module Rules.Library (libraryRules) where import Data.Functor import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type import qualified System.Directory as IO import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec import Base import Context import Expression hiding (way, package) import Flavour import Oracles.ModuleFiles import Packages import Rules.Gmp import Settings import Target import Utilities -- * Library 'Rules' libraryRules :: Rules () libraryRules = do root <- buildRootRules root -/- "//libHS*-*.dylib" %> buildDynamicLibUnix root "dylib" root -/- "//libHS*-*.so" %> buildDynamicLibUnix root "so" root -/- "//*.a" %> buildStaticLib root priority 2 $ root -/- "//HS*-*.o" %> buildGhciLibO root -- * 'Action's for building libraries -- | Build a static library ('LibA') under the given build root, whose path is -- the second argument. buildStaticLib :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action () buildStaticLib root archivePath = do l@(BuildPath _ stage _ (LibA pkgname _ way)) <- parsePath (parseBuildLibA root) "<.a library (build) path parser>" archivePath let context = libAContext l objs <- libraryObjects context removeFile archivePath build $ target context (Ar Pack stage) objs [archivePath] synopsis <- pkgSynopsis (package context) putSuccess $ renderLibrary (quote pkgname ++ " (" ++ show stage ++ ", way " ++ show way ++ ").") archivePath synopsis -- | Build a dynamic library ('LibDyn') under the given build root, with the -- given suffix ( or @.dylib@, @.dll@ in the future), where the complete -- path of the archive to build is given as the third argument. buildDynamicLibUnix :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath -> Action () buildDynamicLibUnix root suffix dynlibpath = do dynlib <- parsePath (parseBuildLibDyn root suffix) "" dynlibpath let context = libDynContext dynlib deps <- contextDependencies context need =<< mapM pkgLibraryFile deps objs <- libraryObjects context build $ target context (Ghc LinkHs $ Context.stage context) objs [dynlibpath] -- | Build a "GHCi library" ('LibGhci') under the given build root, with the -- complete path of the file to build is given as the second argument. buildGhciLibO :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action () buildGhciLibO root ghcilibPath = do l@(BuildPath _ stage _ (LibGhci _ _ _)) <- parsePath (parseBuildLibGhci root) "<.o ghci lib (build) path parser>" ghcilibPath let context = libGhciContext l objs <- allObjects context need objs build $ target context (Ld stage) objs [ghcilibPath] -- * Helpers -- | Return all Haskell and non-Haskell object files for the given 'Context'. allObjects :: Context -> Action [FilePath] allObjects context = (++) <$> nonHsObjects context <*> hsObjects context -- | Return all the non-Haskell object files for the given library context -- (object files built from C, C-- and sometimes other things). nonHsObjects :: Context -> Action [FilePath] nonHsObjects context = do cObjs <- cObjects context cmmSrcs <- interpretInContext context (getContextData cmmSrcs) cmmObjs <- mapM (objectPath context) cmmSrcs eObjs <- extraObjects context return $ cObjs ++ cmmObjs ++ eObjs -- | Return all the C object files needed to build the given library context. cObjects :: Context -> Action [FilePath] cObjects context = do srcs <- interpretInContext context (getContextData cSrcs) objs <- mapM (objectPath context) srcs return $ if Threaded `wayUnit` way context then objs else filter ((`notElem` ["Evac_thr", "Scav_thr"]) . takeBaseName) objs -- | Return extra object files needed to build the given library context. The -- resulting list is currently non-empty only when the package from the -- 'Context' is @integer-gmp@. extraObjects :: Context -> Action [FilePath] extraObjects context | package context == integerGmp = do gmpPath <- gmpBuildPath need [gmpPath -/- gmpLibraryH] map unifyPath <$> getDirectoryFiles "" [gmpPath -/- gmpObjectsDir -/- "*.o"] | otherwise = return [] -- | Return all the object files to be put into the library we're building for -- the given 'Context'. libraryObjects :: Context -> Action [FilePath] libraryObjects context@Context{..