# Turkish translations of gtk+.
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Arman Aksoy <armish@linux-sevenler.de, 2003.
# Ömer Fadıl USTA <omer_fad@hotmail.com>,2002.
# Nilgün Belma Bugüner <nilgun@fide.org>, 2001, 2002.
# Fatih Demir <kabalak@gtranslator.org>, 1999-2001.
# Görkem Cetin <gorkem@gelecek.com.tr>, 2001.
# Baris Cicek <baris@teamforce.name.tr>, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.
# Simge Sezgin <simgesezgin88@gmail.com>, 2015.
# Necdet Yücel <necdetyucel@gmail.com>, 2015.
# Neriman Kara <nerimankaraa@gmail.com>, 2015.
# Muhammet Kara <muhammetk@gmail.com>, 2014, 2015.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gtk+\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-17 10:07+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-17 21:05+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Muhammet Kara <muhammetk@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Türkçe <gnome-turk@gnome.org>\n"
"Language: tr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"

#: gdk/broadway/gdkbroadway-server.c:144
#, c-format
msgid "Broadway display type not supported: %s"
msgstr "Broadway ekran türü desteklenmiyor: %s"

#: gdk/gdk.c:178
#, c-format
msgid "Error parsing option --gdk-debug"
msgstr "Seçenek --gdk-debug ayrıştırılırken hata"

#: gdk/gdk.c:198
#, c-format
msgid "Error parsing option --gdk-no-debug"
msgstr "Seçenek --gdk-no-debug ayrıştırılırken hata"

#. Description of --class=CLASS in --help output
#: gdk/gdk.c:227
msgid "Program class as used by the window manager"
msgstr "Pencere yöneticisi tarafından kullanıldığı gibi program sınıfı"

#. Placeholder in --class=CLASS in --help output
#: gdk/gdk.c:228
msgid "CLASS"
msgstr "SINIF"

#. Description of --name=NAME in --help output
#: gdk/gdk.c:230
msgid "Program name as used by the window manager"
msgstr "Pencere yöneticisi tarafından kullanıldığı gibi program ismi"

#. Placeholder in --name=NAME in --help output
#: gdk/gdk.c:231
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "İSİM"

#. Description of --display=DISPLAY in --help output
#: gdk/gdk.c:233
msgid "X display to use"
msgstr "Kullanılacak X ekranı"

#. Placeholder in --display=DISPLAY in --help output
#: gdk/gdk.c:234
msgid "DISPLAY"
msgstr "EKRAN"

#. Description of --gdk-debug=FLAGS in --help output
#: gdk/gdk.c:237
msgid "GDK debugging flags to set"
msgstr "GDK hata ayıklama bayraklarını ayarlamak için"

#. Placeholder in --gdk-debug=FLAGS in --help output
#. Placeholder in --gdk-no-debug=FLAGS in --help output
#. Placeholder in --gtk-debug=FLAGS in --help output
#. Placeholder in --gtk-no-debug=FLAGS in --help output
#: gdk/gdk.c:238 gdk/gdk.c:241 gtk/gtkmain.c:461 gtk/gtkmain.c:464
msgid "FLAGS"
msgstr "İMLER"

#. Description of --gdk-no-debug=FLAGS in --help output
#: gdk/gdk.c:240
msgid "GDK debugging flags to unset"
msgstr "GDK hata ayıklama bayraklarını kaldırmak için"

#: gdk/gdkwindow.c:2767
msgid "GL support disabled via GDK_DEBUG"
msgstr "GL desteği GDK_DEBUG yoluyla devre dışı bırakılmış"

#. * Translators, the strings in the “keyboard label” context are
#. * display names for keyboard keys. Some of them have prefixes like
#. * XF86 or ISO_ - these should be removed in the translation. Similarly,
#. * underscores should be replaced by spaces. The prefix “KP_” stands
#. * for “key pad” and you may want to include that in your translation.
#. * Here are some examples of English translations:
#. * XF86AudioMute - Audio mute
#. * Scroll_lock   - Scroll lock
#. * KP_Space      - Space (keypad)
#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6843
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "BackSpace"
msgstr "Geri Tuşu"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6844
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Sekme"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6845
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Enter"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6846
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Duraklat"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6847
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Scroll_Lock"
msgstr "Kaydırma_Kilidi"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6848
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Sys_Req"
msgstr "Sys_Req"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6849
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Escape"
msgstr "Çık"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6850
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Multi_key"
msgstr "Çoklu_tuş"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6851
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Ev"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6852
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Sol"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6853
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Yukarı"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6854
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Sağ"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6855
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Aşağı"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6856
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Page_Up"
msgstr "Üst_Sayfa"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6857
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Page_Down"
msgstr "Alt_Sayfa"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6858
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "End"
msgstr "Son"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6859
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Begin"
msgstr "Begin"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6860
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Yazdır"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6861
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Ekle"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6862
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Num_Lock"
msgstr "Sayı_Kilidi"

#. Translators: KP_ means 'key pad' here
#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6864
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Space"
msgstr "KP_Boşluk"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6865
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Tab"
msgstr "KP_Sekme"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6866
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Enter"
msgstr "KP_Gir"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6867
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Home"
msgstr "KP_Ev"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6868
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Left"
msgstr "KP_Sol"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6869
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Up"
msgstr "KP_Yukarı"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6870
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Right"
msgstr "KP_Sağ"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6871
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Down"
msgstr "KP_Aşağı"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6872
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Page_Up"
msgstr "KP_Önceki_Sayfa"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6873
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Prior"
msgstr "KP_Önce"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6874
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Page_Down"
msgstr "KP_Sonraki_Sayfa"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6875
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Next"
msgstr "KP_Sonraki"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6876
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_End"
msgstr "KP_Son"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6877
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Begin"
msgstr "KP_Baş"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6878
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Insert"
msgstr "KP_Ekle"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6879
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KP_Delete"
msgstr "KP_Sil"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6880
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sil"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6881
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "MonBrightnessUp"
msgstr "MonParlaklıkArtır"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6882
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "MonBrightnessDown"
msgstr "MonParlaklıkAzalt"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6883
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KbdBrightnessUp"
msgstr "KlavyeParlaklıkArtır"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6884
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "KbdBrightnessDown"
msgstr "KlavyeParlaklıkAzalt"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6885
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioMute"
msgstr "SesSessiz"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6886
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioMicMute"
msgstr "SesMikrofonSessiz"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6887
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioLowerVolume"
msgstr "SesDüşükSes"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6888
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioRaiseVolume"
msgstr "SesYüksekSes"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6889
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioPlay"
msgstr "SesOynat"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6890
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioStop"
msgstr "SesDurdur"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6891
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioNext"
msgstr "SonrakiSes"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6892
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioPrev"
msgstr "ÖncekiSes"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6893
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioRecord"
msgstr "SesKaydet"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6894
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioPause"
msgstr "SesDuraklat"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6895
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioRewind"
msgstr "SesGeriSar"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6896
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "AudioMedia"
msgstr "SesOrtam"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6897
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "ScreenSaver"
msgstr "EkranKoruyucu"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6898
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Battery"
msgstr "Pil"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6899
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Launch1"
msgstr "Başlat1"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6900
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "İleri"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6901
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Geri"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6902
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Sleep"
msgstr "Uyku"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6903
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Hibernate"
msgstr "Uyku Modu"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6904
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "WLAN"
msgstr "Kablosuz Ağ"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6905
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "WebCam"
msgstr "Web Kamerası"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6906
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Ekran"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6907
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "TouchpadToggle"
msgstr "DokunmatikFareGeçişi"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6908
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "WakeUp"
msgstr "Uyanma"

#: gdk/keyname-table.h:6909
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Askıya Al"

#: gdk/mir/gdkmirglcontext.c:48 gdk/mir/gdkmirwindowimpl.c:1313
#: gdk/wayland/gdkglcontext-wayland.c:369 gdk/win32/gdkglcontext-win32.c:527
#: gdk/x11/gdkglcontext-x11.c:1178
msgid "No GL implementation is available"
msgstr "Kullanılabilir GL uygulaması yok"

#: gdk/mir/gdkmirglcontext.c:89 gdk/wayland/gdkglcontext-wayland.c:157
#: gdk/win32/gdkglcontext-win32.c:492 gdk/x11/gdkglcontext-x11.c:634
#: gdk/x11/gdkglcontext-x11.c:678
msgid "Unable to create a GL context"
msgstr "GL bağlamı oluşturulamadı"

#: gdk/mir/gdkmirwindowimpl.c:1275 gdk/mir/gdkmirwindowimpl.c:1285
#: gdk/wayland/gdkglcontext-wayland.c:330
#: gdk/wayland/gdkglcontext-wayland.c:340 gdk/win32/gdkglcontext-win32.c:464
#: gdk/x11/gdkglcontext-x11.c:872
msgid "No available configurations for the given pixel format"
msgstr "Verilen piksel biçimi için kullanılabilir yapılandırma yok"

#: gdk/mir/gdkmirwindowimpl.c:1321
msgid "3.2 core GL profile is not available on EGL implementation"
msgstr "3.2 çekirdek profili, EGL uygulamasında kullanılabilir değil"

#: gdk/quartz/gdkglcontext-quartz.c:37
msgid "Not implemented on OS X"
msgstr "OS X için geliştirilmedi"

#: gdk/wayland/gdkglcontext-wayland.c:377
msgid "Core GL is not available on EGL implementation"
msgstr "Çekirdek GL, EGL uygulamasında kullanılabilir değil"

#: gdk/win32/gdkglcontext-win32.c:536
msgid ""
"The WGL_ARB_create_context extension needed to create core profiles is not "
msgstr ""
"Çekirdek profilleri oluşturmak için ihtiyaç duyulan WGL_ARB_create_context "
"uzantısı mevcut değil"

#. Description of --sync in --help output
#: gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c:53
msgid "Don't batch GDI requests"
msgstr "GDI isteklerini yığınlama"

#. Description of --no-wintab in --help output
#: gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c:55
msgid "Don't use the Wintab API for tablet support"
msgstr "Tablet desteği için Wintab API'sini kullanma"

#. Description of --ignore-wintab in --help output
#: gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c:57
msgid "Same as --no-wintab"
msgstr "--no-wintab ile aynı"

#. Description of --use-wintab in --help output
#: gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c:59
msgid "Do use the Wintab API [default]"
msgstr "Wintab API'sini kullan [öntanımlı]"

#. Description of --max-colors=COLORS in --help output
#: gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c:61
msgid "Size of the palette in 8 bit mode"
msgstr "8 bit kipinde paletin boyutu"

#. Placeholder in --max-colors=COLORS in --help output
#: gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c:62
msgid "COLORS"
msgstr "RENKLER"

#: gdk/x11/gdkapplaunchcontext-x11.c:295
#, c-format
msgid "Starting %s"
msgstr "%s başlatılıyor"

#: gdk/x11/gdkapplaunchcontext-x11.c:308
#, c-format
msgid "Opening %s"
msgstr "%s açılıyor"

#: gdk/x11/gdkapplaunchcontext-x11.c:313
#, c-format
msgid "Opening %d Item"
msgid_plural "Opening %d Items"
msgstr[0] "%d öge açılıyor"

#: gdk/x11/gdkglcontext-x11.c:900
#, c-format
msgid "No available configurations for the given RGBA pixel format"
msgstr "Verilen RGBA piksel biçimi için kullanılabilir yapılandırma yok"

#: gdk/x11/gdkglcontext-x11.c:1186
msgid ""
"The GLX_ARB_create_context_profile extension needed to create core profiles "
"is not available"
msgstr ""
"Çekirdek profiller oluşturmak için ihtiyaç duyulan "
"GLX_ARB_create_context_profile uzantısı mevcut değil"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkbooleancellaccessible.c:43
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Toggles the cell"
msgstr "Hücreyi değiştirir"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkbooleancellaccessible.c:63 gtk/a11y/gtkswitchaccessible.c:89
msgctxt "Action name"
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Değiştir"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkbuttonaccessible.c:321 gtk/a11y/gtkmenuitemaccessible.c:436
msgctxt "Action name"
msgid "Click"
msgstr "Tıkla"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkbuttonaccessible.c:330
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Clicks the button"
msgstr "Butonu tıklar"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcellaccessible.c:255
msgctxt "Action name"
msgid "Expand or contract"
msgstr "Genişlet ya da daralt"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcellaccessible.c:257
msgctxt "Action name"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Düzenle"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcellaccessible.c:259 gtk/a11y/gtkcolorswatchaccessible.c:149
#: gtk/a11y/gtkentryaccessible.c:1553 gtk/a11y/gtkexpanderaccessible.c:281
msgctxt "Action name"
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Etkinleştir"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcellaccessible.c:272
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Expands or contracts the row in the tree view containing this cell"
msgstr "Hücreyi içeren ağaç görünümündeki satırı genişletir ya da daraltır"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcellaccessible.c:274
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Creates a widget in which the contents of the cell can be edited"
msgstr "Hücre içeriği düzenlenebilir bir parçacık ögesi oluşturur"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcellaccessible.c:276
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Activates the cell"
msgstr "Hücreyi etkinleştirir"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcolorswatchaccessible.c:148
msgctxt "Action name"
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Seç"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcolorswatchaccessible.c:150
msgctxt "Action name"
msgid "Customize"
msgstr "Özelleştir"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcolorswatchaccessible.c:161
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Selects the color"
msgstr "Renk seçer"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcolorswatchaccessible.c:162
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Activates the color"
msgstr "Renk etkinleştirir"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcolorswatchaccessible.c:163
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Customizes the color"
msgstr "Renk özelleştirir"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcomboboxaccessible.c:310
msgctxt "Action name"
msgid "Press"
msgstr "Basın"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkcomboboxaccessible.c:319
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Presses the combobox"
msgstr "Açılan kutuya basar"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkentryaccessible.c:1562
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Activates the entry"
msgstr "Girdiyi etkinleştirir"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkexpanderaccessible.c:290
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Activates the expander"
msgstr "Genişleticiyi etkinleştirir"

#. FIXME these need accelerators when appropriate, and
#. * need the mnemonics to be rationalized
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:53 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:340
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_Hakkında"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:54 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:341
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Add"
msgstr "_Ekle"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:55 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:343
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Bold"
msgstr "_Kalın"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:56 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:345
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_CD-ROM"
msgstr "_CD-ROM"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:57 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:346
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Clear"
msgstr "_Temizle"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:58 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:347
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Kapat"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:59 gtk/gtkheaderbar.c:409
msgid "Minimize"
msgstr "Simge durumuna küçült"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:60 gtk/gtkheaderbar.c:432
msgid "Maximize"
msgstr "Ekranı Kapla"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:61 gtk/gtkheaderbar.c:432
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Geri Yükle"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:62 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:350
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Copy"
msgstr "_Kopyala"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:63 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:351
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Cu_t"
msgstr "Ke_s"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:64 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:352
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Sil"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:65 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:334
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hata"

#. KEEP IN SYNC with gtkiconfactory.c stock icons, when appropriate
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:66 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:332
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Bilgi"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:67 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:335
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Soru"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:68 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:333
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Uyarı"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:69 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:355
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Execute"
msgstr "_Çalıştır"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:70 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:357
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Dosya"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:71 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:358
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Find"
msgstr "_Bul"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:72 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:359
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Find and _Replace"
msgstr "Bul ve _Değiştir"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:73 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:360
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Floppy"
msgstr "_Disket"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:74 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:361
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Fullscreen"
msgstr "_Tam Ekran"

#. This is a navigation label as in "go to the bottom of the page"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:75 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:364
msgctxt "Stock label, navigation"
msgid "_Bottom"
msgstr "_Alt"

#. This is a navigation label as in "go to the first page"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:76 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:366
msgctxt "Stock label, navigation"
msgid "_First"
msgstr "_İlk"

#. This is a navigation label as in "go to the last page"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:77 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:368
msgctxt "Stock label, navigation"
msgid "_Last"
msgstr "_Son"

#. This is a navigation label as in "go to the top of the page"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:78 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:370
msgctxt "Stock label, navigation"
msgid "_Top"
msgstr "_Üst"

#. This is a navigation label as in "go back"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:79 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:372
msgctxt "Stock label, navigation"
msgid "_Back"
msgstr "_Geri"

#. This is a navigation label as in "go down"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:80 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:374
msgctxt "Stock label, navigation"
msgid "_Down"
msgstr "_Aşağı"

#. This is a navigation label as in "go forward"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:81 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:376
msgctxt "Stock label, navigation"
msgid "_Forward"
msgstr "_İleri"

#. This is a navigation label as in "go up"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:82 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:378
msgctxt "Stock label, navigation"
msgid "_Up"
msgstr "_Yukarı"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:83 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:379
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Hard Disk"
msgstr "_Sabit Disk"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:84 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:380
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Yardım"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:85 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:381
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Home"
msgstr "_Başlangıç Sayfası"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:86 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:382
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "Girintiyi Arttır"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:87 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:386
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Italic"
msgstr "_Eğik"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:88 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:387
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Jump to"
msgstr "_Atla"

#. This is about text justification, "centered text"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:89 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:389
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Center"
msgstr "_Ortala"

#. This is about text justification
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:90 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:391
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Fill"
msgstr "_Doldur"

#. This is about text justification, "left-justified text"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:91 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:393
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Left"
msgstr "_Sol"

#. This is about text justification, "right-justified text"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:92 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:395
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Right"
msgstr "_Sağ"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:93 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:362
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Leave Fullscreen"
msgstr "Tam Ekranı _Terket"

#. Media label, as in "fast forward"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:94 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:398
msgctxt "Stock label, media"
msgid "_Forward"
msgstr "_İleri"

#. Media label, as in "next song"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:95 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:400
msgctxt "Stock label, media"
msgid "_Next"
msgstr "_Sonraki"

