-- -- Copyright (c) 2018 Andreas Klebinger -- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module CFG ( CFG, CfgEdge(..), EdgeInfo(..), EdgeWeight(..) , TransitionSource(..) --Modify the CFG , addWeightEdge, addEdge, delEdge , addNodesBetween, shortcutWeightMap , reverseEdges, filterEdges , addImmediateSuccessor , mkWeightInfo, adjustEdgeWeight --Query the CFG , infoEdgeList, edgeList , getSuccessorEdges, getSuccessors , getSuccEdgesSorted, weightedEdgeList , getEdgeInfo , getCfgNodes, hasNode --Construction/Misc , getCfg, getCfgProc, pprEdgeWeights, sanityCheckCfg --Find backedges and update their weight , optimizeCFG ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import GhcPrelude import BlockId import Cmm ( RawCmmDecl, GenCmmDecl( .. ), CmmBlock, succ, g_entry , CmmGraph ) import CmmNode import CmmUtils import CmmSwitch import Hoopl.Collections import Hoopl.Label import Hoopl.Block import qualified Hoopl.Graph as G import Util import Digraph import Outputable -- DEBUGGING ONLY --import Debug --import OrdList --import Debug.Trace import PprCmm () import qualified DynFlags as D import Data.List -- import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M --TODO: LabelMap type Edge = (BlockId, BlockId) type Edges = [Edge] newtype EdgeWeight = EdgeWeight Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Num,Real,Integral) instance Outputable EdgeWeight where ppr (EdgeWeight w) = ppr w type EdgeInfoMap edgeInfo = LabelMap (LabelMap edgeInfo) -- | A control flow graph where edges have been annotated with a weight. type CFG = EdgeInfoMap EdgeInfo data CfgEdge = CfgEdge { edgeFrom :: !BlockId , edgeTo :: !BlockId , edgeInfo :: !EdgeInfo } -- | Careful! Since we assume there is at most one edge from A to B -- the Eq instance does not consider weight. instance Eq CfgEdge where (==) (CfgEdge from1 to1 _) (CfgEdge from2 to2 _) = from1 == from2 && to1 == to2 -- | Edges are sorted ascending pointwise by weight, source and destination instance Ord CfgEdge where compare (CfgEdge from1 to1 (EdgeInfo {edgeWeight = weight1})) (CfgEdge from2 to2 (EdgeInfo {edgeWeight = weight2})) | weight1 < weight2 || weight1 == weight2 && from1 < from2 || weight1 == weight2 && from1 == from2 && to1 < to2 = LT | from1 == from2 && to1 == to2 && weight1 == weight2 = EQ | otherwise = GT instance Outputable CfgEdge where ppr (CfgEdge from1 to1 edgeInfo) = parens (ppr from1 <+> text "-(" <> ppr edgeInfo <> text ")->" <+> ppr to1) -- | Can we trace back a edge to a specific Cmm Node -- or has it been introduced for codegen. We use this to maintain -- some information which would otherwise be lost during the -- Cmm <-> asm transition. -- See also Note [Inverting Conditional Branches] data TransitionSource = CmmSource (CmmNode O C) | AsmCodeGen deriving (Eq) -- | Information about edges data EdgeInfo = EdgeInfo { transitionSource :: !TransitionSource , edgeWeight :: !EdgeWeight } deriving (Eq) instance Outputable EdgeInfo where ppr edgeInfo = text "weight:" <+> ppr (edgeWeight edgeInfo) -- Allow specialization {-# INLINEABLE mkWeightInfo #-} -- | Convenience function, generate edge info based -- on weight not originating from cmm. mkWeightInfo :: Integral n => n -> EdgeInfo mkWeightInfo = EdgeInfo AsmCodeGen . fromIntegral -- | Adjust the weight between the blocks using the given function. -- If there is no such edge returns the original map. adjustEdgeWeight :: CFG -> (EdgeWeight -> EdgeWeight) -> BlockId -> BlockId -> CFG adjustEdgeWeight cfg f from to | Just info <- getEdgeInfo from to cfg , weight <- edgeWeight info = addEdge from to (info { edgeWeight = f weight}) cfg | otherwise = cfg getCfgNodes :: CFG -> LabelSet getCfgNodes m = mapFoldMapWithKey (\k v -> setFromList (k:mapKeys v)) m hasNode :: CFG -> BlockId -> Bool hasNode m node = mapMember node m || any (mapMember node) m -- | Check if the nodes in the cfg and the set of blocks are the same. -- In a case of a missmatch we panic and show the difference. sanityCheckCfg :: CFG -> LabelSet -> SDoc -> Bool sanityCheckCfg m blockSet msg | blockSet == cfgNodes = True | otherwise = pprPanic "Block list and cfg nodes don't match" ( text "difference:" <+> ppr diff $$ text "blocks:" <+> ppr blockSet $$ text "cfg:" <+> ppr m $$ msg ) False where cfgNodes = getCfgNodes m :: LabelSet diff = (setUnion cfgNodes blockSet) `setDifference` (setIntersection cfgNodes blockSet) :: LabelSet -- | Filter the CFG with a custom function f. -- Paramaeters are `f from to edgeInfo` filterEdges :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeInfo -> Bool) -> CFG -> CFG filterEdges f cfg = mapMapWithKey filterSources cfg where filterSources from m = mapFilterWithKey (\to w -> f from to w) m {- Note [Updating the CFG during shortcutting] See Note [What is shortcutting] in the control flow optimization code (CmmContFlowOpt.hs) for a slightly more in depth explanation on shortcutting. In the native backend we shortcut jumps at the assembly level. (AsmCodeGen.hs) This means we remove blocks containing only one jump from the code and instead redirecting all jumps targeting this block to the deleted blocks jump target. However we want to have an accurate representation of control flow in the CFG. So we add/remove edges accordingly to account for the eliminated blocks and new edges. If we shortcut A -> B -> C to A -> C: * We delete edges A -> B and B -> C * Replacing them with the edge A -> C We also try to preserve jump weights while doing so. Note that: * The edge B -> C can't have interesting weights since the block B consists of a single unconditional jump without branching. * We delete the edge A -> B and add the edge A -> C. * The edge A -> B can be one of many edges originating from A so likely has edge weights we want to preserve. For this reason we simply store the edge info from the original A -> B edge and apply this information to the new edge A -> C. Sometimes we have a scenario where jump target C is not represented by an BlockId but an immediate value. I'm only aware of this happening without tables next to code currently. Then we go from A ---> B - -> IMM to A - -> IMM where the dashed arrows are not stored in the CFG. In that case we simply delete the edge A -> B. In terms of implementation the native backend first builds a mapping from blocks suitable for shortcutting to their jump targets. Then it redirects all jump instructions to these blocks using the built up mapping. This function (shortcutWeightMap) takes the same mapping and applies the mapping to the CFG in the way layed out above. -} shortcutWeightMap :: CFG -> LabelMap (Maybe BlockId) -> CFG shortcutWeightMap cfg cuts = foldl' applyMapping cfg $ mapToList cuts where -- takes the tuple (B,C) from the notation in [Updating the CFG during shortcutting] applyMapping :: CFG -> (BlockId,Maybe BlockId) -> CFG --Shortcut immediate applyMapping m (from, Nothing) = mapDelete from . fmap (mapDelete from) $ m --Regular shortcut applyMapping m (from, Just to) = let updatedMap :: CFG updatedMap = fmap (shortcutEdge (from,to)) $ (mapDelete from m :: CFG ) --Sometimes we