import os import subprocess import shutil import tempfile from pathlib import Path, PurePath from term_color import Color, colored from my_typing import * PassFail = NamedTuple('PassFail', [('passed', bool), ('reason', str), ('tag', Optional[str]), ('stderr', Optional[str]), ('stdout', Optional[str]), ('hc_opts', Optional[str]), ]) def badResult(result: PassFail) -> bool: return not result.passed def passed(hc_opts=None) -> PassFail: return PassFail(passed=True, reason='', tag=None, stderr=None, stdout=None, hc_opts=hc_opts) def failBecause(reason: str, tag: Optional[str]=None, stderr: Optional[str]=None, stdout: Optional[str]=None ) -> PassFail: return PassFail(passed=False, reason=reason, tag=tag, stderr=stderr, stdout=stdout, hc_opts=None) def strip_quotes(s: str) -> str: # Don't wrap commands to in quotes. return s.strip('\'"') def str_warn(s: str) -> str: return colored(Color.YELLOW, s) def str_info(s: str) -> str: return colored(Color.BLUE, s) def getStdout(cmd_and_args: List[str]): # Can't use subprocess.check_output, since we also verify that # no stderr was produced cp =[strip_quotes(cmd_and_args[0])] + cmd_and_args[1:], capture_output=True) r = cp.returncode stdout = cp.stdout stderr = cp.stderr if r != 0: raise Exception("Command failed: " + str(cmd_and_args)) if stderr: raise Exception("stderr from command: %s\nStdOut(%s):\n%r\n%s\nOutput(%s):\n%r\n%s\n" % (cmd_and_args,str(len(stdout)), stdout, stdout.decode('utf-8'), str(len(stderr)), stderr, stderr.decode('utf-8'))) return stdout.decode('utf-8') def lndir(srcdir: Path, dstdir: Path, force_copy=False): # Create symlinks for all files in src directory. # Not all developers might have lndir installed. # os.system('lndir -silent {0} {1}'.format(srcdir, dstdir)) for filename in srcdir.iterdir(): base = filename.relative_to(srcdir) src = srcdir / base dst = dstdir / base if src.is_file(): link_or_copy_file(src, dst, force_copy) else: dst.mkdir() lndir(src, dst) # All possible test metric strings. def testing_metrics(): return { 'bytes allocated', 'peak_megabytes_allocated', 'max_bytes_used' } # Metrics which are testing residency information def residency_testing_metrics(): return { 'peak_megabytes_allocated', 'max_bytes_used' } # On Windows, os.symlink is not defined with Python 2.7, but is in Python 3 # when using msys2, as GHC does. Unfortunately, only Administrative users have # the privileges necessary to create symbolic links by default. Consequently we # are forced to just copy instead. # # We define the following function to make this magic more # explicit/discoverable. You are encouraged to use it instead of os.symlink. def symlinks_work() -> bool: if os.getenv('FORCE_SYMLINKS') is not None: return True elif == 'nt': # On Windows we try to create a symlink to test whether symlinks are # usable. works = False with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: try: tmp.write(b'hello') os.symlink(, '__symlink-test') works = True except OSError as e: print('Saw {} during symlink test; assuming symlinks do not work.'.format(e)) finally: try: os.unlink('__symlink-test') except: pass return works else: return True if not symlinks_work(): def link_or_copy_file(src: Path, dst: Path, force_copy=False): shutil.copyfile(str(src), str(dst)) shutil.copymode(str(src), str(dst)) else: def link_or_copy_file(src: Path, dst: Path, force_copy=False): if force_copy: shutil.copyfile(str(src), str(dst)) shutil.copymode(str(src), str(dst)) else: os.symlink(str(src), str(dst)) def memoize(f): """ A decorator to memoize a nullary function. """ def cached(): if cached._cache is None: cached._cache = f() return cached._cache cached._cache = None return cached # Print the matrix data in a tabular format. def print_table(header_rows: List[List[str]], data_rows: List[List[str]], padding=2) -> None: # Calculate column widths then print each row. colWidths = [(0 if idx == 0 else padding) + max([len(cell) for cell in col]) for (idx, col) in enumerate(zip(*(header_rows + data_rows)))] col_fmts = ['{:>' + str(w) + '}' for w in colWidths] def printCols(cols): for row in cols: print(''.join([f.format(cell) for (f,cell) in zip(col_fmts, row)])) printCols(header_rows) print('-' * sum(colWidths)) printCols(data_rows) def shorten_metric_name(name: str) -> str: dic = { "runtime/bytes allocated": "run/alloc", "runtime/peak_megabytes_allocated": "run/peak", "runtime/max_bytes_used": "run/max", "compile_time/bytes allocated": "ghc/alloc", "compile_time/peak_megabytes_allocated": "ghc/peak", "compile_time/max_bytes_used": "ghc/max", } return dic.get(name, name)