#. Media label, as in "pause music"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:96 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:402
msgctxt "Stock label, media"
msgid "P_ause"
msgstr "D_uraklat"

#. Media label, as in "play music"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:97 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:404
msgctxt "Stock label, media"
msgid "_Play"
msgstr "_Oynat"

#. Media label, as in  "previous song"
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:98 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:406
msgctxt "Stock label, media"
msgid "Pre_vious"
msgstr "Ö_nceki"

#. Media label
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:99 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:408
msgctxt "Stock label, media"
msgid "_Record"
msgstr "_Kaydet"

#. Media label
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:100 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:410
msgctxt "Stock label, media"
msgid "R_ewind"
msgstr "G_eriye Sar"

#. Media label
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:101 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:412
msgctxt "Stock label, media"
msgid "_Stop"
msgstr "_Durdur"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:102 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:413
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Network"
msgstr "_Ağ"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:103 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:414
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_New"
msgstr "_Yeni"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:104 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:417
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Open"
msgstr "_Aç"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:105 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:427
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Paste"
msgstr "_Yapıştır"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:106 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:429
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Print"
msgstr "_Yazdır"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:107 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:430
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Print Pre_view"
msgstr "Yazıcı Ö_nizleme"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:108 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:431
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Özellikler"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:109 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:432
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "_Çık"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:110 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:433
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Redo"
msgstr "_Tekrar Yap"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:111 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:434
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Refresh"
msgstr "_Tazele"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:112 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:435
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Kaldır"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:113 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:436
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Revert"
msgstr "_Eskiye dön"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:114 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:437
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Save"
msgstr "_Kaydet"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:115 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:438
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Save _As"
msgstr "_Farklı Kaydet"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:116 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:439
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "_Tümünü Seç"

#. Sorting direction
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:117 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:443
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Ascending"
msgstr "_Artan"

#. Sorting direction
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:118 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:445
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Descending"
msgstr "_Azalan"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:119 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:446
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Spell Check"
msgstr "_Yazım Denetimi"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:120 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:447
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Stop"
msgstr "_Durdur"

#. Font variant
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:121 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:449
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Strikethrough"
msgstr "_Üstüçizili"

#. Font variant
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:122 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:452
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Underline"
msgstr "_Altıçizili"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:123 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:453
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Undo"
msgstr "_Geri Al"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:124 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:383
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Decrease Indent"
msgstr "Girintiyi Azalt"

#. Zoom
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:125 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:456
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Normal Size"
msgstr "_Normal Boyut"

#. Zoom
#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:126 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:458
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Best _Fit"
msgstr "En _Uygun Boyut"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:127 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:459
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Zoom _In"
msgstr "_Yakınlaştır"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkimageaccessible.c:128 gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:460
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Zoom _Out"
msgstr "_Uzaklaştır"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkmenubuttonaccessible.c:102 gtk/inspector/window.ui:365
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menü"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkmenuitemaccessible.c:445
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Clicks the menuitem"
msgstr "Menü ögesini tıklar"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkscalebuttonaccessible.c:140
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Pops up the slider"
msgstr "Slayt yukarı açılır"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkscalebuttonaccessible.c:142
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Dismisses the slider"
msgstr "Slaytı kapat"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkscalebuttonaccessible.c:170
msgctxt "Action name"
msgid "Popup"
msgstr "Açılır Pencere"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkscalebuttonaccessible.c:172
msgctxt "Action name"
msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr "Kapat"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkspinneraccessible.c:39
msgctxt "throbbing progress animation widget"
msgid "Spinner"
msgstr "Değer Değiştirici"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkspinneraccessible.c:40
msgid "Provides visual indication of progress"
msgstr "İlerlemenin görsel göstergesini sağlar"

#: gtk/a11y/gtkswitchaccessible.c:98
msgctxt "Action description"
msgid "Toggles the switch"
msgstr "Anahtarı değiştir"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:423
msgid ""
"Select the color you want from the outer ring. Select the darkness or "
"lightness of that color using the inner triangle."
msgstr ""
"Dış çemberden istediğiniz bir rengi seçin. İçteki üçgeni kullanarak rengin "
"koyuluğunu ya da açıklığını seçebilirsiniz."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:449
msgid ""
"Click the eyedropper, then click a color anywhere on your screen to select "
"that color."
msgstr ""
"Damlalığa tıkladıktan sonra ekranınızdaki istediğiniz bir renge tıklayarak "
"rengi seçebilirsiniz."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:459
msgid "_Hue:"
msgstr "_Renk Tonu:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:460
msgid "Position on the color wheel."
msgstr "Renk çemberi üstündeki konum."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:462
msgid "S_aturation:"
msgstr "D_oygunluk:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:463
msgid "Intensity of the color."
msgstr "Rengin yoğunluğu."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:464
msgid "_Value:"
msgstr "_Değer:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:465
msgid "Brightness of the color."
msgstr "Rengin parlaklığı."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:466
msgid "_Red:"
msgstr "_Kırmızı:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:467
msgid "Amount of red light in the color."
msgstr "Renkteki kırmızı ışık miktarı."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:468
msgid "_Green:"
msgstr "_Yeşil:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:469
msgid "Amount of green light in the color."
msgstr "Renkteki yeşil ışık miktarı."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:470
msgid "_Blue:"
msgstr "_Mavi:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:471
msgid "Amount of blue light in the color."
msgstr "Renkteki mavi ışık miktarı."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:474
msgid "Op_acity:"
msgstr "Ma_tlık:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:482 gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:492
msgid "Transparency of the color."
msgstr "Rengin şeffaflığı."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:499
msgid "Color _name:"
msgstr "Renk _ismi:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:514
msgid ""
"You can enter an HTML-style hexadecimal color value, or simply a color name "
"such as “orange” in this entry."
msgstr ""
"HTML biçemi bir onaltılık renk değeri girebileceğiniz gibi, \"orange\" gibi "
"bir renk ismi de belirtebilirsiniz."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:546
msgid "_Palette:"
msgstr "_Palet:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:576
msgid "Color Wheel"
msgstr "Renk Çemberi"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:1070
msgid ""
"The previously-selected color, for comparison to the color you’re selecting "
"now. You can drag this color to a palette entry, or select this color as "
"current by dragging it to the other color swatch alongside."
msgstr ""
"Şimdi seçtiğiniz renkle karşılaştırmak için önceden seçilmiş renk. Bu rengi "
"bir palete sürükleyebilir ya da diğer renk örneklerinin yanına sürükleyerek "
"onu geçerli renk yapabilirsiniz."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:1076
msgid ""
"The color you’ve chosen. You can drag this color to a palette entry to save "
"it for use in the future."
msgstr ""
"Seçtiğiniz renk. Bu rengi bir palete sürükleyerek ileride kullanmak üzere "

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:1082
msgid ""
"The previously-selected color, for comparison to the color you’re selecting "
msgstr "Şu anda seçtiğiniz renkle karşılaştırmak için önceden seçilen renk."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:1086
msgid "The color you’ve chosen."
msgstr "Seçmiş olduğunuz renk."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:1490
msgid "_Save color here"
msgstr "Rengi buraya _kaydet"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorsel.c:1693
msgid ""
"Click this palette entry to make it the current color. To change this entry, "
"drag a color swatch here or right-click it and select “Save color here.”"
msgstr ""
"Bu palet girdisine tıklayarak onu şu anki renginiz yapabilirsiniz. Bu "
"girdiyi değiştirmek isterseniz buraya bir renk örneğini sürekledikten sonra "
"“Rengi buraya kaydet” ögesini seçiniz."

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorseldialog.c:191 gtk/deprecated/gtkfontsel.c:1689
#: gtk/gtkfilechooserbutton.c:795 gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1448
#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:6310 gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:942
#: gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:955 gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:543
#: gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.c:196 gtk/gtkprintbackend.c:763
#: gtk/gtkprinteroptionwidget.c:545 gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:665
#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:738 gtk/gtkwindow.c:12075
#: gtk/inspector/css-editor.c:199 gtk/ui/gtkappchooserdialog.ui:61
#: gtk/ui/gtkassistant.ui:131 gtk/ui/gtkcolorchooserdialog.ui:34
#: gtk/ui/gtkfontchooserdialog.ui:31
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "_İptal Et"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorseldialog.c:195 gtk/gtkprinteroptionwidget.c:546
#: gtk/ui/gtkappchooserdialog.ui:67 gtk/ui/gtkcolorchooserdialog.ui:40
#: gtk/ui/gtkfontchooserdialog.ui:37
msgid "_Select"
msgstr "_Seç"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorseldialog.c:201
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Yardım"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkcolorseldialog.c:213
msgid "Color Selection"
msgstr "Renk Seçimi"

#. This is the default text shown in the preview entry, though the user
#. can set it. Remember that some fonts only have capital letters.
#: gtk/deprecated/gtkfontsel.c:121
msgid "abcdefghijk ABCDEFGHIJK"
msgstr "abcçdefgğhıijk ABCÇDEFGĞHIİJK"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkfontsel.c:386
msgid "_Family:"
msgstr "_Aile:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkfontsel.c:393
msgid "_Style:"
msgstr "_Biçem:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkfontsel.c:400
msgid "Si_ze:"
msgstr "Bo_yut:"

#. create the text entry widget
#: gtk/deprecated/gtkfontsel.c:577
msgid "_Preview:"
msgstr "_Önizleme:"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkfontsel.c:1693 gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.c:197
#: gtk/ui/gtkassistant.ui:56
msgid "_Apply"
msgstr "_Uygula"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkfontsel.c:1698 gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:934
#: gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:956 gtk/gtkprintbackend.c:764 gtk/gtkwindow.c:12076
#: gtk/inspector/classes-list.c:127
msgid "_OK"
msgstr "_TAMAM"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkfontsel.c:1709
msgid "Font Selection"
msgstr "Yazıtipi Seçimi"

#. Translators: the format here is used to build the string that will be rendered
#. * in the number emblem.
#: gtk/deprecated/gtknumerableicon.c:472
#, c-format
msgctxt "Number format"
msgid "%d"
msgstr "%d"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:342
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Apply"
msgstr "_Uygula"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:344
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "_İptal Et"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:348
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "C_onnect"
msgstr "B_ağlan"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:349
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Convert"
msgstr "_Dönüştür"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:353
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Discard"
msgstr "_Temizle"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:354
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Disconnect"
msgstr "_Bağlantıyı Kes"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:356
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Düzenle"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:384
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Index"
msgstr "_Dizin"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:385
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Information"
msgstr "_Bilgi"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:415
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_No"
msgstr "_Hayır"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:416
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_OK"
msgstr "_TAMAM"

#. Page orientation
#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:419
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Landscape"
msgstr "Yatay"

#. Page orientation
#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:421
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Portrait"
msgstr "Dikey"

#. Page orientation
#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:423
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Reverse landscape"
msgstr "Ters yatay"

#. Page orientation
#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:425
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Reverse portrait"
msgstr "Ters dikey"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:426
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "Page Set_up"
msgstr "Sayfa Aya_rı"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:428
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Preferences"
msgstr "_Tercihler"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:440
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Color"
msgstr "_Renk"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:441
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Font"
msgstr "_Yazıtipi"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:450
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Undelete"
msgstr "_Silmeyi Geri Al"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkstock.c:454
msgctxt "Stock label"
msgid "_Yes"
msgstr "_Evet"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkuimanager.c:1779
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected start tag '%s' on line %d char %d"
msgstr "Beklenmeyen başlama etiketi '%s', satır %d karakter %d"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkuimanager.c:1869
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected character data on line %d char %d"
msgstr "Beklenmeyen karakter verisi, satır %d karakter %d"

#: gtk/deprecated/gtkuimanager.c:2724
msgid "Empty"
msgstr "Boş"

#: gtk/encodesymbolic.c:38
msgid "Output to this directory instead of cwd"
msgstr "Çıktı cwd yerine bu dizine"

#: gtk/encodesymbolic.c:266
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid size %s\n"
msgstr "Geçersiz boyut %s\n"

#: gtk/encodesymbolic.c:279 gtk/gtk-builder-tool.c:591
#, c-format
msgid "Can't load file: %s\n"
msgstr "Dosya yüklenemedi: %s\n"

#: gtk/encodesymbolic.c:307 gtk/encodesymbolic.c:313
#, c-format
msgid "Can't save file %s: %s\n"
msgstr "%s dosyası kaydedilemedi: %s\n"

#: gtk/encodesymbolic.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "Can't close stream"
msgstr "Akış kapatılamadı"

#. Translators: this is the license preamble; the string at the end
#. * contains the name of the license as link text.
#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:114
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This program comes with absolutely no warranty.\n"
"See the <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> for details."
msgstr ""
"Bu program kesinlikle hiçbir garanti vermiyor.\n"
"Ayrıntılar için <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> bağlantısına bakın."

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:118 gtk/ui/gtkaboutdialog.ui:221
msgid "License"
msgstr "Lisans"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:119
msgid "Custom License"
msgstr "Özel Lisans"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:120
msgid "GNU General Public License, version 2 or later"
msgstr "GNU Genel Kamu Lisansı, sürüm 2 ya da sonrası"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:121
msgid "GNU General Public License, version 3 or later"
msgstr "GNU Genel Kamu Lisansı, sürüm 3 ya da sonrası"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:122
msgid "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later"
msgstr "Kısıtlı GNU Genel Kamu Lisansı, sürüm 2.1 ya da sonrası"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:123
msgid "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later"
msgstr "Kısıtlı GNU Genel Kamu Lisansı, sürüm 3 ya da sonrası"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:124
msgid "BSD 2-Clause License"
msgstr "BSD 2-Clause Lisans"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:125
msgid "The MIT License (MIT)"
msgstr "MIT Lisans (MIT)"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:126
msgid "Artistic License 2.0"
msgstr "Sanatsal Lisans 2.0"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:127
msgid "GNU General Public License, version 2 only"
msgstr "GNU Genel Kamu Lisansı, sadece sürüm 2"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:128
msgid "GNU General Public License, version 3 only"
msgstr "GNU Genel Kamu Lisansı, sadece sürüm 3"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:129
msgid "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 only"
msgstr "GNU Kısıtlı Genel Kamu Lisansı, sadece sürüm 2.1"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:130
msgid "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 only"
msgstr "GNU Kısıtlı Genel Kamu Lisansı, sadece sürüm 3"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:699
msgid "C_redits"
msgstr "H_azırlayanlar"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:707
msgid "_License"
msgstr "_Lisans"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:716 gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:329
#: gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:938 gtk/ui/gtkassistant.ui:150
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Kapat"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:1003
msgid "Could not show link"
msgstr "Bağlantı gösterilemedi"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:1040
msgid "Website"
msgstr "Web sitesi"

#. used for the application menu on MacOS.  %s is replaced with the application name.
#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:1090 gtk/ui/gtkapplication-quartz.ui:7
#, c-format
msgid "About %s"
msgstr "%s Hakkında"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:2312
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Oluşturan"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:2315
msgid "Documented by"
msgstr "Belgelendiren"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:2325
msgid "Translated by"
msgstr "Çeviren"

#: gtk/gtkaboutdialog.c:2330
msgid "Artwork by"
msgstr "Grafikler"

#. This is the text that should appear next to menu accelerators
#. * that use the shift key. If the text on this key isn't typically
#. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
#. * this.
#: gtk/gtkaccellabel.c:165
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Shift"
msgstr "Shift"

#. This is the text that should appear next to menu accelerators
#. * that use the control key. If the text on this key isn't typically
#. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
#. * this.
#: gtk/gtkaccellabel.c:171
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Ctrl"
msgstr "Ctrl"

#. This is the text that should appear next to menu accelerators
#. * that use the alt key. If the text on this key isn't typically
#. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
#. * this.
#: gtk/gtkaccellabel.c:177
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Alt"
msgstr "Alt"

#. This is the text that should appear next to menu accelerators
#. * that use the super key. If the text on this key isn't typically
#. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
#. * this.
#: gtk/gtkaccellabel.c:828
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Super"
msgstr "Super"

#. This is the text that should appear next to menu accelerators
#. * that use the hyper key. If the text on this key isn't typically
#. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
#. * this.
#: gtk/gtkaccellabel.c:841
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Hyper"
msgstr "Hyper"

#. This is the text that should appear next to menu accelerators
#. * that use the meta key. If the text on this key isn't typically
#. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
#. * this.
#: gtk/gtkaccellabel.c:855
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Meta"
msgstr "Meta"

#: gtk/gtkaccellabel.c:872
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Boşluk"

#: gtk/gtkaccellabel.c:875
msgctxt "keyboard label"
msgid "Backslash"
msgstr "Ters Bölü"

#: gtk/gtkappchooserbutton.c:295
msgid "Other application…"
msgstr "Diğer Uygulama…"

#: gtk/gtkappchooserdialog.c:206 gtk/gtkappchooserdialog.c:213
#: gtk/gtkappchooserdialog.c:230 gtk/ui/gtkappchooserdialog.ui:5
msgid "Select Application"
msgstr "Uygulama Seç"

#. Translators: %s is a filename
#: gtk/gtkappchooserdialog.c:208
#, c-format
msgid "Opening “%s”."
msgstr "“%s” açılıyor."

#: gtk/gtkappchooserdialog.c:209
#, c-format
msgid "No applications found for “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” için hiçbir uygulama bulunamadı"

#. Translators: %s is a file type description
#: gtk/gtkappchooserdialog.c:215
#, c-format
msgid "Opening “%s” files."
msgstr "“%s” dosyaları açılıyor."