can shortcut multiple blocks like so: -- A -> B -> C -> D -> E => A -> E -- so we check for such chains. in case mapLookup to cuts of Nothing -> updatedMap Just dest -> applyMapping updatedMap (to, dest) --Redirect edge from B to C shortcutEdge :: (BlockId, BlockId) -> LabelMap EdgeInfo -> LabelMap EdgeInfo shortcutEdge (from, to) m = case mapLookup from m of Just info -> mapInsert to info $ mapDelete from m Nothing -> m -- | Sometimes we insert a block which should unconditionally be executed -- after a given block. This function updates the CFG for these cases. -- So we get A -> B => A -> A' -> B -- \ \ -- -> C => -> C -- addImmediateSuccessor :: BlockId -> BlockId -> CFG -> CFG addImmediateSuccessor node follower cfg = updateEdges . addWeightEdge node follower uncondWeight $ cfg where uncondWeight = fromIntegral . D.uncondWeight . D.cfgWeightInfo $ D.unsafeGlobalDynFlags targets = getSuccessorEdges cfg node successors = map fst targets :: [BlockId] updateEdges = addNewSuccs . remOldSuccs remOldSuccs m = foldl' (flip (delEdge node)) m successors addNewSuccs m = foldl' (\m' (t,info) -> addEdge follower t info m') m targets -- | Adds a new edge, overwrites existing edges if present addEdge :: BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeInfo -> CFG -> CFG addEdge from to info cfg = mapAlter addDest from cfg where addDest Nothing = Just $ mapSingleton to info addDest (Just wm) = Just $ mapInsert to info wm -- | Adds a edge with the given weight to the cfg -- If there already existed an edge it is overwritten. -- `addWeightEdge from to weight cfg` addWeightEdge :: BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeWeight -> CFG -> CFG addWeightEdge from to weight cfg = addEdge from to (mkWeightInfo weight) cfg delEdge :: BlockId -> BlockId -> CFG -> CFG delEdge from to m = mapAlter remDest from m where remDest Nothing = Nothing remDest (Just wm) = Just $ mapDelete to wm -- | Destinations from bid ordered by weight (descending) getSuccEdgesSorted :: CFG -> BlockId -> [(BlockId,EdgeInfo)] getSuccEdgesSorted m bid = let destMap = mapFindWithDefault mapEmpty bid m cfgEdges = mapToList destMap sortedEdges = sortWith (negate . edgeWeight . snd) cfgEdges in --pprTrace "getSuccEdgesSorted" (ppr bid <+> text "map:" <+> ppr m) sortedEdges -- | Get successors of a given node with edge weights. getSuccessorEdges :: CFG -> BlockId -> [(BlockId,EdgeInfo)] getSuccessorEdges m bid = maybe [] mapToList $ mapLookup bid m getEdgeInfo :: BlockId -> BlockId -> CFG -> Maybe EdgeInfo getEdgeInfo from to m | Just wm <- mapLookup from m , Just info <- mapLookup to wm = Just $! info | otherwise = Nothing reverseEdges :: CFG -> CFG reverseEdges cfg = foldr add mapEmpty flatElems where elems = mapToList $ fmap mapToList cfg :: [(BlockId,[(BlockId,EdgeInfo)])] flatElems = concatMap (\(from,ws) -> map (\(to,info) -> (to,from,info)) ws ) elems add (to,from,info) m = addEdge to from info m -- | Returns a unordered list of all edges with info infoEdgeList :: CFG -> [CfgEdge] infoEdgeList m = mapFoldMapWithKey (\from toMap -> map (\(to,info) -> CfgEdge from to info) (mapToList toMap)) m -- | Unordered list of edges with weight as Tuple (from,to,weight) weightedEdgeList :: CFG -> [(BlockId,BlockId,EdgeWeight)] weightedEdgeList m = mapFoldMapWithKey (\from toMap -> map (\(to,info) -> (from,to, edgeWeight info)) (mapToList toMap)) m -- (\(from, tos) -> map (\(to,info) -> (from,to, edgeWeight info)) tos ) -- | Returns a unordered list of all edges without weights edgeList :: CFG -> [Edge] edgeList