language: c compiler: gcc os: linux # Require gettext-0.19.8 dist: focal branches: only: - master arch: - amd64 #- ppc64le #- s390x #- arm64 addons: apt: packages: # For - autopoint # For make from # - desktop-file-utils - gir1.2-ibus-1.0 - gobject-introspection - gettext - libanthy-dev - libgirepository1.0-dev - libglib2.0-dev - pkg-config - python3-dev - python3-gi jobs: include: - name: Build before_script: - sudo apt-get -qq update script: - set -e - git pull --depth=200 # configure options from # - > ./ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/ibus --with-layout='default' --with-python=python3 --with-hotkeys --with-on-off-keys="'Zenkaku_Hankaku', 'Ctrl+space', 'Ctrl+J'" --enable-installed-tests --disable-static # Set the cutom DESTDIR because the default DESTDIR # /home/travis/bulid/fujiwarat/$PKG/ibus/ibus-$VERSION/_inst seems to be # too long and failed to set DESTDIR to install bindings/pygobject/ - > make VERBOSE=1 DESTDIR="$HOME/build/$USER/dest" - > desktop-file-validate ./setup/python3/ibus-setup-anthy.desktop