T14273.hs:7:27: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors (in -Wdefault)] • Could not deduce (Show a1) arising from a use of ‘show’ from the context: Show a bound by the type signature for: pleaseShow :: forall a. Show a => Bool -> a -> Maybe String at T14273.hs:5:1-49 The type variable ‘a1’ is ambiguous These potential instances exist: instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’ instance Show Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’ instance Show a => Show (Maybe a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’ ...plus 24 others ...plus 70 instances involving out-of-scope types (use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all) • In the first argument of ‘Just’, namely ‘(show _a)’ In the expression: Just (show _a) In an equation for ‘pleaseShow’: pleaseShow True a = Just (show _a) T14273.hs:7:32: warning: [-Wtyped-holes (in -Wdefault)] • Found hole: _a :: a1 Where: ‘a1’ is an ambiguous type variable Or perhaps ‘_a’ is mis-spelled, or not in scope • In the first argument of ‘show’, namely ‘_a’ In the first argument of ‘Just’, namely ‘(show _a)’ In the expression: Just (show _a) • Relevant bindings include a :: a (bound at T14273.hs:7:17) pleaseShow :: Bool -> a -> Maybe String (bound at T14273.hs:6:1) Constraints include Show a (from T14273.hs:5:1-49) Valid hole fits include a :: a (bound at T14273.hs:7:17) k :: String (bound at T14273.hs:10:1) otherwise :: Bool (imported from ‘Prelude’ at T14273.hs:1:8-40 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’)) False :: Bool (imported from ‘Prelude’ at T14273.hs:1:8-40 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Types’)) True :: Bool (imported from ‘Prelude’ at T14273.hs:1:8-40 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Types’)) LT :: Ordering (imported from ‘Prelude’ at T14273.hs:1:8-40 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Types’)) EQ :: Ordering (imported from ‘Prelude’ at T14273.hs:1:8-40 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Types’)) GT :: Ordering (imported from ‘Prelude’ at T14273.hs:1:8-40 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Types’)) () :: () (bound at ) pi :: forall a. Floating a => a with pi @Double (imported from ‘Prelude’ at T14273.hs:1:8-40 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Float’)) T14273.hs:13:10: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors (in -Wdefault)] • Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘show’ prevents the constraint ‘(Show a0)’ from being solved. Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘a0’ should be. These potential instances exist: instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’ instance Show Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’ instance Show a => Show (Maybe a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’ ...plus 24 others ...plus 70 instances involving out-of-scope types (use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all) • In the expression: show (_h ++ []) In an equation for ‘foo’: foo xs = show (_h ++ []) T14273.hs:13:16: warning: [-Wtyped-holes (in -Wdefault)] • Found hole: _h :: [a0] Where: ‘a0’ is an ambiguous type variable Or perhaps ‘_h’ is mis-spelled, or not in scope • In the first argument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘_h’ In the first argument of ‘show’, namely ‘(_h ++ [])’ In the expression: show (_h ++ []) • Relevant bindings include xs :: [a] (bound at T14273.hs:13:5) foo :: [a] -> String (bound at T14273.hs:13:1) Valid hole fits include k :: String (defined at T14273.hs:10:1)