m = mapFoldMapWithKey (\from toMap -> fmap (from,) (mapKeys toMap)) m -- | Get successors of a given node without edge weights. getSuccessors :: CFG -> BlockId -> [BlockId] getSuccessors m bid | Just wm <- mapLookup bid m = mapKeys wm | otherwise = [] pprEdgeWeights :: CFG -> SDoc pprEdgeWeights m = let edges = sort $ weightedEdgeList m printEdge (from, to, weight) = text "\t" <> ppr from <+> text "->" <+> ppr to <> text "[label=\"" <> ppr weight <> text "\",weight=\"" <> ppr weight <> text "\"];\n" --for the case that there are no edges from/to this node. --This should rarely happen but it can save a lot of time --to immediately see it when it does. printNode node = text "\t" <> ppr node <> text ";\n" getEdgeNodes (from, to, _weight) = [from,to] edgeNodes = setFromList $ concatMap getEdgeNodes edges :: LabelSet nodes = filter (\n -> (not . setMember n) edgeNodes) . mapKeys $ mapFilter null m in text "digraph {\n" <> (foldl' (<>) empty (map printEdge edges)) <> (foldl' (<>) empty (map printNode nodes)) <> text "}\n" {-# INLINE updateEdgeWeight #-} --Allows eliminating the tuple when possible updateEdgeWeight :: (EdgeWeight -> EdgeWeight) -> Edge -> CFG -> CFG updateEdgeWeight f (from, to) cfg | Just oldInfo <- getEdgeInfo from to cfg = let oldWeight = edgeWeight oldInfo newWeight = f oldWeight in addEdge from to (oldInfo {edgeWeight = newWeight}) cfg | otherwise = panic "Trying to update invalid edge" -- from to oldWeight => newWeight mapWeights :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeWeight -> EdgeWeight) -> CFG -> CFG mapWeights f cfg = foldl' (\cfg (CfgEdge from to info) -> let oldWeight = edgeWeight info newWeight = f from to oldWeight in addEdge from to (info {edgeWeight = newWeight}) cfg) cfg (infoEdgeList cfg) -- | Insert a block in the control flow between two other blocks. -- We pass a list of tuples (A,B,C) where -- * A -> C: Old edge -- * A -> B -> C : New Arc, where B is the new block. -- It's possible that a block has two jumps to the same block -- in the assembly code. However we still only store a single edge for -- these cases. -- We assign the old edge info to the edge A -> B and assign B -> C the -- weight of an unconditional jump. addNodesBetween :: CFG -> [(BlockId,BlockId,BlockId)] -> CFG addNodesBetween m updates = foldl' updateWeight m . weightUpdates $ updates where weight = fromIntegral . D.uncondWeight . D.cfgWeightInfo $ D.unsafeGlobalDynFlags -- We might add two blocks for different jumps along a single -- edge. So we end up with edges: A -> B -> C , A -> D -> C -- in this case after applying the first update the weight for A -> C -- is no longer available. So we calculate future weights before updates. weightUpdates = map getWeight getWeight :: (BlockId,BlockId,BlockId) -> (BlockId,BlockId,BlockId,EdgeInfo) getWeight (from,between,old) | Just edgeInfo <- getEdgeInfo from old m = (from,between,old,edgeInfo) | otherwise = pprPanic "Can't find weight for edge that should have one" ( text "triple" <+> ppr (from,between,old) $$ text "updates" <+> ppr updates ) updateWeight :: CFG -> (BlockId,BlockId,BlockId,EdgeInfo) -> CFG updateWeight m (from,between,old,edgeInfo) = addEdge from between edgeInfo . addWeightEdge between old weight . delEdge from old $ m {- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Note [CFG Edge Weights] ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edge weights assigned do not currently represent a specific cost model and rather just a ranking of which blocks should be placed next to each other given