#: gtk/gtkappchooserdialog.c:217
#, c-format
msgid "No applications found for “%s” files"
msgstr "“%s” dosyaları için hiçbir uygulama bulunamadı"

#: gtk/gtkappchooserdialog.c:310
msgid "Forget association"
msgstr "İlişkilendirmeyi Unut"

#: gtk/gtkappchooserdialog.c:453
msgid "Failed to start GNOME Software"
msgstr "GNOME Yazılımı başlatılamadı"

#: gtk/gtkappchooserwidget.c:622
msgid "Default Application"
msgstr "Öntanımlı Uygulama"

#: gtk/gtkappchooserwidget.c:672
#, c-format
msgid "No applications found for “%s”."
msgstr "“%s” için hiçbir uygulama bulunamadı."

#: gtk/gtkappchooserwidget.c:755
msgid "Recommended Applications"
msgstr "Önerilen Uygulamalar"

#: gtk/gtkappchooserwidget.c:770
msgid "Related Applications"
msgstr "İlgili Uygulamalar"

#: gtk/gtkappchooserwidget.c:784
msgid "Other Applications"
msgstr "Diğer Uygulamalar"

#: gtk/gtkapplicationwindow.c:339 gtk/gtkprintoperation-unix.c:481
#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1453 gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1566
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Uygulama"

#: gtk/gtkbookmarksmanager.c:51
#, c-format
msgid "%s does not exist in the bookmarks list"
msgstr "'%s' yer imleri listesinde bulunmuyor"

#: gtk/gtkbookmarksmanager.c:362
#, c-format
msgid "%s already exists in the bookmarks list"
msgstr "'%s' zaten yer imleri listesinde bulunuyor"

#: gtk/gtkbuilder-menus.c:223
#, c-format
msgid "Element <%s> not allowed inside <%s>"
msgstr "<%s> içinde <%s> ögesine izin verilmez"

#: gtk/gtkbuilder-menus.c:228
#, c-format
msgid "Element <%s> not allowed at toplevel"
msgstr "<%s> ögesine en üst seviyede izin verilmez"

#: gtk/gtkbuilder-menus.c:317
#, c-format
msgid "Text may not appear inside <%s>"
msgstr "<%s> içinde metin bulunamaz"

#: gtk/gtk-builder-tool.c:97
#, c-format
msgid "Packing property %s::%s not found\n"
msgstr "%s:%s paketleme özelliği bulunamadı\n"

#: gtk/gtk-builder-tool.c:99
#, c-format
msgid "Cell property %s::%s not found\n"
msgstr "Hücre özelliği %s::%s bulunamadı\n"

#: gtk/gtk-builder-tool.c:101
#, c-format
msgid "Property %s::%s not found\n"
msgstr "%s::%s özelliği bulunamadı\n"

#: gtk/gtk-builder-tool.c:109
#, c-format
#| msgid "Couldn't parse value: %s\n"
msgid "Couldn't parse value for %s::%s: %s\n"
msgstr "%s::%s için değer ayrıştırılamadı: %s\n"

#: gtk/gtk-builder-tool.c:612
#, c-format
msgid "Can't parse file: %s\n"
msgstr "Dosya ayrıştırılamadı: %s\n"

#: gtk/gtk-builder-tool.c:783
#, c-format
msgid ""
"  gtk-builder-tool [COMMAND] FILE\n"
"  validate    Validate the file\n"
"  simplify    Simplify the file\n"
"  enumerate   List all named objects\n"
"Perform various tasks on GtkBuilder .ui files.\n"
msgstr ""
"  gtk-builder-tool [KOMUT] DOSYA\n"
"  validate    Dosyayı doğrula\n"
"  simplify    Dosyayı basitleştir\n"
"  enumerate   Tüm nesneleri listele\n"
"GtkBuilder .ui dosyaları üzerinde çeşitli görevler gerçekleştir.\n"

#. Translate to calendar:YM if you want years to be displayed
#. * before months; otherwise translate to calendar:MY.
#. * Do *not* translate it to anything else, if it
#. * it isn't calendar:YM or calendar:MY it will not work.
#. *
#. * Note that the ordering described here is logical order, which is
#. * further influenced by BIDI ordering. Thus, if you have a default
#. * text direction of RTL and specify "calendar:YM", then the year
#. * will appear to the right of the month.
#: gtk/gtkcalendar.c:798
msgid "calendar:MY"
msgstr "calendar:MY"

#. Translate to calendar:week_start:0 if you want Sunday to be the
#. * first day of the week to calendar:week_start:1 if you want Monday
#. * to be the first day of the week, and so on.
#: gtk/gtkcalendar.c:836
msgid "calendar:week_start:0"
msgstr "calendar:week_start:1"

#. Translators:  This is a text measurement template.
#. * Translate it to the widest year text
#. *
#. * If you don't understand this, leave it as "2000"
#: gtk/gtkcalendar.c:1861
msgctxt "year measurement template"
msgid "2000"
msgstr "2000"

#. Translators: this defines whether the day numbers should use
#. * localized digits or the ones used in English (0123...).
#. *
#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
#. *
#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
#. * too.
#: gtk/gtkcalendar.c:1892 gtk/gtkcalendar.c:2570
#, c-format
msgctxt "calendar:day:digits"
msgid "%d"
msgstr "%d"

#. Translators: this defines whether the week numbers should use
#. * localized digits or the ones used in English (0123...).
#. *
#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
#. *
#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
#. * too.
#: gtk/gtkcalendar.c:1924 gtk/gtkcalendar.c:2436
#, c-format
msgctxt "calendar:week:digits"
msgid "%d"
msgstr "%d"

#. Translators: This dictates how the year is displayed in
#. * gtkcalendar widget.  See strftime() manual for the format.
#. * Use only ASCII in the translation.
#. *
#. * Also look for the msgid "2000".
#. * Translate that entry to a year with the widest output of this
#. * msgid.
#. *
#. * "%Y" is appropriate for most locales.
#: gtk/gtkcalendar.c:2215
msgctxt "calendar year format"
msgid "%Y"
msgstr "%Y"

#. This label is displayed in a treeview cell displaying
#. * a disabled accelerator key combination.
#: gtk/gtkcellrendereraccel.c:274
msgctxt "Accelerator"
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Kapalı"

#. This label is displayed in a treeview cell displaying
#. * an accelerator key combination that is not valid according
#. * to gtk_accelerator_valid().
#: gtk/gtkcellrendereraccel.c:284
msgctxt "Accelerator"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Geçersiz"

#. This label is displayed in a treeview cell displaying an accelerator
#. * when the cell is clicked to change the acelerator.
#: gtk/gtkcellrendereraccel.c:415 gtk/gtkcellrendereraccel.c:509
msgid "New accelerator…"
msgstr "Yeni kısayol…"

#: gtk/gtkcellrendererprogress.c:377 gtk/gtkcellrendererprogress.c:470
#, c-format
msgctxt "progress bar label"
msgid "%d %%"
msgstr "%% %d"

#: gtk/gtkcolorbutton.c:183 gtk/gtkcolorbutton.c:383
msgid "Pick a Color"
msgstr "Bir Renk Seç"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:300
#, c-format
msgid "Red %d%%, Green %d%%, Blue %d%%, Alpha %d%%"
msgstr "Kırmızı %d%%, Yeşil %d%%, Mavi %d%%, Alpha %d%%"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:306
#, c-format
msgid "Red %d%%, Green %d%%, Blue %d%%"
msgstr "Kırmızı %d%%, Yeşil %d%%, Mavi %d%%"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:383
#, c-format
msgid "Color: %s"
msgstr "Renk: %s"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:442
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Light Scarlet Red"
msgstr "Açık Kırmızı Kızıl"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:443
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Scarlet Red"
msgstr "Kırmızı Kızıl"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:444
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Dark Scarlet Red"
msgstr "Koyu Kırmızı Kızıl"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:445
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Light Orange"
msgstr "Açık Turuncu"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:446
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Turuncu"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:447
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Dark Orange"
msgstr "Koyu Turuncu"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:448
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Light Butter"
msgstr "Açık Sarı"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:449
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Butter"
msgstr "Sarı"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:450
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Dark Butter"
msgstr "Koyu Sarı"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:451
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Light Chameleon"
msgstr "Açık Bukalemun Rengi"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:452
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Chameleon"
msgstr "Bukalemun Rengi"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:453
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Dark Chameleon"
msgstr "Koyu Bukalemun Rengi"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:454
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Light Sky Blue"
msgstr "Açık Gök Mavisi"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:455
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Sky Blue"
msgstr "Gök Mavisi"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:456
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Dark Sky Blue"
msgstr "Koyu Gök Mavisi"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:457
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Light Plum"
msgstr "Açık Yeşil"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:458
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Plum"
msgstr "Yeşil"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:459
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Dark Plum"
msgstr "Koyu Yeşil"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:460
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Light Chocolate"
msgstr "Açık Çikolata Rengi"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:461
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Chocolate"
msgstr "Çikolata Rengi"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:462
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Dark Chocolate"
msgstr "Koyu Kahverengi"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:463
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Light Aluminum 1"
msgstr "Açık Gri 1"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:464
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Aluminum 1"
msgstr "Gri 1"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:465
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Dark Aluminum 1"
msgstr "Koyu Gri 1"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:466
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Light Aluminum 2"
msgstr "Açık Gri 2"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:467
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Aluminum 2"
msgstr "Gri 2"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:468
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Dark Aluminum 2"
msgstr "Koyu Gri 2"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:482
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Black"
msgstr "Siyah"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:483
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Very Dark Gray"
msgstr "Çok Koyu Gri"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:484
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Darker Gray"
msgstr "Daha Koyu Gri"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:485
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Dark Gray"
msgstr "Koyu Gri"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:486
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Medium Gray"
msgstr "Orta Gri"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:487
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Light Gray"
msgstr "Açık Gri"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:488
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Lighter Gray"
msgstr "Daha Açık Gri"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:489
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Very Light Gray"
msgstr "Çok Açık Gri"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:490
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "White"
msgstr "Beyaz"

#. translators: label for the custom section in the color chooser
#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:539
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Özel"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:546
msgid "Custom color"
msgstr "Özel renk"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:547
msgid "Create a custom color"
msgstr "Özel bir renk oluştur"

#: gtk/gtkcolorchooserwidget.c:566
#, c-format
msgid "Custom color %d: %s"
msgstr "Özel renk %d: %s"

#: gtk/gtkcolorplane.c:401
msgid "Color Plane"
msgstr "Renk Düzlemi"

#: gtk/gtkcolorscale.c:309
msgctxt "Color channel"
msgid "Hue"
msgstr "Ton"

#: gtk/gtkcolorscale.c:311
msgctxt "Color channel"
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Alpha"

#: gtk/gtkcolorswatch.c:417
msgid "C_ustomize"
msgstr "_Özelleştir"

#. Translate to the default units to use for presenting
#. * lengths to the user. Translate to default:inch if you
#. * want inches, otherwise translate to default:mm.
#. * Do *not* translate it to "predefinito:mm", if it
#. * it isn't default:mm or default:inch it will not work
#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:117
msgid "default:mm"
msgstr "default:mm"

#. And show the custom paper dialog
#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:405 gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3318
msgid "Manage Custom Sizes"
msgstr "Özel Boyutları Yönet"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:567 gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.c:811
msgid "inch"
msgstr "inç"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:569 gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.c:809
msgid "mm"
msgstr "mm"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:615
msgid "Margins from Printer…"
msgstr "Yazıcıdan Gelen Kenar Boşlukları..."

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:781
#, c-format
msgid "Custom Size %d"
msgstr "Özel Boyut %d"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:1120
msgid "_Width:"
msgstr "_Genişlik:"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:1131
msgid "_Height:"
msgstr "_Yükseklik:"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:1142
msgid "Paper Size"
msgstr "Kağıt Boyutu"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:1151
msgid "_Top:"
msgstr "_Üst:"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:1162
msgid "_Bottom:"
msgstr "_Alt:"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:1173
msgid "_Left:"
msgstr "_Sol:"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:1184
msgid "_Right:"
msgstr "_Sağ:"

#: gtk/gtkcustompaperunixdialog.c:1223
msgid "Paper Margins"
msgstr "Kağıt Boşlukları"

#: gtk/gtkentry.c:9633 gtk/gtklabel.c:6612 gtk/gtktextview.c:9374
msgid "Cu_t"
msgstr "Ke_s"

#: gtk/gtkentry.c:9637 gtk/gtklabel.c:6613 gtk/gtktextview.c:9378
msgid "_Copy"
msgstr "_Kopyala"

#: gtk/gtkentry.c:9641 gtk/gtklabel.c:6614 gtk/gtktextview.c:9380
msgid "_Paste"
msgstr "_Yapıştır"

#: gtk/gtkentry.c:9644 gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1449
#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2247 gtk/gtklabel.c:6616 gtk/gtktextview.c:9383
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Sil"

#: gtk/gtkentry.c:9655 gtk/gtklabel.c:6625 gtk/gtktextview.c:9397
msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "_Tümünü Seç"

#: gtk/gtkentry.c:9833 gtk/gtktextview.c:9607
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Tümünü seç"

#: gtk/gtkentry.c:9836 gtk/gtktextview.c:9610
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Kes"

#: gtk/gtkentry.c:9839 gtk/gtktextview.c:9613
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopyala"

#: gtk/gtkentry.c:9842 gtk/gtktextview.c:9616
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Yapıştır"

#: gtk/gtkentry.c:10929
msgid "Caps Lock is on"
msgstr "Büyük Harf Kilidi açık"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserbutton.c:104
msgid "Select a File"
msgstr "Bir Dosya Seç"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserbutton.c:105 gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:930
msgid "Desktop"
msgstr "Masaüstü"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserbutton.c:106 gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserbutton.ui:30
msgid "(None)"
msgstr "(Hiçbiri)"

#. Open item is always present
#: gtk/gtkfilechooserbutton.c:796 gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3401
#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1618
msgid "_Open"
msgstr "_Aç"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserbutton.c:2140
msgid "Other…"
msgstr "Diğer..."

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserdialog.c:570
msgid "_Name"
msgstr "_İsim"

#. Translators: the first string is a path and the second string
#. * is a hostname. Nautilus and the panel contain the same string
#. * to translate.
#: gtk/gtkfilechooserutils.c:488
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "%2$s üzerindeki %1$s"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:361
msgid "Type name of new folder"
msgstr "Yeni klasörün adını girin"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:772
msgid "The folder could not be created"
msgstr "Klasör oluşturulamadı"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:785
msgid ""
"The folder could not be created, as a file with the same name already "
"exists.  Try using a different name for the folder, or rename the file first."
msgstr ""
"Aynı isimde bir dosya bulunduğu için klasör oluşturulamadı.  Farklı bir isim "
"kullanmayı deneyin ya da öncelikle dosyanın adını değiştirin."

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:799
msgid "You need to choose a valid filename."
msgstr "Geçerli bir dosya adı seçmeniz gerekiyor."

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:802
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot create a file under %s as it is not a folder"
msgstr "%s klasör olmadığından altında dosya oluşturulamıyor"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:810
msgid "Cannot create file as the filename is too long"
msgstr "Dosya adı çok uzun olduğundan oluşturulamıyor"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:811
msgid "Try using a shorter name."
msgstr "Daha kısa bir ad kullanmayı deneyin."

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:821
msgid "You may only select folders"
msgstr "Sadece klasörleri seçebilirsiniz"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:822
msgid "The item that you selected is not a folder try using a different item."
msgstr "Seçtiğiniz öge bir klasör değil, başka bir öge kullanmayı deneyin."

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:830
msgid "Invalid file name"
msgstr "Geçersiz dosya adı"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:840
msgid "The folder contents could not be displayed"
msgstr "Klasör içeriği gösterilemiyor"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:849
msgid "The file could not be deleted"
msgstr "Dosya silinemedi"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:857
msgid "The file could not be moved to the Trash"
msgstr "Dosya çöpe taşınamadı"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1002
msgid "A folder with that name already exists"
msgstr "Bu isimde bir klasör zaten mevcut"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1004
msgid "A file with that name already exists"
msgstr "Bu isimde bir dosya zaten mevcut"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1039
msgid "A folder cannot be called “.”"
msgstr "“.” isimli bir klasör oluşturulamaz"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1040
msgid "A file cannot be called “.”"
msgstr "“.” isimli bir dosya oluşturulamaz"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1043
msgid "A folder cannot be called “..”"
msgstr "“..” isimli bir klasör oluşturulamaz"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1044
msgid "A file cannot be called “..”"
msgstr "“..” isimli bir dosya oluşturulamaz"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1047
msgid "Folder names cannot contain “/”"
msgstr "Klasör isimleri “/” içeremez"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1048
msgid "File names cannot contain “/”"
msgstr "Dosya isimleri “/” içeremez"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1074
msgid "Folder names should not begin with a space"
msgstr "Klasör isimleri boşlukla başlamamalıdır"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1075
msgid "File names should not begin with a space"
msgstr "Dosya isimleri boşlukla başlamamalıdır"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1079
msgid "Folder names should not end with a space"
msgstr "Klasör isimleri boşlukla sonlandırılmamalıdır"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1080
msgid "File names should not end with a space"
msgstr "Dosya isimleri boşlukla sonlandırılmamalıdır"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1083
msgid "Folder names starting with a “.” are hidden"
msgstr "Adı “.” ile başlayan klasörler gizlidir"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1084
msgid "File names starting with a “.” are hidden"
msgstr "Adı “.” ile başlayan dosyalar gizlidir"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1444
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete “%s”?"
msgstr "“%s”i kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1447
#, c-format
msgid "If you delete an item, it will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Eğer bir öğeyi silerseniz, kalıcı olarak kaybolur."

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1581
msgid "The file could not be renamed"
msgstr "Dosya yeniden adlandırılamadı."

