/* gtkconstraintvflparser.c: VFL constraint definition parser * * Copyright 2017 Endless * Copyright 2019 GNOME Foundation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "config.h" #include "gtkconstraintvflparserprivate.h" #include "gtkenums.h" #include <string.h> typedef enum { VFL_HORIZONTAL, VFL_VERTICAL } VflOrientation; typedef struct { GtkConstraintRelation relation; double constant; double multiplier; const char *subject; char *object; const char *attr; double priority; } VflPredicate; typedef enum { SPACING_SET = 1 << 0, SPACING_DEFAULT = 1 << 1, SPACING_PREDICATE = 1 << 2 } VflSpacingFlags; typedef struct { double size; VflSpacingFlags flags; VflPredicate predicate; } VflSpacing; typedef struct _VflView VflView; struct _VflView { char *name; /* Decides which attributes are admissible */ VflOrientation orientation; /* A set of predicates, which will be used to * set up constraints */ GArray *predicates; VflSpacing spacing; VflView *prev_view; VflView *next_view; }; struct _GtkConstraintVflParser { char *buffer; gsize buffer_len; int error_offset; int error_range; int default_spacing[2]; /* Set<name, double> */ GHashTable *metrics_set; /* Set<name, widget> */ GHashTable *views_set; const char *cursor; /* Decides which attributes are admissible */ VflOrientation orientation; VflView *leading_super; VflView *trailing_super; VflView *current_view; VflView *views; }; /* NOTE: These two symbols are defined in gtkconstraintlayout.h, but we * cannot include that header here */ #define GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR (gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_error_quark ()) GQuark gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_error_quark (void); GtkConstraintVflParser * gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_new (void) { GtkConstraintVflParser *res = g_new0 (GtkConstraintVflParser, 1); res->default_spacing[VFL_HORIZONTAL] = 8; res->default_spacing[VFL_VERTICAL] = 8; res->orientation = VFL_HORIZONTAL; return res; } void gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_set_default_spacing (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser, int hspacing, int vspacing) { parser->default_spacing[VFL_HORIZONTAL] = hspacing < 0 ? 8 : hspacing; parser->default_spacing[VFL_VERTICAL] = vspacing < 0 ? 8 : vspacing; } void gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_set_metrics (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser, GHashTable *metrics) { parser->metrics_set = metrics; } void gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_set_views (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser, GHashTable *views) { parser->views_set = views; } static int get_default_spacing (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser) { return parser->default_spacing[parser->orientation]; } /* Default attributes, if unnamed, depending on the orientation */ static const char *default_attribute[2] = { [VFL_HORIZONTAL] = "width", [VFL_VERTICAL] = "height", }; static gboolean parse_relation (const char *str, GtkConstraintRelation *relation, char **endptr, GError **error) { const char *cur = str; if (*cur == '=') { cur += 1; if (*cur == '=') { *relation = GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ; *endptr = (char *) cur + 1; return TRUE; } goto out; } else if (*cur == '>') { cur += 1; if (*cur == '=') { *relation = GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_GE; *endptr = (char *) cur + 1; return TRUE; } goto out; } else if (*cur == '<') { cur += 1; if (*cur == '=') { *relation = GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_LE; *endptr = (char *) cur + 1; return TRUE; } goto out; } out: g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_RELATION, "Unknown relation; must be one of '==', '>=', or '<='"); return FALSE; } static gboolean has_metric (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser, const char *name) { if (parser->metrics_set == NULL) return FALSE; return g_hash_table_contains (parser->metrics_set, name); } static gboolean has_view (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser, const char *name) { if (parser->views_set == NULL) return FALSE; if (!g_hash_table_contains (parser->views_set, name)) return FALSE; return g_hash_table_lookup (parser->views_set, name) != NULL; } /* Valid attributes */ static const struct { int len; const char *name; } valid_attributes[] = { { 5, "width" }, { 6, "height" }, { 7, "centerX" }, { 7, "centerY" }, { 3, "top" }, { 6, "bottom" }, { 4, "left" }, { 5, "right" }, { 5, "start" }, { 3, "end" }, { 8, "baseline" } }; static char * get_offset_to (const char *str, const char *tokens) { char *offset = NULL; int n_tokens = strlen (tokens); for (int i = 0; i < n_tokens; i++) { if ((offset = strchr (str, tokens[i])) != NULL) break; } return offset; } static gboolean parse_predicate (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser, const char *cursor, VflPredicate *predicate, char **endptr, GError **error) { VflOrientation orientation = parser->orientation; const char *end = cursor; predicate->object = NULL; predicate->multiplier = 1.0; /* <predicate> = (<relation>)? (<objectOfPredicate>) ('.'