/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit * gtkprintcontext.c: Print Context * Copyright (C) 2006, Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "config.h" #include "gtkprintoperation-private.h" /** * SECTION:gtkprintcontext * @Short_description: Encapsulates context for drawing pages * @Title: GtkPrintContext * * A GtkPrintContext encapsulates context information that is required when * drawing pages for printing, such as the cairo context and important * parameters like page size and resolution. It also lets you easily * create #PangoLayout and #PangoContext objects that match the font metrics * of the cairo surface. * * GtkPrintContext objects gets passed to the #GtkPrintOperation::begin-print, * #GtkPrintOperation::end-print, #GtkPrintOperation::request-page-setup and * #GtkPrintOperation::draw-page signals on the #GtkPrintOperation. * * ## Using GtkPrintContext in a #GtkPrintOperation::draw-page callback * * |[<!-- language="C" --> * static void * draw_page (GtkPrintOperation *operation, * GtkPrintContext *context, * int page_nr) * { * cairo_t *cr; * PangoLayout *layout; * PangoFontDescription *desc; * * cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (context); * * // Draw a red rectangle, as wide as the paper (inside the margins) * cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 0, 0); * cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, gtk_print_context_get_width (context), 50); * * cairo_fill (cr); * * // Draw some lines * cairo_move_to (cr, 20, 10); * cairo_line_to (cr, 40, 20); * cairo_arc (cr, 60, 60, 20, 0, M_PI); * cairo_line_to (cr, 80, 20); * * cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); * cairo_set_line_width (cr, 5); * cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); * cairo_set_line_join (cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND); * * cairo_stroke (cr); * * // Draw some text * layout = gtk_print_context_create_layout (context); * pango_layout_set_text (layout, "Hello World! Printing is easy", -1); * desc = pango_font_description_from_string ("sans 28"); * pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc); * pango_font_description_free (desc); * * cairo_move_to (cr, 30, 20); * pango_cairo_layout_path (cr, layout); * * // Font Outline * cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.93, 1.0, 0.47); * cairo_set_line_width (cr, 0.5); * cairo_stroke_preserve (cr); * * // Font Fill * cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0.0, 1.0); * cairo_fill (cr); * * g_object_unref (layout); * } * ]| * * Printing support was added in GTK+ 2.10. */ typedef struct _GtkPrintContextClass GtkPrintContextClass; #define GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GTK_TYPE_PRINT_CONTEXT)) #define GTK_PRINT_CONTEXT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_PRINT_CONTEXT, GtkPrintContextClass)) #define GTK_PRINT_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_PRINT_CONTEXT, GtkPrintContextClass)) #define MM_PER_INCH 25.4 #define POINTS_PER_INCH 72 struct _GtkPrintContext { GObject parent_instance; GtkPrintOperation *op; cairo_t *cr; GtkPageSetup *page_setup; gdouble surface_dpi_x; gdouble surface_dpi_y; gdouble pixels_per_unit_x; gdouble pixels_per_unit_y; gboolean has_hard_margins; gdouble hard_margin_top; gdouble hard_margin_bottom; gdouble hard_margin_left; gdouble hard_margin_right; }; struct _GtkPrintContextClass { GObjectClass parent_class; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkPrintContext, gtk_print_context, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void gtk_print_context_finalize (GObject *object) { GtkPrintContext *context = GTK_PRINT_CONTEXT (object); if (context->page_setup) g_object_unref (context->page_setup); if (context->cr) cairo_destroy (context->cr); G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_print_context_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void gtk_print_context_init (GtkPrintContext *context) { } static void gtk_print_context_class_init (GtkPrintContextClass *class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *)class; gobject_class->finalize = gtk_print_context_finalize; } GtkPrintContext * _gtk_print_context_new (GtkPrintOperation *op) { GtkPrintContext *context; context = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_PRINT_CONTEXT, NULL); context->op = op; context->cr = NULL; context->has_hard_margins = FALSE; return context; } static PangoFontMap * _gtk_print_context_get_fontmap (GtkPrintContext *context) { return pango_cairo_font_map_get_default (); } /** * gtk_print_context_set_cairo_context: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * @cr: the cairo context * @dpi_x: the horizontal resolution to use with @cr * @dpi_y: the vertical resolution to use with @cr * * Sets a new cairo context on a print context. * * This function is intended to be used when implementing * an internal print preview, it is not needed for printing, * since GTK+ itself creates a suitable cairo context in that * case. * * Since: 2.10 */ void gtk_print_context_set_cairo_context (GtkPrintContext *context, cairo_t *cr, double dpi_x, double dpi_y) { if (context->cr) cairo_destroy (context->cr); context->cr = cairo_reference (cr); context->surface_dpi_x = dpi_x; context->surface_dpi_y = dpi_y; switch (context->op->priv->unit) { default: case GTK_UNIT_NONE: /* Do nothing, this is the cairo default unit */ context->pixels_per_unit_x = 1.0; context->pixels_per_unit_y = 1.0; break; case GTK_UNIT_POINTS: context->pixels_per_unit_x = dpi_x / POINTS_PER_INCH; context->pixels_per_unit_y = dpi_y / POINTS_PER_INCH; break; case GTK_UNIT_INCH: context->pixels_per_unit_x = dpi_x; context->pixels_per_unit_y = dpi_y; break; case GTK_UNIT_MM: context->pixels_per_unit_x = dpi_x / MM_PER_INCH; context->pixels_per_unit_y = dpi_y / MM_PER_INCH; break; } cairo_scale (context->cr, context->pixels_per_unit_x, context->pixels_per_unit_y); } void _gtk_print_context_rotate_according_to_orientation (GtkPrintContext *context) { cairo_t *cr = context->cr; cairo_matrix_t matrix; GtkPaperSize *paper_size; gdouble width, height; paper_size = gtk_page_setup_get_paper_size (context->page_setup); width = gtk_paper_size_get_width (paper_size, GTK_UNIT_INCH); width = width * context->surface_dpi_x / context->pixels_per_unit_x; height = gtk_paper_size_get_height (paper_size, GTK_UNIT_INCH); height = height * context->surface_dpi_y / context->pixels_per_unit_y; switch (gtk_page_setup_get_orientation (context->page_setup)) { default: case GTK_PAGE_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT: break; case GTK_PAGE_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE: cairo_translate (cr, 0, height); cairo_matrix_init (&matrix, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0); cairo_transform (cr, &matrix); break; case GTK_PAGE_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT: cairo_translate (cr, width, height); cairo_matrix_init (&matrix, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0); cairo_transform (cr, &matrix); break; case GTK_PAGE_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE: cairo_translate (cr, width, 0); cairo_matrix_init (&matrix, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0); cairo_transform (cr, &matrix); break; } } void _gtk_print_context_reverse_according_to_orientation (GtkPrintContext *context) { cairo_t *cr = context->cr; cairo_matrix_t matrix; gdouble width, height; width = gtk_page_setup_get_paper_width (context->page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH); width = width * context->surface_dpi_x / context->pixels_per_unit_x; height = gtk_page_setup_get_paper_height (context->page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH); height = height * context->surface_dpi_y / context->pixels_per_unit_y; switch (gtk_page_setup_get_orientation (context->page_setup)) { default: case GTK_PAGE_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT: case GTK_PAGE_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE: break; case GTK_PAGE_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT: case GTK_PAGE_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE: cairo_translate (cr, width, height); cairo_matrix_init (&matrix, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0); cairo_transform (cr, &matrix); break; } } void _gtk_print_context_translate_into_margin (GtkPrintContext *context) { gdouble left, top; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context)); /* We do it this way to also handle GTK_UNIT_NONE */ left = gtk_page_setup_get_left_margin (context->page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH); top = gtk_page_setup_get_top_margin (context->page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH); cairo_translate (context->cr, left * context->surface_dpi_x / context->pixels_per_unit_x, top * context->surface_dpi_y / context->pixels_per_unit_y); } void _gtk_print_context_set_page_setup (GtkPrintContext *context, GtkPageSetup *page_setup) { g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context)); g_return_if_fail (page_setup == NULL || GTK_IS_PAGE_SETUP (page_setup)); g_object_ref (page_setup); if (context->page_setup != NULL) g_object_unref (context->page_setup); context->page_setup = page_setup; } /** * gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * * Obtains the cairo context that is associated with the * #GtkPrintContext. * * Returns: (transfer none): the cairo context of @context * * Since: 2.10 */ cairo_t * gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (GtkPrintContext *context) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context), NULL); return context->cr; } /** * gtk_print_context_get_page_setup: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * * Obtains the #GtkPageSetup that determines the page * dimensions of the #GtkPrintContext. * * Returns: (transfer none): the page setup of @context * * Since: 2.10 */ GtkPageSetup * gtk_print_context_get_page_setup (GtkPrintContext *context) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context), NULL); return context->page_setup; } /** * gtk_print_context_get_width: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * * Obtains the width of the #GtkPrintContext, in pixels. * * Returns: the width of @context * * Since: 2.10 */ gdouble gtk_print_context_get_width (GtkPrintContext *context) { GtkPrintOperationPrivate *priv; gdouble width; g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context), 0); priv = context->op->priv; if (priv->use_full_page) width = gtk_page_setup_get_paper_width (context->page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH); else width = gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (context->page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH); /* Really dpi_x? What about landscape? what does dpi_x mean in that case? */ return width * context->surface_dpi_x / context->pixels_per_unit_x; } /** * gtk_print_context_get_height: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * * Obtains the height of the #GtkPrintContext, in pixels. * * Returns: the height of @context * * Since: 2.10 */ gdouble gtk_print_context_get_height (GtkPrintContext *context) { GtkPrintOperationPrivate *priv; gdouble height; g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context), 0); priv = context->op->priv; if (priv->use_full_page) height = gtk_page_setup_get_paper_height (context->page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH); else height = gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (context->page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH); /* Really dpi_y? What about landscape? what does dpi_y mean in that case? */ return height * context->surface_dpi_y / context->pixels_per_unit_y; } /** * gtk_print_context_get_dpi_x: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * * Obtains the horizontal resolution of the #GtkPrintContext, * in dots per inch. * * Returns: the horizontal resolution of @context * * Since: 2.10 */ gdouble gtk_print_context_get_dpi_x (GtkPrintContext *context) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context), 0); return context->surface_dpi_x; } /** * gtk_print_context_get_dpi_y: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * * Obtains the vertical resolution of the #GtkPrintContext, * in dots per inch. * * Returns: the vertical resolution of @context * * Since: 2.10 */ gdouble gtk_print_context_get_dpi_y (GtkPrintContext *context) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context), 0); return context->surface_dpi_y; } /** * gtk_print_context_get_hard_margins: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * @top: (out): top hardware printer margin * @bottom: (out): bottom hardware printer margin * @left: (out): left hardware printer margin * @right: (out): right hardware printer margin * * Obtains the hardware printer margins of the #GtkPrintContext, in units. * * Returns: %TRUE if the hard margins were retrieved * * Since: 2.20 */ gboolean gtk_print_context_get_hard_margins (GtkPrintContext *context, gdouble *top, gdouble *bottom, gdouble *left, gdouble *right) { if (context->has_hard_margins) { *top = context->hard_margin_top / context->pixels_per_unit_y; *bottom = context->hard_margin_bottom / context->pixels_per_unit_y; *left = context->hard_margin_left / context->pixels_per_unit_x; *right = context->hard_margin_right / context->pixels_per_unit_x; } return context->has_hard_margins; } /** * gtk_print_context_set_hard_margins: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * @top: top hardware printer margin * @bottom: bottom hardware printer margin * @left: left hardware printer margin * @right: right hardware printer margin * * set the hard margins in pixel coordinates */ void _gtk_print_context_set_hard_margins (GtkPrintContext *context, gdouble top, gdouble bottom, gdouble left, gdouble right) { context->hard_margin_top = top; context->hard_margin_bottom = bottom; context->hard_margin_left = left; context->hard_margin_right = right; context->has_hard_margins = TRUE; } /** * gtk_print_context_get_pango_fontmap: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * * Returns a #PangoFontMap that is suitable for use * with the #GtkPrintContext. * * Returns: (transfer none): the font map of @context * * Since: 2.10 */ PangoFontMap * gtk_print_context_get_pango_fontmap (GtkPrintContext *context) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context), NULL); return _gtk_print_context_get_fontmap (context); } /** * gtk_print_context_create_pango_context: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * * Creates a new #PangoContext that can be used with the * #GtkPrintContext. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new Pango context for @context * * Since: 2.10 */ PangoContext * gtk_print_context_create_pango_context (GtkPrintContext *context) { PangoContext *pango_context; cairo_font_options_t *options; g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context), NULL); pango_context = pango_font_map_create_context (_gtk_print_context_get_fontmap (context)); options = cairo_font_options_create (); cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics (options, CAIRO_HINT_METRICS_OFF); pango_cairo_context_set_font_options (pango_context, options); cairo_font_options_destroy (options); /* We use the unit-scaled resolution, as we still want * fonts given in points to work */ pango_cairo_context_set_resolution (pango_context, context->surface_dpi_y / context->pixels_per_unit_y); return pango_context; } /** * gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout: * @context: a #GtkPrintContext * * Creates a new #PangoLayout that is suitable for use * with the #GtkPrintContext. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new Pango layout for @context * * Since: 2.10 */ PangoLayout * gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout (GtkPrintContext *context) { PangoContext *pango_context; PangoLayout *layout; g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_PRINT_CONTEXT (context), NULL); pango_context = gtk_print_context_create_pango_context (context); layout = pango_layout_new (pango_context); pango_cairo_update_context (context->cr, pango_context); g_object_unref (pango_context); return layout; }