/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* vim:set et sts=4: */ /* ibus-anthy - The Anthy engine for IBus * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Takao Fujiwara * Copyright (c) 2012 Peng Huang * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include extern void anthy_init_personality (void); extern int anthy_do_set_personality (const char *id); #include "anthygcontext.h" #define ANTHY_GCONTEXT_GET_PRIVATE(o) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), ANTHY_TYPE_GCONTEXT, AnthyGContextPrivate)) struct _AnthyGContextPrivate { anthy_context_t context; }; static GObject *anthy_gcontext_constructor (GType type, guint n, GObjectConstructParam *args); static void anthy_gcontext_dispose (GObject *gobject); static void anthy_gcontext_finalize (GObject *gobject); G_DEFINE_TYPE (AnthyGContext, anthy_gcontext, G_TYPE_INITIALLY_UNOWNED) static void anthy_gcontext_class_init (AnthyGContextClass *class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); gobject_class->constructor = anthy_gcontext_constructor; gobject_class->dispose = anthy_gcontext_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = anthy_gcontext_finalize; g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (AnthyGContextPrivate)); } static void anthy_gcontext_init (AnthyGContext *obj) { obj->priv = ANTHY_GCONTEXT_GET_PRIVATE (obj); anthy_init (); obj->priv->context = anthy_create_context (); } static GObject * anthy_gcontext_constructor (GType type, guint n, GObjectConstructParam *args) { GObject *object; object = G_OBJECT_CLASS (anthy_gcontext_parent_class)->constructor (type, n ,args); return object; } static void anthy_gcontext_dispose (GObject *gobject) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (anthy_gcontext_parent_class)->dispose (gobject); } static void anthy_gcontext_finalize (GObject *gobject) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (anthy_gcontext_parent_class)->finalize (gobject); } AnthyGContext * anthy_gcontext_new (void) { GObject *gobject = g_object_new (ANTHY_TYPE_GCONTEXT, NULL); return ANTHY_GCONTEXT (gobject); } #define ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS() \ { \ g_assert (obj != NULL); \ g_assert (obj->priv != NULL); \ g_assert (obj->priv->context != NULL); \ } int anthy_gcontext_set_encoding (AnthyGContext *obj, int encoding) { ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); return anthy_context_set_encoding (obj->priv->context, encoding); } void anthy_gcontext_init_personality (AnthyGContext *obj) { ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); anthy_init_personality (); } int anthy_gcontext_do_set_personality (AnthyGContext *obj, const gchar *dict_name) { ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); return anthy_do_set_personality (dict_name); } void anthy_gcontext_resize_segment (AnthyGContext *obj, int nth, int resize) { ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); anthy_resize_segment (obj->priv->context, nth, resize); } int anthy_gcontext_set_string (AnthyGContext *obj, const gchar * string) { ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); return anthy_set_string (obj->priv->context, string); } int anthy_gcontext_get_nr_segments (AnthyGContext *obj) { struct anthy_conv_stat conv_stat = { 0, }; ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); anthy_get_stat(obj->priv->context, &conv_stat); return conv_stat.nr_segment; } gchar * anthy_gcontext_get_segment (AnthyGContext *obj, int nth_seg, int nth_lookup) { int length; static char temp[512]; ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); length = anthy_get_segment (obj->priv->context, nth_seg, nth_lookup, temp, sizeof (temp)); if (length >= 0) { return g_strdup (temp); } else { return NULL; } } int anthy_gcontext_commit_segment(AnthyGContext *obj, int nth_seg, int nth_lookup) { ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); return anthy_commit_segment (obj->priv->context, nth_seg, nth_lookup); } int anthy_gcontext_get_nr_candidates (AnthyGContext *obj, int nth_seg) { struct anthy_segment_stat seg_stat = { 0, }; ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); anthy_get_segment_stat (obj->priv->context, nth_seg, &seg_stat); return seg_stat.nr_candidate; } int anthy_gcontext_set_prediction_string (AnthyGContext *obj, const gchar * string) { ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); return anthy_set_prediction_string (obj->priv->context, string); } int anthy_gcontext_get_nr_predictions (AnthyGContext *obj) { struct anthy_prediction_stat seg_stat = { 0, }; ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); anthy_get_prediction_stat (obj->priv->context, &seg_stat); return seg_stat.nr_prediction; } gchar * anthy_gcontext_get_prediction (AnthyGContext *obj, int nth_seg) { int length; static char temp[512]; ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); length = anthy_get_prediction (obj->priv->context, nth_seg, temp, sizeof (temp)); if (length >= 0) { return g_strdup (temp); } else { return NULL; } } int anthy_gcontext_commit_prediction (AnthyGContext *obj, int nth_seg) { ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS (); return anthy_commit_prediction (obj->priv->context, nth_seg); } #undef ANTHY_OBJECT_FUNCTION_ASSERTIONS