Copyright © 2012, 2013 Intel Corporation Copyright © 2015, 2016 Jan Arne Petersen Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the copyright holders not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. The copyright holders make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. The gtk_text_input interface represents text input and input methods associated with a seat. It provides enter/leave events to follow the text input focus for a seat. Requests are used to enable/disable the text-input object and set state information like surrounding and selected text or the content type. The information about the entered text is sent to the text-input object via the pre-edit and commit_string events. Using this interface removes the need for applications to directly process hardware key events and compose text out of them. Text is valid UTF-8 encoded, indices and lengths are in bytes. Indices have to always point to the first byte of an UTF-8 encoded code point. Lengths are not allowed to contain just a part of an UTF-8 encoded code point. Focus moving throughout surfaces will result in the emission of gtk_text_input.enter and gtk_text_input.leave events. The focused surface must perform gtk_text_input.enable and gtk_text_input.disable requests as the keyboard focus moves across editable and non-editable elements of the UI. Those two requests are not expected to be paired with each other, the compositor must be able to handle consecutive series of the same request. State is sent by the state requests (set_surrounding_text, set_content_type and set_cursor_rectangle) and a commit request. After an enter event or disable request all state information is invalidated and needs to be resent by the client. This protocol defines requests and events necessary for regular clients to communicate with an input method. The gtk_input_method protocol defines the interfaces necessary to implement standalone input methods. If a compositor implements both interfaces, it will be the arbiter of the communication between both. Warning! The protocol described in this file is experimental and backward incompatible changes may be made. Backward compatible changes may be added together with the corresponding interface version bump. Backward incompatible changes are done by bumping the version number in the protocol and interface names and resetting the interface version. Once the protocol is to be declared stable, the 'z' prefix and the version number in the protocol and interface names are removed and the interface version number is reset. Destroy the wp_text_input object. Also disables all surfaces enabled through this wp_text_input object Content hint is a bitmask to allow to modify the behavior of the text input. Requests text input on a surface. The serial provided must be the one received on gtk_text_input.enter. Explicitly disable text input in a surface (typically when there is no focus on any text entry inside the surface). Sets the plain surrounding text around the input position. Text is UTF-8 encoded. Cursor is the byte offset within the surrounding text. Anchor is the byte offset of the selection anchor within the surrounding text. If there is no selected text, anchor is the same as cursor. Make sure to always send some text before and after the cursor except when the cursor is at the beginning or end of text. When there was a configure_surrounding_text event take the before_cursor and after_cursor arguments into account for picking how much surrounding text to send. There is a maximum length of wayland messages so text can not be longer than 4000 bytes. Content hint is a bitmask to allow to modify the behavior of the text input. The content purpose allows to specify the primary purpose of a text input. This allows an input method to show special purpose input panels with extra characters or to disallow some characters. Sets the content purpose and content hint. While the purpose is the basic purpose of an input field, the hint flags allow to modify some of the behavior. When no content type is explicitly set, a normal content purpose with none hint should be assumed. Sets the cursor outline as a x, y, width, height rectangle in surface local coordinates. Allows the compositor to put a window with word suggestions near the cursor. Allows to atomically send state updates from client. The previous set_surrounding_text, set_content_type and set_cursor_rectangle become effective after this call. Serial should be set to the serial from the last wp_text_input.enter event. To make sure to not receive outdated input method events after a state update, wl_display_sync() should be called after making this request. Notification that this seat's text-input focus is on a certain surface. When the seat has the keyboard capability the text-input focus follows the keyboard focus. Notification that this seat's text-input focus is no longer on a certain surface. The client should reset any preedit string previously set. The leave notification is sent before the enter notification for the new focus. When the seat has the keyboard capability the text-input focus follows the keyboard focus. Notify when a new composing text (pre-edit) should be set around the current cursor position. Any previously set composing text should be removed. Notify when text should be inserted into the editor widget. The text to commit could be either just a single character after a key press or the result of some composing (pre-edit). The text argument could be also null if some text is removed (see gtk_text_input.delete_surrounding_text). Any previously set composing text should be removed. Notify when the text around the current cursor position should be deleted. Before_length and after_length is the length (in bytes) of text before and after the current cursor position (excluding the selection) to delete. This event should be handled as part of a following commit_string or preedit_string event. A factory for text-input objects. This object is a global singleton. Destroy the wp_text_input_manager object. Creates a new text-input object for a given seat.