Please fill in the following items if you don't know the root cause. Which distribution and version?: (E.g. Fedora 27. Check /etc/fedora-release) Which desktop environment and version?: (E.g. GNOME 3.24. Check $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP and your ISO image.) Which session type?: (X11 or Wayland. Check $XDG_SESSION_TYPE) Which application and version?: (E.g. gedit 3.24, leafpad, kate, xterm) IBus version?: (Run `ibus version`) ibus-anthy version?: (Open "IBus Anthy preferences" dialog (`ibus-setup-anthy`) from IBus panel menu or ibus-setup, and select "About" tab) Issue description: Steps to reproduce: 1. 1. 1. 1. Can you reproduce your problem when you restart ibus-daemon? (yes / no): (Run `ibus exit` and `ibus-daemon --xim &`) Do you see any errors when you run ibus-daemon with the verbose option?: (Run `ibus-daemon --xim --verbose &` and look at the output when you encounter your problem.) Can you reproduce your problem with a new user account instead of the current your account? (yes / no):