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:1893
msgid "Could not select file"
msgstr "Dosya seçilemedi"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2242
msgid "_Visit File"
msgstr "Dosyayı _Ziyaret Et"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2243
msgid "_Open With File Manager"
msgstr "Dosya Yöneticisiyle _Aç"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2244
msgid "_Copy Location"
msgstr "Konumu _Kopyala"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2245
msgid "_Add to Bookmarks"
msgstr "Yer İmlerine _Ekle"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2246 gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2450
#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:524
msgid "_Rename"
msgstr "_Yeniden Adlandır"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2248
msgid "_Move to Trash"
msgstr "_Çöpe Taşı"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2252
msgid "Show _Hidden Files"
msgstr "_Gizli Dosyaları Göster"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2253
msgid "Show _Size Column"
msgstr "_Boyut Sütununu Göster"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2254
msgid "Show _Time"
msgstr "_Saati Göster"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2255
msgid "Sort _Folders before Files"
msgstr "_Klasörleri Dosyalardan Önce Sırala"

#. this is the header for the location column in the print dialog
#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2567 gtk/inspector/style-prop-list.ui:118
#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:206 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:128
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Konum"

#. Label
#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:2653
msgid "_Name:"
msgstr "_Ad:"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:3274
msgid "Searching"
msgstr "Arama"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:3279 gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:3293
#, c-format
msgid "Searching in %s"
msgstr "%s içinde arama"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:3303
msgid "Enter location"
msgstr "Konum girin"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:3305
msgid "Enter location or URL"
msgstr "Konum ya da URL girin"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4343 gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:7224
#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:234
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Değiştirilmiş"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4621
#, c-format
msgid "Could not read the contents of %s"
msgstr "%s içerikleri okunamadı"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4625
msgid "Could not read the contents of the folder"
msgstr "Klasörün içeriği okunamadı"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4743 gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4789
msgid "%H:%M"
msgstr "%H:%M"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4745 gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4791
msgid "%l:%M %p"
msgstr "%l:%M %p"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4749
msgid "Yesterday"
msgstr "Dün"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4757
msgid "%-e %b"
msgstr "%-e %b"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4761
msgid "%-e %b %Y"
msgstr "%-e %b %Y"

#. Translators: We don't know whether this printer is
#. * available to print to.
#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:4994 gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1569
#: modules/printbackends/cloudprint/gtkprintbackendcloudprint.c:748
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:5033 gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:915
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Ev"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:5526
msgid "Cannot change to folder because it is not local"
msgstr "Klasör yerel olmadığı için değiştirilemiyor"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:6303 gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:656
#, c-format
msgid "A file named “%s” already exists.  Do you want to replace it?"
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" adında bir dosya zaten mevcut.  Varolan dosya ile değiştirmek ister "

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:6306 gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:660
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The file already exists in “%s”.  Replacing it will overwrite its contents."
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" adında bir dosya zaten mevcut.  Onun yerine koymak, dosya içeriğinin "
"üzerine yazacak."

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:6311 gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:668
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Yerine Koy"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:6521
msgid "You do not have access to the specified folder."
msgstr "Belirtilen klasöre erişiminiz yok."

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:7135
msgid "Could not start the search process"
msgstr "Arama süreci başlatılamadı"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:7136
msgid ""
"The program was not able to create a connection to the indexer daemon. "
"Please make sure it is running."
msgstr ""
"Program dizinleyici servisine bağlantı oluşturamadı. Lütfen çalıştığından "
"emin olun."

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:7148
msgid "Could not send the search request"
msgstr "Arama isteği gönderilemedi"

#: gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c:7441
msgid "Accessed"
msgstr "Erişildi"

#. The pointers we return for a GtkFileSystemVolume are opaque tokens; they are
#. * really pointers to GDrive, GVolume or GMount objects.  We need an extra
#. * token for the fake “File System” volume.  So, we’ll return a pointer to
#. * this particular string.
#: gtk/gtkfilesystem.c:48
msgid "File System"
msgstr "Dosya Sistemi"

#: gtk/gtkfontbutton.c:361
msgid "Sans 12"
msgstr "Sans 12"

#: gtk/gtkfontbutton.c:474 gtk/gtkfontbutton.c:602
msgid "Pick a Font"
msgstr "Bir Yazıtipi Seçin"

#. Translators, these strings are names for various 'standard' cover
#. * pages that the printing system may support.
#: gtk/gtkfontbutton.c:1213 gtk/inspector/general.c:226
#: gtk/inspector/general.c:227 gtk/inspector/gestures.c:128
#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1200 gtk/inspector/size-groups.c:252
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5325
msgid "None"
msgstr "Hiçbiri"

#: gtk/gtkglarea.c:303
msgid "OpenGL context creation failed"
msgstr "OpenGL içerik oluşturulması başarısız oldu"

#: gtk/gtkheaderbar.c:388
msgid "Application menu"
msgstr "Uygulama menüsü"

#: gtk/gtkheaderbar.c:450 gtk/gtkwindow.c:8665
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Kapat"

#: gtk/gtkicontheme.c:2313 gtk/gtkicontheme.c:2377
#, c-format
msgid "Icon '%s' not present in theme %s"
msgstr "'%s' simgesi %s teması içinde bulunmuyor"

#: gtk/gtkicontheme.c:4016 gtk/gtkicontheme.c:4383
msgid "Failed to load icon"
msgstr "Simge yükleme başarısız"

#: gtk/gtkimmodule.c:530
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Simple"
msgstr "Basit"

#: gtk/gtkimmodule.c:546
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Hiçbiri"

#: gtk/gtkimmulticontext.c:609
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistem"

#: gtk/gtkimmulticontext.c:688
#, c-format
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "System (%s)"
msgstr "Sistem (%s)"

#: gtk/gtkinfobar.c:1242 gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:376
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Bilgi"

#: gtk/gtkinfobar.c:1246 gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:380
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Soru"

#: gtk/gtkinfobar.c:1250 gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:384
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Uyarı"

#: gtk/gtkinfobar.c:1254 gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:388
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hata"

#. Open Link
#: gtk/gtklabel.c:6593
msgid "_Open Link"
msgstr "Bağlantı _Aç"

#. Copy Link Address
#: gtk/gtklabel.c:6602
msgid "Copy _Link Address"
msgstr "_Bağlantı Adresini Kopyala"

#: gtk/gtk-launch.c:71
msgid "APPLICATION [URI…] — launch an APPLICATION with URI."
msgstr "UYGULAMA [URI…] — URI ile bir UYGULAMA başlat."

#. Translators: this message will appear after the usage string
#. and before the list of options.
#: gtk/gtk-launch.c:75
msgid ""
"Launch specified application by its desktop file info\n"
"optionally passing list of URIs as arguments."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen uygulamayı isteğe bağlı değişken olarak\n"
"URI listesinde geçen masaüstü dosya bilgisi ile başlat."

#: gtk/gtk-launch.c:87
#, c-format
msgid "Error parsing commandline options: %s\n"
msgstr "Komut satırı seçeneklerini ayrıştırırken hata: %s\n"

#: gtk/gtk-launch.c:89 gtk/gtk-launch.c:102
#, c-format
msgid "Try \"%s --help\" for more information."
msgstr "Daha fazla bilgi için \"%s --help\" deneyin."

#. Translators: the %s is the program name. This error message
#. means the user is calling gtk-launch without any argument.
#: gtk/gtk-launch.c:100
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing application name"
msgstr "%s: eksik uygulama adı"

#: gtk/gtk-launch.c:121
#, c-format
msgid "Creating AppInfo from id not supported on non unix operating systems"
msgstr ""
"Kimlikten UygulamaBilgisi oluşturma Unix olmayan işletim sistemlerinde "

#. Translators: the first %s is the program name, the second one
#. is the application name.
#: gtk/gtk-launch.c:129
#, c-format
msgid "%s: no such application %s"
msgstr "%s: böyle bir uygulama yok %s"

#. Translators: the first %s is the program name, the second one
#. is the error message.
#: gtk/gtk-launch.c:147
#, c-format
msgid "%s: error launching application: %s\n"
msgstr "%s: uygulama başlatılırken hata: %s\n"

#: gtk/gtklinkbutton.c:408
msgid "Copy URL"
msgstr "URL Kopyala"

#: gtk/gtklinkbutton.c:571
msgid "Invalid URI"
msgstr "Geçersiz URI"

#: gtk/gtklockbutton.c:272 gtk/ui/gtklockbutton.ui:28
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Kilitle"

#: gtk/gtklockbutton.c:281 gtk/ui/gtklockbutton.ui:39
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Kilidi Kaldır"

#: gtk/gtklockbutton.c:290
msgid ""
"Dialog is unlocked.\n"
"Click to prevent further changes"
msgstr ""
"Pencere kilidi kaldırıldı.\n"
"Daha fazla değişikliği önlemek için tıklayın"

#: gtk/gtklockbutton.c:299
msgid ""
"Dialog is locked.\n"
"Click to make changes"
msgstr ""
"Pencere kilitlendi.\n"
"Değişiklik yapmak için tıklayın"

#: gtk/gtklockbutton.c:308
msgid ""
"System policy prevents changes.\n"
"Contact your system administrator"
msgstr ""
"Sistem kuralları değişiklikleri engeller.\n"
"Sistem yöneticiniz ile bağlantıya geçin"

#. Description of --gtk-module=MODULES in --help output
#: gtk/gtkmain.c:454
msgid "Load additional GTK+ modules"
msgstr "Ek GTK+ modüllerini yükle"

#. Placeholder in --gtk-module=MODULES in --help output
#: gtk/gtkmain.c:455
msgid "MODULES"
msgstr "MODÜLLER"

#. Description of --g-fatal-warnings in --help output
#: gtk/gtkmain.c:457
msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
msgstr "Tüm uyarıları ölümcül yap"

#. Description of --gtk-debug=FLAGS in --help output
#: gtk/gtkmain.c:460
msgid "GTK+ debugging flags to set"
msgstr "GTK+ hata ayıklama bayraklarını ayarlamak için"

#. Description of --gtk-no-debug=FLAGS in --help output
#: gtk/gtkmain.c:463
msgid "GTK+ debugging flags to unset"
msgstr "GTK+ hata ayıklama bayraklarını kaldırmak için"

#: gtk/gtkmain.c:781
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot open display: %s"
msgstr "Ekran açılamıyor: %s"

#: gtk/gtkmain.c:858
msgid "GTK+ Options"
msgstr "GTK+ Seçenekleri"

#: gtk/gtkmain.c:858
msgid "Show GTK+ Options"
msgstr "GTK+ Seçeneklerini Göster"

#. Translate to default:RTL if you want your widgets
#. * to be RTL, otherwise translate to default:LTR.
#. * Do *not* translate it to "predefinito:LTR", if it
#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work
#: gtk/gtkmain.c:1182
msgid "default:LTR"
msgstr "default:LTR"

#: gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:946
msgid "_No"
msgstr "_Hayır"

#: gtk/gtkmessagedialog.c:947
msgid "_Yes"
msgstr "_Evet"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:544
msgid "Co_nnect"
msgstr "Ba_ğlan"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:620
msgid "Connect As"
msgstr "Olarak Bağlan"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:629
msgid "_Anonymous"
msgstr "_Anonim"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:638
msgid "Registered U_ser"
msgstr "Kayıtlı K_ullanıcı"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:649
msgid "_Username"
msgstr "_Kullanıcı Adı"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:654
msgid "_Domain"
msgstr "_Alan"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:660
msgid "_Password"
msgstr "_Parola"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:682
msgid "Forget password _immediately"
msgstr "Parolayı _anında unut"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:692
msgid "Remember password until you _logout"
msgstr "Parolayı _çıkış yapana kadar hatırla"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:702
msgid "Remember _forever"
msgstr "_Sürekli hatırla"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:1091
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown Application (PID %d)"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen Uygulama (İşlem Kimliği %d)"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:1274
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to end process"
msgstr "İşlem sonlandırılamadı"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation.c:1313
msgid "_End Process"
msgstr "İşlemi _Sonlandır"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation-stub.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot kill process with PID %d. Operation is not implemented."
msgstr "%d işlem kimlikli süreç öldürülemiyor. İşlem gerçekleştirilemedi."

#. translators: this string is a name for the 'less' command
#: gtk/gtkmountoperation-x11.c:955
msgid "Terminal Pager"
msgstr "Terminal Sayfalayıcı"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation-x11.c:956
msgid "Top Command"
msgstr "Üst Komut"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation-x11.c:957
msgid "Bourne Again Shell"
msgstr "Bourne Again Shell"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation-x11.c:958
msgid "Bourne Shell"
msgstr "Bourne Shell"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation-x11.c:959
msgid "Z Shell"
msgstr "Z Kabuğu"

#: gtk/gtkmountoperation-x11.c:1056
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot end process with PID %d: %s"
msgstr "%d işlem kimlikli işlem durdurulamıyor: %s"

#: gtk/gtknotebook.c:5153 gtk/gtknotebook.c:7882
#, c-format
msgid "Page %u"
msgstr "Sayfa %u"

#: gtk/gtkpagesetup.c:652 gtk/gtkpapersize.c:986 gtk/gtkpapersize.c:1026
msgid "Not a valid page setup file"
msgstr "Geçerli bir sayfa ayar dosyası değil"

#: gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.c:210
msgid "Any Printer"
msgstr "Her Yazıcı"

#: gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.c:210
msgid "For portable documents"
msgstr "Taşınabilir belgeler için"

#: gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.c:829
#, c-format
msgid ""
" Left: %s %s\n"
" Right: %s %s\n"
" Top: %s %s\n"
" Bottom: %s %s"
msgstr ""
"Kenar boşlukları:\n"
" Sol: %s %s\n"
" Sağ: %s %s\n"
" Üst: %s %s\n"
" Alt: %s %s"

#: gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.c:878 gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3372
msgid "Manage Custom Sizes…"
msgstr "Özel Boyutları Yönet…"

#: gtk/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.c:900 gtk/ui/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.ui:31
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:857
msgid "Page Setup"
msgstr "Sayfa Ayarı"

#: gtk/gtkpathbar.c:1587
msgid "File System Root"
msgstr "Dosya Sistemi Kökü"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:904
msgid "Recent"
msgstr "Son"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:906
msgid "Recent files"
msgstr "Son dosyalar"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:917
msgid "Open your personal folder"
msgstr "Kişisel klasörünüzü açın"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:932
msgid "Open the contents of your desktop in a folder"
msgstr "Masaüstünüzün içeriğini bir klasör içerisinde açın"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:946
msgid "Enter Location"
msgstr "Konum Girin"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:948
msgid "Manually enter a location"
msgstr "Elle bir konum girin"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:959
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "Çöp"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:961
msgid "Open the trash"
msgstr "Çöpü aç"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:1030 gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:1058
#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:1265
#, c-format
msgid "Mount and open “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” aygıtını bağla ve aç"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:1145
msgid "Open the contents of the file system"
msgstr "Dosya sisteminin içeriklerini aç"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:1229
msgid "New bookmark"
msgstr "Yeni yerimi"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:1231
msgid "Add a new bookmark"
msgstr "Yeni bir yer imi ekle"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:1244
msgid "Connect to Server"
msgstr "Sunucuya Bağlan"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:1246
msgid "Connect to a network server address"
msgstr "Bir ağ sunucu adresine bağlan"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:1308
msgid "Other Locations"
msgstr "Diğer Konumlar"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:1309
msgid "Show other locations"
msgstr "Diğer konumları göster"

#. Adjust start/stop items to reflect the type of the drive
#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2099 gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3421
msgid "_Start"
msgstr "_Başlat"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2100 gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3422
msgid "_Stop"
msgstr "_Durdur"

#. start() for type G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_SHUTDOWN is normally not used
#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2107
msgid "_Power On"
msgstr "_Aç"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2108
msgid "_Safely Remove Drive"
msgstr "Sürücüyü _Güvenle Kaldır"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2112
msgid "_Connect Drive"
msgstr "Sürücüye _Bağlan"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2113
msgid "_Disconnect Drive"
msgstr "Sürücü _Bağlantısını Kes"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2117
msgid "_Start Multi-disk Device"
msgstr "Çoklu-disk Aygıtını _Başlat"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2118
msgid "_Stop Multi-disk Device"
msgstr "Çoklu-disk Aygıtını _Durdur"

#. stop() for type G_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE_PASSWORD is normally not used
#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2123
msgid "_Unlock Device"
msgstr "Cihazın Kilidini _Aç"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2124
msgid "_Lock Device"
msgstr "Cihazı _Kilitle"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2162 gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3180
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” başlatılamadı"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2192
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to access “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” erişilemedi"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2393
msgid "This name is already taken"
msgstr "Bu isim zaten kullanılıyor"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2444 gtk/inspector/actions.ui:52
#: gtk/inspector/classes-list.ui:80 gtk/inspector/css-node-tree.ui:17
#: gtk/inspector/object-tree.ui:109 gtk/inspector/signals-list.ui:90
#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:188 gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:498
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ad"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2644
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to unmount “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” ayrılamadı"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2897
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to stop “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” durdurulamadı"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2926
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to eject “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” çıkartılamadı"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2955 gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:2984
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to eject %s"
msgstr "%s çıkartılamadı"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3132
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to poll “%s” for media changes"
msgstr "Ortam değişiklikleri için “%s” sorgulanamadı"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3404 gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1628
msgid "Open in New _Tab"
msgstr "Yeni _Sekmede Aç"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3407 gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1639
msgid "Open in New _Window"
msgstr "Yeni _Pencerede Aç"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3411
msgid "_Add Bookmark"
msgstr "Yer İmi _Ekle"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3412
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Kaldır"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3413
msgid "Rename…"
msgstr "Yeniden adlandır…"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3417 gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1673
msgid "_Mount"
msgstr "_Bağla"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3418 gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1663
msgid "_Unmount"
msgstr "_Bağı Kaldır"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3419
msgid "_Eject"
msgstr "_Çıkart"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3420
msgid "_Detect Media"
msgstr "_Ortamı Keşfet"

