module Main where import GHC.Driver.Env import GHC.Driver.Session (extractDynFlags, parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine, defaultFatalMessager, defaultFlushOut) import GHC.Driver.Plugins import GHC.Driver.Monad import GHC.Types.Avail import Control.Monad.IO.Class import GHC import GHC.Fingerprint.Type import GHC.Hs.Decls import GHC.Hs.Doc import GHC.Hs.Expr import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension import GHC.Hs.ImpExp import GHC.Utils.Outputable import System.Environment import GHC.Tc.Types import Simple.SourcePlugin (plugin) main = do libdir:args <- getArgs defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $ do runGhc (Just libdir) $ do dflags <- getSessionDynFlags -- liftIO $ print args -- (dflags,_,_) -- <- parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine dflags (map noLoc args) -- we need to LinkInMemory otherwise `setTarget [] >> load LoadAllTargets` -- below will fail. setSessionDynFlags dflags { ghcLink = LinkInMemory} -- Start with a pure plugin, this should trigger recomp. liftIO $ putStrLn "==pure.0" loadWithPlugins [StaticPlugin $ PluginWithArgs plugin0_pure []] -- The same (or a different) pure plugin shouldn't trigger recomp. liftIO $ putStrLn "==pure.1" loadWithPlugins [StaticPlugin $ PluginWithArgs plugin0_pure []] -- Next try with a fingerprint plugin, should trigger recomp. liftIO $ putStrLn "==fp0.0" loadWithPlugins [StaticPlugin $ PluginWithArgs plugin_fp0 []] -- With the same fingerprint plugin, should not trigger recomp. liftIO $ putStrLn "==fp0.1" loadWithPlugins [StaticPlugin $ PluginWithArgs plugin_fp0 []] -- Change the plugin fingerprint, should trigger recomp. liftIO $ putStrLn "==fp1" loadWithPlugins [StaticPlugin $ PluginWithArgs plugin_fp1 []] -- TODO: this currently doesn't work, patch pending -- -- Even though the plugin is now pure we should still recomp since we -- -- used a potentially impure plugin before -- liftIO $ putStrLn "pure.2" -- loadWithPlugins [StaticPlugin $ PluginWithArgs plugin0_pure []] where loadWithPlugins the_plugins = do -- first unload (like GHCi :load does) GHC.setTargets [] _ <- GHC.load LoadAllTargets target <- guessTarget "static-plugins-module.hs" Nothing Nothing setTargets [target] modifySession $ \hsc_env -> let old_plugins = hsc_plugins hsc_env in hsc_env { hsc_plugins = old_plugins { staticPlugins = the_plugins } } dflags <- getSessionDynFlags setSessionDynFlags dflags { outputFile_ = Nothing } load LoadAllTargets plugin_fp0 = plugin { pluginRecompile = \_ -> pure $ MaybeRecompile $ Fingerprint 0 0 } plugin_fp1 = plugin { pluginRecompile = \_ -> pure $ MaybeRecompile $ Fingerprint 0 1 } plugin0_pure = plugin { pluginRecompile = \_ -> pure $ NoForceRecompile }