#!/usr/bin/env bash CABAL="${CABAL:-cabal}" GHC="${GHC:-ghc}" CABFLAGS=("--with-compiler=$GHC" "--disable-documentation" "--disable-profiling" "--disable-library-profiling" $CABFLAGS) ( $GHC --info | grep -s '("Support SMP","YES")' > /dev/null ) || CABFLAGS+=("--constraint=hadrian -threaded") # It is currently more robust to pass Cabal an absolute path to the project file. PROJ="$PWD/hadrian/cabal.project" set -euo pipefail if ! [ -f "$PROJ" ]; then echo "Current working directory must be GHC's top-level folder" exit 2 fi if ! type "$CABAL" > /dev/null; then echo "Please make sure 'cabal' is in your PATH" exit 2 fi CABVERSTR=$("$CABAL" --numeric-version) CABVER=( ${CABVERSTR//./ } ) if [ "${CABVER[0]}" -gt 2 -o "${CABVER[0]}" -eq 2 -a "${CABVER[1]}" -ge 2 ]; then "$CABAL" --project-file="$PROJ" new-build "${CABFLAGS[@]}" -j exe:hadrian # use new-exec instead of new-run to make sure that the build-tools (alex & happy) are in PATH "$CABAL" --project-file="$PROJ" new-exec "${CABFLAGS[@]}" hadrian -- \ --directory "$PWD" \ "$@" else echo "Cabal version is too old; you need at least cabal-install 2.2" exit 2 fi