/* * Copyright © 2011 Canonical Limited * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the licence, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Author: Ryan Lortie */ #include "config.h" #include "gtkactionmuxer.h" #include "gtkactionobservable.h" #include "gtkactionobserver.h" #include /*< private > * SECTION:gtkactionmuxer * @short_description: Aggregate and monitor several action groups * * #GtkActionMuxer is a #GActionGroup and #GtkActionObservable that is * capable of containing other #GActionGroup instances. * * The typical use is aggregating all of the actions applicable to a * particular context into a single action group, with namespacing. * * Consider the case of two action groups -- one containing actions * applicable to an entire application (such as “quit”) and one * containing actions applicable to a particular window in the * application (such as “fullscreen”). * * In this case, each of these action groups could be added to a * #GtkActionMuxer with the prefixes “app” and “win”, respectively. This * would expose the actions as “app.quit” and “win.fullscreen” on the * #GActionGroup interface presented by the #GtkActionMuxer. * * Activations and state change requests on the #GtkActionMuxer are wired * through to the underlying action group in the expected way. * * This class is typically only used at the site of “consumption” of * actions (eg: when displaying a menu that contains many actions on * different objects). */ static void gtk_action_muxer_group_iface_init (GActionGroupInterface *iface); static void gtk_action_muxer_observable_iface_init (GtkActionObservableInterface *iface); typedef GObjectClass GtkActionMuxerClass; struct _GtkActionMuxer { GObject parent_instance; GHashTable *observed_actions; GHashTable *groups; GHashTable *primary_accels; GtkActionMuxer *parent; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkActionMuxer, gtk_action_muxer, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_ACTION_GROUP, gtk_action_muxer_group_iface_init) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GTK_TYPE_ACTION_OBSERVABLE, gtk_action_muxer_observable_iface_init)) enum { PROP_0, PROP_PARENT, NUM_PROPERTIES }; static GParamSpec *properties[NUM_PROPERTIES]; guint accel_signal; typedef struct { GtkActionMuxer *muxer; GSList *watchers; gchar *fullname; } Action; typedef struct { GtkActionMuxer *muxer; GActionGroup *group; gchar *prefix; gulong handler_ids[4]; } Group; static void gtk_action_muxer_append_group_actions (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { const gchar *prefix = key; Group *group = value; GArray *actions = user_data; gchar **group_actions; gchar **action; group_actions = g_action_group_list_actions (group->group); for (action = group_actions; *action; action++) { gchar *fullname; fullname = g_strconcat (prefix, ".", *action, NULL); g_array_append_val (actions, fullname); } g_strfreev (group_actions); } static gchar ** gtk_action_muxer_list_actions (GActionGroup *action_group) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = GTK_ACTION_MUXER (action_group); GArray *actions; actions = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (gchar *)); for ( ; muxer != NULL; muxer = muxer->parent) { g_hash_table_foreach (muxer->groups, gtk_action_muxer_append_group_actions, actions); } return (gchar **) g_array_free (actions, FALSE); } static Group * gtk_action_muxer_find_group (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, const gchar *full_name, const gchar **action_name) { const gchar *dot; gchar *prefix; Group *group; dot = strchr (full_name, '.'); if (!dot) return NULL; prefix = g_strndup (full_name, dot - full_name); group = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->groups, prefix); g_free (prefix); if (action_name) *action_name = dot + 1; return group; } static void gtk_action_muxer_action_enabled_changed (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, const gchar *action_name, gboolean enabled) { Action *action; GSList *node; action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, action_name); for (node = action ? action->watchers : NULL; node; node = node->next) gtk_action_observer_action_enabled_changed (node->data, GTK_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (muxer), action_name, enabled); g_action_group_action_enabled_changed (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer), action_name, enabled); } static void gtk_action_muxer_group_action_enabled_changed (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, gboolean enabled, gpointer user_data) { Group *group = user_data; gchar *fullname; fullname = g_strconcat (group->prefix, ".", action_name, NULL); gtk_action_muxer_action_enabled_changed (group->muxer, fullname, enabled); g_free (fullname); } static void gtk_action_muxer_parent_action_enabled_changed (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, gboolean enabled, gpointer user_data) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = user_data; gtk_action_muxer_action_enabled_changed (muxer, action_name, enabled); } static void