#: gtk/gtkplacessidebar.c:3869 gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1071
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Bilgisayar"

#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:900
msgid "Searching for network locations"
msgstr "Ağ konumları aranıyor"

#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:907
msgid "No network locations found"
msgstr "Hiçbir ağ konumu bulunamadı"

#. if it wasn't cancelled show a dialog
#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1181 gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1225 gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1276
msgid "Unable to access location"
msgstr "Konuma erişilemedi"

#. Restore from Cancel to Connect
#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1198 gtk/ui/gtkplacesview.ui:224
msgid "Con_nect"
msgstr "Ba_ğlan"

#. if it wasn't cancelled show a dialog
#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1339
msgid "Unable to unmount volume"
msgstr "Birim ayrılamıyor"

#. Allow to cancel the operation
#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1421
msgid "Cance_l"
msgstr "İpta_l"

#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1663
msgid "_Disconnect"
msgstr "_Bağlantıyı Kes"

#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1673
msgid "_Connect"
msgstr "_Bağlan"

#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1838
msgid "Unable to get remote server location"
msgstr "Uzak sunucu konumu alınamıyor"

#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1957 gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1966
msgid "Networks"
msgstr "Ağlar"

#: gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1957 gtk/gtkplacesview.c:1966
msgid "On This Computer"
msgstr "Bu Bilgisayarda"

#: gtk/gtkplacesviewrow.c:323
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Bağlantıyı Kes"

#: gtk/gtkplacesviewrow.c:323 gtk/ui/gtkplacesviewrow.ui:58
msgid "Unmount"
msgstr "Bağı Kaldır"

#: gtk/gtkprintbackend.c:762
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Kimlik Doğrulama"

#: gtk/gtkprintbackend.c:833
msgid "_Remember password"
msgstr "Parola _hatırla"

#: gtk/gtkprinteroptionwidget.c:542
msgid "Select a filename"
msgstr "Bir dosya adı seç"

#: gtk/gtkprinteroptionwidget.c:766
msgid "Not available"
msgstr "Kullanılamaz"

#. translators: this string is the default job title for print
#. * jobs. %s gets replaced by the application name, %d gets replaced
#. * by the job number.
#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:259
#, c-format
msgid "%s job #%d"
msgstr "%s görevi #%d"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:1799
msgctxt "print operation status"
msgid "Initial state"
msgstr "Başlangıç durumu"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:1800
msgctxt "print operation status"
msgid "Preparing to print"
msgstr "Yazdırmaya hazırlanıyor"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:1801
msgctxt "print operation status"
msgid "Generating data"
msgstr "Veri oluşturuluyor"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:1802
msgctxt "print operation status"
msgid "Sending data"
msgstr "Veri gönderiliyor"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:1803
msgctxt "print operation status"
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Bekleniyor"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:1804
msgctxt "print operation status"
msgid "Blocking on issue"
msgstr "Engellenme sebebi"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:1805
msgctxt "print operation status"
msgid "Printing"
msgstr "Yazdırılıyor"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:1806
msgctxt "print operation status"
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Tamamlandı"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:1807
msgctxt "print operation status"
msgid "Finished with error"
msgstr "Hata ile tamamlandı"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:2371
#, c-format
msgid "Preparing %d"
msgstr "%d hazırlanıyor"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:2373 gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:3002
#, c-format
msgid "Preparing"
msgstr "Hazırlanıyor"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:2376
#, c-format
msgid "Printing %d"
msgstr "%d yazdırılıyor"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:3033
#, c-format
msgid "Error creating print preview"
msgstr "Baskı önizleme oluşturulurken hata"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation.c:3036
#, c-format
msgid "The most probable reason is that a temporary file could not be created."
msgstr "En olası sebebi geçici dosyanın oluşturulamamış olmasıdır."

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-unix.c:308
msgid "Error launching preview"
msgstr "Önizleme başlatılırken hata"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:617
msgid "Printer offline"
msgstr "Yazıcı bağlı değil"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:619
msgid "Out of paper"
msgstr "Kağıt bitti"

#. Translators: this is a printer status.
#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:621
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:2524
msgid "Paused"
msgstr "Durduruldu"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:623
msgid "Need user intervention"
msgstr "Kullanıcı müdahalesi gerekiyor"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:723
msgid "Custom size"
msgstr "Özel boyut"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1545
msgid "No printer found"
msgstr "Hiçbir yazıcı bulunamadı"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1572
msgid "Invalid argument to CreateDC"
msgstr "CreateDC için geçersiz parametre"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1608 gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1854
msgid "Error from StartDoc"
msgstr "StartDoc'tan hata"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1709 gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1732
#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1780
msgid "Not enough free memory"
msgstr "Yeteri kadar boş bellek yok"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1785
msgid "Invalid argument to PrintDlgEx"
msgstr "PrintDlgEx'e geçersiz parametre"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1790
msgid "Invalid pointer to PrintDlgEx"
msgstr "PrintDlgEx'e geçersiz işaretleyici"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1795
msgid "Invalid handle to PrintDlgEx"
msgstr "PrintDlgEx için geçersiz işleyici"

#: gtk/gtkprintoperation-win32.c:1800
msgid "Unspecified error"
msgstr "Belirsiz hata"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:737
msgid "Pre_view"
msgstr "Ö_nizleme"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:739
msgid "_Print"
msgstr "_Yazdır"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:847
msgid "Getting printer information failed"
msgstr "Yazıcı bilgileri alınamadı"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:2054
msgid "Getting printer information…"
msgstr "Yazıcı bilgileri alınıyor…"

#. Translators: These strings name the possible arrangements of
#. * multiple pages on a sheet when printing (same as in gtkprintbackendcups.c)
#. Translators: These strings name the possible arrangements of
#. * multiple pages on a sheet when printing
#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3101
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5274
msgid "Left to right, top to bottom"
msgstr "Soldan sağa, yukarıdan aşağıya"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3101
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5274
msgid "Left to right, bottom to top"
msgstr "Soldan sağa, aşağıdan yukarıya"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3102
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5275
msgid "Right to left, top to bottom"
msgstr "Sağdan sola, yukarıdan aşağıya"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3102
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5275
msgid "Right to left, bottom to top"
msgstr "Sağdan sola, aşağıdan yukarıya"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3103
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5276
msgid "Top to bottom, left to right"
msgstr "Yukarıdan aşağıya, soldan sağa"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3103
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5276
msgid "Top to bottom, right to left"
msgstr "Yukarıdan aşağıya, sağdan sola"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3104
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5277
msgid "Bottom to top, left to right"
msgstr "Aşağıdan yukarıya, soldan sağ"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3104
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5277
msgid "Bottom to top, right to left"
msgstr "Aşağıdan yukarıya, sağdan sola"

#. Translators, this string is used to label the option in the print
#. * dialog that controls in what order multiple pages are arranged
#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3108 gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3121
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5354
msgid "Page Ordering"
msgstr "Sayfa Sıralaması"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3137
msgid "Left to right"
msgstr "Soldan sağa"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3138
msgid "Right to left"
msgstr "Sağdan sola"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3150
msgid "Top to bottom"
msgstr "Yukarıdan aşağıya"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3151
msgid "Bottom to top"
msgstr "Aşağıdan yukarıya"

#: gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.c:3394
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Yazdır"

#: gtk/gtkprogressbar.c:449
#, c-format
msgctxt "progress bar label"
msgid "%.0f %%"
msgstr "%% %.0f"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchooserdefault.c:1076 gtk/gtkrecentchooserdefault.c:1113
#, c-format
msgid "No item for URI '%s' found"
msgstr "'%s' URI'si için hiçbir öge bulunamadı"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchooserdefault.c:1240
msgid "Untitled filter"
msgstr "İsimsiz filtre"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchooserdefault.c:1563
msgid "Could not remove item"
msgstr "Öge kaldırılamadı"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchooserdefault.c:1607
msgid "Could not clear list"
msgstr "Liste temizlenemedi"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchooserdefault.c:1691
msgid "Copy _Location"
msgstr "_Konumu Kopyala"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchooserdefault.c:1702
msgid "_Remove From List"
msgstr "Listeden _Kaldır"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchooserdefault.c:1709
msgid "_Clear List"
msgstr "Listeyi _Temizle"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchooserdefault.c:1721
msgid "Show _Private Resources"
msgstr "_Özel Kaynakları Göster"

#. we create a placeholder menuitem, to be used in case
#. * the menu is empty. this placeholder will stay around
#. * for the entire lifetime of the menu, and we just hide it
#. * when it's not used. we have to do this, and do it here,
#. * because we need a marker for the beginning of the recent
#. * items list, so that we can insert the new items at the
#. * right place when idly populating the menu in case the
#. * user appended or prepended custom menu items to the
#. * recent chooser menu widget.
#: gtk/gtkrecentchoosermenu.c:343
msgid "No items found"
msgstr "Hiçbir öge bulunamadı"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchoosermenu.c:534 gtk/gtkrecentchoosermenu.c:590
#, c-format
msgid "No recently used resource found with URI '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' URI'si ile son kullanılan kaynak bulunamadı"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchoosermenu.c:789
#, c-format
msgid "Open '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' Aç"

#: gtk/gtkrecentchoosermenu.c:819
msgid "Unknown item"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen öge"

#. This is the label format that is used for the first 10 items
#. * in a recent files menu. The %d is the number of the item,
#. * the %s is the name of the item. Please keep the _ in front
#. * of the number to give these menu items a mnemonic.
#: gtk/gtkrecentchoosermenu.c:830
#, c-format
msgctxt "recent menu label"
msgid "_%d. %s"
msgstr "_%d. %s"

#. This is the format that is used for items in a recent files menu.
#. * The %d is the number of the item, the %s is the name of the item.
#: gtk/gtkrecentchoosermenu.c:835
#, c-format
msgctxt "recent menu label"
msgid "%d. %s"
msgstr "%d. %s"

#: gtk/gtkrecentmanager.c:1042 gtk/gtkrecentmanager.c:1055
#: gtk/gtkrecentmanager.c:1192 gtk/gtkrecentmanager.c:1202
#: gtk/gtkrecentmanager.c:1254 gtk/gtkrecentmanager.c:1263
#: gtk/gtkrecentmanager.c:1278
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find an item with URI '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' URI'li bir öge bulunamadı"

#: gtk/gtkrecentmanager.c:2468
#, c-format
msgid "No registered application with name '%s' for item with URI '%s' found"
msgstr "'%s' URI'li öge için '%s' adında kayıtlı uygulama bulunamadı"

#: gtk/gtksearchentry.c:369
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Ara"

#. Translators: if the "on" state label requires more than three
#. * glyphs then use MEDIUM VERTICAL BAR (U+2759) as the text for
#. * the state
#: gtk/gtkswitch.c:380 gtk/gtkswitch.c:430 gtk/gtkswitch.c:604
msgctxt "switch"
msgid "ON"
msgstr "AÇIK"

#. Translators: if the "off" state label requires more than three
#. * glyphs then use WHITE CIRCLE (U+25CB) as the text for the state
#: gtk/gtkswitch.c:388 gtk/gtkswitch.c:431 gtk/gtkswitch.c:619
msgctxt "switch"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "KAPALI"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferrichtext.c:648
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown error when trying to deserialize %s"
msgstr "%s geri dönüştürme denenirken bilinmeyen hata"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferrichtext.c:707
#, c-format
msgid "No deserialize function found for format %s"
msgstr "%s biçimi için geri dönüştürme işlevi yok"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:806 gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:832
#, c-format
msgid "Both \"id\" and \"name\" were found on the <%s> element"
msgstr "Hem \"id\" hem \"name\" <%s> ögesinde bulundu"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:816 gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:842
#, c-format
msgid "The attribute \"%s\" was found twice on the <%s> element"
msgstr "\"%s\" özniteliği <%s> ögesinde iki kere bulundu"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:858
#, c-format
msgid "<%s> element has invalid ID \"%s\""
msgstr "<%s> ögesi geçersiz \"%s\" kimliğine sahip"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:868
#, c-format
msgid "<%s> element has neither a \"name\" nor an \"id\" attribute"
msgstr "<%s> ögesi ne \"name\" ne de \"id\" özniteliği içeriyor"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:955
#, c-format
msgid "Attribute \"%s\" repeated twice on the same <%s> element"
msgstr "\"%s\" özniteliği aynı <%s> ögesinde iki kere tekrarlanmış"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:973 gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:998
#, c-format
msgid "Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"
msgstr "<%s> ögesindeki \"%s\" özniteliği bu bağlamda geçersiz"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1037
#, c-format
msgid "Tag \"%s\" has not been defined."
msgstr "\"%s\" etiketi tanımlanmamış."

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1049
msgid "Anonymous tag found and tags can not be created."
msgstr "Anonim etiket bulundu ve etiketler oluşturulamıyor."

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1060
#, c-format
msgid "Tag \"%s\" does not exist in buffer and tags can not be created."
msgstr "\"%s\" etiketi tamponda bulunmuyor ve etiketler oluşturulamıyor."

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1161 gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1236
#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1341 gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1415
#, c-format
msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"
msgstr "<%s> ögesine <%s> altında izin verilmez"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1192
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid attribute type"
msgstr "\"%s\" geçerli bir öznitelik türü değil"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1200
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid attribute name"
msgstr "\"%s\" geçerli bir öznitelik adı değil"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1210
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\"%s\" could not be converted to a value of type \"%s\" for attribute \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\", \"%s\" özniteliği için \"%s\" değer türüne çevirilemedi"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1219
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value for attribute \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" \"%s\" özniteliği için geçerli bir değer değil"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1304
#, c-format
msgid "Tag \"%s\" already defined"
msgstr "\"%s\" etiketi zaten tanımlanmış"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1317
#, c-format
msgid "Tag \"%s\" has invalid priority \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" etiketi geçersiz \"%s\" önceliğine sahip"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1370
#, c-format
msgid "Outermost element in text must be <text_view_markup> not <%s>"
msgstr "Metindeki en dış öge <text_view_markup> olmalı <%s> değil"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1379 gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1395
#, c-format
msgid "A <%s> element has already been specified"
msgstr "Bir <%s> ögesi zaten belirtildi"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1401
msgid "A <text> element can't occur before a <tags> element"
msgstr "Bir <text> ögesi <tags> ögesinden önce oluşamaz"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1807
msgid "Serialized data is malformed"
msgstr "Dönüştürülen veri bozulmuş"

#: gtk/gtktextbufferserialize.c:1886
msgid ""
"Serialized data is malformed. First section isn't GTKTEXTBUFFERCONTENTS-0001"
msgstr "Dönüştürülen veri bozulmuş. İlk bölüm GTKTEXTBUFFERCONTENTS-0001 değil"

#: gtk/gtktextutil.c:57
msgid "LRM _Left-to-right mark"
msgstr "LRM _Soldan sağa işaretleme"

#: gtk/gtktextutil.c:58
msgid "RLM _Right-to-left mark"
msgstr "RLM _Sağdan sola işaretleme"

#: gtk/gtktextutil.c:59
msgid "LRE Left-to-right _embedding"
msgstr "LRE Soldan sağa _gömme"

#: gtk/gtktextutil.c:60
msgid "RLE Right-to-left e_mbedding"
msgstr "RLE Sağdan sola g_ömme"

#: gtk/gtktextutil.c:61
msgid "LRO Left-to-right _override"
msgstr "LRO Soldan sağa _geçersiz kılma"

#: gtk/gtktextutil.c:62
msgid "RLO Right-to-left o_verride"
msgstr "RLO Sağdan sola g_eçersiz kılma"

#: gtk/gtktextutil.c:63
msgid "PDF _Pop directional formatting"
msgstr "PDF _Pop yön biçimleme"

#: gtk/gtktextutil.c:64
msgid "ZWS _Zero width space"
msgstr "ZWS _Sıfır genişlik alanı"

#: gtk/gtktextutil.c:65
msgid "ZWJ Zero width _joiner"
msgstr "ZWN Sıfır genişlik _birleştiricisi"

#: gtk/gtktextutil.c:66
msgid "ZWNJ Zero width _non-joiner"
msgstr "ZWNJ Sıfır genişlikte _ayrıştırıcısı"

#: gtk/gtkvolumebutton.c:189
msgid "Adjusts the volume"
msgstr "Ses seviyesini ayarlar"

#: gtk/gtkvolumebutton.c:232
msgid "Muted"
msgstr "Sessiz"

#: gtk/gtkvolumebutton.c:236
msgid "Full Volume"
msgstr "Tam Ses"

#. Translators: this is the percentage of the current volume,
#. * as used in the tooltip, eg. "49 %".
#. * Translate the "%d" to "%Id" if you want to use localised digits,
#. * or otherwise translate the "%d" to "%d".
#: gtk/gtkvolumebutton.c:249
#, c-format
msgctxt "volume percentage"
msgid "%d %%"
msgstr "%% %d"

#: gtk/gtkwindow.c:12063
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to use GTK+ Inspector?"
msgstr "GTK+ denetleyicisi kullanmak istiyor musunuz?"

#: gtk/gtkwindow.c:12065
#, c-format
msgid ""
"GTK+ Inspector is an interactive debugger that lets you explore and modify "
"the internals of any GTK+ application. Using it may cause the application to "
"break or crash."
msgstr ""
"GTK+ Denetleyicisi, dahili GTK+ uygulamalarını değiştirmeye ve araştırmaya "
"izin veren etkileşimli bir hata ayıklayıcıdır. Bunun kullanılması "
"uygulamanın kesilmesine ya da çökmesine neden olabilir."

