/* * Copyright © 2018 Benjamin Otte * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Authors: Benjamin Otte */ #include "config.h" #include "gtksortlistmodel.h" #include "gtkbitset.h" #include "gtkmultisorter.h" #include "gtkprivate.h" #include "gtksectionmodel.h" #include "gtksorterprivate.h" #include "timsort/gtktimsortprivate.h" /* The maximum amount of items to merge for a single merge step * * Making this smaller will result in more steps, which has more overhead and slows * down total sort time. * Making it larger will result in fewer steps, which increases the time taken for * a single step. * * As merges are the most expensive steps, this is essentially a tunable for the * longest time spent in gtk_tim_sort_step(). * * Note that this should be reset to 0 when not doing incremental sorting to get * rid of all the overhead. */ #define GTK_SORT_MAX_MERGE_SIZE (1024) /* Time we spend in the sort callback before returning to the main loop * * Increasing this number will make the callback take longer and potentially * reduce responsiveness of an application, but will increase the amount of * work done per step. And we emit an ::items-changed() signal after every * step, so if we can avoid that, we recuce the overhead in the list widget * and in turn reduce the total sort time. */ #define GTK_SORT_STEP_TIME_US (1000) /* 1 millisecond */ /** * GtkSortListModel: * * A `GListModel` that sorts the elements of an underlying model * according to a `GtkSorter`. * * The model is a stable sort. If two items compare equal according * to the sorter, the one that appears first in the original model will * also appear first after sorting. * Note that if you change the sorter, the previous order will have no * influence on the new order. If you want that, consider using a * `GtkMultiSorter` and appending the previous sorter to it. * * The model can be set up to do incremental sorting, so that * sorting long lists doesn't block the UI. See * [method@Gtk.SortListModel.set_incremental] for details. * * `GtkSortListModel` is a generic model and because of that it * cannot take advantage of any external knowledge when sorting. * If you run into performance issues with `GtkSortListModel`, * it is strongly recommended that you write your own sorting list * model. * * `GtkSortListModel` allows sorting the items into sections. It * implements `GtkSectionModel` and when [property@Gtk.SortListModel:section-sorter] * is set, it will sort all items with that sorter and items comparing * equal with it will be put into the same section. * The [property@Gtk.SortListModel:sorter] will then be used to sort items * inside their sections. */ enum { PROP_0, PROP_INCREMENTAL, PROP_ITEM_TYPE, PROP_MODEL, PROP_N_ITEMS, PROP_PENDING, PROP_SECTION_SORTER, PROP_SORTER, NUM_PROPERTIES }; struct _GtkSortListModel { GObject parent_instance; GListModel *model; GtkSorter *sorter; GtkSorter *section_sorter; GtkSorter *real_sorter; gboolean incremental; GtkTimSort sort; /* ongoing sort operation */ guint sort_cb; /* 0 or current ongoing sort callback */ guint n_items; GtkSortKeys *sort_keys; GtkSortKeys *section_sort_keys; /* we assume they are compatible with the sort keys because they're the first element */ gsize key_size; gpointer keys; GtkBitset *missing_keys; gpointer *positions; }; struct _GtkSortListModelClass { GObjectClass parent_class; }; static GParamSpec *properties[NUM_PROPERTIES] = { NULL, }; static guint pos_from_key (GtkSortListModel *self, gpointer key) { guint pos = ((char *) key - (char *) self->keys) / self->key_size; g_assert (pos < self->n_items); return pos; } static gpointer key_from_pos (GtkSortListModel *self, guint pos) { return (char *) self->keys + self->key_size * pos; } static GType gtk_sort_list_model_get_item_type (GListModel *list) { return G_TYPE_OBJECT; } static guint gtk_sort_list_model_get_n_items (GListModel *list) { GtkSortListModel *self = GTK_SORT_LIST_MODEL (list); if (self->model == NULL) return 0; return g_list_model_get_n_items (self->model); } static gpointer gtk_sort_list_model_get_item (GListModel *list, guint position) { GtkSortListModel *self = GTK_SORT_LIST_MODEL (list); if (self->model == NULL) return NULL; if (position >= self->n_items) return NULL; if (self->positions) position = pos_from_key (self, self->positions[position]); return g_list_model_get_item (self->model, position); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_model_init (GListModelInterface *iface) { iface->get_item_type = gtk_sort_list_model_get_item_type; iface->get_n_items = gtk_sort_list_model_get_n_items; iface->get_item = gtk_sort_list_model_get_item; } static void gtk_sort_list_model_ensure_key (GtkSortListModel *self, guint pos) { gpointer item; if (!gtk_bitset_contains (self->missing_keys, pos)) return; item = g_list_model_get_item (self->model, pos); gtk_sort_keys_init_key (self->sort_keys, item, key_from_pos (self, pos)); g_object_unref (item); gtk_bitset_remove (self->missing_keys, pos); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_get_section_unsorted (GtkSortListModel *self, guint position, guint *out_start, guint *out_end) { gpointer *pos, *start, *end; pos = &self->positions[position]; gtk_sort_list_model_ensure_key (self, pos_from_key (self, *pos)); for (start = pos; start > self->positions; start--) { gtk_sort_list_model_ensure_key (self, pos_from_key (self, start[-1])); if (gtk_sort_keys_compare (self->section_sort_keys, start[-1], *pos) != GTK_ORDERING_EQUAL) break; } for (end = pos + 1; end < &self->positions[self->n_items]; end++) { gtk_sort_list_model_ensure_key (self, pos_from_key (self, *end)); if (gtk_sort_keys_compare (self->section_sort_keys, *end, *pos) != GTK_ORDERING_EQUAL) break; } *out_start = start - self->positions; *out_end = end - self->positions; } static void gtk_sort_list_model_get_section_sorted (GtkSortListModel *self, guint position, guint *out_start, guint *out_end) { gpointer *pos; guint step, min, max, mid; pos = &self->positions[position]; max = position; step = 1; while (max > 0) { min = max - MIN (max, step); step *= 2; if (gtk_sort_keys_compare (self->section_sort_keys, self->positions[min], *pos) == GTK_ORDERING_EQUAL) { max = min; continue; } /* now min is different, max is equal, bsearch where that changes */ while (max - min > 1) { mid = (max + min) / 2; if (gtk_sort_keys_compare (self->section_sort_keys, self->positions[mid], *pos) == GTK_ORDERING_EQUAL) max = mid; else min = mid; } break; } *out_start = max; min = position; step = 1; while (min < self->n_items - 1) { max = min + MIN (self->n_items - 1 - min, step); step *= 2; if (gtk_sort_keys_compare (self->section_sort_keys, self->positions[max], *pos) == GTK_ORDERING_EQUAL) { min = max; continue; } /* now min is equal, max is different, bsearch where that changes */ while (max - min > 1) { mid = (max + min) / 2; if (gtk_sort_keys_compare (self->section_sort_keys, self->positions[mid], *pos) == GTK_ORDERING_EQUAL) min = mid; else max = mid; } break; } *out_end = min + 1; } static void gtk_sort_list_model_get_section (GtkSectionModel *model, guint position, guint *out_start, guint *out_end) { GtkSortListModel *self = GTK_SORT_LIST_MODEL (model); if (position >= self->n_items) { *out_start = self->n_items; *out_end = G_MAXUINT; return; } if (self->section_sort_keys == NULL) { *out_start = 0; *out_end = self->n_items; return; } /* When the list is not sorted: * - keys may not exist yet * - equal items may not be adjacent * So add a slow path that can deal with that, but is O(N). * The fast path is O(log N) and will be used for I guess * 99% of cases. */ if (self->sort_cb) gtk_sort_list_model_get_section_unsorted (self, position, out_start, out_end); else gtk_sort_list_model_get_section_sorted (self, position, out_start, out_end); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_section_model_init (GtkSectionModelInterface *iface) { iface->get_section = gtk_sort_list_model_get_section; } G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkSortListModel, gtk_sort_list_model, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_LIST_MODEL, gtk_sort_list_model_model_init) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GTK_TYPE_SECTION_MODEL, gtk_sort_list_model_section_model_init)) static gboolean gtk_sort_list_model_is_sorting (GtkSortListModel *self) { return self->sort_cb != 0; } static void gtk_sort_list_model_stop_sorting (GtkSortListModel *self, gsize *runs) { if (self->sort_cb == 0) { if (runs) { runs[0] = self->n_items; runs[1] = 0; } return; } if (runs) gtk_tim_sort_get_runs (&self->sort, runs); gtk_tim_sort_finish (&self->sort); g_clear_handle_id (&self->sort_cb, g_source_remove); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_PENDING]); } static gboolean gtk_sort_list_model_sort_step (GtkSortListModel *self, gboolean finish, guint *out_position, guint *out_n_items) { gint64 end_time = g_get_monotonic_time (); gboolean result = FALSE; GtkTimSortRun change; gpointer *start_change, *end_change; end_time += GTK_SORT_STEP_TIME_US; if (!gtk_bitset_is_empty (self->missing_keys)) { GtkBitsetIter iter; guint pos; for (gtk_bitset_iter_init_first (&iter, self->missing_keys, &pos); gtk_bitset_iter_is_valid (&iter); gtk_bitset_iter_next (&iter, &pos)) { gpointer item = g_list_model_get_item (self->model, pos); gtk_sort_keys_init_key (self->sort_keys, item, key_from_pos (self, pos)); g_object_unref (item); if (g_get_monotonic_time () >= end_time && !finish) { gtk_bitset_remove_range_closed (self->missing_keys, 0, pos); *out_position = 0; *out_n_items = 0; return TRUE; } } result = TRUE; gtk_bitset_remove_all (self->missing_keys); } end_change = self->positions; start_change = self->positions + self->n_items; while (gtk_tim_sort_step (&self->sort, &change)) { result = TRUE; if (change.len) { start_change = MIN (start_change, (gpointer *) change.base); end_change = MAX (end_change, ((gpointer *) change.base) + change.len); } if (g_get_monotonic_time () >= end_time && !finish) break; } if (start_change < end_change) { *out_position = start_change - self->positions; *out_n_items = end_change - start_change; } else { *out_position = 0; *out_n_items = 0; } return result; } static gboolean gtk_sort_list_model_sort_cb (gpointer data) { GtkSortListModel *self = data; guint pos, n_items; if (gtk_sort_list_model_sort_step (self, FALSE, &pos, &n_items)) { if (n_items) g_list_model_items_changed (G_LIST_MODEL (self), pos, n_items, n_items); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_PENDING]); return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } gtk_sort_list_model_stop_sorting (self, NULL); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static int sort_func (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data) { gpointer *sa = (gpointer *) a; gpointer *sb = (gpointer *) b; int result; result = gtk_sort_keys_compare (data, *sa, *sb); if (result) return result; return *sa < *sb ? -1 : 1; } static gboolean gtk_sort_list_model_start_sorting (GtkSortListModel *self, gsize *runs) { g_assert (self->sort_cb == 0); gtk_tim_sort_init (&self->sort, self->positions, self->n_items, sizeof (gpointer), sort_func, self->sort_keys); if (runs) gtk_tim_sort_set_runs (&self->sort, runs); if (self->incremental) gtk_tim_sort_set_max_merge_size (&self->sort, GTK_SORT_MAX_MERGE_SIZE); if (!self->incremental) return FALSE; self->sort_cb = g_idle_add (gtk_sort_list_model_sort_cb, self); gdk_source_set_static_name_by_id (self->sort_cb, "[gtk] gtk_sort_list_model_sort_cb"); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_PENDING]); return TRUE; } static void gtk_sort_list_model_finish_sorting (GtkSortListModel *self, guint *pos, guint *n_items) { gtk_tim_sort_set_max_merge_size (&self->sort, 0); gtk_sort_list_model_sort_step (self, TRUE, pos, n_items); gtk_tim_sort_finish (&self->sort); gtk_sort_list_model_stop_sorting (self, NULL); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_clear_sort_keys (GtkSortListModel *self, guint position, guint n_items) { GtkBitsetIter iter; GtkBitset *clear; guint pos; if (!gtk_sort_keys_needs_clear_key (self->sort_keys)) return; clear = gtk_bitset_new_range (position, n_items); gtk_bitset_subtract (clear, self->missing_keys); for (gtk_bitset_iter_init_first (&iter, clear, &pos); gtk_bitset_iter_is_valid (&iter); gtk_bitset_iter_next (&iter, &pos)) { gtk_sort_keys_clear_key (self->sort_keys, key_from_pos (self, pos)); } gtk_bitset_unref (clear); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_clear_keys (GtkSortListModel *self) { gtk_sort_list_model_clear_sort_keys (self, 0, self->n_items); g_clear_pointer (&self->missing_keys, gtk_bitset_unref); g_clear_pointer (&self->keys, g_free); g_clear_pointer (&self->sort_keys, gtk_sort_keys_unref); g_clear_pointer (&self->section_sort_keys, gtk_sort_keys_unref); self->key_size = 0; } static void gtk_sort_list_model_clear_items (GtkSortListModel *self, guint *pos, guint *n_items) { gtk_sort_list_model_stop_sorting (self, NULL); if (self->sort_keys == NULL) { if (pos || n_items) *pos = *n_items = 0; return; } if (pos || n_items) { guint start, end; for (start = 0; start < self->n_items; start++) { if (pos_from_key (self, self->positions[start]) != + start) break; } for (end = self->n_items; end > start; end--) { if (pos_from_key (self, self->positions[end - 1]) != end - 1) break; } *n_items = end - start; if (*n_items == 0) *pos = 0; else *pos = start; } g_clear_pointer (&self->positions, g_free); gtk_sort_list_model_clear_keys (self); } static gboolean gtk_sort_list_model_should_sort (GtkSortListModel *self) { return self->real_sorter != NULL && self->model != NULL && gtk_sorter_get_order (self->real_sorter) != GTK_SORTER_ORDER_NONE; } static void gtk_sort_list_model_create_keys (GtkSortListModel *self) { g_assert (self->keys == NULL); g_assert (self->sort_keys == NULL); g_assert (self->section_sort_keys == NULL); g_assert (self->key_size == 0); self->sort_keys = gtk_sorter_get_keys (self->real_sorter); if (self->section_sorter) self->section_sort_keys = gtk_sorter_get_keys (self->section_sorter); self->key_size = gtk_sort_keys_get_key_size (self->sort_keys); self->keys = g_malloc_n (self->n_items, self->key_size); self->missing_keys = gtk_bitset_new_range (0, self->n_items); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_create_items (GtkSortListModel *self) { guint i; if (!gtk_sort_list_model_should_sort (self)) return; g_assert (self->sort_keys == NULL); self->positions = g_new (gpointer, self->n_items); gtk_sort_list_model_create_keys (self); for (i = 0; i < self->n_items; i++) self->positions[i] = key_from_pos (self, i); } /* This realloc()s the arrays but does not set the added values. */ static void gtk_sort_list_model_update_items (GtkSortListModel *self, gsize runs[GTK_TIM_SORT_MAX_PENDING + 1], guint position, guint removed, guint added, guint *unmodified_start, guint *unmodified_end) { guint i, n_items, valid; guint run_index, valid_run, valid_run_end, run_end; guint start, end; gpointer *old_keys; n_items = self->n_items; start = n_items; end = n_items; /* first, move the keys over */ old_keys = self->keys; gtk_sort_list_model_clear_sort_keys (self, position, removed); if (removed > added) { memmove (key_from_pos (self, position + added), key_from_pos (self, position + removed), self->key_size * (n_items - position - removed)); self->keys = g_realloc_n (self->keys, n_items - removed + added, self->key_size); } else if (removed < added) { self->keys = g_realloc_n (self->keys, n_items - removed + added, self->key_size); memmove (key_from_pos (self, position + added), key_from_pos (self, position + removed), self->key_size * (n_items - position - removed)); } /* then, update the positions */ valid = 0; valid_run = 0; valid_run_end = 0; run_index = 0; run_end = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_items;) { if (runs[run_index] == 0) { run_end = n_items; valid_run_end = G_MAXUINT; } else { run_end += runs[run_index++]; } for (; i < run_end; i++) { guint pos = ((char *) self->positions[i] - (char *) old_keys) / self->key_size; if (pos >= position + removed) pos = pos - removed + added; else if (pos >= position) { start = MIN (start, valid); end = n_items - i - 1; continue; } self->positions[valid] = key_from_pos (self, pos); valid++; } if (valid_run_end < valid) { runs[valid_run++] = valid - valid_run_end; valid_run_end = valid; } } g_assert (i == n_items); g_assert (valid == n_items - removed); runs[valid_run] = 0; self->positions = g_renew (gpointer, self->positions, n_items - removed + added); if (self->missing_keys) { gtk_bitset_splice (self->missing_keys, position, removed, added); gtk_bitset_add_range (self->missing_keys, position, added); } self->n_items = n_items - removed + added; for (i = 0; i < added; i++) { self->positions[self->n_items - added + i] = key_from_pos (self, position + i); } *unmodified_start = start; *unmodified_end = end; } static void gtk_sort_list_model_items_changed_cb (GListModel *model, guint position, guint removed, guint added, GtkSortListModel *self) { gsize runs[GTK_TIM_SORT_MAX_PENDING + 1]; guint i, n_items, start, end; gboolean was_sorting; if (removed == 0 && added == 0) return; if (!gtk_sort_list_model_should_sort (self)) { self->n_items = self->n_items - removed + added; g_list_model_items_changed (G_LIST_MODEL (self), position, removed, added); if (removed != added) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_N_ITEMS]); return; } was_sorting = gtk_sort_list_model_is_sorting (self); gtk_sort_list_model_stop_sorting (self, runs); gtk_sort_list_model_update_items (self, runs, position, removed, added, &start, &end); if (added > 0) { if (gtk_sort_list_model_start_sorting (self, runs)) { end = 0; } else { guint pos, n; gtk_sort_list_model_finish_sorting (self, &pos, &n); if (n) start = MIN (start, pos); /* find first item that was added */ for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { pos = pos_from_key (self, self->positions[self->n_items - i - 1]); if (pos >= position && pos < position + added) { end = i; break; } } } } else { if (was_sorting) gtk_sort_list_model_start_sorting (self, runs); } n_items = self->n_items - start - end; g_list_model_items_changed (G_LIST_MODEL (self), start, n_items - added + removed, n_items); if (removed != added) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_N_ITEMS]); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GtkSortListModel *self = GTK_SORT_LIST_MODEL (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_INCREMENTAL: gtk_sort_list_model_set_incremental (self, g_value_get_boolean (value)); break; case PROP_MODEL: gtk_sort_list_model_set_model (self, g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_SECTION_SORTER: gtk_sort_list_model_set_section_sorter (self, g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_SORTER: gtk_sort_list_model_set_sorter (self, g_value_get_object (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gtk_sort_list_model_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GtkSortListModel *self = GTK_SORT_LIST_MODEL (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_INCREMENTAL: g_value_set_boolean (value, self->incremental); break; case PROP_ITEM_TYPE: g_value_set_gtype (value, gtk_sort_list_model_get_item_type (G_LIST_MODEL (self))); break; case PROP_MODEL: g_value_set_object (value, self->model); break; case PROP_N_ITEMS: g_value_set_uint (value, gtk_sort_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (self))); break; case PROP_PENDING: g_value_set_uint (value, gtk_sort_list_model_get_pending (self)); break; case PROP_SECTION_SORTER: g_value_set_object (value, self->section_sorter); break; case PROP_SORTER: g_value_set_object (value, self->sorter); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gtk_sort_list_model_sorter_changed_cb (GtkSorter *sorter, int change, GtkSortListModel *self) { guint pos, n_items; if (gtk_sort_list_model_should_sort (self)) { gtk_sort_list_model_stop_sorting (self, NULL); if (self->sort_keys == NULL) { gtk_sort_list_model_create_items (self); } else { GtkSortKeys *new_keys = gtk_sorter_get_keys (sorter); if (!gtk_sort_keys_is_compatible (new_keys, self->sort_keys)) { char *old_keys = self->keys; gsize old_key_size = self->key_size; guint i; gtk_sort_list_model_clear_keys (self); gtk_sort_list_model_create_keys (self); for (i = 0; i < self->n_items; i++) self->positions[i] = key_from_pos (self, ((char *) self->positions[i] - old_keys) / old_key_size); gtk_sort_keys_unref (new_keys); } else { gtk_sort_keys_unref (self->sort_keys); self->sort_keys = new_keys; } } if (gtk_sort_list_model_start_sorting (self, NULL)) pos = n_items = 0; else gtk_sort_list_model_finish_sorting (self, &pos, &n_items); } else { gtk_sort_list_model_clear_items (self, &pos, &n_items); } if (n_items > 0) g_list_model_items_changed (G_LIST_MODEL (self), pos, n_items, n_items); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_clear_model (GtkSortListModel *self) { if (self->model == NULL) return; g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->model, gtk_sort_list_model_items_changed_cb, self); g_clear_object (&self->model); gtk_sort_list_model_clear_items (self, NULL, NULL); self->n_items = 0; } static void gtk_sort_list_model_clear_real_sorter (GtkSortListModel *self) { if (self->real_sorter == NULL) return; g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (self->real_sorter, gtk_sort_list_model_sorter_changed_cb, self); g_clear_object (&self->real_sorter); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_ensure_real_sorter (GtkSortListModel *self) { if (self->sorter) { if (self->section_sorter) { GtkMultiSorter *multi; multi = gtk_multi_sorter_new (); self->real_sorter = GTK_SORTER (multi); gtk_multi_sorter_append (multi, g_object_ref (self->section_sorter)); gtk_multi_sorter_append (multi, g_object_ref (self->sorter)); } else self->real_sorter = g_object_ref (self->sorter); } else { if (self->section_sorter) self->real_sorter = g_object_ref (self->section_sorter); } if (self->real_sorter) g_signal_connect (self->real_sorter, "changed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_sort_list_model_sorter_changed_cb), self); gtk_sort_list_model_sorter_changed_cb (self->real_sorter, GTK_SORTER_CHANGE_DIFFERENT, self); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_dispose (GObject *object) { GtkSortListModel *self = GTK_SORT_LIST_MODEL (object); gtk_sort_list_model_clear_model (self); gtk_sort_list_model_clear_real_sorter (self); g_clear_object (&self->section_sorter); g_clear_object (&self->sorter); G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_sort_list_model_parent_class)->dispose (object); }; static void gtk_sort_list_model_class_init (GtkSortListModelClass *class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); gobject_class->set_property = gtk_sort_list_model_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = gtk_sort_list_model_get_property; gobject_class->dispose = gtk_sort_list_model_dispose; /** * GtkSortListModel:incremental: (attributes org.gtk.Property.get=gtk_sort_list_model_get_incremental org.gtk.Property.set=gtk_sort_list_model_set_incremental) * * If the model should sort items incrementally. */ properties[PROP_INCREMENTAL] = g_param_spec_boolean ("incremental", NULL, NULL, FALSE, GTK_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY); /** * GtkSortListModel:item-type: * * The type of items. See [method@Gio.ListModel.get_item_type]. * * Since: 4.8 **/ properties[PROP_ITEM_TYPE] = g_param_spec_gtype ("item-type", NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * GtkSortListModel:model: (attributes org.gtk.Property.get=gtk_sort_list_model_get_model org.gtk.Property.set=gtk_sort_list_model_set_model) * * The model being sorted. */ properties[PROP_MODEL] = g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_LIST_MODEL, GTK_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY); /** * GtkSortListModel:n-items: * * The number of items. See [method@Gio.ListModel.get_n_items]. * * Since: 4.8 **/ properties[PROP_N_ITEMS] = g_param_spec_uint ("n-items", NULL, NULL, 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * GtkSortListModel:pending: (attributes org.gtk.Property.get=gtk_sort_list_model_get_pending) * * Estimate of unsorted items remaining. */ properties[PROP_PENDING] = g_param_spec_uint ("pending", NULL, NULL, 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, GTK_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY); /** * GtkSortListModel:section-sorter: (attributes org.gtk.Property.get=gtk_sort_list_model_get_section_sorter org.gtk.Property.set=gtk_sort_list_model_set_section_sorter) * * The section sorter for this model, if one is set. * * Since: 4.12 */ properties[PROP_SECTION_SORTER] = g_param_spec_object ("section-sorter", NULL, NULL, GTK_TYPE_SORTER, GTK_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY); /** * GtkSortListModel:sorter: (attributes org.gtk.Property.get=gtk_sort_list_model_get_sorter org.gtk.Property.set=gtk_sort_list_model_set_sorter) * * The sorter for this model. */ properties[PROP_SORTER] = g_param_spec_object ("sorter", NULL, NULL, GTK_TYPE_SORTER, GTK_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY); g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, NUM_PROPERTIES, properties); } static void gtk_sort_list_model_init (GtkSortListModel *self) { } /** * gtk_sort_list_model_new: * @model: (nullable) (transfer full): the model to sort * @sorter: (nullable) (transfer full): the `GtkSorter` to sort @model with, * * Creates a new sort list model that uses the @sorter to sort @model. * * Returns: a new `GtkSortListModel` */ GtkSortListModel * gtk_sort_list_model_new (GListModel *model, GtkSorter *sorter) { GtkSortListModel *result; g_return_val_if_fail (model == NULL || G_IS_LIST_MODEL (model), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (sorter == NULL || GTK_IS_SORTER (sorter), NULL); result = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_SORT_LIST_MODEL, "model", model, "sorter", sorter, NULL); /* consume the references */ g_clear_object (&model); g_clear_object (&sorter); return result; } /** * gtk_sort_list_model_set_model: (attributes org.gtk.Method.set_property=model) * @self: a `GtkSortListModel` * @model: (nullable): The model to be sorted * * Sets the model to be sorted. * * The @model's item type must conform to the item type of @self. */ void gtk_sort_list_model_set_model (GtkSortListModel *self, GListModel *model) { guint removed; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_SORT_LIST_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || G_IS_LIST_MODEL (model)); if (self->model == model) return; removed = g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (self)); gtk_sort_list_model_clear_model (self); if (model) { guint ignore1, ignore2; self->model = g_object_ref (model); self->n_items = g_list_model_get_n_items (model); g_signal_connect (model, "items-changed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_sort_list_model_items_changed_cb), self); if (gtk_sort_list_model_should_sort (self)) { gtk_sort_list_model_create_items (self); if (!gtk_sort_list_model_start_sorting (self, NULL)) gtk_sort_list_model_finish_sorting (self, &ignore1, &ignore2); } } if (removed > 0 || self->n_items > 0) g_list_model_items_changed (G_LIST_MODEL (self), 0, removed, self->n_items); if (removed != self->n_items) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_N_ITEMS]); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_MODEL]); } /** * gtk_sort_list_model_get_model: (attributes org.gtk.Method.get_property=model) * @self: a `GtkSortListModel` * * Gets the model currently sorted or %NULL if none. * * Returns: (nullable) (transfer none): The model that gets sorted */ GListModel * gtk_sort_list_model_get_model (GtkSortListModel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_SORT_LIST_MODEL (self), NULL); return self->model; } /** * gtk_sort_list_model_set_sorter: (attributes org.gtk.Method.set_property=sorter) * @self: a `GtkSortListModel` * @sorter: (nullable): the `GtkSorter` to sort @model with * * Sets a new sorter on @self. */ void gtk_sort_list_model_set_sorter (GtkSortListModel *self, GtkSorter *sorter) { g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_SORT_LIST_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (sorter == NULL || GTK_IS_SORTER (sorter)); if (self->sorter == sorter) return; gtk_sort_list_model_clear_real_sorter (self); g_clear_object (&self->sorter); if (sorter) self->sorter = g_object_ref (sorter); gtk_sort_list_model_ensure_real_sorter (self); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_SORTER]); } /** * gtk_sort_list_model_get_sorter: (attributes org.gtk.Method.get_property=sorter) * @self: a `GtkSortListModel` * * Gets the sorter that is used to sort @self. * * Returns: (nullable) (transfer none): the sorter of #self */ GtkSorter * gtk_sort_list_model_get_sorter (GtkSortListModel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_SORT_LIST_MODEL (self), NULL); return self->sorter; } /** * gtk_sort_list_model_set_section_sorter: (attributes org.gtk.Method.set_property=section-sorter) * @self: a `GtkSortListModel` * @sorter: (nullable): the `GtkSorter` to sort @model with * * Sets a new section sorter on @self. * * Since: 4.12 */ void gtk_sort_list_model_set_section_sorter (GtkSortListModel *self, GtkSorter *sorter) { g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_SORT_LIST_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (sorter == NULL || GTK_IS_SORTER (sorter)); if (self->section_sorter == sorter) return; gtk_sort_list_model_clear_real_sorter (self); g_clear_object (&self->section_sorter); if (sorter) self->section_sorter = g_object_ref (sorter); gtk_sort_list_model_ensure_real_sorter (self); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_SECTION_SORTER]); } /** * gtk_sort_list_model_get_section_sorter: (attributes org.gtk.Method.get_property=section-sorter) * @self: a `GtkSortListModel` * * Gets the section sorter that is used to sort items of @self into * sections. * * Returns: (nullable) (transfer none): the sorter of #self * * Since: 4.12 */ GtkSorter * gtk_sort_list_model_get_section_sorter (GtkSortListModel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_SORT_LIST_MODEL (self), NULL); return self->section_sorter; } /** * gtk_sort_list_model_set_incremental: (attributes org.gtk.Method.set_property=incremental) * @self: a `GtkSortListModel` * @incremental: %TRUE to sort incrementally * * Sets the sort model to do an incremental sort. * * When incremental sorting is enabled, the `GtkSortListModel` will not do * a complete sort immediately, but will instead queue an idle handler that * incrementally sorts the items towards their correct position. This of * course means that items do not instantly appear in the right place. It * also means that the total sorting time is a lot slower. * * When your filter blocks the UI while sorting, you might consider * turning this on. Depending on your model and sorters, this may become * interesting around 10,000 to 100,000 items. * * By default, incremental sorting is disabled. * * See [method@Gtk.SortListModel.get_pending] for progress information * about an ongoing incremental sorting operation. */ void gtk_sort_list_model_set_incremental (GtkSortListModel *self, gboolean incremental) { g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_SORT_LIST_MODEL (self)); if (self->incremental == incremental) return; self->incremental = incremental; if (!incremental && gtk_sort_list_model_is_sorting (self)) { guint pos, n_items; gtk_sort_list_model_finish_sorting (self, &pos, &n_items); if (n_items) g_list_model_items_changed (G_LIST_MODEL (self), pos, n_items, n_items); } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_INCREMENTAL]); } /** * gtk_sort_list_model_get_incremental: (attributes org.gtk.Method.get_property=incremental) * @self: a `GtkSortListModel` * * Returns whether incremental sorting is enabled. * * See [method@Gtk.SortListModel.set_incremental]. * * Returns: %TRUE if incremental sorting is enabled */ gboolean gtk_sort_list_model_get_incremental (GtkSortListModel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_SORT_LIST_MODEL (self), FALSE); return self->incremental; } /** * gtk_sort_list_model_get_pending: (attributes org.gtk.Method.get_property=pending) * @self: a `GtkSortListModel` * * Estimates progress of an ongoing sorting operation. * * The estimate is the number of items that would still need to be * sorted to finish the sorting operation if this was a linear * algorithm. So this number is not related to how many items are * already correctly sorted. * * If you want to estimate the progress, you can use code like this: * ```c * pending = gtk_sort_list_model_get_pending (self); * model = gtk_sort_list_model_get_model (self); * progress = 1.0 - pending / (double) MAX (1, g_list_model_get_n_items (model)); * ``` * * If no sort operation is ongoing - in particular when * [property@Gtk.SortListModel:incremental] is %FALSE - this * function returns 0. * * Returns: a progress estimate of remaining items to sort */ guint gtk_sort_list_model_get_pending (GtkSortListModel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_SORT_LIST_MODEL (self), FALSE); if (self->sort_cb == 0) return 0; /* We do a random guess that 50% of time is spent generating keys * and the other 50% is spent actually sorting. * * This is of course massively wrong, but it depends on the sorter * in use, and estimating this correctly is hard, so this will have * to be good enough. */ if (!gtk_bitset_is_empty (self->missing_keys)) { return (self->n_items + gtk_bitset_get_size (self->missing_keys)) / 2; } else { return (self->n_items - gtk_tim_sort_get_progress (&self->sort)) / 2; } }