T12593.hs:11:16: error: • Expecting two fewer arguments to ‘Free k k4 k5 p’ Expected kind ‘k0 -> k1 -> *’, but ‘Free k k4 k5 p’ has kind ‘*’ • In the type signature: run :: k2 q => Free k k1 k2 p a b -> (forall (c :: k) (d :: k1). p c d -> q c d) -> q a b T12593.hs:12:31: error: • Expecting one more argument to ‘k’ Expected a type, but ‘k’ has kind ‘(((k0 -> k1 -> *) -> Constraint) -> (k2 -> k3 -> *) -> *) -> Constraint’ • In the kind ‘k’ In the type signature: run :: k2 q => Free k k1 k2 p a b -> (forall (c :: k) (d :: k1). p c d -> q c d) -> q a b T12593.hs:12:40: error: • Expecting two more arguments to ‘k4’ Expected a type, but ‘k4’ has kind ‘((k0 -> k1 -> *) -> Constraint) -> (k2 -> k3 -> *) -> *’ • In the kind ‘k1’ In the type signature: run :: k2 q => Free k k1 k2 p a b -> (forall (c :: k) (d :: k1). p c d -> q c d) -> q a b