#: gtk/gtkwindow.c:12070
msgid "Don't show this message again"
msgstr "Bu iletiyi tekrar gösterme"

#: gtk/inspector/action-editor.c:281
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Etkinleştir"

#: gtk/inspector/action-editor.c:302 gtk/inspector/actions.ui:91
#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:110
msgid "State"
msgstr "Durum"

#: gtk/inspector/actions.ui:39 gtk/inspector/general.ui:115
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Önek"

#: gtk/inspector/actions.ui:65
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Etkin"

#: gtk/inspector/actions.ui:78
msgid "Parameter Type"
msgstr "Parametre Türü"

#: gtk/inspector/classes-list.c:124
msgid "New class"
msgstr "Yeni sınıf"

#: gtk/inspector/classes-list.c:128
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "İptal Et"

#: gtk/inspector/classes-list.c:135
msgid "Class name"
msgstr "Sınıf adı"

#: gtk/inspector/classes-list.ui:22
msgid "Add a class"
msgstr "Sınıf Ekle"

#: gtk/inspector/classes-list.ui:43
msgid "Restore defaults for this widget"
msgstr "Parçacık için öntanımları geri yükle"

#: gtk/inspector/css-editor.c:90 gtk/inspector/css-editor.c:96
msgid "You can type here any CSS rule recognized by GTK+."
msgstr "Burada GTK+ tarafından tanınan CSS kuralları yazabilirsiniz."

#: gtk/inspector/css-editor.c:91 gtk/inspector/css-editor.c:97
msgid ""
"You can temporarily disable this custom CSS by clicking on the “Pause” "
"button above."
msgstr ""
"Bu özel CSS'i yukarıdaki \"Durdur\" düğmesine tıklayarak geçici olarak devre "
"dışı bırakabilirsiniz."

#: gtk/inspector/css-editor.c:92
msgid "Changes are applied instantly and globally, for the whole application."
msgstr ""
"Değişiklikler bütün uygulamalar için doğrudan ve global olarak uygulandı."

#: gtk/inspector/css-editor.c:98
msgid "Changes are applied instantly, only for this selected widget."
msgstr "Değişiklikler, sadece seçilen bu parçacık için doğrudan uygulandı."

#: gtk/inspector/css-editor.c:160
#, c-format
msgid "Saving CSS failed"
msgstr "CSS kaydetme başarısız"

#: gtk/inspector/css-editor.c:200
msgid "_Save"
msgstr "_Kaydet"

#: gtk/inspector/css-editor.ui:31
msgid "Disable this custom CSS"
msgstr "Özel CSS'leri devre dışı bırak"

#: gtk/inspector/css-editor.ui:52
msgid "Save the current CSS"
msgstr "Mevcut CSS'leri kaydet"

#: gtk/inspector/css-node-tree.ui:30
msgid "ID"
msgstr "Kimlik"

#: gtk/inspector/css-node-tree.ui:43
msgid "Classes"
msgstr "Sınıflar"

#: gtk/inspector/data-list.ui:15
msgid "Show data"
msgstr "Veri göster"

#: gtk/inspector/general.ui:34
msgid "GTK+ Version"
msgstr "GTK+ Sürümü"

#: gtk/inspector/general.ui:68
msgid "GDK Backend"
msgstr "GDK Arkaucu"

#: gtk/inspector/general.ui:373
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Göster"

#: gtk/inspector/general.ui:408
msgid "RGBA visual"
msgstr "RGBA görsel"

#: gtk/inspector/general.ui:442
msgid "Composited"
msgstr "Birleştirilmiş"

#: gtk/inspector/general.ui:489
msgid "GL Version"
msgstr "GL Sürümü"

#: gtk/inspector/general.ui:524
msgid "GL Vendor"
msgstr "GL Üreticisi"

#: gtk/inspector/gestures.c:129
msgid "Capture"
msgstr "Yakala"

#: gtk/inspector/gestures.c:130
msgid "Bubble"
msgstr "Baloncuk"

#: gtk/inspector/gestures.c:131 gtk/inspector/menu.ui:61
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Hedef"

#: gtk/inspector/menu.c:93
msgid "Unnamed section"
msgstr "İsimsiz bölüm"

#: gtk/inspector/menu.ui:35 gtk/inspector/object-tree.ui:124
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Etiket"

#: gtk/inspector/menu.ui:48 gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1300
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Eylem"

#: gtk/inspector/menu.ui:74
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Simge"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:42
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:76
msgid "Reference count"
msgstr "Referans sayısı"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:144
msgid "Buildable ID"
msgstr "Oluşturulabilir Kimlik"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:178
msgid "Default Widget"
msgstr "Öntanımlı Parçacık"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:200 gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:244
#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1003 gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1183
#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1308 gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1419
#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:268
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Özellikler"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:221
msgid "Focus Widget"
msgstr "Parçacığa Odaklan"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:266
msgid "Mnemonic Label"
msgstr "Hatırlatıcı Etiket"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:301
msgid "Allocated size"
msgstr "Ayrılmış alan"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:335
msgid "Clip area"
msgstr "Klip alanı"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:369
msgid "Tick callback"
msgstr "İşaretleme çağrısı"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:405
msgid "Frame count"
msgstr "Çerçeve sayısı"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:439
msgid "Frame rate"
msgstr "Çerçeve hızı"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:473
msgid "Accessible role"
msgstr "Erişilebilir rol"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:507
msgid "Accessible name"
msgstr "Erişilebilir ad"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:541
msgid "Accessible description"
msgstr "Erişilebilir tanımlama"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:575
msgid "Mapped"
msgstr "Eşleştirilmiş"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:611
msgid "Realized"
msgstr "Gerçeklenmiş"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:647
msgid "Is Toplevel"
msgstr "Üst Seviyedir"

#: gtk/inspector/misc-info.ui:683
msgid "Child Visible"
msgstr "Görünür Çocuk"

#: gtk/inspector/object-hierarchy.ui:32
msgid "Object Hierarchy"
msgstr "Nesne Hiyerarşisi"

#: gtk/inspector/object-tree.ui:94
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Nesne"

#: gtk/inspector/object-tree.ui:139 gtk/inspector/window.ui:312
msgid "Style Classes"
msgstr "Biçem Sınıfları"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:615
#, c-format
msgid "Pointer: %p"
msgstr "İşaretçi: %p"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:630
msgctxt "type name"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:631
#, c-format
msgid "Object: %p (%s)"
msgstr "Nesne: %p (%s)"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1056
#, c-format
msgid "Uneditable property type: %s"
msgstr "Düzenlenemeyen özellik türü: %s"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1174
msgid "Attribute mapping"
msgstr "Öznitelik eşlemesi"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1179
msgid "Model:"
msgstr "Model:"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1180
#, c-format
msgid "%p (%s)"
msgstr "%p (%s)"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1190
msgid "Column:"
msgstr "Sütun:"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1304
#, c-format
msgid "Defined at: %p (%s)"
msgstr "Şurada Tanımlı: %p (%s)"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1368 gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1384
msgid "inverted"
msgstr "tersine çevrilmiş"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1400
msgid "bidirectional, inverted"
msgstr "çift yönlü, tersine çevrilmiş"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1405 gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1501
msgid "bidirectional"
msgstr "çift yönlü"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1410
msgid "Binding:"
msgstr "Bağlama:"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1520
msgid "Setting:"
msgstr "Ayar:"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1552
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Kaynak:"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1557
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Öntanımlı"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1560
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tema"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-editor.c:1563
msgid "XSettings"
msgstr "XSettings"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-list.ui:89 gtk/inspector/style-prop-list.ui:86
msgid "Property"
msgstr "Özellikler"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-list.ui:105 gtk/inspector/style-prop-list.ui:101
#: gtk/ui/gtkcoloreditor.ui:291
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Değer"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-list.ui:123
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Öznitelik"

#: gtk/inspector/prop-list.ui:139 gtk/inspector/signals-list.ui:127
msgid "Defined At"
msgstr "Şurada Tanımlanmış"

#: gtk/inspector/resource-list.ui:99
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Yol"

#: gtk/inspector/resource-list.ui:117 gtk/inspector/signals-list.ui:117
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Say"

#: gtk/inspector/resource-list.ui:129 gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:222
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Boyut"

#: gtk/inspector/resource-list.ui:162
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "İsim:"

#: gtk/inspector/resource-list.ui:186
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tür:"

#: gtk/inspector/resource-list.ui:209
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Boyut:"

#: gtk/inspector/selector.ui:32 gtk/inspector/window.ui:305
msgid "Selector"
msgstr "Seçici"

#: gtk/inspector/signals-list.c:111
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Evet"

#: gtk/inspector/signals-list.ui:32
msgid "Trace signal emissions on this object"
msgstr "Bu nesnede sinyal emisyonunu izle"

#: gtk/inspector/signals-list.ui:53
msgid "Clear log"
msgstr "Günlük kayıtlarını temizle"

#: gtk/inspector/signals-list.ui:104
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "Bağlı"

#: gtk/inspector/size-groups.c:224
msgid "Ignore hidden"
msgstr "Gizlileri yok say"

#: gtk/inspector/size-groups.c:242
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Kip"

#: gtk/inspector/size-groups.c:253
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "Yatay"

#: gtk/inspector/size-groups.c:254
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "Dikey"

#: gtk/inspector/size-groups.c:255
msgid "Both"
msgstr "İkisi de"

#: gtk/inspector/statistics.ui:53
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tür"

#: gtk/inspector/statistics.ui:68
msgid "Self 1"
msgstr "Kendi 1"

#: gtk/inspector/statistics.ui:80
msgid "Cumulative 1"
msgstr "Toplam 1"

#: gtk/inspector/statistics.ui:92
msgid "Self 2"
msgstr "Kendi 2"

#: gtk/inspector/statistics.ui:104
msgid "Cumulative 2"
msgstr "Toplam 2"

#: gtk/inspector/statistics.ui:116
msgid "Self"
msgstr "Kendisi"

#: gtk/inspector/statistics.ui:133
msgid "Cumulative"
msgstr "Birikimli"

#: gtk/inspector/statistics.ui:165
msgid "Enable statistics with GOBJECT_DEBUG=instance-count"
msgstr "GOBJECT_DEBUG=instance-count ile istatistikleri etkinleştir"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.c:263 gtk/inspector/visual.c:278
msgid "Theme is hardcoded by GTK_THEME"
msgstr "Tema GTK_THEME ile kodlanmış"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.c:453
msgid "Backend does not support window scaling"
msgstr "Art alanda çalışan uygulama pencere ölçeklemeyi desteklemiyor"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.c:492
msgid "Setting is hardcoded by GTK_TEST_TOUCHSCREEN"
msgstr "Ayar GTK_TEST_TOUCHSCREEN ile kodlanmış"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.c:557
msgid ""
"Not settable at runtime.\n"
"Use GDK_GL=always or GDK_GL=disable instead"
msgstr ""
"Çalışma zamanında etkinleştirilemez.\n"
"Bunun yerine GDK_GL=always veya GDK_GL=disable kullanın"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.c:571 gtk/inspector/visual.c:572
#: gtk/inspector/visual.c:573
msgid "GL rendering is disabled"
msgstr "GL gerçeklemesi kapatıldı"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:49
msgid "GTK+ Theme"
msgstr "GTK+ Teması"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:82
msgid "Dark Variant"
msgstr "Koyu biçimi"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:115
msgid "Cursor Theme"
msgstr "İmleç Teması"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:148
msgid "Cursor Size"
msgstr "İmleç Boyutu"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:183
msgid "Icon Theme"
msgstr "Simge Teması"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:216 gtk/ui/gtkfontbutton.ui:13
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Yazıtipi"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:249
msgid "Text Direction"
msgstr "Metin Yönü"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:262
msgid "Left-to-Right"
msgstr "Soldan Sağa"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:263
msgid "Right-to-Left"
msgstr "Sağdan Sola"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:287
msgid "Window scaling"
msgstr "Pencere ölçekleme"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:322
msgid "Animations"
msgstr "Canlandırmalar"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:367
msgid "Rendering Mode"
msgstr "Hazırlama Kipi"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:380
msgid "Similar"
msgstr "Benzer"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:381
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Görüntü"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:382
msgid "Recording"
msgstr "Kayıt"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:406
msgid "Show Graphic Updates"
msgstr "Grafik Güncellemeleri Göster"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:440
msgid "Show Baselines"
msgstr "Grafik Güncellemelerini Göster"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:474
msgid "Show Pixel Cache"
msgstr "Piksel Ön Belleğini Göster"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:508
msgid "Simulate touchscreen"
msgstr "Dokunmatik ekran benzetimle"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:553
msgid "GL Rendering"
msgstr "GL Gerçekleme"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:565
msgid "When needed"
msgstr "Gerektiğinde"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:566
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Her zaman"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:567
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Devre dışı"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:591
msgid "Software GL"
msgstr "Yazılım GL"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:625
msgid "Software Surfaces"
msgstr "Yazılım Yüzeyleri"

#: gtk/inspector/visual.ui:659
msgid "Texture Rectangle Extension"
msgstr "Doku Dikdörtgen Eklentisi"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:24
msgid "Select an Object"
msgstr "Bir Nesne Seç"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:47 gtk/inspector/window.ui:127
msgid "Show Details"
msgstr "Ayrıntıları Göster"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:70
msgid "Show all Objects"
msgstr "Tüm Nesneleri Göster"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:100
msgid "Collect Statistics"
msgstr "İstatistik Topla"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:149
msgid "Show all Resources"
msgstr "Tüm kaynakları göster"

#. Translators: "Miscellaneous" is the label for a button, that opens
#. up an extra panel of settings in a print dialog.
#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:257
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4307
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Diğer"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:277
msgid "Signals"
msgstr "Sinyaller"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:287
msgid "Child Properties"
msgstr "Alt Öge Özellikleri"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:296
msgid "Hierarchy"
msgstr "Hiyerarşi"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:319
msgid "Style Properties"
msgstr "Biçem Özellikleri"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:328
msgid "CSS nodes"
msgstr "CSS düğümleri"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:337 gtk/inspector/window.ui:427
msgid "CSS"
msgstr "CSS"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:344
msgid "Size Groups"
msgstr "Boyut Grupları"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:351
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Veri"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:358
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Eylemler"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:374
msgid "Gestures"
msgstr "Hareketler"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:382
msgid "Magnifier"
msgstr "Büyüteç"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:397
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "Nesneler"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:407
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "İstatistikler"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:417
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Kaynaklar"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:436
msgid "Visual"
msgstr "Görsel"