gtk_action_muxer_action_state_changed (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, const gchar *action_name, GVariant *state) { Action *action; GSList *node; action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, action_name); for (node = action ? action->watchers : NULL; node; node = node->next) gtk_action_observer_action_state_changed (node->data, GTK_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (muxer), action_name, state); g_action_group_action_state_changed (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer), action_name, state); } static void gtk_action_muxer_group_action_state_changed (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, GVariant *state, gpointer user_data) { Group *group = user_data; gchar *fullname; fullname = g_strconcat (group->prefix, ".", action_name, NULL); gtk_action_muxer_action_state_changed (group->muxer, fullname, state); g_free (fullname); } static void gtk_action_muxer_parent_action_state_changed (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, GVariant *state, gpointer user_data) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = user_data; gtk_action_muxer_action_state_changed (muxer, action_name, state); } static void gtk_action_muxer_action_added (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, const gchar *action_name, GActionGroup *original_group, const gchar *orignal_action_name) { const GVariantType *parameter_type; gboolean enabled; GVariant *state; Action *action; action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, action_name); if (action && action->watchers && g_action_group_query_action (original_group, orignal_action_name, &enabled, ¶meter_type, NULL, NULL, &state)) { GSList *node; for (node = action->watchers; node; node = node->next) gtk_action_observer_action_added (node->data, GTK_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (muxer), action_name, parameter_type, enabled, state); if (state) g_variant_unref (state); } g_action_group_action_added (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer), action_name); } static void gtk_action_muxer_action_added_to_group (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, gpointer user_data) { Group *group = user_data; gchar *fullname; fullname = g_strconcat (group->prefix, ".", action_name, NULL); gtk_action_muxer_action_added (group->muxer, fullname, action_group, action_name); g_free (fullname); } static void gtk_action_muxer_action_added_to_parent (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, gpointer user_data) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = user_data; gtk_action_muxer_action_added (muxer, action_name, action_group, action_name); } static void gtk_action_muxer_action_removed (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, const gchar *action_name) { Action *action; GSList *node; action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, action_name); for (node = action ? action->watchers : NULL; node; node = node->next) gtk_action_observer_action_removed (node->data, GTK_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (muxer), action_name); g_action_group_action_removed (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer), action_name); } static void gtk_action_muxer_action_removed_from_group (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, gpointer user_data) { Group *group = user_data; gchar *fullname; fullname = g_strconcat (group->prefix, ".", action_name, NULL); gtk_action_muxer_action_removed (group->muxer, fullname); g_free (fullname); } static void gtk_action_muxer_action_removed_from_parent (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, gpointer user_data) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = user_data; gtk_action_muxer_action_removed (muxer, action_name); } static void gtk_action_muxer_primary_accel_changed (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, const gchar *action_name, const gchar *action_and_target) { Action *action; GSList *node; if (!action_name) action_name = strrchr (action_and_target, '|') + 1; action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, action_name); for (node = action ? action->watchers : NULL; node; node = node->next) gtk_action_observer_primary_accel_changed (node->data, GTK_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (muxer), action_name, action_and_target); g_signal_emit (muxer, accel_signal, 0, action_name, action_and_target); } static void gtk_action_muxer_parent_primary_accel_changed (GtkActionMuxer *parent, const gchar *action_name, const gchar *action_and_target, gpointer user_data) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = user_data; /* If it's in our table then don't let the parent one filter through */ if (muxer->primary_accels && g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->primary_accels, action_and_target)) return; gtk_action_muxer_primary_accel_changed (muxer, action_name, action_and_target); } static gboolean gtk_action_muxer_query_action (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, gboolean *enabled, const GVariantType **parameter_type, const