/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* vim:set et sts=4: */ /* bus - The Input Bus * Copyright (C) 2013 Peng Huang * Copyright (C) 2013 Takao Fujiwara * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 * USA */ #include #include #include #include "ibusinternal.h" #include "ibusmarshalers.h" #include "ibusregistry.h" #define IBUS_CACHE_MAGIC 0x49425553 /* "IBUS" */ #define IBUS_CACHE_VERSION 0x00010502 enum { CHANGED, LAST_SIGNAL, }; static guint _signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; struct _IBusRegistryPrivate { /* a list of IBusObservedPath objects. */ GList *observed_paths; /* a list of IBusComponent objects that are created from component XML * files (or from the cache of them). */ GList *components; gboolean changed; /* a mapping from GFile to GFileMonitor. */ GHashTable *monitor_table; guint monitor_timeout_id; }; #define IBUS_REGISTRY_GET_PRIVATE(o) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), IBUS_TYPE_REGISTRY, IBusRegistryPrivate)) /* functions prototype */ static void ibus_registry_destroy (IBusRegistry *registry); static void ibus_registry_remove_all (IBusRegistry *registry); static gboolean ibus_registry_serialize (IBusRegistry *registry, GVariantBuilder *builder); static gint ibus_registry_deserialize (IBusRegistry *registry, GVariant *variant); static gboolean ibus_registry_copy (IBusRegistry *dest, const IBusRegistry *src); G_DEFINE_TYPE (IBusRegistry, ibus_registry, IBUS_TYPE_SERIALIZABLE) static void ibus_registry_class_init (IBusRegistryClass *class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); IBusObjectClass *ibus_object_class = IBUS_OBJECT_CLASS (class); IBusSerializableClass *serializable_class = IBUS_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS (class); ibus_object_class->destroy = (IBusObjectDestroyFunc) ibus_registry_destroy; serializable_class->serialize = (IBusSerializableSerializeFunc) ibus_registry_serialize; serializable_class->deserialize = (IBusSerializableDeserializeFunc) ibus_registry_deserialize; serializable_class->copy = (IBusSerializableCopyFunc) ibus_registry_copy; g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (IBusRegistryPrivate)); /* install signals */ /** * IBusRegistry::changed: * @registry: An #IBusRegistry. * * Emitted when any observed paths are changed. * A method is not associated in this class. the "changed" * signal would be handled in other classes. * * See also: ibus_registry_start_monitor_changes(). */ _signals[CHANGED] = g_signal_new (I_("changed"), G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, _ibus_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); } static void ibus_registry_init (IBusRegistry *registry) { registry->priv = IBUS_REGISTRY_GET_PRIVATE (registry); registry->priv->observed_paths = NULL; registry->priv->components = NULL; registry->priv->changed = FALSE; registry->priv->monitor_table = g_hash_table_new_full (g_file_hash, (GEqualFunc) g_file_equal, (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref, (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref); } static void ibus_registry_destroy (IBusRegistry *registry) { ibus_registry_remove_all (registry); g_hash_table_destroy (registry->priv->monitor_table); registry->priv->monitor_table = NULL; if (registry->priv->monitor_timeout_id > 0) { g_source_remove (registry->priv->monitor_timeout_id); registry->priv->monitor_timeout_id = 0; } IBUS_OBJECT_CLASS (ibus_registry_parent_class)-> destroy (IBUS_OBJECT (registry)); } static gboolean ibus_registry_serialize (IBusRegistry *registry, GVariantBuilder *builder) { gboolean retval; retval = IBUS_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS (ibus_registry_parent_class)-> serialize ((IBusSerializable *)registry, builder); g_return_val_if_fail (retval, FALSE); GList *p; GVariantBuilder *array; array = g_variant_builder_new (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("av")); for (p = registry->priv->observed_paths; p != NULL; p = p->next) { IBusSerializable *serializable = (IBusSerializable *) p->data; g_variant_builder_add (array, "v", ibus_serializable_serialize (serializable)); } g_variant_builder_add (builder, "av", array); g_variant_builder_unref (array); array = g_variant_builder_new (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("av")); for (p = registry->priv->components; p != NULL; p = p->next) { IBusSerializable *serializable = (IBusSerializable *) p->data; g_variant_builder_add (array, "v", ibus_serializable_serialize (serializable)); } g_variant_builder_add (builder, "av", array); g_variant_builder_unref (array); return TRUE; } static gint ibus_registry_deserialize (IBusRegistry *registry, GVariant *variant) { GVariant *var; GVariantIter *iter; gint retval; retval = IBUS_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS (ibus_registry_parent_class)-> deserialize ((IBusSerializable *)registry, variant); g_return_val_if_fail (retval, 0); g_variant_get_child (variant, retval++, "av", &iter); while (g_variant_iter_loop (iter, "v", &var)) { IBusSerializable *serializable = ibus_serializable_deserialize (var); registry->priv->observed_paths = g_list_append (registry->priv->observed_paths, IBUS_OBSERVED_PATH (serializable)); } g_variant_iter_free (iter); g_variant_get_child (variant, retval++, "av", &iter); while (g_variant_iter_loop (iter, "v", &var)) { IBusSerializable *serializable = ibus_serializable_deserialize (var); registry->priv->components = g_list_append (registry->priv->components, IBUS_COMPONENT (serializable)); } g_variant_iter_free (iter); return retval; } static gboolean ibus_registry_copy (IBusRegistry *dest, const IBusRegistry *src) { gboolean retval; retval = IBUS_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS (ibus_registry_parent_class)-> copy ((IBusSerializable *)dest, (IBusSerializable *)src); g_return_val_if_fail (retval, FALSE); dest->priv->components = g_list_copy (src->priv->components); dest->priv->observed_paths = g_list_copy (src->priv->observed_paths); return TRUE; } /** * ibus_registry_remove_all: * * Remove the loaded registry. */ static void ibus_registry_remove_all (IBusRegistry *registry) { g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); g_list_free_full (registry->priv->observed_paths, g_object_unref); registry->priv->observed_paths = NULL; g_list_free_full (registry->priv->components, g_object_unref); registry->priv->components = NULL; } void ibus_registry_load (IBusRegistry *registry) { const gchar *envstr; GPtrArray *path; gchar **d, **search_path; g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); path = g_ptr_array_new(); envstr = g_getenv ("IBUS_COMPONENT_PATH"); if (envstr) { gchar **dirs = g_strsplit (envstr, G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S, 0); for (d = dirs; *d != NULL; d++) g_ptr_array_add (path, *d); g_free (dirs); } else { gchar *dirname; dirname = g_build_filename (IBUS_DATA_DIR, "component", NULL); g_ptr_array_add (path, dirname); #if 0 /* FIXME Should we support install some IME in user dir? */ dirname = g_build_filename (g_get_user_data_dir (), "ibus", "component", NULL); g_ptr_array_add (path, dirname); #endif } g_ptr_array_add (path, NULL); search_path = (gchar **) g_ptr_array_free (path, FALSE); for (d = search_path; *d != NULL; d++) { ibus_registry_load_in_dir (registry, *d); } g_strfreev (search_path); } gboolean ibus_registry_load_cache (IBusRegistry *registry, gboolean is_user) { gchar *filename; gboolean retval; g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); if (is_user) { filename = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (), "ibus", "bus", "registry", NULL); } else { filename = g_build_filename (IBUS_CACHE_DIR, "bus", "registry", NULL); } retval = ibus_registry_load_cache_file (registry, filename); g_free (filename); return retval; } gboolean ibus_registry_load_cache_file (IBusRegistry *registry, const gchar *filename) { gchar *contents, *p; gsize length; GVariant *variant; GError *error; g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); g_assert (filename != NULL); if (!g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) return FALSE; error = NULL; if (!g_file_get_contents (filename, &contents, &length, &error)) { g_warning ("cannot read %s: %s", filename, error->message); g_error_free (error); return FALSE; } p = contents; /* read file header including magic and version */ if (length < 8) { g_free (contents); return FALSE; } if (GUINT32_FROM_BE (*(guint32 *) p) != IBUS_CACHE_MAGIC) { g_free (contents); return FALSE; } p += 4; if (GUINT32_FROM_BE (*(guint32 *) p) != IBUS_CACHE_VERSION) { g_free (contents); return FALSE; } p += 4; /* read serialized IBusRegistry */ variant = g_variant_new_from_data (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(sa{sv}avav)"), p, length - (p - contents), FALSE, (GDestroyNotify) g_free, NULL); if (variant == NULL) { g_free (contents); return FALSE; } ibus_registry_deserialize (registry, variant); g_variant_unref (variant); g_free (contents); return TRUE; } gboolean ibus_registry_check_modification (IBusRegistry *registry) { GList *p; g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); for (p = registry->priv->observed_paths; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (ibus_observed_path_check_modification ( (IBusObservedPath *) p->data)) return TRUE; } for (p = registry->priv->components; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (ibus_component_check_modification ((IBusComponent *) p->data)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean ibus_registry_save_cache (IBusRegistry *registry, gboolean is_user) { gchar *filename; gboolean retval; g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); if (is_user) { filename = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (), "ibus", "bus", "registry", NULL); } else { filename = g_build_filename (IBUS_CACHE_DIR, "bus", "registry", NULL); } retval = ibus_registry_save_cache_file (registry, filename); g_free (filename); return retval; } gboolean ibus_registry_save_cache_file (IBusRegistry *registry, const gchar *filename) { gchar *cachedir; GVariant *variant; gchar *contents, *p; gsize length; gboolean retval; guint32 intval; GError *error; g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); g_assert (filename != NULL); cachedir = g_path_get_dirname (filename); g_mkdir_with_parents (cachedir, 0775); g_free (cachedir); variant = ibus_serializable_serialize (IBUS_SERIALIZABLE (registry)); length = 8 + g_variant_get_size (variant); p = contents = g_slice_alloc (length); /* write file header */ intval = GUINT32_TO_BE (IBUS_CACHE_MAGIC); memcpy (p, (gchar *) &intval, 4); p += 4; intval = GUINT32_TO_BE (IBUS_CACHE_VERSION); memcpy (p, (gchar *) &intval, 4); p += 4; /* write serialized IBusRegistry */ g_variant_store (variant, p); error = NULL; retval = g_file_set_contents (filename, contents, length, &error); g_variant_unref (variant); g_slice_free1 (length, contents); if (!retval) { g_warning ("cannot write %s: %s", filename, error->message); g_error_free (error); return FALSE; } if (g_str_has_prefix (filename, g_get_user_cache_dir ())) { g_chmod (filename, 0644); } return TRUE; } #define g_string_append_indent(string, indent) \ { \ gint i; \ for (i = 0; i < (indent); i++) { \ g_string_append (string, " "); \ } \ } void ibus_registry_output (IBusRegistry *registry, GString *output, int indent) { GList *p; g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); g_return_if_fail (output != NULL); g_string_append (output, "\n"); g_string_append (output, "\n"); if (registry->priv->observed_paths) { g_string_append_indent (output, indent); g_string_append (output, "\n"); for (p = registry->priv->observed_paths; p != NULL; p = p->next) { ibus_observed_path_output ((IBusObservedPath *) p->data, output, indent * 2); } g_string_append_indent (output, indent); g_string_append (output, "\n"); } if (registry->priv->components) { g_string_append_indent (output, indent); g_string_append (output, "\n"); for (p = registry->priv->components; p != NULL; p = p->next) { ibus_component_output ((IBusComponent *) p->data, output, indent * 2); } g_string_append_indent (output, indent); g_string_append (output, "\n"); } g_string_append (output, "\n"); } void ibus_registry_load_in_dir (IBusRegistry *registry, const gchar *dirname) { GError *error = NULL; GDir *dir; IBusObservedPath *observed_path = NULL; const gchar *filename; g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); g_assert (dirname); dir = g_dir_open (dirname, 0, &error); if (dir == NULL) { g_warning ("Unable open directory %s : %s", dirname, error->message); g_error_free (error); return; } observed_path = ibus_observed_path_new (dirname, TRUE); registry->priv->observed_paths = g_list_append (registry->priv->observed_paths, observed_path); while ((filename = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) { glong size; gchar *path; IBusComponent *component; size = g_utf8_strlen (filename, -1); if (g_strcmp0 (MAX (filename, filename + size - 4), ".xml") != 0) continue; path = g_build_filename (dirname, filename, NULL); component = ibus_component_new_from_file (path); if (component != NULL) { g_object_ref_sink (component); registry->priv->components = g_list_append (registry->priv->components, component); } g_free (path); } g_dir_close (dir); } IBusRegistry * ibus_registry_new (void) { IBusRegistry *registry; registry = (IBusRegistry *) g_object_new (IBUS_TYPE_REGISTRY, NULL); return registry; } GList * ibus_registry_get_components (IBusRegistry *registry) { g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); return g_list_copy (registry->priv->components); } GList * ibus_registry_get_observed_paths (IBusRegistry *registry) { g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); return g_list_copy (registry->priv->observed_paths); } static gboolean _monitor_timeout_cb (IBusRegistry *registry) { g_hash_table_remove_all (registry->priv->monitor_table); registry->priv->changed = TRUE; g_signal_emit (registry, _signals[CHANGED], 0); registry->priv->monitor_timeout_id = 0; return FALSE; } static void _monitor_changed_cb (GFileMonitor *monitor, GFile *file, GFile *other_file, GFileMonitorEvent event_type, IBusRegistry *registry) { g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); if (event_type != G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED && event_type != G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_DELETED && event_type != G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED && event_type != G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED) return; /* Merge successive file changes into one, with a low priority timeout handler. */ if (registry->priv->monitor_timeout_id > 0) return; registry->priv->monitor_timeout_id = g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, 5000, (GSourceFunc) _monitor_timeout_cb, g_object_ref (registry), (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref); } void ibus_registry_start_monitor_changes (IBusRegistry *registry) { GList *observed_paths, *p; g_assert (IBUS_IS_REGISTRY (registry)); g_hash_table_remove_all (registry->priv->monitor_table); observed_paths = g_list_copy (registry->priv->observed_paths); for (p = registry->priv->components; p != NULL; p = p->next) { IBusComponent *component = (IBusComponent *) p->data; GList *component_observed_paths = ibus_component_get_observed_paths (component); observed_paths = g_list_concat (observed_paths, component_observed_paths); } for (p = observed_paths; p != NULL; p = p->next) { IBusObservedPath *path = (IBusObservedPath *) p->data; GFile *file = g_file_new_for_path (path->path); if (g_hash_table_lookup (registry->priv->monitor_table, file) == NULL) { GFileMonitor *monitor; GError *error; error = NULL; monitor = g_file_monitor (file, G_FILE_MONITOR_NONE, NULL, &error); if (monitor != NULL) { g_signal_connect (monitor, "changed", G_CALLBACK (_monitor_changed_cb), registry); g_hash_table_replace (registry->priv->monitor_table, g_object_ref (file), monitor); } else { g_warning ("Can't monitor directory %s: %s", path->path, error->message); g_error_free (error); } } g_object_unref (file); } g_list_free (observed_paths); }