#: gtk/inspector/window.ui:445 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:430
msgid "General"
msgstr "Genel"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:4
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "asme_f"
msgstr "asme_f"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:5
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A0×2"
msgstr "A0×2"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:6
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A0"
msgstr "A0"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:7
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A0×3"
msgstr "A0×3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:8
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A1"
msgstr "A1"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:9
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A10"
msgstr "A10"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:10
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A1×3"
msgstr "A1×3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:11
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A1×4"
msgstr "A1×4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:12
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A2"
msgstr "A2"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:13
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A2×3"
msgstr "A2×3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:14
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A2×4"
msgstr "A2×4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:15
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A2×5"
msgstr "A2×5"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:16
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A3"
msgstr "A3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:17
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A3 Extra"
msgstr "A3 Ekstra"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:18
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A3×3"
msgstr "A3×3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:19
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A3×4"
msgstr "A3×4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:20
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A3×5"
msgstr "A3×5"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:21
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A3×6"
msgstr "A3×6"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:22
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A3×7"
msgstr "A3×7"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:23
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4"
msgstr "A4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:24
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4 Extra"
msgstr "A4 Ekstra"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:25
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4 Tab"
msgstr "A4 Sekme"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:26
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4×3"
msgstr "A4×3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:27
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4×4"
msgstr "A4×4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:28
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4×5"
msgstr "A4×5"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:29
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4×6"
msgstr "A4×6"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:30
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4×7"
msgstr "A4×7"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:31
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4×8"
msgstr "A4×8"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:32
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4×9"
msgstr "A4×9"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:33
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A5"
msgstr "A5"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:34
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A5 Extra"
msgstr "A5 Ekstra"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:35
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A6"
msgstr "A6"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:36
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A7"
msgstr "A7"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:37
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A8"
msgstr "A8"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:38
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A9"
msgstr "A9"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:39
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B0"
msgstr "B0"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:40
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B1"
msgstr "B1"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:41
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B10"
msgstr "B10"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:42
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B2"
msgstr "B2"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:43
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B3"
msgstr "B3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:44
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B4"
msgstr "B4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:45
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B5"
msgstr "B5"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:46
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B5 Extra"
msgstr "B5 Ekstra"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:47
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B6"
msgstr "B6"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:48
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B6/C4"
msgstr "B6/C4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:49
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B7"
msgstr "B7"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:50
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B8"
msgstr "B8"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:51
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "B9"
msgstr "B9"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:52
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C0"
msgstr "C0"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:53
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C1"
msgstr "C1"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:54
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C10"
msgstr "C10"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:55
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C2"
msgstr "C2"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:56
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C3"
msgstr "C3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:57
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C4"
msgstr "C4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:58
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C5"
msgstr "C5"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:59
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C6"
msgstr "C6"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:60
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C6/C5"
msgstr "C6/C5"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:61
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C7"
msgstr "C7"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:62
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C7/C6"
msgstr "C7/C6"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:63
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C8"
msgstr "C8"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:64
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "C9"
msgstr "C9"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:65
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "DL Envelope"
msgstr "DL Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:66
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "RA0"
msgstr "RA0"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:67
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "RA1"
msgstr "RA1"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:68
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "RA2"
msgstr "RA2"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:69
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "RA3"
msgstr "RA3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:70
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "RA4"
msgstr "RA4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:71
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "SRA0"
msgstr "SRA0"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:72
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "SRA1"
msgstr "SRA1"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:73
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "SRA2"
msgstr "SRA2"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:74
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "SRA3"
msgstr "SRA3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:75
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "SRA4"
msgstr "SRA4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:76
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB0"
msgstr "JB0"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:77
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB1"
msgstr "JB1"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:78
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB10"
msgstr "JB10"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:79
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB2"
msgstr "JB2"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:80
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB3"
msgstr "JB3"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:81
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB4"
msgstr "JB4"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:82
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB5"
msgstr "JB5"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:83
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB6"
msgstr "JB6"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:84
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB7"
msgstr "JB7"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:85
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB8"
msgstr "JB8"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:86
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "JB9"
msgstr "JB9"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:87
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "jis exec"
msgstr "jis exec"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:88
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Choukei 2 Envelope"
msgstr "Choukei 2 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:89
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Choukei 3 Envelope"
msgstr "Choukei 3 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:90
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Choukei 4 Envelope"
msgstr "Choukei 4 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:91
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Choukei 40 Envelope"
msgstr "Choukei 40 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:92
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "hagaki (postcard)"
msgstr "hagaki (kartpostal)"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:93
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "kahu Envelope"
msgstr "kahu Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:94
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "kaku2 Envelope"
msgstr "kaku2 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:95
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "kaku3 Envelope"
msgstr "kaku3 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:96
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "kaku4 Envelope"
msgstr "kaku4 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:97
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "kaku5 Envelope"
msgstr "kaku5 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:98
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "kaku7 Envelope"
msgstr "kaku7 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:99
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "kaku8 Envelope"
msgstr "kaku8 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:100
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "oufuku (reply postcard)"
msgstr "oufuku (cevap kartpostalı)"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:101
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "you4 Envelope"
msgstr "you4 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:102
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "you6 Envelope"
msgstr "you6 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:103
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "10×11"
msgstr "10×11"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:104
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "10×13"
msgstr "10×13"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:105
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "10×14"
msgstr "10×14"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:106
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "10×15"
msgstr "10×15"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:107
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "11×12"
msgstr "11×12"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:108
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "11×15"
msgstr "11×15"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:109
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "12×19"
msgstr "12×19"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:110
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "5×7"
msgstr "5×7"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:111
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "6×9 Envelope"
msgstr "6×9 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:112
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "7×9 Envelope"
msgstr "7x9 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:113
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "8×10 Envelope"
msgstr "8×10 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:114
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "9×11 Envelope"
msgstr "9x11 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:115
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "9×12 Envelope"
msgstr "9×12 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:116
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "a2 Envelope"
msgstr "a2 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:117
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Arch A"
msgstr "Arch A"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:118
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Arch B"
msgstr "Arch B"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:119
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Arch C"
msgstr "Arch C"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:120
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Arch D"
msgstr "Arch D"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:121
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Arch E"
msgstr "Arch E"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:122
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "b-plus"
msgstr "b-artı"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:123
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "c"
msgstr "c"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:124
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "c5 Envelope"
msgstr "c5 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:125
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "d"
msgstr "d"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:126
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "e"
msgstr "e"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:127
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "edp"
msgstr "edp"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:128
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "European edp"
msgstr "Avrupa edp"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:129
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Executive"
msgstr "Yönetici"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:130
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "f"
msgstr "f"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:131
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Fan-Fold European"
msgstr "Sürekli Form Avrupa"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:132
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Fan-Fold US"
msgstr "Sürekli Form ABD"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:133
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Fan-Fold German Legal"
msgstr "Sürekli Form Alman Resmi"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:134
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Government Legal"
msgstr "Devlet Dairesi Resmi"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:135
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Government Letter"
msgstr "Devlet Dairesi Belgesi"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:136
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Index 3×5"
msgstr "İndeks 3x5"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:137
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Index 4×6 (postcard)"
msgstr "İndeks 4x6 (kartpostal)"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:138
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Index 4×6 ext"
msgstr "İndeks 4x6 ext"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:139
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Index 5×8"
msgstr "İndeks 5x8"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:140
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Fatura"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:141
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Tabloid"
msgstr "Tabloid"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:142
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "US Legal"
msgstr "ABD Resmi"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:143
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "US Legal Extra"
msgstr "ABD Resmi Ekstra"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:144
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "US Letter"
msgstr "ABD Belgesi"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:145
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "US Letter Extra"
msgstr "ABD Belgesi Ekstra"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:146
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "US Letter Plus"
msgstr "ABD Belgesi Artı"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:147
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Monarch Envelope"
msgstr "Monarch Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:148
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "#10 Envelope"
msgstr "#10 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:149
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "#11 Envelope"
msgstr "#11 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:150
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "#12 Envelope"
msgstr "#12 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:151
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "#14 Envelope"
msgstr "#14 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:152
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "#9 Envelope"
msgstr "#9 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:153
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Oficio"
msgstr "Oficio"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:154
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Personal Envelope"
msgstr "Kişisel Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:155
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Quarto"
msgstr "4 yaprak"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:156
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Super A"
msgstr "Süper A"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:157
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Super B"
msgstr "Süper B"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:158
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Wide Format"
msgstr "Geniş Biçim"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:159
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Photo L"
msgstr "Fotoğraf L"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:160
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Dai-pa-kai"
msgstr "Dai-pa-kai"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:161
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Folio"
msgstr "Folyo"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:162
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Folio sp"
msgstr "Sp folyo"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:163
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Invite Envelope"
msgstr "Davet Zarfı"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:164
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Italian Envelope"
msgstr "İtalyan Zarfı"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:165
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "juuro-ku-kai"
msgstr "juuro-ku-kai"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:166
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Large Photo"
msgstr "Büyük Fotoğraf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:167
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Medium Photo"
msgstr "Orta Boy Fotoğraf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:168
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "pa-kai"
msgstr "pa-kai"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:169
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Postfix Envelope"
msgstr "Postfix Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:170
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Small Photo"
msgstr "Küçük Fotoğraf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:171
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Wide Photo"
msgstr "Geniş Fotoğraf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:172
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc1 Envelope"
msgstr "prc1 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:173
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc10 Envelope"
msgstr "prc10 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:174
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc 16k"
msgstr "prc 16k"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:175
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc2 Envelope"
msgstr "prc2 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:176
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc3 Envelope"
msgstr "prc3 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:177
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc 32k"
msgstr "prc 32k"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:178
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc4 Envelope"
msgstr "prc4 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:179
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc5 Envelope"
msgstr "prc5 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:180
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc6 Envelope"
msgstr "prc6 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:181
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc7 Envelope"
msgstr "prc7 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:182
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc8 Envelope"
msgstr "prc8 Zarf"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:183
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "prc9 Envelope"
msgstr "prc9 Zarfı"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:184
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "ROC 16k"
msgstr "ROC 16k"

#: gtk/paper_names_offsets.c:185
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "ROC 8k"
msgstr "ROC 8k"

#: gtk/ui/gtkaboutdialog.ui:148
msgid "About"
msgstr "Hakkında"

#: gtk/ui/gtkaboutdialog.ui:188
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Hazırlayanlar"

#: gtk/ui/gtkappchooserdialog.ui:78
msgid "_View All Applications"
msgstr "Bütün Uygulamaları _Görüntüle"

#: gtk/ui/gtkappchooserdialog.ui:86
msgid "_Find New Applications"
msgstr "Yeni Uygulamaları _Bul"

#: gtk/ui/gtkappchooserwidget.ui:116
msgid "No applications found."
msgstr "Hiçbir uygulama bulunamadı."

#. used for the application menu on MacOS
#: gtk/ui/gtkapplication-quartz.ui:15
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Tercihler"

#. used for the application menu on MacOS
#: gtk/ui/gtkapplication-quartz.ui:22
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Hizmetler"

#. used for the application menu on MacOS.  %s is replaced with the application name.
#: gtk/ui/gtkapplication-quartz.ui:29
msgid "Hide %s"
msgstr "Gizle %s"

#. used for the application menu on MacOS
#: gtk/ui/gtkapplication-quartz.ui:35
msgid "Hide Others"
msgstr "Diğerlerini Gizle"

#. used for the application menu on MacOS
#: gtk/ui/gtkapplication-quartz.ui:41
msgid "Show All"
msgstr "Tümünü Göster"

#. used for the application menu on MacOS.  %s is replaced with the application name.
#: gtk/ui/gtkapplication-quartz.ui:49
msgid "Quit %s"
msgstr "Çık %s"

#: gtk/ui/gtkassistant.ui:74
msgid "_Next"
msgstr "_Sonraki"

#: gtk/ui/gtkassistant.ui:94
msgid "_Back"
msgstr "_Geri"

#: gtk/ui/gtkassistant.ui:113
msgid "_Finish"
msgstr "_Bitir"

#: gtk/ui/gtkcolorchooserdialog.ui:6
msgid "Select a Color"
msgstr "Bir Renk Seç"

#: gtk/ui/gtkcoloreditor.ui:63
msgid "Color Name"
msgstr "Renk Adı"

#: gtk/ui/gtkcoloreditor.ui:152
msgctxt "Color channel"
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"

#: gtk/ui/gtkcoloreditor.ui:168
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Alpha"

#: gtk/ui/gtkcoloreditor.ui:199
msgctxt "Color channel"
msgid "H"
msgstr "H"

#: gtk/ui/gtkcoloreditor.ui:215
msgid "Hue"
msgstr "Ton"

#: gtk/ui/gtkcoloreditor.ui:247
msgctxt "Color Channel"
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"

#: gtk/ui/gtkcoloreditor.ui:257
msgctxt "Color Channel"
msgid "V"
msgstr "V"

#: gtk/ui/gtkcoloreditor.ui:272
msgid "Saturation"
msgstr "Doygunluk"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:68
msgid "Create Folder"
msgstr "Klasör Oluştur"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:167
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Dosyalar"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:260
msgid "Remote location — only searching the current folder"
msgstr "Uzak konum — yalnızca geçerli klasörde aranıyor"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:309
msgid "No Results Found"
msgstr "Hiçbir Sonuç Bulunamadı"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:323 gtk/ui/gtkplacesview.ui:184
msgid "Try a different search"
msgstr "Farklı bir arama deneyin"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:391
msgid "Select which types of files are shown"
msgstr "Hangi türdeki dosyaların gösterileceğini seçin"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:432
msgid "Folder Name"
msgstr "Klasör Adı"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfilechooserwidget.ui:459
msgid "_Create"
msgstr "_Oluştur"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfontchooserdialog.ui:6
msgid "Select Font"
msgstr "Yazı Tipi Seç"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfontchooserwidget.ui:50
msgid "Search font name"
msgstr "Yazı tipi adı ara"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfontchooserwidget.ui:97
msgid "Font Family"
msgstr "Yazı Tipi Ailesi"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfontchooserwidget.ui:119
msgid "Preview text"
msgstr "Metni önizle"

#: gtk/ui/gtkfontchooserwidget.ui:186
msgid "No Fonts Found"
msgstr "Yazı tipi bulunamadı"

#: gtk/ui/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.ui:47
msgid "_Format for:"
msgstr "_Biçimlenecek:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.ui:80 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:750
msgid "_Paper size:"
msgstr "_Sayfa boyutu:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.ui:122
msgid "_Orientation:"
msgstr "_Yön:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.ui:152 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:797
msgid "Portrait"
msgstr "Dikey"

#: gtk/ui/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.ui:188 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:799
msgid "Reverse portrait"
msgstr "Ters dikey"

#: gtk/ui/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.ui:224 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:798
msgid "Landscape"
msgstr "Yatay"

#: gtk/ui/gtkpagesetupunixdialog.ui:259 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:800
msgid "Reverse landscape"
msgstr "Ters yatay"

#: gtk/ui/gtkpathbar.ui:11
msgid "Down Path"
msgstr "Aşağı Yol"

#: gtk/ui/gtkpathbar.ui:36
msgid "Up Path"
msgstr "Yukarı Yol"

#. Translators: Server as any successfully connected network address
#: gtk/ui/gtkplacesview.ui:42
msgid "No recent servers found"
msgstr "Son bağlanılan sunucu bulunamadı"

#: gtk/ui/gtkplacesview.ui:65
msgid "Recent Servers"
msgstr "Son Bağlanılan Sunucular"

#: gtk/ui/gtkplacesview.ui:171
msgid "No results found"
msgstr "Hiçbir sonuç bulunamadı"

#: gtk/ui/gtkplacesview.ui:214
msgid "Connect to _Server"
msgstr "_Sunucuya Bağlan"

#: gtk/ui/gtkplacesview.ui:246
msgid "Enter server address…"
msgstr "Sunucu adresini girin…"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:117
msgid "Printer"
msgstr "Yazıcı"

#. this is the header for the printer status column in the print dialog
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:139
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Durum"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:186
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Aralık"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:206
msgid "_All Pages"
msgstr "_Tüm Sayfalar"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:221
msgid "C_urrent Page"
msgstr "M_evcut Sayfa"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:238
msgid "Se_lection"
msgstr "Se_çim"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:254
msgid "Pag_es:"
msgstr "Sayfa_lar:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:257 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:275
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:282
msgid ""
"Specify one or more page ranges,\n"
" e.g. 1–3, 7, 11"
msgstr ""
"Bir ya da daha fazla sayfa aralığı belirtin,\n"
" örn. 1-3, 7, 11"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:281
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Sayfalar"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:316
msgid "Copies"
msgstr "Kopyalar"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:339
msgid "Copie_s:"
msgstr "Kopya_lar:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:365
msgid "C_ollate"
msgstr "_Harmanla"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:379
msgid "_Reverse"
msgstr "_Tersten"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:456
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Düzen"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:479
msgid "T_wo-sided:"
msgstr "İ_ki taraflı:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:504
msgid "Pages per _side:"
msgstr "Yüz başına _sayfalar:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:531
msgid "Page or_dering:"
msgstr "Sayfa sı_ralaması:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:557
msgid "_Only print:"
msgstr "_Sadece yazdır:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:574
msgid "All sheets"
msgstr "Tüm kağıtlar"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:575
msgid "Even sheets"
msgstr "Çift kağıtlar"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:576
msgid "Odd sheets"
msgstr "Tek kağıtlar"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:589
msgid "Sc_ale:"
msgstr "Ö_lçek:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:652
msgid "Paper"
msgstr "Sayfa"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:675
msgid "Paper _type:"
msgstr "Sayfa _türü:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:700
msgid "Paper _source:"
msgstr "Sayfa _kaynağı:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:725
msgid "Output t_ray:"
msgstr "Çıktı t_epsisi:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:779
msgid "Or_ientation:"
msgstr "Sayfa_Yönü:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:879
msgid "Job Details"
msgstr "Görev Ayrıntıları"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:902
msgid "Pri_ority:"
msgstr "Ö_ncelik:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:926
msgid "_Billing info:"
msgstr "_Fatura bilgileri:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:970
msgid "Print Document"
msgstr "Belgeyi Yazdır"

#. this is one of the choices for the print at option in the print dialog
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:990
msgid "_Now"
msgstr "_Şimdi"

#. this is one of the choices for the print at option in the print dialog. It also serves as the label for an entry that allows the user to enter a time.
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1006
msgid "A_t:"
msgstr "Z_aman:"

#. Ability to parse the am/pm format depends on actual locale. You can remove the am/pm values below for your locale if they are not supported.
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1010 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1012
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1031 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1033
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1040
msgid ""
"Specify the time of print,\n"
" e.g. 15∶30, 2∶35 pm, 14∶15∶20, 11∶46∶30 am, 4 pm"
msgstr ""
"Yazdırma zamanını belirtin,\n"
" örn. 15:30, 2:35 pm, 14:15:20, 11:46:30 am, 4 pm"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1039
msgid "Time of print"
msgstr "Baskı zamanı"

#. this is one of the choices for the print at option in the print dialog. It means that the print job will not be printed until it explicitly gets 'released'.
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1053
msgid "On _hold"
msgstr "_Beklemede"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1057 gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1058
msgid "Hold the job until it is explicitly released"
msgstr "Özellikle bırakılmadığı müddetçe görevi tut"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1095
msgid "Add Cover Page"
msgstr "Kapak Sayfası Ekle"

#. this is the label used for the option in the print dialog that controls the front cover page.
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1118
msgid "Be_fore:"
msgstr "Ö_nce:"

#. this is the label used for the option in the print dialog that controls the back cover page.
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1142
msgid "_After:"
msgstr "_Sonra:"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1184
msgid "Job"
msgstr "Görev"

#. This will appear as a tab label in the print dialog.
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1217
msgid "Image Quality"
msgstr "Resim Kalitesi"

#. This will appear as a tab label in the print dialog.
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1250
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Renk"

#. This will appear as a tab label in the print dialog. It's a typographical term, as in "Binding and finishing"
#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1283
msgid "Finishing"
msgstr "Tamamlanıyor"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1316
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Gelişmiş"

#: gtk/ui/gtkprintunixdialog.ui:1340
msgid "Some of the settings in the dialog conflict"
msgstr "Penceredeki kimi ayarlar çakışıyor"

#: gtk/ui/gtkrecentchooserdefault.ui:78
msgid "Select which type of documents are shown"
msgstr "Hangi tür belgelerin görüntüleneceğini seçin"

#: gtk/ui/gtkvolumebutton.ui:24
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Ses"

#: gtk/ui/gtkvolumebutton.ui:25
msgid "Turns volume up or down"
msgstr "Ses seviyesini yükseltir ya da alçaltır"

#: gtk/ui/gtkvolumebutton.ui:34
msgid "Volume Up"
msgstr "Sesi Yükselt"

#: gtk/ui/gtkvolumebutton.ui:35
msgid "Increases the volume"
msgstr "Ses seviyesini arttırır"

#: gtk/ui/gtkvolumebutton.ui:44
msgid "Volume Down"
msgstr "Sesi Azalt"