} = do hsObjs <- hsObjects context noHsObjs <- nonHsObjects context -- This will create split objects if required (we don't track them -- explicitly as this would needlessly bloat the Shake database). need $ noHsObjs ++ hsObjs split <- interpretInContext context =<< splitObjects <$> flavour let getSplitObjs = concatForM hsObjs $ \obj -> do let dir = dropExtension obj ++ "_" ++ osuf way ++ "_split" contents <- liftIO $ IO.getDirectoryContents dir return . map (dir -/-) $ filter (not . all (== '.')) contents (noHsObjs ++) <$> if split then getSplitObjs else return hsObjs -- * Library paths types and parsers -- | > libHS-[_].a data LibA = LibA String [Integer] Way deriving (Eq, Show) -- | > data DynLibExt = So | Dylib deriving (Eq, Show) -- | > libHS--ghc[_]. data LibDyn = LibDyn String [Integer] Way DynLibExt deriving (Eq, Show) -- | > HS-[_].o data LibGhci = LibGhci String [Integer] Way deriving (Eq, Show) -- | A path of the form -- -- > /stage//build/ -- -- where @something@ describes a library to be build for the given package. -- -- @a@, which represents that @something@, is instantiated as 'LibA', 'LibDyn' -- and 'LibGhci' successively in this module, depending on the type of library -- we're giving the build rules for. data BuildPath a = BuildPath FilePath -- ^ > / Stage -- ^ > stage/ FilePath -- ^ > /build/ a -- ^ > whatever comes after 'build/' deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Get the 'Context' corresponding to the build path for a given static library. libAContext :: BuildPath LibA -> Context libAContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath (LibA pkgname _ way)) = Context stage pkg way where pkg = library pkgname pkgpath -- | Get the 'Context' corresponding to the build path for a given GHCi library. libGhciContext :: BuildPath LibGhci -> Context libGhciContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath (LibGhci pkgname _ way)) = Context stage pkg way where pkg = library pkgname pkgpath -- | Get the 'Context' corresponding to the build path for a given dynamic library. libDynContext :: BuildPath LibDyn -> Context libDynContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath (LibDyn pkgname _ way _)) = Context stage pkg way where pkg = library pkgname pkgpath -- | Parse a build path for a library to be built under the given build root, -- where the filename will be parsed with the given parser argument. parseBuildPath :: FilePath -- ^ build root -> Parsec.Parsec String () a -- ^ what to parse after @build/@ -> Parsec.Parsec String () (BuildPath a) parseBuildPath root afterBuild = do _ <- Parsec.string root *> Parsec.optional (Parsec.char '/') stage <- parseStage _ <- Parsec.char '/' pkgpath <- Parsec.manyTill Parsec.anyChar (Parsec.try $ Parsec.string "/build/") a <- afterBuild return (BuildPath root stage pkgpath a) -- | Parse a path to a static library to be built, making sure the path starts -- with the given build root. parseBuildLibA :: FilePath -> Parsec.Parsec String () (BuildPath LibA) parseBuildLibA root = parseBuildPath root parseLibAFilename Parsec. "build path for a static library" -- | Parse a path to a ghci library to be built, making sure the path starts -- with the given build root. parseBuildLibGhci :: FilePath -> Parsec.Parsec String () (BuildPath LibGhci) parseBuildLibGhci root = parseBuildPath root parseLibGhciFilename Parsec. "build path for a ghci library" -- | Parse a path to a dynamic library to be built, making sure the path starts -- with the given build root. parseBuildLibDyn :: FilePath -> String -> Parsec.Parsec String () (BuildPath LibDyn) parseBuildLibDyn