GVariantType **state_type, GVariant **state_hint, GVariant **state) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = GTK_ACTION_MUXER (action_group); Group *group; const gchar *unprefixed_name; group = gtk_action_muxer_find_group (muxer, action_name, &unprefixed_name); if (group) return g_action_group_query_action (group->group, unprefixed_name, enabled, parameter_type, state_type, state_hint, state); if (muxer->parent) return g_action_group_query_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent), action_name, enabled, parameter_type, state_type, state_hint, state); return FALSE; } static void gtk_action_muxer_activate_action (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, GVariant *parameter) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = GTK_ACTION_MUXER (action_group); Group *group; const gchar *unprefixed_name; group = gtk_action_muxer_find_group (muxer, action_name, &unprefixed_name); if (group) g_action_group_activate_action (group->group, unprefixed_name, parameter); else if (muxer->parent) g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent), action_name, parameter); } static void gtk_action_muxer_change_action_state (GActionGroup *action_group, const gchar *action_name, GVariant *state) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = GTK_ACTION_MUXER (action_group); Group *group; const gchar *unprefixed_name; group = gtk_action_muxer_find_group (muxer, action_name, &unprefixed_name); if (group) g_action_group_change_action_state (group->group, unprefixed_name, state); else if (muxer->parent) g_action_group_change_action_state (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent), action_name, state); } static void gtk_action_muxer_unregister_internal (Action *action, gpointer observer) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = action->muxer; GSList **ptr; for (ptr = &action->watchers; *ptr; ptr = &(*ptr)->next) if ((*ptr)->data == observer) { *ptr = g_slist_remove (*ptr, observer); if (action->watchers == NULL) g_hash_table_remove (muxer->observed_actions, action->fullname); break; } } static void gtk_action_muxer_weak_notify (gpointer data, GObject *where_the_object_was) { Action *action = data; gtk_action_muxer_unregister_internal (action, where_the_object_was); } static void gtk_action_muxer_register_observer (GtkActionObservable *observable, const gchar *name, GtkActionObserver *observer) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = GTK_ACTION_MUXER (observable); Action *action; action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, name); if (action == NULL) { action = g_slice_new (Action); action->muxer = muxer; action->fullname = g_strdup (name); action->watchers = NULL; g_hash_table_insert (muxer->observed_actions, action->fullname, action); } action->watchers = g_slist_prepend (action->watchers, observer); g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (observer), gtk_action_muxer_weak_notify, action); } static void gtk_action_muxer_unregister_observer (GtkActionObservable *observable, const gchar *name, GtkActionObserver *observer) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = GTK_ACTION_MUXER (observable); Action *action; action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, name); g_object_weak_unref (G_OBJECT (observer), gtk_action_muxer_weak_notify, action); gtk_action_muxer_unregister_internal (action, observer); } static void gtk_action_muxer_free_group (gpointer data) { Group *group = data; gint i; /* 'for loop' or 'four loop'? */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) g_signal_handler_disconnect (group->group, group->handler_ids[i]); g_object_unref (group->group); g_free (group->prefix); g_slice_free (Group, group); } static void gtk_action_muxer_free_action (gpointer data) { Action *action = data; GSList *it; for (it = action->watchers; it; it = it->next) g_object_weak_unref (G_OBJECT (it->data), gtk_action_muxer_weak_notify, action); g_slist_free (action->watchers); g_free (action->fullname); g_slice_free (Action, action); } static void gtk_action_muxer_finalize (GObject *object) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = GTK_ACTION_MUXER (object); g_assert_cmpint (g_hash_table_size (muxer->observed_actions), ==, 0); g_hash_table_unref (muxer->observed_actions); g_hash_table_unref (muxer->groups); G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_action_muxer_parent_class) ->finalize (object); } static void gtk_action_muxer_dispose (GObject *object) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = GTK_ACTION_MUXER (object); if (muxer->parent) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, gtk_action_muxer_action_added_to_parent, muxer); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, gtk_action_muxer_action_removed_from_parent, muxer); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, gtk_action_muxer_parent_action_enabled_changed, muxer); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, gtk_action_muxer_parent_action_state_changed, muxer); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, gtk_action_muxer_parent_primary_accel_changed, muxer); g_clear_object (&muxer->parent); } g_hash_table_remove_all (muxer->observed_actions); G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_action_muxer_parent_class) ->dispose (object); } static void gtk_action_muxer_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = GTK_ACTION_MUXER (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_PARENT: g_value_set_object (value, gtk_action_muxer_get_parent (muxer)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); } } static void gtk_action_muxer_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GtkActionMuxer *muxer = GTK_ACTION_MUXER (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_PARENT: gtk_action_muxer_set_parent (muxer, g_value_get_object (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); } } static void gtk_action_muxer_init (GtkActionMuxer *muxer) { muxer->observed_actions = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, gtk_action_muxer_free_action); muxer->groups = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, gtk_action_muxer_free_group); } static void gtk_action_muxer_observable_iface_init (GtkActionObservableInterface *iface) { iface->register_observer = gtk_action_muxer_register_observer; iface->unregister_observer = gtk_action_muxer_unregister_observer; } static void gtk_action_muxer_group_iface_init (GActionGroupInterface *iface) { iface->list_actions = gtk_action_muxer_list_actions; iface->query_action = gtk_action_muxer_query_action; iface->activate_action = gtk_action_muxer_activate_action; iface->change_action_state = gtk_action_muxer_change_action_state; } static void gtk_action_muxer_class_init (GObjectClass *class) { class->get_property = gtk_action_muxer_get_property; class->set_property = gtk_action_muxer_set_property; class->finalize = gtk_action_muxer_finalize; class->dispose = gtk_action_muxer_dispose; accel_signal = g_signal_new ("primary-accel-changed", GTK_TYPE_ACTION_MUXER, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING); properties[PROP_PARENT] = g_param_spec_object ("parent", "Parent", "The parent muxer", GTK_TYPE_ACTION_MUXER, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_properties (class, NUM_PROPERTIES, properties); } /*< private > * gtk_action_muxer_insert: * @muxer: a #GtkActionMuxer * @prefix: the prefix string for the action group * @action_group: a #GActionGroup * * Adds the actions in @action_group to the list of actions provided by * @muxer. @prefix is prefixed to each action name, such that for each * action `x` in @action_group, there is an equivalent * action @prefix`.x` in @muxer. * * For example, if @prefix is “`app`” and @action_group * contains an action called “`quit`”, then @muxer will * now contain an action called “`app.quit`”. * * If any #GtkActionObservers are registered for actions in the group, * “action_added” notifications will be emitted, as appropriate. * * @prefix must not contain a dot ('.'). */ void gtk_action_muxer_insert (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, const gchar *prefix, GActionGroup *action_group) { gchar **actions; Group *group; gint i; /* TODO: diff instead of ripout and replace */ gtk_action_muxer_remove (muxer, prefix); group = g_slice_new (Group); group->muxer = muxer; group->group = g_object_ref (action_group); group->prefix = g_strdup (prefix); g_hash_table_insert (muxer->groups, group->prefix, group); actions = g_action_group_list_actions (group->group); for (i = 0; actions[i]; i++) gtk_action_muxer_action_added_to_group (group->group, actions[i], group); g_strfreev (actions); group->handler_ids[0] = g_signal_connect (group->group, "action-added", G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_muxer_action_added_to_group), group); group->handler_ids[1] = g_signal_connect (group->group, "action-removed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_muxer_action_removed_from_group), group); group->handler_ids[2] = g_signal_connect (group->group, "action-enabled-changed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_muxer_group_action_enabled_changed), group); group->handler_ids[3] = g_signal_connect (group->group, "action-state-changed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_muxer_group_action_state_changed), group); } /*< private > * gtk_action_muxer_remove: * @muxer: a #GtkActionMuxer * @prefix: the prefix of the action group to remove * * Removes a #GActionGroup from the #GtkActionMuxer. * * If any #GtkActionObservers are registered for actions in the group, * “action_removed” notifications will be emitted, as appropriate. */ void gtk_action_muxer_remove (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, const gchar *prefix) { Group *group; group = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->groups, prefix); if (group != NULL) { gchar **actions; gint i; g_hash_table_steal (muxer->groups, prefix); actions = g_action_group_list_actions (group->group); for (i = 0; actions[i]; i++) gtk_action_muxer_action_removed_from_group (group->group, actions[i], group); g_strfreev (actions); gtk_action_muxer_free_group (group); } } /*< private > * gtk_action_muxer_new: * * Creates a new #GtkActionMuxer. */ GtkActionMuxer * gtk_action_muxer_new (void) { return g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_ACTION_MUXER, NULL); } /*< private > * gtk_action_muxer_get_parent: * @muxer: a #GtkActionMuxer * * Returns: (transfer none): the parent of @muxer, or NULL. */ GtkActionMuxer * gtk_action_muxer_get_parent (GtkActionMuxer *muxer) { g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION_MUXER (muxer), NULL); return muxer->parent; } static void emit_changed_accels (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, GtkActionMuxer *parent) { while (parent) { if (parent->primary_accels) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, parent->primary_accels); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, NULL)) gtk_action_muxer_primary_accel_changed (muxer, NULL, key); } parent = parent->parent; } } /*< private > * gtk_action_muxer_set_parent: * @muxer: a #GtkActionMuxer * @parent: (allow-none): the new parent #GtkActionMuxer * * Sets the parent of @muxer to @parent. */ void gtk_action_muxer_set_parent (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, GtkActionMuxer *parent) { g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION_MUXER (muxer)); g_return_if_fail (parent == NULL || GTK_IS_ACTION_MUXER (parent)); if (muxer->parent == parent) return; if (muxer->parent != NULL) { gchar **actions; gchar **it; actions = g_action_group_list_actions (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent)); for (it = actions; *it; it++) gtk_action_muxer_action_removed (muxer, *it); g_strfreev (actions); emit_changed_accels (muxer, muxer->parent); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, gtk_action_muxer_action_added_to_parent, muxer); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, gtk_action_muxer_action_removed_from_parent, muxer); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, gtk_action_muxer_parent_action_enabled_changed, muxer); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, gtk_action_muxer_parent_action_state_changed, muxer); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, gtk_action_muxer_parent_primary_accel_changed, muxer); g_object_unref (muxer->parent); } muxer->parent = parent; if (muxer->parent != NULL) { gchar **actions; gchar **it; g_object_ref (muxer->parent); actions = g_action_group_list_actions (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent)); for (it = actions; *it; it++) gtk_action_muxer_action_added (muxer, *it, G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent), *it); g_strfreev (actions); emit_changed_accels (muxer, muxer->parent); g_signal_connect (muxer->parent, "action-added", G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_muxer_action_added_to_parent), muxer); g_signal_connect (muxer->parent, "action-removed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_muxer_action_removed_from_parent), muxer); g_signal_connect (muxer->parent, "action-enabled-changed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_muxer_parent_action_enabled_changed), muxer); g_signal_connect (muxer->parent, "action-state-changed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_muxer_parent_action_state_changed), muxer); g_signal_connect (muxer->parent, "primary-accel-changed", G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_muxer_parent_primary_accel_changed), muxer); } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (muxer), properties[PROP_PARENT]); } void gtk_action_muxer_set_primary_accel (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, const gchar *action_and_target, const gchar *primary_accel) { if (!muxer->primary_accels) muxer->primary_accels = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); if (primary_accel) g_hash_table_insert (muxer->primary_accels, g_strdup (action_and_target), g_strdup (primary_accel)); else g_hash_table_remove (muxer->primary_accels, action_and_target); gtk_action_muxer_primary_accel_changed (muxer, NULL, action_and_target); } const gchar * gtk_action_muxer_get_primary_accel (GtkActionMuxer *muxer, const gchar *action_and_target) { if (muxer->primary_accels) { const gchar *primary_accel; primary_accel = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->primary_accels, action_and_target); if (primary_accel) return primary_accel; } if (!muxer->parent) return NULL; return gtk_action_muxer_get_primary_accel (muxer->parent, action_and_target); } gchar * gtk_print_action_and_target (const gchar *action_namespace, const gchar *action_name, GVariant *target) { GString *result; g_return_val_if_fail (strchr (action_name, '|') == NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (action_namespace == NULL || strchr (action_namespace, '|') == NULL, NULL); result = g_string_new (NULL); if (target) g_variant_print_string (target, result, TRUE); g_string_append_c (result, '|'); if (action_namespace) { g_string_append (result, action_namespace); g_string_append_c (result, '.'); } g_string_append (result, action_name); return g_string_free (result, FALSE); }