<attribute>)? (<operator>)? ('@'<priority>)? * <relation> = '==' | '<=' | '>=' * <objectOfPredicate> = <constant> | <viewName> * <constant> = <number> | <metricName> * <viewName> = [A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]*) * <metricName> = [A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]*) * <operator> = (['*'|'/']<positiveNumber>)? (['+'|'-']<positiveNumber>)? * <priority> = <positiveNumber> | 'weak' | 'medium' | 'strong' | 'required' */ /* Parse relation */ if (*end == '=' || *end == '>' || *end == '<') { GtkConstraintRelation relation; char *tmp; if (!parse_relation (end, &relation, &tmp, error)) { parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; parser->error_range = 0; return FALSE; } predicate->relation = relation; end = tmp; } else predicate->relation = GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ; /* Parse object of predicate */ if (g_ascii_isdigit (*end)) { char *tmp; /* <constant> */ predicate->object = NULL; predicate->attr = default_attribute[orientation]; predicate->constant = g_ascii_strtod (end, &tmp); end = tmp; } else if (g_ascii_isalpha (*end) || *end == '_') { const char *name_start = end; while (g_ascii_isalnum (*end) || *end == '_') end += 1; char *name = g_strndup (name_start, end - name_start); /* We only accept view names if the subject of the predicate * is a view, i.e. we do not allow view names inside a spacing * predicate */ if (predicate->subject == NULL) { if (parser->metrics_set == NULL || !has_metric (parser, name)) { parser->error_offset = name_start - parser->cursor; parser->error_range = end - name_start; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_METRIC, "Unable to find metric with name '%s'", name); g_free (name); return FALSE; } double *val = g_hash_table_lookup (parser->metrics_set, name); predicate->object = NULL; predicate->attr = default_attribute[orientation]; predicate->constant = *val; g_free (name); goto parse_operators; } if (has_metric (parser, name)) { double *val = g_hash_table_lookup (parser->metrics_set, name); predicate->object = NULL; predicate->attr = default_attribute[orientation]; predicate->constant = *val; g_free (name); goto parse_operators; } if (has_view (parser, name)) { /* Transfer name's ownership to the predicate */ predicate->object = name; predicate->attr = default_attribute[orientation]; predicate->constant = 0; goto parse_attribute; } parser->error_offset = name_start - parser->cursor; parser->error_range = end - name_start; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_VIEW, "Unable to find view with name '%s'", name); g_free (name); return FALSE; } else { parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; parser->error_range = 0; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Expected constant, view name, or metric"); return FALSE; } parse_attribute: if (*end == '.') { end += 1; predicate->attr = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (valid_attributes); i++) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (valid_attributes[i].name, end, valid_attributes[i].len) == 0) { predicate->attr = valid_attributes[i].name; end += valid_attributes[i].len; } } if (predicate->attr == NULL) { char *range_end = get_offset_to (end, "*/+-@,)]"); if (range_end != NULL) parser->error_range = range_end - end - 1; else parser->error_range = 0; g_free (predicate->object); parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE, "Attribute must be on one of 'width', 'height', " "'centerX', 'centerY', 'top', 'bottom', " "'left', 'right', 'start', 'end', 'baseline'"); return FALSE; } } parse_operators: /* Parse multiplier operator */ while (g_ascii_isspace (*end)) end += 1; if ((*end == '*') || (*end == '/')) { double multiplier; const char *operator; operator = end; end += 1; while (g_ascii_isspace (*end)) end += 1; if (g_ascii_isdigit (*end)) { char *tmp; multiplier = g_ascii_strtod (end, &tmp); end = tmp; } else { g_free (predicate->object); parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; parser->error_range = 0; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Expected a positive number as a multiplier"); return FALSE; } if (predicate->object != NULL) { if (*operator == '*') predicate->multiplier = multiplier; else predicate->multiplier = 1.0 / multiplier; } else { /* If the subject is a constant then apply multiplier directly */ if (*operator == '*') predicate->constant *= multiplier; else predicate->constant *= 1.0 / multiplier; } } /* Parse constant operator */ while (g_ascii_isspace (*end)) end += 1; if ((*end == '+') || (*end == '-')) { double constant; const char *operator; operator = end; end += 1; while (g_ascii_isspace (*end)) end += 1; if (g_ascii_isdigit (*end)) { char *tmp; constant = g_ascii_strtod (end, &tmp); end = tmp; } else { g_free (predicate->object); parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; parser->error_range = 0; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Expected positive number as a constant"); return FALSE; } if (*operator == '+') predicate->constant += constant; else predicate->constant += -1.0 * constant; } /* Parse priority */ if (*end == '@') { double priority; end += 1; if (g_ascii_isdigit (*end)) { char *tmp; priority = g_ascii_strtod (end, &tmp); end = tmp; } else if (strncmp (end, "weak", 4) == 0) { priority = GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_WEAK; end += 4; } else if (strncmp (end, "medium", 6) == 0) { priority = GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_MEDIUM; end += 6; } else if (strncmp (end, "strong", 6) == 0) { priority = GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_STRONG; end += 6; } else if (strncmp (end, "required", 8) == 0) { priority = GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED; end += 8; } else { char *range_end = get_offset_to (end, ",)]"); g_free (predicate->object); if (range_end != NULL) parser->error_range = range_end - end - 1; else parser->error_range = 0; parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_PRIORITY, "Priority must be a positive number or one of " "'weak', 'medium', 'strong', and 'required'"); return FALSE; } predicate->priority = priority; } else predicate->priority = GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED; if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = (char *) end; return TRUE; } static gboolean parse_view (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser, const char *cursor, VflView *view, char **endptr, GError **error) { const char *end = cursor; /* <view> = '[' <viewName> (<predicateListWithParens>)? ']' * <viewName> = [A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]+) */ g_assert (*end == '['); /* Skip '[' */ end += 1; if (!(g_ascii_isalpha (*end) || *end == '_')) { parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; parser->error_range = 0; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_VIEW, "View identifiers must be valid C identifiers"); return FALSE; } while (g_ascii_isalnum (*end)) end += 1; if (*end == '\0') { parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "A view must end with ']'"); return FALSE; } char *name = g_strndup (cursor + 1, end - cursor - 1); if (!has_view (parser, name)) { parser->error_offset = (cursor + 1) - parser->cursor; parser->error_range = end - cursor - 1; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_VIEW, "Unable to find view with name '%s'", name); g_free (name); return FALSE; } view->name = name; view->predicates = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (VflPredicate)); if (*end == ']') { if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = (char *) end + 1; return TRUE; } /* <predicateListWithParens> = '(' <predicate> (',' <predicate>)* ')' */ if (*end != '(') { parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "A predicate must follow a view name"); return FALSE; } end += 1; while (*end != '\0') { VflPredicate cur_predicate; char *tmp; if (*end == ']' || *end == '\0') { parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "A predicate on a view must end with ')'"); return FALSE; } memset (&cur_predicate, 0, sizeof (VflPredicate)); cur_predicate.subject = view->name; if (!parse_predicate (parser, end, &cur_predicate, &tmp, error)) return FALSE; end = tmp; #ifdef G_ENABLE_DEBUG g_debug ("*** Found predicate: %s.%s %s %g %s (%g)\n", cur_predicate.object != NULL ? cur_predicate.object : view->name, cur_predicate.attr, cur_predicate.relation == GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ ? "==" : cur_predicate.relation == GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_LE ? "<=" : cur_predicate.relation == GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_GE ? ">=" : "unknown relation", cur_predicate.constant, cur_predicate.priority == GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_WEAK ? "weak" : cur_predicate.priority == GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_MEDIUM ? "medium" : cur_predicate.priority == GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_STRONG ? "strong" : cur_predicate.priority == GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED ? "required" : "explicit strength", cur_predicate.priority); #endif g_array_append_val (view->predicates, cur_predicate); /* If the predicate is a list, iterate again */ if (*end == ',') { end += 1; continue; } /* We reached the end of the predicate */ if (*end == ')') { end += 1; break; } parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Expected ')' at the end of a predicate, not '%c'", *end); return FALSE; } if (*end != ']') { parser->error_offset = end - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Expected ']' at the end of a view, not '%c'", *end); return FALSE; } if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = (char *) end + 1; return TRUE; } static void vfl_view_free (VflView *view) { if (view == NULL) return; g_free (view->name); if (view->predicates != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < view->predicates->len; i++) { VflPredicate *p = &g_array_index (view->predicates, VflPredicate, i); g_free (p->object); } g_array_free (view->predicates, TRUE); view->predicates = NULL; } view->prev_view = NULL; view->next_view = NULL; g_slice_free (VflView, view); } static void gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_clear (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser) { parser->error_offset = 0; parser->error_range = 0; VflView *iter = parser->views; while (iter != NULL) { VflView *next = iter->next_view; vfl_view_free (iter); iter = next; } parser->views = NULL; parser->current_view = NULL; parser->leading_super = NULL; parser->trailing_super = NULL; parser->cursor = NULL; g_free (parser->buffer); parser->buffer_len = 0; } void gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_free (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser) { if (parser == NULL) return; gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_clear (parser); g_free (parser); } gboolean gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_parse_line (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser, const char *buffer, gssize len, GError **error) { gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_clear (parser); if (len > 0) { parser->buffer = g_strndup (buffer, len); parser->buffer_len = len; } else { parser->buffer = g_strdup (buffer); parser->buffer_len = strlen (buffer); } parser->cursor = parser->buffer; const char *cur = parser->cursor; /* Skip leading whitespace */ while (g_ascii_isspace (*cur)) cur += 1; /* Check orientation; if none is specified, then we assume horizontal */ parser->orientation = VFL_HORIZONTAL; if (*cur == 'H') { cur += 1; if (*cur != ':') { parser->error_offset = cur - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Expected ':' after horizontal orientation"); return FALSE; } parser->orientation = VFL_HORIZONTAL; cur += 1; } else if (*cur == 'V') { cur += 1; if (*cur != ':') { parser->error_offset = cur - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Expected ':' after vertical orientation"); return FALSE; } parser->orientation = VFL_VERTICAL; cur += 1; } while (*cur != '\0') { /* Super-view */ if (*cur == '|') { if (parser->views == NULL && parser->leading_super == NULL) { parser->leading_super = g_slice_new0 (VflView); parser->leading_super->name = g_strdup ("super"); parser->leading_super->orientation = parser->orientation; parser->current_view = parser->leading_super; parser->views = parser->leading_super; } else if (parser->trailing_super == NULL) { parser->trailing_super = g_slice_new0 (VflView); parser->trailing_super->name = g_strdup ("super"); parser->trailing_super->orientation = parser->orientation; parser->current_view->next_view = parser->trailing_super; parser->trailing_super->prev_view = parser->current_view; parser->current_view = parser->trailing_super; /* If we reached the second '|' then we completed a line * of layout, and we can stop */ break; } else { parser->error_offset = cur - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Super views can only appear at the beginning " "and end of the layout, and not multiple times"); return FALSE; } cur += 1; continue; } /* Spacing */ if (*cur == '-') { if (*(cur + 1) == '\0') { parser->error_offset = cur - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Unterminated spacing"); return FALSE; } if (parser->current_view == NULL) { parser->error_offset = cur - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Spacing cannot be set without a view"); return FALSE; } if (*(cur + 1) == '|' || *(cur + 1) == '[') { VflSpacing *spacing = &(parser->current_view->spacing); /* Default spacer */ spacing->flags = SPACING_SET | SPACING_DEFAULT; spacing->size = 0; cur += 1; continue; } else if (*(cur + 1) == '(') { VflPredicate *predicate; VflSpacing *spacing; char *tmp; /* Predicate */ cur += 1; spacing = &(parser->current_view->spacing); spacing->flags = SPACING_SET | SPACING_PREDICATE; spacing->size = 0; /* Spacing predicates have no subject */ predicate = &(spacing->predicate); predicate->subject = NULL; cur += 1; if (!parse_predicate (parser, cur, predicate, &tmp, error)) return FALSE; if (*tmp != ')') { g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Expected ')' at the end of a predicate, not '%c'", *tmp); return FALSE; } cur = tmp + 1; if (*cur != '-') { g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Explicit spacing must be followed by '-'"); return FALSE; } cur += 1; continue; } else if (g_ascii_isdigit (*(cur + 1))) { VflSpacing *spacing; char *tmp; /* Explicit spacing */ cur += 1; spacing = &(parser->current_view->spacing); spacing->flags = SPACING_SET; spacing->size = g_ascii_strtod (cur, &tmp); if (tmp == cur) { parser->error_offset = cur - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Spacing must be a number"); return FALSE; } if (*tmp != '-') { parser->error_offset = cur - parser->cursor; parser->error_range = tmp - cur; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Explicit spacing must be followed by '-'"); return FALSE; } cur = tmp + 1; continue; } else { parser->error_offset = cur - parser->cursor; g_set_error (error, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR, GTK_CONSTRAINT_VFL_PARSER_ERROR_INVALID_SYMBOL, "Spacing can either be '-' or a number"); return FALSE; } } if (*cur == '[') { VflView *view = g_slice_new0 (VflView); char *tmp; view->orientation = parser->orientation; if (!parse_view (parser, cur, view, &tmp, error)) { vfl_view_free (view); return FALSE; } cur = tmp; if (parser->views == NULL) parser->views = view; view->prev_view = parser->current_view; if (parser->current_view != NULL) parser->current_view->next_view = view; parser->current_view = view; continue; } cur += 1; } return TRUE; } GtkConstraintVfl * gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_get_constraints (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser, int *n_constraints) { GArray *constraints; VflView *iter; constraints = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GtkConstraintVfl)); iter = parser->views; while (iter != NULL) { GtkConstraintVfl c; if (iter->predicates != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < iter->predicates->len; i++) { const VflPredicate *p = &g_array_index (iter->predicates, VflPredicate, i); c.view1 = iter->name; c.attr1 = iter->orientation == VFL_HORIZONTAL ? "width" : "height"; if (p->object != NULL) { c.view2 = p->object; c.attr2 = p->attr; } else { c.view2 = NULL; c.attr2 = NULL; } c.relation = p->relation; c.constant = p->constant; c.multiplier = p->multiplier; c.strength = p->priority; g_array_append_val (constraints, c); } } if ((iter->spacing.flags & SPACING_SET) != 0) { c.view1 = iter->name; /* If this is the first view, we need to anchor the leading edge */ if (iter == parser->leading_super) c.attr1 = iter->orientation == VFL_HORIZONTAL ? "start" : "top"; else c.attr1 = iter->orientation == VFL_HORIZONTAL ? "end" : "bottom"; c.view2 = iter->next_view != NULL ? iter->next_view->name : "super"; if (iter == parser->trailing_super || iter->next_view == parser->trailing_super) c.attr2 = iter->orientation == VFL_HORIZONTAL ? "end" : "bottom"; else c.attr2 = iter->orientation == VFL_HORIZONTAL ? "start" : "top"; if ((iter->spacing.flags & SPACING_PREDICATE) != 0) { const VflPredicate *p = &(iter->spacing.predicate); c.constant = p->constant * -1.0; c.relation = p->relation; c.strength = p->priority; } else if ((iter->spacing.flags & SPACING_DEFAULT) != 0) { c.constant = get_default_spacing (parser) * -1.0; c.relation = GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ; c.strength = GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED; } else { c.constant = iter->spacing.size * -1.0; c.relation = GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ; c.strength = GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED; } c.multiplier = 1.0; g_array_append_val (constraints, c); } else if (iter->next_view != NULL) { c.view1 = iter->name; /* If this is the first view, we need to anchor the leading edge */ if (iter == parser->leading_super) c.attr1 = iter->orientation == VFL_HORIZONTAL ? "start" : "top"; else c.attr1 = iter->orientation == VFL_HORIZONTAL ? "end" : "bottom"; c.relation = GTK_CONSTRAINT_RELATION_EQ; c.view2 = iter->next_view->name; if (iter->next_view == parser->trailing_super) c.attr2 = iter->orientation == VFL_HORIZONTAL ? "end" : "bottom"; else c.attr2 = iter->orientation == VFL_HORIZONTAL ? "start" : "top"; c.constant = 0.0; c.multiplier = 1.0; c.strength = GTK_CONSTRAINT_STRENGTH_REQUIRED; g_array_append_val (constraints, c); } iter = iter->next_view; } if (n_constraints != NULL) *n_constraints = constraints->len; #ifdef G_ENABLE_DEBUG for (int i = 0; i < constraints->len; i++) { const GtkConstraintVfl *c = &g_array_index (constraints, GtkConstraintVfl, i); g_debug ("{\n" " .view1: '%s',\n" " .attr1: '%s',\n" " .relation: '%d',\n" " .view2: '%s',\n" " .attr2: '%s',\n" " .constant: %g,\n" " .multiplier: %g,\n" " .strength: %g\n" "}\n", c->view1, c->attr1, c->relation, c->view2 != NULL ? c->view2 : "none", c->attr2 != NULL ? c->attr2 : "none", c->constant, c->multiplier, c->strength); } #endif return (GtkConstraintVfl *) g_array_free (constraints, FALSE); } int gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_get_error_offset (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser) { return parser->error_offset; } int gtk_constraint_vfl_parser_get_error_range (GtkConstraintVflParser *parser) { return parser->error_range; }