T14584.hs:57:41: warning: [GHC-39999] [-Wdeferred-type-errors (in -Wdefault)] • Could not deduce ‘SingI a’ arising from a use of ‘sing’ from the context: (Action act, Monoid a, Good m) bound by the instance declaration at T14584.hs:55:10-89 • In the second argument of ‘fromSing’, namely ‘(sing @m @a :: Sing _)’ In the fourth argument of ‘act’, namely ‘(fromSing @m (sing @m @a :: Sing _))’ In the expression: act @_ @_ @act (fromSing @m (sing @m @a :: Sing _)) T14584.hs:57:50: warning: [GHC-25897] [-Wdeferred-type-errors (in -Wdefault)] • Could not deduce ‘m ~ *’ from the context: (Action act, Monoid a, Good m) bound by the instance declaration at T14584.hs:55:10-89 ‘m’ is a rigid type variable bound by the instance declaration at T14584.hs:55:10-89 • In the type ‘a’ In the second argument of ‘fromSing’, namely ‘(sing @m @a :: Sing _)’ In the fourth argument of ‘act’, namely ‘(fromSing @m (sing @m @a :: Sing _))’ T14584.hs:57:60: warning: [GHC-88464] [-Wpartial-type-signatures (in -Wdefault)] • Found type wildcard ‘_’ standing for ‘a :: m’ Where: ‘a’, ‘m’ are rigid type variables bound by the instance declaration at T14584.hs:55:10-89 • In the first argument of ‘Sing’, namely ‘_’ In an expression type signature: Sing _ In the second argument of ‘fromSing’, namely ‘(sing @m @a :: Sing _)’ • Relevant bindings include monHom :: a -> a (bound at T14584.hs:57:3)