* playback_pcm_name = ""; const JSList *node; const jack_driver_param_t *param; jack_nframes_t systemic_input_latency = 0; jack_nframes_t systemic_output_latency = 0; for (node = params; node; node = jack_slist_next (node)) { param = (const jack_driver_param_t*)node->data; switch (param->character) { case 'd': capture_pcm_name = strdup (param->value.str); playback_pcm_name = strdup (param->value.str); break; case 'D': capture = TRUE; playback = TRUE; break; case 'c': chan_in = chan_out = (int)param->value.ui; break; case 'i': chan_in = (int)param->value.ui; break; case 'o': chan_out = (int)param->value.ui; break; case 'C': capture = TRUE; if (strcmp (param->value.str, "none") != 0) { capture_pcm_name = strdup (param->value.str); } break; case 'P': playback = TRUE; if (strcmp (param->value.str, "none") != 0) { playback_pcm_name = strdup (param->value.str); } break; case 'r': srate = param->value.ui; break; case 'p': frames_per_interrupt = (unsigned int)param->value.ui; break; case 'I': systemic_input_latency = param->value.ui; break; case 'O': systemic_output_latency = param->value.ui; break; case 'l': display_device_names (); break; } } /* duplex is the default */ if (!capture && !playback) { capture = TRUE; playback = TRUE; } return coreaudio_driver_new ("coreaudio", client, frames_per_interrupt, srate, capture, playback, chan_in, chan_out, capture_pcm_name, playback_pcm_name, systemic_input_latency, systemic_output_latency); } void driver_finish (jack_driver_t * driver) { coreaudio_driver_delete ((coreaudio_driver_t*)driver); }