their connection type in the CFG. This is especially relevant if we whenever two blocks will jump to the same target. A B \ / C Should A or B be placed in front of C? The block layout algorithm decides this based on which edge (A,C)/(B,C) is heavier. So we make a educated guess how often execution will transer control along each edge as well as how much we gain by placing eg A before C. We rank edges in this order: * Unconditional Control Transfer - They will always transfer control to their target. Unless there is a info table we can turn the jump into a fallthrough as well. We use 20k as default, so it's easy to spot if values have been modified but unlikely that we run into issues with overflow. * If branches (likely) - We assume branches marked as likely are taken more than 80% of the time. By ranking them below unconditional jumps we make sure we prefer the unconditional if there is a conditional and unconditional edge towards a block. * If branches (regular) - The false branch can potentially be turned into a fallthrough so we prefer it slightly over the true branch. * Unlikely branches - These can be assumed to be taken less than 20% of the time. So we given them one of the lowest priorities. * Switches - Switches at this level are implemented as jump tables so have a larger number of successors. So without more information we can only say that each individual successor is unlikely to be jumped to and we rank them accordingly. * Calls - We currently ignore calls completly: * By the time we return from a call there is a good chance that the address we return to has already been evicted from cache eliminating a main advantage sequential placement brings. * Calls always require a info table in front of their return address. This reduces the chance that we return to the same cache line further. -} -- | Generate weights for a Cmm proc based on some simple heuristics. getCfgProc :: D.CfgWeights -> RawCmmDecl -> CFG getCfgProc _ (CmmData {}) = mapEmpty -- Sometimes GHC generates dummy procs which don't actually contain code. -- But they might contain bottoms in some fields so we check for an empty -- body first. In particular this happens with SplitObjs enabled. getCfgProc weights (CmmProc _info _lab _live graph) | null (toBlockList graph) = mapEmpty | otherwise = getCfg weights graph getCfg :: D.CfgWeights -> CmmGraph -> CFG getCfg weights graph = foldl' insertEdge edgelessCfg $ concatMap getBlockEdges blocks where D.CFGWeights { D.uncondWeight = uncondWeight , D.condBranchWeight = condBranchWeight , D.switchWeight = switchWeight , D.callWeight = callWeight , D.likelyCondWeight = likelyCondWeight , D.unlikelyCondWeight = unlikelyCondWeight -- Last two are used in other places --, D.infoTablePenalty = infoTablePenalty --, D.backEdgeBonus = backEdgeBonus } = weights -- Explicitly add all nodes to the cfg to ensure they are part of the -- CFG. edgelessCfg = mapFromList $ zip (map G.entryLabel blocks) (repeat mapEmpty) insertEdge :: CFG -> ((BlockId,BlockId),EdgeInfo) -> CFG insertEdge m ((from,to),weight) = mapAlter f from m where f :: Maybe (LabelMap EdgeInfo) -> Maybe (LabelMap EdgeInfo) f Nothing = Just $ mapSingleton to weight f (Just destMap) = Just $ mapInsert to weight destMap getBlockEdges :: CmmBlock -> [((BlockId,BlockId),EdgeInfo)] getBlockEdges block = case branch of CmmBranch dest -> [mkEdge dest uncondWeight] CmmCondBranch _c t f l | l == Nothing -> [mkEdge f condBranchWeight, mkEdge t condBranchWeight] | l == Just True -> [mkEdge f unlikelyCondWeight, mkEdge