root ext = parseBuildPath root (parseLibDynFilename ext) Parsec. ("build path for a dynamic library with extension " ++ ext) -- | Parse the filename of a static library to be built into a 'LibA' value. parseLibAFilename :: Parsec.Parsec String () LibA parseLibAFilename = do _ <- Parsec.string "libHS" (pkgname, pkgver) <- parsePkgId way <- parseWaySuffix vanilla _ <- Parsec.string ".a" return (LibA pkgname pkgver way) -- | Parse the filename of a ghci library to be built into a 'LibGhci' value. parseLibGhciFilename :: Parsec.Parsec String () LibGhci parseLibGhciFilename = do _ <- Parsec.string "HS" (pkgname, pkgver) <- parsePkgId way <- parseWaySuffix vanilla _ <- Parsec.string ".o" return (LibGhci pkgname pkgver way) -- | Parse the filename of a dynamic library to be built into a 'LibDyn' value. parseLibDynFilename :: String -> Parsec.Parsec String () LibDyn parseLibDynFilename ext = do _ <- Parsec.string "libHS" (pkgname, pkgver) <- parsePkgId _ <- optional $ Parsec.string "-ghc" *> parsePkgVersion way <- addWayUnit Dynamic <$> parseWaySuffix dynamic _ <- Parsec.string ("." ++ ext) return (LibDyn pkgname pkgver way $ if ext == "so" then So else Dylib) -- To be kept in sync with Stage.hs's stageString function -- | Parse @"stageX"@ into a 'Stage'. parseStage :: Parsec.Parsec String () Stage parseStage = (Parsec.string "stage" *> Parsec.choice [ Parsec.string (show n) $> toEnum n | n <- map fromEnum [minBound .. maxBound :: Stage] ]) Parsec. "stage string" -- To be kept in sync with the show instances in 'Way.Type', until we perhaps -- use some bidirectional parsing/pretty printing approach or library. -- | Parse a way suffix, returning the argument when no suffix is found (the -- argument will be vanilla in most cases, but dynamic when we parse the way -- suffix out of a shared library file name). parseWaySuffix :: Way -> Parsec.Parsec String () Way parseWaySuffix w = Parsec.choice [ Parsec.string "_" *> (wayFromUnits <$> Parsec.sepBy1 parseWayUnit (Parsec.string "_")) , pure w ] Parsec. "way suffix (e.g _thr_p, or none for vanilla)" where parseWayUnit = Parsec.choice [ Parsec.string "thr" *> pure Threaded , Parsec.char 'd' *> (Parsec.choice [ Parsec.string "ebug" *> pure Debug , Parsec.string "yn" *> pure Dynamic ]) , Parsec.char 'p' *> pure Profiling , Parsec.char 'l' *> pure Logging ] Parsec. "way unit (thr, debug, dyn, p, l)" -- | Parse a @"pkgname-pkgversion"@ string into the package name and the -- integers that make up the package version. parsePkgId :: Parsec.Parsec String () (String, [Integer]) parsePkgId = parsePkgId' "" Parsec. "package identifier (-)" where parsePkgId' currName = do s <- Parsec.many1 Parsec.alphaNum _ <- Parsec.char '-' let newName = if null currName then s else currName ++ "-" ++ s Parsec.choice [ (newName,) <$> parsePkgVersion , parsePkgId' newName ] -- | Parse "."-separated integers that describe a package's version. parsePkgVersion :: Parsec.Parsec String () [Integer] parsePkgVersion = fmap reverse (parsePkgVersion' []) Parsec. "package version" where parsePkgVersion' xs = do n <- parseNatural Parsec.choice [ Parsec.try (Parsec.lookAhead (Parsec.char '.' *> (Parsec.letter <|> Parsec.char '_'))) $> (n:xs) , Parsec.char '.' *> parsePkgVersion' (n:xs) , pure $ (n:xs) ] -- | Parse a natural number. parseNatural :: Parsec.Parsec String () Integer parseNatural = (read <$> Parsec.many1 Parsec.digit) Parsec. "natural number" -- | Runs the given parser against the given path, erroring out when the parser -- fails (because it shouldn't if the code from this module is correct). parsePath :: Parsec.Parsec String () a -- ^ parser to run -> String -- ^ string describing the input source -> FilePath -- ^ path to parse -> Action a parsePath p inp path = case Parsec.parse p inp path of Left err -> fail $ "Rules.Library.parsePath: path=" ++ path ++ ", error:\n" ++ show err Right a -> pure a