/* stables.c Tables of information only used by server... */ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2019 by Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (c) 1995-2003 by Internet Software Consortium * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT * OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. * 950 Charter Street * Redwood City, CA 94063 * * https://www.isc.org/ * */ #include "dhcpd.h" #include #if defined (FAILOVER_PROTOCOL) /* This is used to indicate some kind of failure when generating a failover option. */ failover_option_t null_failover_option = { 0, 0 }; failover_option_t skip_failover_option = { 0, 0 }; /* Information about failover options, for printing, encoding and decoding. */ struct failover_option_info ft_options [] = { { 0, "unused", FT_UNDEF, 0, 0, 0 }, { FTO_ADDRESSES_TRANSFERRED, "addresses-transferred", FT_UINT32, 1, FM_OFFSET(addresses_transferred), FTB_ADDRESSES_TRANSFERRED }, { FTO_ASSIGNED_IP_ADDRESS, "assigned-IP-address", FT_IPADDR, 1, FM_OFFSET(assigned_addr), FTB_ASSIGNED_IP_ADDRESS }, { FTO_BINDING_STATUS, "binding-status", FT_UINT8, 1, FM_OFFSET(binding_status), FTB_BINDING_STATUS }, { FTO_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER, "client-identifier", FT_BYTES, 0, FM_OFFSET(client_identifier), FTB_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER }, { FTO_CHADDR, "client-hardware-address", FT_BYTES, 0, FM_OFFSET(chaddr), FTB_CHADDR }, { FTO_CLTT, "client-last-transaction-time", FT_UINT32, 1, FM_OFFSET(cltt), FTB_CLTT }, { FTO_REPLY_OPTIONS, "client-reply-options", FT_BYTES, 0, FM_OFFSET(reply_options), FTB_REPLY_OPTIONS }, { FTO_REQUEST_OPTIONS, "client-request-options", FT_BYTES, 0, FM_OFFSET(request_options), FTB_REQUEST_OPTIONS }, { FTO_DDNS, "DDNS", FT_DDNS, 1, FM_OFFSET(ddns), FTB_DDNS }, { FTO_DELAYED_SERVICE, "delayed-service", FT_UINT8, 1, FM_OFFSET(delayed_service), FTB_DELAYED_SERVICE }, { FTO_HBA, "hash-bucket-assignment", FT_BYTES, 0, FM_OFFSET(hba), FTB_HBA }, { FTO_IP_FLAGS, "IP-flags", FT_UINT16, 1, FM_OFFSET(ip_flags), FTB_IP_FLAGS }, { FTO_LEASE_EXPIRY, "lease-expiration-time", FT_UINT32, 1, FM_OFFSET(expiry), FTB_LEASE_EXPIRY }, { FTO_MAX_UNACKED, "max-unacked-bndupd", FT_UINT32, 1, FM_OFFSET(max_unacked), FTB_MAX_UNACKED }, { FTO_MCLT, "MCLT", FT_UINT32, 1, FM_OFFSET(mclt), FTB_MCLT }, { FTO_MESSAGE, "message", FT_TEXT, 0, FM_OFFSET(message), FTB_MESSAGE }, { FTO_MESSAGE_DIGEST, "message-digest", FT_BYTES, 0, FM_OFFSET(message_digest), FTB_MESSAGE_DIGEST }, { FTO_POTENTIAL_EXPIRY, "potential-expiration-time", FT_UINT32, 1, FM_OFFSET(potential_expiry), FTB_POTENTIAL_EXPIRY }, { FTO_RECEIVE_TIMER, "receive-timer", FT_UINT32, 1, FM_OFFSET(receive_timer), FTB_RECEIVE_TIMER }, { FTO_PROTOCOL_VERSION, "protocol-version", FT_UINT8, 1, FM_OFFSET(protocol_version), FTB_PROTOCOL_VERSION }, { FTO_REJECT_REASON, "reject-reason", FT_UINT8, 1, FM_OFFSET(reject_reason), FTB_REJECT_REASON }, { FTO_RELATIONSHIP_NAME, "relationship-name", FT_BYTES, 0, FM_OFFSET(relationship_name), FTB_RELATIONSHIP_NAME }, { FTO_SERVER_FLAGS, "server-flags", FT_UINT8, 1, FM_OFFSET(server_flags), FTB_SERVER_FLAGS }, { FTO_SERVER_STATE, "server-state", FT_UINT8, 1, FM_OFFSET(server_state), FTB_SERVER_STATE }, { FTO_STOS, "start-time-of-state", FT_UINT32, 1, FM_OFFSET(stos), FTB_STOS }, { FTO_TLS_REPLY, "TLS-reply", FT_UINT8, 1, FM_OFFSET(tls_reply), FTB_TLS_REPLY }, { FTO_TLS_REQUEST, "TLS-request", FT_UINT8, 1, FM_OFFSET(tls_request), FTB_TLS_REQUEST }, { FTO_VENDOR_CLASS, "vendor-class-identifier", FT_BYTES, 0, FM_OFFSET(vendor_class), FTB_VENDOR_CLASS }, { FTO_VENDOR_OPTIONS, "vendor-specific-options", FT_BYTES, 0, FM_OFFSET(vendor_options), FTB_VENDOR_OPTIONS } }; /* These are really options that make sense for a particular request - if some other option comes in, we're not going to use it, so we can just discard it. Note that the message-digest option is allowed for all message types, but is not saved - it's just used to validate the message and then discarded - so it's not mentioned here. */ u_int32_t fto_allowed [] = { 0, /* 0 unused */ 0, /* 1 POOLREQ */ FTB_ADDRESSES_TRANSFERRED, /* 2 POOLRESP */ (FTB_ASSIGNED_IP_ADDRESS | FTB_BINDING_STATUS | FTB_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER | FTB_CHADDR | FTB_DDNS | FTB_IP_FLAGS | FTB_LEASE_EXPIRY | FTB_POTENTIAL_EXPIRY | FTB_STOS | FTB_CLTT | FTB_REQUEST_OPTIONS | FTB_REPLY_OPTIONS), /* 3 BNDUPD */ (FTB_ASSIGNED_IP_ADDRESS | FTB_BINDING_STATUS | FTB_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER | FTB_CHADDR | FTB_DDNS | FTB_IP_FLAGS | FTB_LEASE_EXPIRY | FTB_POTENTIAL_EXPIRY | FTB_STOS | FTB_CLTT | FTB_REQUEST_OPTIONS | FTB_REPLY_OPTIONS | FTB_REJECT_REASON | FTB_MESSAGE), /* 4 BNDACK */ (FTB_RELATIONSHIP_NAME | FTB_MAX_UNACKED | FTB_RECEIVE_TIMER | FTB_VENDOR_CLASS | FTB_PROTOCOL_VERSION | FTB_TLS_REQUEST | FTB_MCLT | FTB_HBA), /* 5 CONNECT */ (FTB_RELATIONSHIP_NAME | FTB_MAX_UNACKED | FTB_RECEIVE_TIMER | FTB_VENDOR_CLASS | FTB_PROTOCOL_VERSION | FTB_TLS_REPLY | FTB_REJECT_REASON | FTB_MESSAGE), /* CONNECTACK */ 0, /* 7 UPDREQALL */ 0, /* 8 UPDDONE */ 0, /* 9 UPDREQ */ (FTB_SERVER_STATE | FTB_SERVER_FLAGS | FTB_STOS), /* 10 STATE */ 0, /* 11 CONTACT */ (FTB_REJECT_REASON | FTB_MESSAGE) /* 12 DISCONNECT */ }; /* Sizes of the various types. */ int ft_sizes [] = { 1, /* FT_UINT8 */ 4, /* FT_IPADDR */ 4, /* FT_UINT32 */ 1, /* FT_BYTES */ 1, /* FT_TEXT_OR_BYTES */ 0, /* FT_DDNS */ 0, /* FT_DDNS1 */ 2, /* FT_UINT16 */ 1, /* FT_TEXT */ 0, /* FT_UNDEF */ 0, /* FT_DIGEST */ }; /* Names of the various failover link states. */ const char *dhcp_flink_state_names [] = { "invalid state 0", "startup", "message length wait", "message wait", "disconnected" }; #endif /* FAILOVER_PROTOCOL */ /* Failover binding state names. These are used even if there is no failover protocol support. */ const char *binding_state_names [] = { "free", "active", "expired", "released", "abandoned", "reset", "backup" }; struct universe agent_universe; static struct option agent_options[] = { { "circuit-id", "X", &agent_universe, 1, 1 }, { "remote-id", "X", &agent_universe, 2, 1 }, { "agent-id", "I", &agent_universe, 3, 1 }, { "DOCSIS-device-class", "L", &agent_universe, 4, 1 }, { "link-selection", "I", &agent_universe, 5, 1 }, { "relay-port", "Z", &agent_universe, 19, 1 }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 } }; struct universe server_universe; static struct option server_options[] = { { "default-lease-time", "T", &server_universe, 1, 1 }, { "max-lease-time", "T", &server_universe, 2, 1 }, { "min-lease-time", "T", &server_universe, 3, 1 }, { "dynamic-bootp-lease-cutoff", "T", &server_universe, 4, 1 }, { "dynamic-bootp-lease-length", "L", &server_universe, 5, 1 }, { "boot-unknown-clients", "f", &server_universe, 6, 1 }, { "dynamic-bootp", "f", &server_universe, 7, 1 }, { "allow-bootp", "f", &server_universe, 8, 1 }, { "allow-booting", "f", &server_universe, 9, 1 }, { "one-lease-per-client", "f", &server_universe, 10, 1 }, { "get-lease-hostnames", "f", &server_universe, 11, 1 }, { "use-host-decl-names", "f", &server_universe, 12, 1 }, { "use-lease-addr-for-default-route", "f", &server_universe, 13, 1 }, { "min-secs", "B", &server_universe, 14, 1 }, { "filename", "t", &server_universe, 15, 1 }, { "server-name", "t", &server_universe, 16, 1 }, { "next-server", "I", &server_universe, 17, 1 }, { "authoritative", "f", &server_universe, 18, 1 }, { "vendor-option-space", "U", &server_universe, 19, 1 }, { "always-reply-rfc1048", "f", &server_universe, 20, 1 }, { "site-option-space", "X", &server_universe, 21, 1 }, { "always-broadcast", "f", &server_universe, 22, 1 }, { "ddns-domainname", "t", &server_universe, 23, 1 }, { "ddns-hostname", "t", &server_universe, 24, 1 }, { "ddns-rev-domainname", "t", &server_universe, 25, 1 }, { "lease-file-name", "t", &server_universe, 26, 1 }, { "pid-file-name", "t", &server_universe, 27, 1 }, { "duplicates", "f", &server_universe, 28, 1 }, { "declines", "f", &server_universe, 29, 1 }, { "ddns-updates", "f", &server_universe, 30, 1 }, { "omapi-port", "S", &server_universe, 31, 1 }, { "local-port", "S", &server_universe, 32, 1 }, { "limited-broadcast-address", "I", &server_universe, 33, 1 }, { "remote-port", "S", &server_universe, 34, 1 }, { "local-address", "I", &server_universe, 35, 1 }, { "omapi-key", "k", &server_universe, 36, 1 }, { "stash-agent-options", "f", &server_universe, 37, 1 }, { "ddns-ttl", "T", &server_universe, 38, 1 }, { "ddns-update-style", "Nddns-styles.", &server_universe, 39, 1 }, { "client-updates", "f", &server_universe, 40, 1 }, { "update-optimization", "f", &server_universe, 41, 1 }, { "ping-check", "f", &server_universe, 42, 1 }, { "update-static-leases", "f", &server_universe, 43, 1 }, { "log-facility", "Nsyslog-facilities.", &server_universe, 44, 1 }, { "do-forward-updates", "f", &server_universe, 45, 1 }, { "ping-timeout", "T", &server_universe, 46, 1 }, { "infinite-is-reserved", "f", &server_universe, 47, 1 }, { "update-conflict-detection", "f", &server_universe, 48, 1 }, { "leasequery", "f", &server_universe, 49, 1 }, { "adaptive-lease-time-threshold", "B", &server_universe, 50, 1 }, { "do-reverse-updates", "f", &server_universe, 51, 1 }, { "fqdn-reply", "f", &server_universe, 52, 1 }, { "preferred-lifetime", "T", &server_universe, 53, 1 }, { "dhcpv6-lease-file-name", "t", &server_universe, 54, 1 }, { "dhcpv6-pid-file-name", "t", &server_universe, 55, 1 }, { "limit-addrs-per-ia", "L", &server_universe, 56, 1 }, { "limit-prefs-per-ia", "L", &server_universe, 57, 1 }, /* Assert a configuration parsing error if delayed-ack isn't compiled in. */ #if defined(DELAYED_ACK) { "delayed-ack", "S", &server_universe, 58, 1 }, { "max-ack-delay", "L", &server_universe, 59, 1 }, #endif #if defined(LDAP_CONFIGURATION) { "ldap-server", "t", &server_universe, 60, 1 }, { "ldap-port", "L", &server_universe, 61, 1 }, { "ldap-username", "t", &server_universe, 62, 1 }, { "ldap-password", "t", &server_universe, 63, 1 }, { "ldap-base-dn", "t", &server_universe, 64, 1 }, { "ldap-method", "Nldap-methods.", &server_universe, 65, 1 }, { "ldap-debug-file", "t", &server_universe, 66, 1 }, { "ldap-dhcp-server-cn", "t", &server_universe, 67, 1 }, { "ldap-referrals", "f", &server_universe, 68, 1 }, #if defined(LDAP_USE_SSL) { "ldap-ssl", "Nldap-ssl-usage.", &server_universe, 69, 1 }, { "ldap-tls-reqcert", "Nldap-tls-reqcert.", &server_universe, 70, 1 }, { "ldap-tls-ca-file", "t", &server_universe, 71, 1 }, { "ldap-tls-ca-dir", "t", &server_universe, 72, 1 }, { "ldap-tls-cert", "t", &server_universe, 73, 1 }, { "ldap-tls-key", "t", &server_universe, 74, 1 }, { "ldap-tls-crlcheck", "Nldap-tls-crlcheck.", &server_universe, 75, 1 }, { "ldap-tls-ciphers", "t", &server_universe, 76, 1 }, { "ldap-tls-randfile", "t", &server_universe, 77, 1 }, { "ldap-init-retry", "L", &server_universe, SV_LDAP_INIT_RETRY, 1 }, #endif /* LDAP_USE_SSL */ #if defined(LDAP_USE_GSSAPI) { "ldap-gssapi-keytab", "t", &server_universe, SV_LDAP_GSSAPI_KEYTAB, 1}, { "ldap-gssapi-principal", "t", &server_universe, SV_LDAP_GSSAPI_PRINCIPAL, 1}, #endif /* LDAP_USE_GSSAPI */ #endif /* LDAP_CONFIGURATION */ { "dhcp-cache-threshold", "B", &server_universe, 78, 1 }, { "dont-use-fsync", "f", &server_universe, 79, 1 }, { "ddns-local-address4", "I", &server_universe, 80, 1 }, { "ddns-local-address6", "6", &server_universe, 81, 1 }, { "ignore-client-uids", "f", &server_universe, 82, 1 }, { "log-threshold-low", "B", &server_universe, 83, 1 }, { "log-threshold-high", "B", &server_universe, 84, 1 }, { "echo-client-id", "f", &server_universe, SV_ECHO_CLIENT_ID, 1 }, { "server-id-check", "f", &server_universe, SV_SERVER_ID_CHECK, 1 }, { "prefix-length-mode", "Nprefix_length_modes.", &server_universe, SV_PREFIX_LEN_MODE, 1 }, { "dhcpv6-set-tee-times", "f", &server_universe, SV_DHCPV6_SET_TEE_TIMES, 1 }, { "abandon-lease-time", "T", &server_universe, SV_ABANDON_LEASE_TIME, 1 }, #ifdef EUI_64 { "use-eui-64", "f", &server_universe, SV_USE_EUI_64, 1 }, { "persist-eui-64-leases", "f", &server_universe, SV_PERSIST_EUI_64_LEASES, 1 }, #endif #if defined (FAILOVER_PROTOCOL) { "check-secs-byte-order", "f", &server_universe, SV_CHECK_SECS_BYTE_ORDER, 1 }, #endif { "ddns-dual-stack-mixed-mode", "f", &server_universe, SV_DDNS_DUAL_STACK_MIXED_MODE, 1 }, { "ddns-guard-id-must-match", "f", &server_universe, SV_DDNS_GUARD_ID_MUST_MATCH, 1 }, { "ddns-other-guard-is-dynamic", "f", &server_universe, SV_DDNS_OTHER_GUARD_IS_DYNAMIC, 1 }, { "release-on-roam", "f", &server_universe, SV_RELEASE_ON_ROAM, 1 }, { "local-address6", "6", &server_universe, SV_LOCAL_ADDRESS6, 1 }, { "bind-local-address6", "f", &server_universe, SV_BIND_LOCAL_ADDRESS6, 1 }, { "ping-cltt-secs", "T", &server_universe, SV_PING_CLTT_SECS, 1 }, { "ping-timeout-ms", "T", &server_universe, SV_PING_TIMEOUT_MS, 1 }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 } }; #if defined(LDAP_CONFIGURATION) struct enumeration_value ldap_values [] = { { "static", LDAP_METHOD_STATIC }, { "dynamic", LDAP_METHOD_DYNAMIC }, { (char *) 0, 0 } }; struct enumeration ldap_methods = { (struct enumeration *)0, "ldap-methods", 1, ldap_values }; #if defined(LDAP_USE_SSL) struct enumeration_value ldap_ssl_usage_values [] = { { "off", LDAP_SSL_OFF }, { "on",LDAP_SSL_ON }, { "ldaps", LDAP_SSL_LDAPS }, { "start_tls", LDAP_SSL_TLS }, { (char *) 0, 0 } }; struct enumeration ldap_ssl_usage_enum = { (struct enumeration *)0, "ldap-ssl-usage", 1, ldap_ssl_usage_values }; struct enumeration_value ldap_tls_reqcert_values [] = { { "never", LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_NEVER }, { "hard", LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD }, { "demand", LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND}, { "allow", LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_ALLOW }, { "try", LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_TRY }, { (char *) 0, 0 } }; struct enumeration ldap_tls_reqcert_enum = { (struct enumeration *)0, "ldap-tls-reqcert", 1, ldap_tls_reqcert_values }; struct enumeration_value ldap_tls_crlcheck_values [] = { { "none", LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CRL_NONE}, { "peer", LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CRL_PEER}, { "all", LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CRL_ALL }, { (char *) 0, 0 } }; struct enumeration ldap_tls_crlcheck_enum = { (struct enumeration *)0, "ldap-tls-crlcheck", 1, ldap_tls_crlcheck_values }; #endif #endif struct enumeration_value ddns_styles_values [] = { { "none", 0 }, { "ad-hoc", 1 }, { "interim", 2 }, { "standard", 3 }, { (char *)0, 0 } }; struct enumeration ddns_styles = { (struct enumeration *)0, "ddns-styles", 1, ddns_styles_values }; struct enumeration_value prefix_length_modes_values[] = { { "ignore", PLM_IGNORE }, { "prefer", PLM_PREFER }, { "exact", PLM_EXACT }, { "minimum", PLM_MINIMUM }, { "maximum", PLM_MAXIMUM }, { (char *)0, 0 } }; struct enumeration prefix_length_modes = { (struct enumeration *)0, "prefix_length_modes", 1, prefix_length_modes_values }; struct enumeration_value syslog_values [] = { #if defined (LOG_KERN) { "kern", LOG_KERN }, #endif #if defined (LOG_USER) { "user", LOG_USER }, #endif #if defined (LOG_MAIL) { "mail", LOG_MAIL }, #endif #if defined (LOG_DAEMON) { "daemon", LOG_DAEMON }, #endif #if defined (LOG_AUTH) { "auth", LOG_AUTH }, #endif #if defined (LOG_SYSLOG) { "syslog", LOG_SYSLOG }, #endif #if defined (LOG_LPR) { "lpr", LOG_LPR }, #endif #if defined (LOG_NEWS) { "news", LOG_NEWS }, #endif #if defined (LOG_UUCP) { "uucp", LOG_UUCP }, #endif #if defined (LOG_CRON) { "cron", LOG_CRON }, #endif #if defined (LOG_AUTHPRIV) { "authpriv", LOG_AUTHPRIV }, #endif #if defined (LOG_FTP) { "ftp", LOG_FTP }, #endif #if defined (LOG_LOCAL0) { "local0", LOG_LOCAL0 }, #endif #if defined (LOG_LOCAL1) { "local1", LOG_LOCAL1 }, #endif #if defined (LOG_LOCAL2) { "local2", LOG_LOCAL2 }, #endif #if defined (LOG_LOCAL3) { "local3", LOG_LOCAL3 }, #endif #if defined (LOG_LOCAL4) { "local4", LOG_LOCAL4 }, #endif #if defined (LOG_LOCAL5) { "local5", LOG_LOCAL5 }, #endif #if defined (LOG_LOCAL6) { "local6", LOG_LOCAL6 }, #endif #if defined (LOG_LOCAL7) { "local7", LOG_LOCAL7 }, #endif { (char *)0, 0 } }; struct enumeration syslog_enum = { (struct enumeration *)0, "syslog-facilities", 1, syslog_values }; void initialize_server_option_spaces() { int i; unsigned code; /* Set up the Relay Agent Information Option suboption space... */ agent_universe.name = "agent"; agent_universe.concat_duplicates = 0; agent_universe.option_state_dereference = linked_option_state_dereference; agent_universe.lookup_func = lookup_linked_option; agent_universe.save_func = save_linked_option; agent_universe.delete_func = delete_linked_option; agent_universe.encapsulate = linked_option_space_encapsulate; agent_universe.foreach = linked_option_space_foreach; agent_universe.decode = parse_option_buffer; agent_universe.index = universe_count++; agent_universe.length_size = 1; agent_universe.tag_size = 1; agent_universe.get_tag = getUChar; agent_universe.store_tag = putUChar; agent_universe.get_length = getUChar; agent_universe.store_length = putUChar; agent_universe.site_code_min = 0; agent_universe.end = 0; universes [agent_universe.index] = &agent_universe; if (!option_name_new_hash(&agent_universe.name_hash, AGENT_HASH_SIZE, MDL) || !option_code_new_hash(&agent_universe.code_hash, AGENT_HASH_SIZE, MDL)) log_fatal ("Can't allocate agent option hash table."); for (i = 0 ; agent_options[i].name ; i++) { option_code_hash_add(agent_universe.code_hash, &agent_options[i].code, 0, &agent_options[i], MDL); option_name_hash_add(agent_universe.name_hash, agent_options[i].name, 0, &agent_options[i], MDL); } #if defined(REPORT_HASH_PERFORMANCE) log_info("Relay Agent name hash: %s", option_name_hash_report(agent_universe.name_hash)); log_info("Relay Agent code hash: %s", option_code_hash_report(agent_universe.code_hash)); #endif code = DHO_DHCP_AGENT_OPTIONS; option_code_hash_lookup(&agent_universe.enc_opt, dhcp_universe.code_hash, &code, 0, MDL); /* Set up the server option universe... */ server_universe.name = "server"; server_universe.concat_duplicates = 0; server_universe.lookup_func = lookup_hashed_option; server_universe.option_state_dereference = hashed_option_state_dereference; server_universe.save_func = save_hashed_option; server_universe.delete_func = delete_hashed_option; server_universe.encapsulate = hashed_option_space_encapsulate; server_universe.foreach = hashed_option_space_foreach; server_universe.length_size = 1; /* Never used ... */ server_universe.tag_size = 4; server_universe.store_tag = putUChar; server_universe.store_length = putUChar; server_universe.site_code_min = 0; server_universe.end = 0; server_universe.index = universe_count++; universes [server_universe.index] = &server_universe; if (!option_name_new_hash(&server_universe.name_hash, SERVER_HASH_SIZE, MDL) || !option_code_new_hash(&server_universe.code_hash, SERVER_HASH_SIZE, MDL)) log_fatal ("Can't allocate server option hash table."); for (i = 0 ; server_options[i].name ; i++) { option_code_hash_add(server_universe.code_hash, &server_options[i].code, 0, &server_options[i], MDL); option_name_hash_add(server_universe.name_hash, server_options[i].name, 0, &server_options[i], MDL); } #if defined(REPORT_HASH_PERFORMANCE) log_info("Server-Config Option name hash: %s", option_name_hash_report(server_universe.name_hash)); log_info("Server-Config Option code hash: %s", option_code_hash_report(server_universe.code_hash)); #endif /* Add the server and agent option spaces to the option space hash. */ universe_hash_add (universe_hash, agent_universe.name, 0, &agent_universe, MDL); universe_hash_add (universe_hash, server_universe.name, 0, &server_universe, MDL); /* Make the server universe the configuration option universe. */ config_universe = &server_universe; code = SV_VENDOR_OPTION_SPACE; option_code_hash_lookup(&vendor_cfg_option, server_universe.code_hash, &code, 0, MDL); }