module Oracles.Setting ( configFile, Setting (..), SettingList (..), setting, settingList, getSetting, getSettingList, anyTargetPlatform, anyTargetOs, anyTargetArch, anyHostOs, ghcWithInterpreter, ghcEnableTablesNextToCode, useLibFFIForAdjustors, ghcCanonVersion, cmdLineLengthLimit, iosHost, osxHost, windowsHost, topDirectory, relocatableBuild, installDocDir, installGhcLibDir, libsuf ) where import Hadrian.Expression import Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile import Hadrian.Oracles.Path import Base -- TODO: Reduce the variety of similar flags (e.g. CPP and non-CPP versions). -- | Each 'Setting' comes from @system.config@ file, e.g. 'target-os = mingw32'. -- @setting TargetOs@ looks up the config file and returns "mingw32". -- 'SettingList' is used for multiple string values separated by spaces, such -- as @gmp-include-dirs = a b@. -- @settingList GmpIncludeDirs@ therefore returns a list of strings ["a", "b"]. data Setting = BuildArch | BuildOs | BuildPlatform | BuildVendor | CcClangBackend | CcLlvmBackend | DynamicExtension | GhcMajorVersion | GhcMinorVersion | GhcPatchLevel | GhcVersion | GhcSourcePath | HostArch | HostOs | HostPlatform | HostVendor | ProjectGitCommitId | ProjectName | ProjectVersion | ProjectVersionInt | ProjectPatchLevel | ProjectPatchLevel1 | ProjectPatchLevel2 | TargetArch | TargetOs | TargetPlatform | TargetPlatformFull | TargetVendor | LlvmTarget | FfiIncludeDir | FfiLibDir | GmpIncludeDir | GmpLibDir | IconvIncludeDir | IconvLibDir | CursesLibDir -- Paths to where GHC is installed (ref: mk/ | InstallPrefix | InstallBinDir | InstallLibDir | InstallDataRootDir -- Command lines for invoking the @install@ utility | Install | InstallData | InstallProgram | InstallScript | InstallDir -- Command line for creating a symbolic link | LnS data SettingList = ConfCcArgs Stage | ConfCppArgs Stage | ConfGccLinkerArgs Stage | ConfLdLinkerArgs Stage | HsCppArgs -- | Maps 'Setting's to names in @cfg/ setting :: Setting -> Action String setting key = lookupValueOrError configFile $ case key of BuildArch -> "build-arch" BuildOs -> "build-os" BuildPlatform -> "build-platform" BuildVendor -> "build-vendor" CcClangBackend -> "cc-clang-backend" CcLlvmBackend -> "cc-llvm-backend" DynamicExtension -> "dynamic-extension" GhcMajorVersion -> "ghc-major-version" GhcMinorVersion -> "ghc-minor-version" GhcPatchLevel -> "ghc-patch-level" GhcVersion -> "ghc-version" GhcSourcePath -> "ghc-source-path" HostArch -> "host-arch" HostOs -> "host-os" HostPlatform -> "host-platform" HostVendor -> "host-vendor" ProjectGitCommitId -> "project-git-commit-id" ProjectName -> "project-name" ProjectVersion -> "project-version" ProjectVersionInt -> "project-version-int" ProjectPatchLevel -> "project-patch-level" ProjectPatchLevel1 -> "project-patch-level1" ProjectPatchLevel2 -> "project-patch-level2" TargetArch -> "target-arch" TargetOs -> "target-os" TargetPlatform -> "target-platform" TargetPlatformFull -> "target-platform-full" TargetVendor -> "target-vendor" LlvmTarget -> "llvm-target" FfiIncludeDir -> "ffi-include-dir" FfiLibDir -> "ffi-lib-dir" GmpIncludeDir -> "gmp-include-dir" GmpLibDir -> "gmp-lib-dir" IconvIncludeDir -> "iconv-include-dir" IconvLibDir -> "iconv-lib-dir" CursesLibDir -> "curses-lib-dir" InstallPrefix -> "install-prefix" InstallBinDir -> "install-bindir" InstallLibDir -> "install-libdir" InstallDataRootDir -> "install-datarootdir" Install -> "install" InstallDir -> "install-dir" InstallProgram -> "install-program" InstallScript -> "install-script" InstallData -> "install-data" LnS -> "ln-s" settingList :: SettingList -> Action [String] settingList key = fmap words $ lookupValueOrError configFile $ case key of ConfCcArgs stage -> "conf-cc-args-" ++ stageString stage ConfCppArgs stage -> "conf-cpp-args-" ++ stageString stage ConfGccLinkerArgs stage -> "conf-gcc-linker-args-" ++ stageString stage ConfLdLinkerArgs stage -> "conf-ld-linker-args-" ++ stageString stage HsCppArgs -> "hs-cpp-args" -- | Get a configuration setting. getSetting :: Setting -> Expr c b String getSetting = expr . setting -- | Get a list of configuration settings. getSettingList :: SettingList -> Args c b getSettingList = expr . settingList matchSetting :: Setting -> [String] -> Action Bool matchSetting key values = (`elem` values) <$> setting key anyTargetPlatform :: [String] -> Action Bool anyTargetPlatform = matchSetting TargetPlatformFull anyTargetOs :: [String] -> Action Bool anyTargetOs = matchSetting TargetOs anyTargetArch :: [String] -> Action Bool anyTargetArch = matchSetting TargetArch anyHostOs :: [String] -> Action Bool anyHostOs = matchSetting HostOs iosHost :: Action Bool iosHost = anyHostOs ["ios"] osxHost :: Action Bool osxHost = anyHostOs ["darwin"] windowsHost :: Action Bool windowsHost = anyHostOs ["mingw32", "cygwin32"] ghcWithInterpreter :: Action Bool ghcWithInterpreter = do goodOs <- anyTargetOs [ "mingw32", "cygwin32", "linux", "solaris2" , "freebsd", "dragonfly", "netbsd", "openbsd" , "darwin", "kfreebsdgnu" ] goodArch <- anyTargetArch [ "i386", "x86_64", "powerpc", "sparc" , "sparc64", "arm" ] return $ goodOs && goodArch ghcEnableTablesNextToCode :: Action Bool ghcEnableTablesNextToCode = notM $ anyTargetArch ["ia64", "powerpc64", "powerpc64le"] useLibFFIForAdjustors :: Action Bool useLibFFIForAdjustors = notM $ anyTargetArch ["i386", "x86_64"] -- | Canonicalised GHC version number, used for integer version comparisons. We -- expand GhcMinorVersion to two digits by adding a leading zero if necessary. ghcCanonVersion :: Action String ghcCanonVersion = do ghcMajorVersion <- setting GhcMajorVersion ghcMinorVersion <- setting GhcMinorVersion let leadingZero = [ '0' | length ghcMinorVersion == 1 ] return $ ghcMajorVersion ++ leadingZero ++ ghcMinorVersion -- ref: -- | On Windows we normally build a relocatable installation, which assumes that -- the library directory @libdir@ is in a fixed location relative to the GHC -- binary, namely @../lib@. relocatableBuild :: Action Bool relocatableBuild = windowsHost installDocDir :: Action String installDocDir = do version <- setting ProjectVersion dataDir <- setting InstallDataRootDir return $ dataDir -/- ("doc/ghc-" ++ version) -- | Path to the GHC source tree. topDirectory :: Action FilePath topDirectory = fixAbsolutePathOnWindows =<< setting GhcSourcePath -- ref: mk/ -- TODO: CroosCompilePrefix -- | Unix: override @libdir@ and @datadir@ to put GHC-specific files in a -- subdirectory with the version number included. installGhcLibDir :: Action String installGhcLibDir = do rBuild <- relocatableBuild libdir <- setting InstallLibDir if rBuild then return libdir else do version <- setting ProjectVersion return $ libdir -/- ("ghc-" ++ version) -- TODO: find out why we need version number in the dynamic suffix -- The current theory: dynamic libraries are eventually placed in a single -- giant directory in the load path of the dynamic linker, and hence we must -- distinguish different versions of GHC. In contrast static libraries live -- in their own per-package directory and hence do not need a unique filename. -- We also need to respect the system's dynamic extension, e.g. .dll or .so. libsuf :: Way -> Action String libsuf way = if not (wayUnit Dynamic way) then return $ waySuffix way ++ ".a" -- e.g., _p.a else do extension <- setting DynamicExtension -- e.g., .dll or .so version <- setting ProjectVersion -- e.g., 7.11.20141222 let prefix = wayPrefix $ removeWayUnit Dynamic way -- e.g., p_ghc7.11.20141222.dll (the result) return $ prefix ++ "-ghc" ++ version ++ extension