#: gtk/ui/gtkvolumebutton.ui:45
msgid "Decreases the volume"
msgstr "Ses seviyesini azaltır"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1390
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to write header\n"
msgstr "Başlık yazılırken başarısız olundu\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1396
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to write hash table\n"
msgstr "Özet tablosu yazılırken başarısız olundu\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1402
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to write folder index\n"
msgstr "Klasör dizinini yazma başarısız oldu\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1410
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to rewrite header\n"
msgstr "Başlık yeniden yazılırken başarısız olundu\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1504
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to open file %s : %s\n"
msgstr "%s dosyası açılırken başarısız olundu : %s\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1512 gtk/updateiconcache.c:1542
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to write cache file: %s\n"
msgstr "Önbellek dosyası yazılırken başarısız olundu: %s\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1552
#, c-format
msgid "The generated cache was invalid.\n"
msgstr "Oluşturulan önbellek geçersiz oldu.\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1566
#, c-format
msgid "Could not rename %s to %s: %s, removing %s then.\n"
msgstr "%s, %s olarak yeniden adlandırılamadı: %s, o zaman %s siliniyor.\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1580
#, c-format
msgid "Could not rename %s to %s: %s\n"
msgstr "%s dosyası %s olarak yeniden adlandırılamadı: %s\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1590
#, c-format
msgid "Could not rename %s back to %s: %s.\n"
msgstr "%s dosyası geri %s olarak yeniden adlandırılamadı: %s\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1617
#, c-format
msgid "Cache file created successfully.\n"
msgstr "Ön bellek dosyası başarıyla oluşturuldu.\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1656
msgid "Overwrite an existing cache, even if up to date"
msgstr "Güncel olsa bile var olan önbelleğin üzerine yaz"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1657
msgid "Don't check for the existence of index.theme"
msgstr "index.theme'in bulunup bulunmadığını kontrol etme"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1658
msgid "Don't include image data in the cache"
msgstr "Önbelleğe görüntü verisini dahil etme"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1659
msgid "Include image data in the cache"
msgstr "Önbelleğe görüntü verisini dahil et"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1660
msgid "Output a C header file"
msgstr "C başlık dosyası çıktısı"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1661
msgid "Turn off verbose output"
msgstr "Ayrıntılı çıktıyı kapat"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1662
msgid "Validate existing icon cache"
msgstr "Var olan simge önbelleğini doğrula"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1729
#, c-format
msgid "File not found: %s\n"
msgstr "Dosya bulunamadı: %s\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1735
#, c-format
msgid "Not a valid icon cache: %s\n"
msgstr "Geçerli bir simge önbelleği değil: %s\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1748
#, c-format
msgid "No theme index file.\n"
msgstr "Tema dizin dosyası yok.\n"

#: gtk/updateiconcache.c:1752
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No theme index file in '%s'.\n"
"If you really want to create an icon cache here, use --ignore-theme-index.\n"
msgstr ""
"Tema dizin dosyası '%s' içinde yok.\n"
"Eğer burada gerçekten bir simge önbelleği oluşturmak istiyorsanız, --ignore-"
"theme-index'i kullanın.\n"

#. ID
#: modules/input/imam-et.c:452
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Amharic (EZ+)"
msgstr "Habeşçe (EZ+)"

#. ID
#: modules/input/imbroadway.c:51
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Broadway"
msgstr "Broadway"

#. ID
#: modules/input/imcedilla.c:90
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Cedilla"
msgstr "Sedilla"

#. ID
#: modules/input/imcyrillic-translit.c:215
msgctxt "input menthod menu"
msgid "Cyrillic (Transliterated)"
msgstr "Kiril (Dönüştürülmüş)"

#: modules/input/imime.c:30
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Windows IME"
msgstr "Windows IME"

#. ID
#: modules/input/iminuktitut.c:125
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Inuktitut (Transliterated)"
msgstr "Inukitut (Farklı Alfabe)"

#. ID
#: modules/input/imipa.c:143
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "IPA"
msgstr "IPA"

#. ID
#: modules/input/immultipress.c:30
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Multipress"
msgstr "Çoklu baskı"

#: modules/input/imquartz.c:58
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Mac OS X Quartz"
msgstr "Mac OS X Quartz"

#. ID
#: modules/input/imthai.c:33
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Thai-Lao"
msgstr "Tay-Lao"

#. ID
#: modules/input/imti-er.c:451
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Tigrigna-Eritrean (EZ+)"
msgstr "Tigrinyaca-Eritrece (EZ+)"

#. ID
#: modules/input/imti-et.c:451
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Tigrigna-Ethiopian (EZ+)"
msgstr "Tigrinyaca-Habeşçe (EZ+)"

#. ID
#: modules/input/imviqr.c:242
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "Vietnamese (VIQR)"
msgstr "Vietnamca (VIQR)"

#. ID
#: modules/input/imxim.c:26
msgctxt "input method menu"
msgid "X Input Method"
msgstr "X Giriş Yöntemi"

#. Translators: The printer status is online, i.e. it is
#. * ready to print.
#: modules/printbackends/cloudprint/gtkprintbackendcloudprint.c:744
msgid "Online"
msgstr "Çevrim İçi"

#. Translators: The printer is offline.
#: modules/printbackends/cloudprint/gtkprintbackendcloudprint.c:751
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Çevrimdışı"

#. We shouldn't get here because the query omits dormant
#. * printers by default.
#. Translators: Printer has been offline for a long time.
#: modules/printbackends/cloudprint/gtkprintbackendcloudprint.c:757
msgid "Dormant"
msgstr "Uykuda"

#. How many document pages to go onto one side of paper.
#: modules/printbackends/cloudprint/gtkprintbackendcloudprint.c:939
#: modules/printbackends/file/gtkprintbackendfile.c:676
#: modules/printbackends/test/gtkprintbackendtest.c:501
msgid "Pages per _sheet:"
msgstr "_Yaprak başına sayfa:"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1090
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1399
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı:"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1091
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1408
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parola:"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1130
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1421
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication is required to print document “%s” on printer %s"
msgstr ""
"“%s” belgesini %s yazıcısında yazdırmak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1132
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication is required to print a document on %s"
msgstr "%s üzerinde bir belge yazdırmak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1136
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication is required to get attributes of job “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” işinin özniteliklerini almak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1138
msgid "Authentication is required to get attributes of a job"
msgstr "Bir işin özniteliklerini almak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1142
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication is required to get attributes of printer %s"
msgstr "%s yazıcısının özniteliklerini almak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1144
msgid "Authentication is required to get attributes of a printer"
msgstr "Bir yazıcının özniteliklerini almak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1147
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication is required to get default printer of %s"
msgstr "%s yazıcısının öntanımını almak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1150
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication is required to get printers from %s"
msgstr "%s üzerinden yazıcıları almak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1155
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication is required to get a file from %s"
msgstr "%s üzerinden bir dosya almak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1157
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication is required on %s"
msgstr "%s üzerinde kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1393
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "Alan:"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1423
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication is required to print document “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” belgesini yazdırmak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1428
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication is required to print this document on printer %s"
msgstr ""
"%s yazıcısı üzerinde bu belgeyi yazdırmak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1430
msgid "Authentication is required to print this document"
msgstr "Bu belgeyi yazdırmak için kimlik doğrulama gereklidir"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1867
#, c-format
msgid "Printer “%s” is low on toner."
msgstr "“%s” yazıcısında toner azalmış."

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1868
#, c-format
msgid "Printer “%s” has no toner left."
msgstr "“%s” yazıcısında toner kalmamış."

#. Translators: "Developer" like on photo development context
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1870
#, c-format
msgid "Printer “%s” is low on developer."
msgstr "Yazıcı “%s” üzerinde film banyosu ilacı azalmış."

#. Translators: "Developer" like on photo development context
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1872
#, c-format
msgid "Printer “%s” is out of developer."
msgstr "Yazıcı “%s” üzerinde film banyosu ilacı bitmiş."

#. Translators: "marker" is one color bin of the printer
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1874
#, c-format
msgid "Printer “%s” is low on at least one marker supply."
msgstr "“%s” yazıcısında en az bir renk azalmış."

#. Translators: "marker" is one color bin of the printer
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1876
#, c-format
msgid "Printer “%s” is out of at least one marker supply."
msgstr "Yazıcı “%s” üzerinde en az bir renk bitmiş."

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1877
#, c-format
msgid "The cover is open on printer “%s”."
msgstr "“%s” yazıcısında kapak açık kalmış."

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1878
#, c-format
msgid "The door is open on printer “%s”."
msgstr "“%s” yazıcısında kapı açık kalmış."

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1879
#, c-format
msgid "Printer “%s” is low on paper."
msgstr "“%s” yazıcısında kağıt azalmış."

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1880
#, c-format
msgid "Printer “%s” is out of paper."
msgstr "“%s” yazıcısında kağıt bitmiş."

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1881
#, c-format
msgid "Printer “%s” is currently offline."
msgstr "“%s” yazıcısı şu anda çevrim dışı."

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:1882
#, c-format
msgid "There is a problem on printer “%s”."
msgstr "“%s” yazıcısı ile ilgili bir sorun var."

#. Translators: this is a printer status.
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:2521
msgid "Paused; Rejecting Jobs"
msgstr "Durduruldu; İşler Reddediliyor"

#. Translators: this is a printer status.
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:2527
msgid "Rejecting Jobs"
msgstr "İşler Reddediliyor"

#. Translators: this string connects multiple printer states together.
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:2569
msgid "; "
msgstr "; "

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4258
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4325
msgid "Two Sided"
msgstr "Çift Taraflı"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4259
msgid "Paper Type"
msgstr "Kağıt Türü"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4260
msgid "Paper Source"
msgstr "Kağıt Kaynağı"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4261
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4326
msgid "Output Tray"
msgstr "Çıktı Tepsisi"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4262
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Çözünürlük"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4263
msgid "GhostScript pre-filtering"
msgstr "GhostScript ön-filtreleme"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4272
msgid "One Sided"
msgstr "Tek Taraflı"

#. Translators: this is an option of "Two Sided"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4274
msgid "Long Edge (Standard)"
msgstr "Uzun Kenar (Standart)"

#. Translators: this is an option of "Two Sided"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4276
msgid "Short Edge (Flip)"
msgstr "Kısa Kenar (Ters)"

#. Translators: this is an option of "Paper Source"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4278
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4280
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4288
msgid "Auto Select"
msgstr "Otomatik Seçim"

#. Translators: this is an option of "Paper Source"
#. Translators: this is an option of "Resolution"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4282
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4284
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4286
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4290
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4829
msgid "Printer Default"
msgstr "Yazıcı Öntanımlısı"

#. Translators: this is an option of "GhostScript"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4292
msgid "Embed GhostScript fonts only"
msgstr "Sadece GhostScript yazıtiplerini göm"

#. Translators: this is an option of "GhostScript"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4294
msgid "Convert to PS level 1"
msgstr "PS seviye 1 olarak dönüştür"

#. Translators: this is an option of "GhostScript"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4296
msgid "Convert to PS level 2"
msgstr "PS seviye 2 olarak dönüştür"

#. Translators: this is an option of "GhostScript"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4298
msgid "No pre-filtering"
msgstr "Ön-filtreleme yok"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4334
msgctxt "sides"
msgid "One Sided"
msgstr "Tek Taraflı"

#. Translators: this is an option of "Two Sided"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4336
msgctxt "sides"
msgid "Long Edge (Standard)"
msgstr "Uzun Kenar (Standart)"

#. Translators: this is an option of "Two Sided"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4338
msgctxt "sides"
msgid "Short Edge (Flip)"
msgstr "Kısa Kenar (Çevrilmiş)"

#. Translators: Top output bin
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4341
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Top Bin"
msgstr "Üst Kutu"

#. Translators: Middle output bin
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4343
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Middle Bin"
msgstr "Orta Kutu"

#. Translators: Bottom output bin
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4345
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Bottom Bin"
msgstr "Alt Kutu"

#. Translators: Side output bin
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4347
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Side Bin"
msgstr "Yan Kutu"

#. Translators: Left output bin
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4349
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Left Bin"
msgstr "Sol Kutu"

#. Translators: Right output bin
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4351
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Right Bin"
msgstr "Sağ Kutu"

#. Translators: Center output bin
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4353
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Center Bin"
msgstr "Merkez Kutu"

#. Translators: Rear output bin
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4355
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Rear Bin"
msgstr "Arka Kutu"

#. Translators: Output bin where one sided output is oriented in the face-up position
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4357
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Face Up Bin"
msgstr "Yukarı Bakan Kutu"

#. Translators: Output bin where one sided output is oriented in the face-down position
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4359
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Face Down Bin"
msgstr "Aşağı Bakan Kutu"

#. Translators: Large capacity output bin
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4361
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Large Capacity Bin"
msgstr "Büyük Kapasiteli Kutu"

#. Translators: Output stacker number %d
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4363
#, c-format
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Stacker %d"
msgstr "Yığıcı %d"

#. Translators: Output mailbox number %d
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4365
#, c-format
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Mailbox %d"
msgstr "Posta Kutusu %d"

#. Translators: Private mailbox
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4367
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "My Mailbox"
msgstr "Posta Kutum"

#. Translators: Output tray number %d
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:4369
#, c-format
msgctxt "output-bin"
msgid "Tray %d"
msgstr "Tepsi %d"

#. Translators: These strings name the possible values of the
#. * job priority option in the print dialog
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5269
msgid "Urgent"
msgstr "Acil"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5269
msgid "High"
msgstr "Yüksek"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5269
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "Orta"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5269
msgid "Low"
msgstr "Düşük"

#. Translators, this string is used to label the job priority option
#. * in the print dialog
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5299
msgid "Job Priority"
msgstr "İş Önceliği"

#. Translators, this string is used to label the billing info entry
#. * in the print dialog
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5310
msgid "Billing Info"
msgstr "Fatura Bilgisi"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5325
msgid "Classified"
msgstr "Sınıflandırılmış"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5325
msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Kişiye Özel"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5325
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Gizli"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5325
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standart"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5325
msgid "Top Secret"
msgstr "Çok Gizli"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5325
msgid "Unclassified"
msgstr "Sınıflandırılmamış"

#. Translators, this string is used to label the pages-per-sheet option
#. * in the print dialog
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5336
msgid "Pages per Sheet"
msgstr "Yaprak Başına Sayfa"

#. Translators, this is the label used for the option in the print
#. * dialog that controls the front cover page.
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5396
msgid "Before"
msgstr "Önce"

#. Translators, this is the label used for the option in the print
#. * dialog that controls the back cover page.
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5411
msgid "After"
msgstr "Sonra"

#. Translators: this is the name of the option that controls when
#. * a print job is printed. Possible values are 'now', a specified time,
#. * or 'on hold'
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5431
msgid "Print at"
msgstr "Yazdırma"

#. Translators: this is the name of the option that allows the user
#. * to specify a time when a print job will be printed.
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5442
msgid "Print at time"
msgstr "Yazdırma zamanı"

#. Translators: this format is used to display a custom
#. * paper size. The two placeholders are replaced with
#. * the width and height in points. E.g: "Custom
#. * 230.4x142.9"
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5484
#, c-format
msgid "Custom %s×%s"
msgstr "Özel %s×%s"

#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5593
msgid "Printer Profile"
msgstr "Yazıcı Profili"

#. TRANSLATORS: this is when color profile information is unavailable
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintbackendcups.c:5600
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Erişilemez"

#. TRANSLATORS: when we're running an old CUPS, and
#. * it hasn't registered the device with colord
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintercups.c:267
msgid "Color management unavailable"
msgstr "Renk yönetimi kullanılabilir değil"

#. TRANSLATORS: when there is no color profile available
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintercups.c:279
msgid "No profile available"
msgstr "Kullanılabilir profil yok"

#. TRANSLATORS: when the color profile has no title
#: modules/printbackends/cups/gtkprintercups.c:290
msgid "Unspecified profile"
msgstr "Belirtilmemiş profil"

#: modules/printbackends/file/gtkprintbackendfile.c:250
msgid "output"
msgstr "çıktı"

#: modules/printbackends/file/gtkprintbackendfile.c:537
msgid "Print to File"
msgstr "Dosyaya Yazdır"

#: modules/printbackends/file/gtkprintbackendfile.c:663
msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"

#: modules/printbackends/file/gtkprintbackendfile.c:663
msgid "Postscript"
msgstr "Postscript"

#: modules/printbackends/file/gtkprintbackendfile.c:663
msgid "SVG"
msgstr "SVG"

#: modules/printbackends/file/gtkprintbackendfile.c:735
msgid "File"
msgstr "Dosya"

#: modules/printbackends/file/gtkprintbackendfile.c:745
msgid "_Output format"
msgstr "_Çıktı biçimi"

#: modules/printbackends/lpr/gtkprintbackendlpr.c:393
msgid "Print to LPR"
msgstr "LPR'ya Yazdır"

#: modules/printbackends/lpr/gtkprintbackendlpr.c:419
msgid "Pages Per Sheet"
msgstr "Yaprak Başına Sayfa"

#: modules/printbackends/lpr/gtkprintbackendlpr.c:426
msgid "Command Line"
msgstr "Komut Satırı"

#: modules/printbackends/papi/gtkprintbackendpapi.c:786
msgid "printer offline"
msgstr "yazıcı çevrimdışı"

#: modules/printbackends/papi/gtkprintbackendpapi.c:804
msgid "ready to print"
msgstr "yazdırmak için hazır"

#: modules/printbackends/papi/gtkprintbackendpapi.c:807
msgid "processing job"
msgstr "iş işleniyor"

#: modules/printbackends/papi/gtkprintbackendpapi.c:811
msgid "paused"
msgstr "durduruldu"

#: modules/printbackends/papi/gtkprintbackendpapi.c:814
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "bilinmeyen"

#. default filename used for print-to-test
#: modules/printbackends/test/gtkprintbackendtest.c:232
#, c-format
msgid "test-output.%s"
msgstr "test-çıktısı.%s"

#: modules/printbackends/test/gtkprintbackendtest.c:465
msgid "Print to Test Printer"
msgstr "Test Yazıcısına Yazdır"