t likelyCondWeight] | l == Just False -> [mkEdge f likelyCondWeight, mkEdge t unlikelyCondWeight] (CmmSwitch _e ids) -> let switchTargets = switchTargetsToList ids --Compiler performance hack - for very wide switches don't --consider targets for layout. adjustedWeight = if (length switchTargets > 10) then -1 else switchWeight in map (\x -> mkEdge x adjustedWeight) switchTargets (CmmCall { cml_cont = Just cont}) -> [mkEdge cont callWeight] (CmmForeignCall {Cmm.succ = cont}) -> [mkEdge cont callWeight] (CmmCall { cml_cont = Nothing }) -> [] other -> panic "Foo" $ ASSERT2(False, ppr "Unkown successor cause:" <> (ppr branch <+> text "=>" <> ppr (G.successors other))) map (\x -> ((bid,x),mkEdgeInfo 0)) $ G.successors other where bid = G.entryLabel block mkEdgeInfo = EdgeInfo (CmmSource branch) . fromIntegral mkEdge target weight = ((bid,target), mkEdgeInfo weight) branch = lastNode block :: CmmNode O C blocks = revPostorder graph :: [CmmBlock] --Find back edges by BFS findBackEdges :: BlockId -> CFG -> Edges findBackEdges root cfg = --pprTraceIt "Backedges:" $ map fst . filter (\x -> snd x == Backward) $ typedEdges where edges = edgeList cfg :: [(BlockId,BlockId)] getSuccs = getSuccessors cfg :: BlockId -> [BlockId] typedEdges = classifyEdges root getSuccs edges :: [((BlockId,BlockId),EdgeType)] optimizeCFG :: D.CfgWeights -> RawCmmDecl -> CFG -> CFG optimizeCFG _ (CmmData {}) cfg = cfg optimizeCFG weights (CmmProc info _lab _live graph) cfg = favourFewerPreds . penalizeInfoTables info . increaseBackEdgeWeight (g_entry graph) $ cfg where -- | Increase the weight of all backedges in the CFG -- this helps to make loop jumpbacks the heaviest edges increaseBackEdgeWeight :: BlockId -> CFG -> CFG increaseBackEdgeWeight root cfg = let backedges = findBackEdges root cfg update weight --Keep irrelevant edges irrelevant | weight <= 0 = 0 | otherwise = weight + fromIntegral (D.backEdgeBonus weights) in foldl' (\cfg edge -> updateEdgeWeight update edge cfg) cfg backedges -- | Since we cant fall through info tables we penalize these. penalizeInfoTables :: LabelMap a -> CFG -> CFG penalizeInfoTables info cfg = mapWeights fupdate cfg where fupdate :: BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeWeight -> EdgeWeight fupdate _ to weight | mapMember to info = weight - (fromIntegral $ D.infoTablePenalty weights) | otherwise = weight {- Note [Optimize for Fallthrough] -} -- | If a block has two successors, favour the one with fewer -- predecessors. (As that one is more likely to become a fallthrough) favourFewerPreds :: CFG -> CFG favourFewerPreds cfg = let revCfg = reverseEdges $ filterEdges (\_from -> fallthroughTarget) cfg predCount n = length $ getSuccessorEdges revCfg n nodes = getCfgNodes cfg modifiers :: Int -> Int -> (EdgeWeight, EdgeWeight) modifiers preds1 preds2 | preds1 < preds2 = ( 1,-1) | preds1 == preds2 = ( 0, 0) | otherwise = (-1, 1) update cfg node | [(s1,e1),(s2,e2)] <- getSuccessorEdges cfg node , w1 <- edgeWeight e1 , w2 <- edgeWeight e2 --Only change the weights if there isn't already a ordering. , w1 == w2 , (mod1,mod2) <- modifiers (predCount s1) (predCount s2) = (\cfg' -> (adjustEdgeWeight cfg' (+mod2) node s2)) (adjustEdgeWeight cfg (+mod1) node s1) | otherwise = cfg in setFoldl update cfg nodes where fallthroughTarget :: BlockId -> EdgeInfo -> Bool fallthroughTarget to (EdgeInfo source _weight) | mapMember to info = False | AsmCodeGen <- source = True | CmmSource (CmmBranch {}) <- source = True | CmmSource (CmmCondBranch {}) <- source = True | otherwise = False